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2009/09/07 09:42:09 Subject: More Space Hulk missions

Teh_K42 Seeing as Space Hulk only came with twelve missions I thought there should be a thread for user created missions or rehashed G
Nimble Ellyrian
This is an adaption of the first mission from GW's Spawn of Execration campaign: Break Through.

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Space Marines: The Space Marine player has one squad. It consists of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and power sword, on
bolters and power fists. The Space Marine player deploys the squads on the starting squares shown on the map.

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins with no blips, and receives two reinforcement blips per turn that may enter from an

Control Panel: The control panel is the yellow 'O' on the map. A Space Marine facing the control panel and that is standing in an
be moved through or fired through. The control panel cannot be destroyed.

The activation of the control panel results in a Space Marine Victory. Any other result is a genestealer victory.

I will post more if anyone requests them and time permits. Enjoy.

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2nd Mission of Spawn of Execration: Forge Ahead

The original gist of the mission was to simply kill 25 genestealers, but I changed that in light of the overwatch changes and the pr
would be great.
Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad 1 consists of of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and powe
with storm bolters and power fists. This squad deploys in zone A.
Squad 2 consists of a sergeant armed with thunder hammer and storm shield, a Space Marine with an assault cannon and powe
bolters. This squad deploys in zone B.

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins the mission with three blips, and receives two reinforcement blips per turn. Once th
a new stack, the genestealer player will have to fight on with the models and blips remaining in play.

Area Secure: Blips and genestealers cannot lurk in this mission, and therefore may not use entry points within 6 spaces of a Spa

Space Marines:The Space Marine player wins if he destroys every genestealer or if he blocks every genestealer entry point and

Genestealers: The genestealer player wins if he destroys every Space Marine without being wiped out first.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/09/07 11:54:10

2009/09/09 07:46:16 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Panic yeah,
Longtime Dakkanaut Looks good and is a great idea for this forum.

you should give credit and a link to Shawn Riordan the author of the tile/map program to help spread it's goodness!

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2009/09/09 07:54:56 Subject: More Space Hulk missions

Teh_K42 Woops, forgot to mention that...

Nimble Ellyrian But that is a most excellent and useful tool that I would recommend to anyone interested.

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2009/09/09 08:34:31 Subject: More Space Hulk missions

H.B.M.C. And you can edit the files to represent how many tiles you own, for those of us who own more tiles.
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2009/09/09 08:46:21 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Teh_K42 You lucky dog, H.B.M.C. *narrows eyes is envy of your pile of stuff*
Nimble Ellyrian
Alrighty then, third mission of Spawn of Execration: Regroup

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Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad 1 consists of of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and powe
with storm bolters and power fists. This squad deploys in zone A.
Squad 2 consists of a sergeant armed with thunder hammer and storm shield, a Space Marine with an assault cannon and powe
bolters. This squad deploys in zone B.

Genestealers: The genestealer player has no blips at the beginning of the mission, and receives two reinforcement blips per turn

Exiting The Map: Space Marines can exit the playing area by moving off the exit points marked on the map with a yellow 'X'

The mission ends when there are no more Space Marines in play. If the number of Space Marines that exited the map from an ex
through an exit point the genestealer player wins.

*In the video game the number was three or greater to win, but considering that this map does not look as arduous as the ninth m
of this figure would be very welcome.

2009/09/09 09:44:17 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Alex Kolodotschko I've just had a flick through some of my old White Dwarf mags.
Towering Compiled a list of issue numbers with Spulk missions in them.
Hierophant Bio-Titan
I'll see what I can do to fiddle them and make them work then post full campaigns!

UK issue Numbers.....
Issue 147 Wolf Lair: 1-Under Attack, 2-To the Rescue, 3-Barricades, 4-Breakthrough, 5-To the Death!

