The Importance Of Exercise And Physical Activity

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In the past, when I was in grade 4, I had experienced a terrible drop in

my grades. I felt that I couldn't understand all the material that was explained,
all the material seemed difficult. When I tried to learn I had trouble
memorizing the material. This made me think until I couldn't finish all the
exams I did. 1 The thing I can take from that moment is that concentration
turns out to be very influential with daily activities. One way to concentrate is
to have a healthy body. When our bodies are healthy, we have enough energy,
better focus, and increased endurance. This allows us to concentrate longer
and learn more effectively. And here's the topic I'll be discussing this morning
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Introducing myself Ienas Maulani Cahyono. I am from Class 7F. Greetings
to all my friends. Today let me explain a little more about having a healthy
body. More specifically about the importance of physical exercise. Actually, we
have been listening to announcements about physical exercise itself. Both on
social media, such as Instagram, Youtube and x (Twitter). Many people share
their experiences about this. Even if we pay attention to the people around us
have also reminded us. But there are still many of us who are still often lazy to
exercise, even though we already know the consequences. For that reason,
today I want to remind you again about 6 things why exercise is important.
So, actually every time we exercise we are actually protecting one of the
non-renewable muscles for a healthy life, which is what? The heart. Regular
exercise helps improve heart and lung function, thereby reducing the risk of
heart disease, stroke, and even some cancers. If for example “Naudzublillah”
our heart is sick. We will have trouble doing our daily activities. Even in a real
emergency situation it can lead to death.
No. 2 Exercise is also important for Weight Management. Physical
activity helps control weight by burning calories. It can be cardio exercise, it
effectively burns calories and fat, which is important to reduce weight and
improve cardiovascular fitness. Examples of Running or Jogging, Cycling,
Swimming etc. can all prevent obesity. Who doesn't want their weight to be
ideal. Of course everyone really wants it, right? Well this sport can also be the
solution, guys. In fact, this is the best solution instead of drinking retail
supplements in the store.
No. 3 Important for Bone and Muscle training, such as walking and
weight lifting, protects bones and muscles, reducing the risk of osteoporosis
and sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss). So that the muscles become strong
again deh.
No. 4 Exercise Reduces Anxiety and Depression: Exercise can help reduce
symptoms of anxiety and depression by releasing endorphins, the body's
natural mood lifters.
No 5 Improves Sleep: Regular physical activity can help you sleep faster
and deeper, improving overall sleep quality. When you sleep, your body is
actually doing many things. It could be recovering from an illness. Growth for
height and so on. So make sure you get enough sleep. Around 8 hours a day.
Lastly, according to the experience I shared earlier, it can improve
concentration, why? Because exercise improves blood circulation, including
blood flow to the brain. Also because it stimulates the production of
neurotransmitters such as dopamine, and serotonin, all of which play an
important role in mood regulation, attention, and motivation.
The point is, if you want to exercise, have fun, don't overthink it. We
intend this exercise as an effort to Allah so that our bodies will be healthier.
Ameen Ya Rabbal Alamiin.
That's all from me, Please apologize if there are any mistakes, Thank you for
your attention.
Wassalamualaikumwarahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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