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 The serous gland can be identified by the presence of serous acinus

A) Small Lumen
B)Large Lumen
C)Flat peripheral Nuclei
D)Mucigen droplets

Answer: a
 Mucous Acinus
 A) Secretes thin watery fluid
 B) Has flat, peripheral nucleus
 C) Has a small lumen
 D) Contains zymogen granules

Answer: b
Filliform papillae:

a. Their number is 8 - 12.

b. Are present at the V-shaped line of the tongue on its dorsal surface.
c. Each has constricted base and broad top.
d. Are surrounded by deep groove.
e. Have no taste buds.
Fungiform papillae:

a. Are present at V-shaped sulcus terminalis.

b. Are more numerous than filliform papillae.
c. Have broad base and narrow top.
d. Their epithelium is stratified squamous nonkeratinized.
e. Contain Von-Ebner glands at their base.
Glands of Von-Ebner are characteristic of :

a. Fungiform papillae.
b. Circumvallate papillae.
c. Filliform papillae.
d. Oral mucosa of the lip.
e. Soft palate.
Musculosa of oesophagus is formed of:

a) Smooth muscle fibers in the upper l/3rd.

b) Striated muscle fibers in its lower l/3rd.
c) Striated muscle fibers in its all length.
d) Mixed muscle fibers in its middle l/3rd.
Answer: a
Answer: 3
Answer: d

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