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what is the infictive stage of schistosoma mansoni egg cercaria adult cysticercosis filariform b

what is the mode of infection of schistosoma mansoni penetration of skin ingession of larva contamination contact inhalation a

which parasitic stage of schistosoma cause of the chronic egg cercaria adult cysticercosis filariform a

what is the mode of infection of ancylostoma penetration of skin ingession of larva contamination contact inhalation a

what is the habitate of h.nana s. intestine lung liver blood eye a

what is the infective stage of h.nana egg chrysops cysticercosis adult filariform a

what is the mode of infection of diphyllobothrum ingession of infected sallamon pentration of skin inhalation contaminated direct contact a

pernicious anaemia caused by ancylostoma ascaris diphyllobothrum schistosoma taenia saginata a

what is infective stage of ascaris mature egg fillariform cysisercosis microfilaria adult a

what is mode of infection of ascaris ingession penetration inhalation contact congenetal a

what is the infective stage of taenia saginata cystisercus bovis cystisercoid egg fillariform microfilaria a

what is the test can diagnose taenia saginata stool urine c.s.f soil lymph a

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