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M c q of peritoneum
1. Nothing opens into the peritoneal cavity, except:
A. Epiploic foramen. B. Urachus. C.xx Uterine tube.
D. Greater omentum. E. Mesonephric tubules.
2. One of the following structures is completely invested by peritoneum:
A. Rectum. B. Pancreas. C.xx Sigmoid colon.
D. Ascending colon. E. Duodenum.
3. The following structures are found within the lesser omentum, except:
A. Hepatic artery. B.xx Hepatic veins. C. Common
bile duct. D. Lymphatic. E. Vagal nerve fibers.
4. Structures that bound the epiploic foramen include all of the following, except:
A. inferior vena cava. B.xx Hepatic vein. C. Common bile duct.
D. Caudate lobe of the liver. E. First part of duodenum.
5. The gastrosplenic ligament contains the following, except:
A. Short gastric arteries. B. Left gastroepiploic artery. C. Lymph vessels.
D.xx Tail of pancreas. E. Lymph nodes.
6. Which of the following will be posterior to a finger in the epiploic foramen:
A.xx The inferior vena cava. B. The aorta. C. The aorta vein.

D. The hepatic vein. E. The hepatic artery.

7. The greater omentum is a peritoneal fold between:
A. Kidney and stomach. B. Stomach and jejunum. C. Liver and colon.
D. Jejunum and colon. Exx. Stomach and transverse colon.

8. The following are peritoneal ligaments, except:

A. Falciform ligament. B. Ligamentum teres of the liver.
C. Gastrophrenic ligamentum. D. Gastrosplenic ligament.
E. Lienorenal ligament.

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