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A dark place with nothing in view is all I could see or should I say there was nothing to see here, a

lonely silence was all that was present. I am a man that was a king, a brother, and to many people
there worst of nightmares, I was known as the heavenly demon.

The atrocities I committed would send me to the worst of places but here I was in a place that neither
hell nor heaven just emptiness. I tried to breath but nothing happened.

“Ohh, I forgot that I am already dead, betrayed and forgotten in the annuls of history.” It felt like
years have passed drifting, yet it also feels like I am just in one place.

Then one day it happened I saw a light, I finally muttered “hope”. I just drifted towards it I willed my
nonexistent body towards the light, and just like a flash bang the brightest of lights enveloped my
eyes and when it calmed down, I found myself in a place that was filled with equipment that at first
glance seemed like torture devices but after getting my bearing I could recognize that they were
nothing but the primitive devices for a simple operation and someone was holding me, As I tried to
move out of her grasp but I couldn’t move at all.

The hand coursing thought my body just made me tickle so I just tried to move by making an annoying
face but later I would understand that I was nothing but looking cute in the eyes of which was the
head maid. I couldn’t move so I just looked around spotting a female laying in bed with relief written
on her face. She was not in the best of shape laying in what seems to be a comfortable bed with décor
around it.

While I was trying to make the semblance of the situation, I was passed to the lady who I would soon
come to know as my mother. She was a beauty with serine features with a air of elegance around her
with the brownish red color of her hair, and pale skin she would have been a beauty cold to everyone
but the beaming slime that could melt any heart, She was looking at me like I was precious gem to

With all this happening a man that was almost 6’ barraged into the room while looking at me and my
mother, my first instinct in this life was the same an intruder has barraged to take me hosted but the
only site that greeted me was a man that was the epitome of physique, with sharp eyebrows and a
healthy body to go with it. He wanted to bear hug but then hesitated as I was only born and my
mother seemed to be in a bad shape.

Then just my mother nodded knowingly. Seeing that my father held my mother held each other in a
tight embrace while she held on tight as I could feel their grief but didn’t know what was going on.
After that time passed.

In this month A man that looked in his 50s came to see me, when he came to see me I could only
assume to what would be my room in the future. I heard something they were footsteps of a man he
came into the room which I pretended to be in as asleep. He came with my mother and father behind
him. My room just had little decorations but was a room that neither to lavish nor to crude just
enough to be young master but not an overbearing one.

He entered looked at me and said “From this day on as the second child of the family of Dragonhart
family your name shall be Asher.”
He looked at me with eyes that were sad and happy at the same time as a master of many things I
could infer that the old man was happy for me but sad as something not so pleasant was going to take

As life would have it we were on the run and we moved there was the six of us

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