Issue 197 Defilement of Honour: 1-Stop the Tide, 2-Shut Down, 3-Take Control.
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Issue 199 Bringer of Sorrow: 1-Pierce the Darkness, 2-Knowledge is Power, 3-Death Bringer.
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Joined: 2008/07/03 Issue 200 Fangs of Fenris: 1-Trap the Foe, 2-Counter Attack, 3-Annihilate.
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England Issue 201 Duty and Honour: 1-Veil of Darkness, 2-To Kill the Beast, 3-Back From Darkness.
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Direct Link This Post Issue 203 The Fate of the Sword of Halcyon: 1-Impact, 2-Salvage the Bridge, 3-Shut Down, 4-Purify, 5 Inner Sanctum.

Feel free to add issues, I could have missed some.

Oli: Can I be an orc?

Everyone: No.
Oli: But it fits through the doors, Look!
2009/09/09 10:26:54 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Teh_K42 Glad to hear it Alex!

Nimble Ellyrian
Mission 4 of Spawn of execration: Capture

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Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad 1 consists of of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and powe
with storm bolters and power fists. This squad deploys in zone B.
Squad 2 consists of a sergeant armed with thunder hammer and storm shield, a Space Marine with an assault cannon and powe
bolters. This squad deploys in zone A.

Genestealers: The genestealer player has no blips at the beginning of the mission, and receives two reinforcement blips per turn

The C.A.T.: The C.A.T. is an object. Place the C.A.T. On the tile marked with the yellow “O” on the map at the beginning of the m
it in any way.

Moving The C.A.T.: If the C.A.T. is on its own square or in a square or a square also occupied by a genestealer in the Mission P
Marine player moves it on a 4+. The C.A.T. Moves three squares, in any direction, turning freely as it does so. I may not move off

Exiting The Map: Space Marines can exit the playing area by moving off the exit point marked on the map with a yellow 'X'

The Space Marine player wins if he can carry the C.A.T. off the map through an exit point. Any other result is a genestealer victor

NOTE: Doors placed beside tiles on the map represent open doors that can be closed
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/09/09 10:27:08

2009/09/09 10:52:59 Subject: More Space Hulk missions

Apone Great idea Teh_K42. Thanks for you contribution and to the creator of the program!
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Orkeosaurus wrote:
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Yeah, but when he get's out he'll still be in Russia, so joke's on him.
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2009/09/09 12:25:36 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Teh_K42 No worries Apone, glad to be useful to Dakka in my own small way.

Nimble Ellyrian
Spawn of Execration, mission 5: Sabotage

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Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad 1 consists of of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and powe
with storm bolters and power fists. This squad deploys in zone B.
Squad 2 consists of a sergeant armed with thunder hammer and storm shield, a Space Marine with an assault cannon and powe
bolters. This squad deploys in zone A.

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins the mission with five blips, and receives two reinforcement blips per turn.

Control Station: The hulk is powered by a decrepit nuclear reactor, regulated by a single control panel. If the panel is destroyed
control Station is placed on the space marked with a yellow 'O' on the map. The control station is immobile, but is surrounded by
same ways that a door, except that no sustained fire bonus is provided for shooting at the control panel (representing the increas

The Space Marine player wins if he destroys the control station. Any other result is a genestealer victory.

2009/09/10 18:00:39 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Fresh-Faced New Alex Kolodotschko wrote:
User I've just had a flick through some of my old White Dwarf mags.
Gallery Votes: 2 Compiled a list of issue numbers with Spulk missions in them.
Posts: 15 I'll see what I can do to fiddle them and make them work then post full campaigns!
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22:25:40 UK issue Numbers.....
Offline Issue 147 Wolf Lair: 1-Under Attack, 2-To the Rescue, 3-Barricades, 4-Breakthrough, 5-To the Death!
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Issue 197 Defilement of Honour: 1-Stop the Tide, 2-Shut Down, 3-Take Control.

Issue 199 Bringer of Sorrow: 1-Pierce the Darkness, 2-Knowledge is Power, 3-Death Bringer.

