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Question A B C D E

The following organism produce urease which generate ammonium ions and buffer
gastric acidity:
Campylobacter jejunii Helicobacter pylori Salmonella Shigella Clostridium botulinum B

Bile is the proper Chocolate agar is the selective Negative oxidase Direct detection of antigen in the
The diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection include: Negative urease test. D
sample. medium. test stool

The following produce bloody diarrhea , haemorragic colitis and hemolytic uremic Enterohemorrhagic
Salmonella Helicobacter Campylobacter Brucella A
syndrome E.coli

Has a common toxic

LPS which is one of the virulence factors of E. Coli has the following character: Activate adenyl cyclase Activate guanyl cycles Enterotoxin Exotoxin E
lipid A

Motile with multipolar motile bacilli with oval subterminal

The following is a morphological character of Campylobacter jejunii: Motile with single polar flagellum Motile short bacilli Non-motile bacilli B
flagella bacilli

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