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The mid gut includes: Two statements are correct:

A. 4 parts of duodenum B.xx Jejunum and ileum C.xx Ascending colon
D. Whole transverse colon E. Descending colon
2. The artery of the hind gut. One statements is correct:
A. Coeliac A.
B. Superior mesenteric A.
C. Inferior mesenteric A.
D. Median sacral A.
E. Internal iliac A.
3. After rotation of the stomach: Two statements are incorrect:
A. Its right surface lies anteriorly
B. Its left surface lies posteriorly
C. Right vagus nerve becomes the posterior gastric nerve.
D. Ventral mesogastrium forms the lesser omentum
E. Its ventral border forms the lesser curvature

4. Regarding duodenum: One statement is incorrect:

A.xx Mesoduodenum is wholly absorbed
B. The part above biliary orifice belongs to foregut
C. The part below biliary orifice belongs to midgut
D. The foregut part is supplied by branches from coeliac truck
E. The midgut part is supplied by branch from superior mesenteric artery
5. Regarding midgut loop: One statement is incorrect:
A. At first it rotates 90o clockwise
B. Physiological umbilical hernia occurs at 6th week old fetus
C. At 10th week reduction of the hernia occurs
D. At first, caecum is subhepatic then it descends
E. The loop is supplied by superior mesenteric artery
6. Regarding the hindgut: one statement is incorrect:
A.xx It forms whole transverse colon
B. Descending colon
C. It forms pelvic colon
D. Rectum
E. It forms the upper part of anal canal

7. Regarding anal canal: Two statements are incorrect:

A. Its upper part develops from cloaca
B. Its lower part develops from proctodeum
C. It is drained by portal and systemic venous systems
D.xx It is wholly endodermal in origin
Exx. The anal membrane usually ruptures after birth
8. Regarding liver: One statement is incorrect:
A. Liver bud arises from duodenal loop
B. The vitelline veins gives the liver sinusoids
C. It develops within septum transversum
D. Septum transversum gives the stroma and capsule of the liver
Exx. The liver is wholly endodermal in origin
9. Regarding pancreas: Two statements are incorrect:
A. Arises from dorsal and ventral buds.
B. Mesodermal in origin.
C. Ventral pancreas forms the lower part the head and uncinate process
D. Dorsal pancreas forms the upper part of the head, body, and tail
E.xx Accessory pancreatic duct arises from ventral pancreatic duct.
10. The midgut will give rise to the following, except:
A. Jejunum and ileum
B. Caecum and appendix
C. Ascending colon.
D.xx Left one third of transverse colon
E. Duodenum below the orifice of common bile duct

11 Regarding the development of the primitive gut all are true, except:
A. It starts at the end of the 3rd week by the process of folding.
B.xx It is formed from the ectodermal roof of the yolk sac.
C. The cephalic part of the tube is called foregut.
D. The caudal part of the tube is called hind gut.
E. The middle part is called the mid gut.

12. The primitive gut is characterized by the following, except:

A. Its cranial part is limited by the buccal membrane
B. Its caudal part is limited by the cloacal membrane
C. The proximal part of the fore gut is called primitive pharynx
D. It Is suspended by ventral and dorsal mesentery
E.xx Four main arteries supply the different parts of the gut tube

13. The following represents the shape of the primitive stomach, except:
A. It starts as fusiform dilatation of the foregut
B. it has two borders (anterior and posterior) and two surfaces (right and left)
C. It has two mesogastria (dorsal and ventral)
D. It has two ends (cephalic and caudal)
Exx. None of the above is true

14. The following represents the steps of stomach development, except:

A. Firstly, there is unequal growth of its borders.
B. Therefore, the stomach dilates.
C. The dorsal border elongates more to form the greater curvature
D. The ventral border will form the lesser curvature.
E.xx The lower end of the dorsal border bulges to form its fundus.

15. Rotation of the stomach leads to the following, except:

A. The ventral border becomes right border.
B. The dorsal border becomes left border
C. The right surface becomes posterior surface
D. The left surface becomes anterior surface
E.xx The dorsal mesogastrium becomes the lesser omentum

16. The stomach has the following anomalies, except:

A. Congenital pyloric stenosis B. Hour-glass stomach
C. Transposition of the stomach Dxx. Triple stomach
E. Short esophagus leads to thoracic stomach.

17. Regarding the development of the duodenum all the following are true, except:
A. Its cranial half arises from the foregut
B. Its caudal half arises from the mid gut
C. The junction between fore and mid gut is just distal to the opening of the bile duct
D. It starts as C shaped loop convex ventrally
Exx. Finally, it rotates 90o to the left

18. The following are results of duodenal rotation, except:

A. The dorsal mesoduodenum disappears and the duodenum becomes retroperitoneal
B. The duodenum rests on the posterior abdominal wall
C. At site of junction between the two halves the liver bud arises
D. It gets its blood supply from coeliac artery and superior mesenteric artery
E.xx The pancreas develops from its terminal end

19. Concerning the development of the liver all are true, except:
A. It starts as hepatic bud (diverticulum) from endoderm of the lower end of the foregut.
B. The bud is divided into large pars hepatica and small pars cystica
C. The pars hepatica invades the septum transversum to form liver cell strands
D. The proximal part of pars hepatica narrows to form the bile duct
E. xxThe umbilical veins breaks in the septum transversum to form the liver sinusoids

20. Concerning the extrahepatic biliary, passages all are true, except:
A. The pars cystica gives the gall bladder and cystic duct
B. The stem of the liver bud gives the common bile duct
C. The stem of pars hepatica gives the common hepatic duct
D. The 2 branches of pars hepatica give the right and left hepatic ducts
E.xx The cords of the liver cells arises from the septum transversum
21. Concerning the development of the pancreas all are true, except:
A. It starts as two buds (ventral dorsal) arise from terminal part of the foregut
B. The dorsal bud gives the upper part of the head, body and tail
C. The ventral bud is close to the bile duct
D. The ventral bud gives the lower part of the head and uncinate process
E.xx The 2 buds then fused resulting in one duct which join the common bile duct
22. About the development of the pancreas. One is correct:
A. Its 2 buds develop from the distal part of the duodenal loop
B. Its ventral bud gives rise to upper part of its head
C.xx Its dorsal bud gives rise to upper part of head, body and tail of pancreas
D. The ventral bud develops from the concavity of the duodenum
E. The duct of dorsal pancreas forms the whole of the main pancreatic duct
23. The following are some of mid gut anomalies, except:
A. Meckel’s diverticulum, vitelline cyst & vitelline fistula
B. Omphalocele
C. Abnormal rotation of the mid gut (clock wise)
D. Atresia or stenosis
E.x Congenital pelvic caecum
24. The hind gut gives the following structures, except:
A. The left 1/3 of the transverse colon. B. The descending colon
C. The sigmoid colon D. The rectum
E.xx The whole anal canal
25. The upper 1/2 of the anal canal is characterized by the following, except:
A. Its origin is endodermal
B. Its mucosa is of columnar epithelium
C. Its venous drainage is by portal circulation
D. Its lymph drainage is via the pre-aortic L.N.
E.xx It is sensitive to pain
26. The lower 1/2 of the anal canal is characterized by the followings, except:
A.xx It is endodermal in origin
B. Its venous drainage is by systemic circulation
C. Its lymph drainage is by superficial inguinal L.N.
D. Its arterial supply is by the inferior rectal artery
E. It is lined by stratified squamous epithelium

27. Meckel’s diverticulum is due to persistence of:

A. Cloacal duct B. Mullerien duct
C. Mesonephric duct D.xx Vitello-intestinal duct
E. paramesonephric duct

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