Microbiology Lectures MCQs

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Microbiology Lectures MCQs

1. The following organism produce urease which generate ammonium ions

and buffer gastric acidity:
• Campylobacter jejune
• Helicobacter pylori
• Salmonella
• Shigella
• Clostridium botulinum

2. The following produce bloody diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic

uremic syndrome
• Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
• Salmonella
• Helicobacter
• Campylobacter
• Brucella

3. The following is a morphological character of Campylobacter jejune:

• Motile with multipolar flagella.
• Motile with single polar flagellum
• Motile short bacilli
• motile bacilli with oval subterminal bacilli
• non-motile bacilli

4. The following organism lodge in the gall bladder and shed into the intestine
for weeks:
• Campylobacter jejune
• Helicobacter pylori
• Salmonella
• Shigella
• Clostridium botulinum
5. A coma shaped organism that is highly aerobic and causes watery diarrhea
“rice water stool".
• Campylobacter
• klebsiella
• Helicobacter
• Plesiomonas
• Vibrio cholera

6. The following is a morphological character of Clostridium perfringens:

• Motile with multipolar flagella.
• Motile with single polar flagellum
• Motile short bacilli
• motile bacilli with oval subterminal bacilli
• non-motile bacilli

7. The following antigen marker is the first antigen to appear and last to
disappear in Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection:
• HBsAg
• HBcAg.
• HBeAg
• Anti- HBe antibody.
• Anti-core IgG

8. The majority of cases of this virus (99%) recover completely, a few cases
experience permanent liver damage, although convalescence may be
prolonged, there is no chronic form of the disease and no oncogenic
• Hepatitis B virus
• Hepatitis C virus
• Hepatitis A virus
• Hepatitis E virus
• Hepatitis Delta virus
9. A Picornavirus, with small, non-enveloped icosahedral particle and ss RNA
+ve sense genome:
• Hepatitis B virus
• Hepatitis C virus
• Hepatitis A virus
• Hepatitis E virus
• Hepatitis Delta virus

10. Rota virus has the following nucleic acid composition:

• single stranded negative sense RNA
• single stranded positive sense RNA
• double stranded RNA
• Double stranded DNA
• Single stranded RNA

11. Examination of stool in a case of diarrhea reveals the presence of

icosahedral virus non-enveloped double stranded DNA suggesting of:
• Norwalk virus
• Echovirus
• Rota virus
• Plio virus
• Adenovirus

12. Polio vaccine "Salk" is characterized by:

• Given as oral drops.
• Safe, stable and can be used in immunocompromised patients.
• The vaccine not expensive.
• Wild enteroviruses coincidentally present in the gut may interfere.
• Mimics natural infection with good local immunity.

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