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1-Which one of the following is a final products of carbohydrate digestion ?

a. Maltose
b. Isomaltose
c. sucrose
d. lactose
e. Galactos
2 e
gastric lipase cause hydrolysis of ……. ?
a. Cholesteryl esters
b. Phospholipids
c. First carbon of TAG
d. Second carbon of TAG
e. Third carbon of TAG
3-Pancreatic lipase cause hydrolysis of ……. ?
a.Cholesteryl esters
b.Ester bonds at carbons 1 and 3of TAG.
c. First carbon of TAG
d.Second carbon of TAG
e.Third carbon of TAG

4-which enzyme helps in the digestion of carbohydrates in the mouth :

a) Salivary amylase
b) Pancreatic amylase
c) Lactase
d) Isomaltase
e) sucrase
5-Galactose and glucose absorption requires:
a) Glut1
b) Glut2
c) Glut3
d) Glut4
e) Glut5

6-Loss of lipids in feces is known as :

a) Chyluria
b) Steatorrhea
c) Lactose intolerance
d) Chylothorax
e) Galactosmia

1. Which of the following digestive enzyme is activated by HCl?

a. Pepsinogen
b. Pepsin
c. Trypsin
d. Chemotrypsin
e. Enterokinase
2. Which of the following statements describes the mechanism
of action of Trypsin?
a. It cleaves proteins at glycine & lysine
b. It cleaves proteins at aromatic amino acids
c. It cleaves proteins at neutral amino acids
d. It is considered an exopeptidase
e. It is activated by Enterokinase

3-Hartnup disease:
a) Due to Deficiency of tryptophan decarboxylase.
b) Caused by the body's inability to absorb certain neutral amino acids.
c) Absence of tyrosine hydroxylase
d) Due to defect in phenylalanine hydroxylase
4-An exopeptidase is:
a) Trypsin
b) Chymotrypsin
c) Elastase
d) Aminopeptidase
e) Pepsin

5-The enzyme trypsin is specific for peptide bonds of :

a) Basic amino acids
b) Acidic amino acids
c) Aromatic amino acids
d) Next to small amino acids residues
e) Neutral amino acids

6-The enzyme Chymotrypsin is specific for peptide bonds of :

a) Basic amino acids
b) Acidic amino acids
c) Aromatic amino acids
d) Next to small amino acids residues
e) Neutral amino acids
Formative questions
Answer the following questions:
1- Lipotropic factors are substances that:
a. Mobilize VLDL from blood to liver
b. Mobilize TAG from blood to liver
c. Mobilize FFA from adipose tissue to liver.
d Mobilize TAG from liver to extrahepatic tissues.

e. Mobilize glycerol from adipose tissue to liver

2- Which of the following lipotropic factors
is(are) essential for protein synthesis
A- Choline
B- Ethanolamine
-C High biological value proteins
D- Antioxidants
E- Vit. B12
3- Explain NFLD with deficiency of pantothenic
A- Due to increased rate of fatty acid synthesis
B- Due to increased rate of lipolysis
C- Due to increased rate of re-estrificatio of

D- Due to increased production of NADH

E- Due to increased rate of lipogenesis
4- Explain impaired ability of liver to synthesize VLDL
in case of starvation
A- Due to increased rate of lipolysis
B- Due to increased rate of lipogenesis
CC- Due to decreased rate of protein synthesis under
influence of low insulin
D- Due to increased rate of re-estrifaication of FFA
E- Due to increased production of production of NADH
5- Increased NADH/NAD ratio in AFLD
produce fatty liver by:
A- Shift of malate to oxaloacetate with activation of
TCA cycle
B- Decreased rate of VLDL synthesis
C- Increased rate of HDL synthesis
DD- Shift of dihydroxy acetone to glycerol with

increased TAG synthesis

E- activation of fatty acid oxidation

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