HDFS Architecture

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HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)

 HDFS is specially design file system for storing huge data set with cluster of commodity
hardware with streaming access pattern.
 Streaming access pattern: - Write once but read anywhere, any time
In normal file system

 Memory is split into blocks.

 Each block contain of size 4 KB.
 In 4kb block if 2Kb is used then remaining 2Kb will be wasted.

 In hdfs each block size is 64MB and it can be changed upto 128Mb.

 Suppose in 64Mb block, if I am using 50Mb then remaining 24Mb will be realized for
other work not wasted.
HDFS Contain Following services
1. Name node
2. Secondary Name Node
3. Job Tracker
4. Data node
5. Task Tracker
It is a master and slave service
Master Services Slave Services
Name node Data node
Secondary name node Task tracker
Job Tracker

 Every master service can talk to each other.

 Every slave service can talk to each other.

HDFS Architecture
Hadoop Cluster is a collection of Rack
How data block stored in racks
How the hadoop cluster look like

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