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Chapter Topic Question A B C D E Correct

pathology oral mucosa Which is most common oral potentially malignant Leukoplakia Oral candidiasis Aphthous ulcers Syphilitic ulcer Pellagra A
&salivary gland disorder?

pathology oral mucosa What is the etiology of Sjogren's diseases? An autoimmune disease Bacterial infection Viral infection Fungal infection Neoplasti A
&salivary gland c disease

pathology oral mucosa What is the salivery gland most commonly involved Submandibular gland Thymus gland Parotid gland Lingual glands Sublingu A
&salivary gland by stone ? al glands

pathology oral mucosa A 35-year-old male patient presents with recurrent bacterial sialiadenitis Viral sialiadenitis Sjogren's diseases Autoimmune Fungal A
&salivary gland meal time swelling in his right submandibular sialadenitis infection
region. On clinical examination you identify a hard
mas in his oral floor. Which one of the following is
the most likely diagnosis?

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