Issue 200 Fangs of Fenris: 1-Trap the Foe, 2-Counter Attack, 3-Annihilate.

Issue 201 Duty and Honour: 1-Veil of Darkness, 2-To Kill the Beast, 3-Back From Darkness.

Issue 203 The Fate of the Sword of Halcyon: 1-Impact, 2-Salvage the Bridge, 3-Shut Down, 4-Purify, 5 Inner Sanctum.

Feel free to add issues, I could have missed some.

Issue 137 The Last Stand: 1-Break In, 2-The Generator, 3-The Chapel, 4-The Last Stand
this one used parts from Death Wing & Genestealer expansions and had hybrids (psionic rules were not used however)


Also found

Issue 115 Delaying Action (single mission)

Issue 158 Return to Kalidus: 1-A Quest For Power, 2-Honour Bound, 3-Terminus

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2009/09/11 08:59:47 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Teh_K42 Sixth and final mission of the Spawn of Execration campaign: Race Against Time.
Nimble Ellyrian

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Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad 1 consists of of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and powe
with storm bolters and power fists. This squad deploys in zone A.
Squad 2 consists of a sergeant armed with thunder hammer and storm shield, a Space Marine with an assault cannon and powe
bolters. This squad deploys in zone B.
Genestealers: The genestealer player begins the mission with four blips and receives two reinforcement blips per turn.

Race Against Time: The game ends after 12 turns.

Exiting The Map: Space Marines can exit the playing area by moving on to the exit point marked on the map with a yellow 'X'

Jammed Door: The door on the map marked with a red X is jammed shut. It may not be opened, but can be destroyed by shooti

The Space Marine player wins if he manages to move two or more Marines off the map. Otherwise the genestealer player wins

NOTE: The map does not quite fit properly when you build it: some of the tiles on the far left hand side of the map overlap a little.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/09/12 06:20:59

2009/09/11 10:36:13 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Iron Priest Thanks a lot for the complete campaign.

Ferocious Blood
I have a question about the last mission: is the door with the red X on it a door that cannot be opened by genestealers, or one tha

Been playing through the 3E missions in order, took us a while to get the 1st missions tactics right

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2009/09/11 10:38:48 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

H.B.M.C. Very cool... and way more conservative than me.

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Skullz Techpriests
I'm more of a sadist with maps. I make things like this:

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And no, that's not meant to be a swastika.

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Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog

"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

2009/09/11 15:50:09 Subject: More Space Hulk missions

Panic yeah,
Longtime Dakkanaut @HBMC
Dude the size of those maps! you'd need a massive table and grab sticks to move the models!
Whats the missions?
- go to X X and o
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2009/09/12 02:52:08 Subject: More Space Hulk missions

H.B.M.C. Pretty much. The first one is retrieve two CATs that are in the 'X' rooms and then escape via the 'o' room. The second one is simp
Owns Whole Set of flaming the blue rooms once.
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2009/09/12 05:53:19 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

[ADMIN] Great idea guys!
President of the Mat
Ward Fan Club
I LOVE the map editor, but I can't help but think that the creator is going to get a letter from GW legal. I know in the past people h
(the actual art of the map tiles), you can still find the site on the internet with the cease-and-desist letter posted.

So while I think this map generator is AWESOME, it may have been a mistake to use the actual artwork from GW. Just making th
kind of unwanted attention from GW.

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2009/09/12 06:15:34 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Nimble Ellyrian Iron Priest wrote:
Reaver Thanks a lot for the complete campaign.

I have a question about the last mission: is the door with the red X on it a door that cannot be opened by genestealers, or one t

Been playing through the 3E missions in order, took us a while to get the 1st missions tactics right
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Location: Australia, There is another campaign on the way, Harbinger of Despair.
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2009/09/12 20:45:23 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

blagmasterg I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for doing this man - this thread is getting saved to my favourites for future reference!
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2009/09/13 05:40:33 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Nimble Ellyrian blagmasterg wrote:
Reaver I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for doing this man - this thread is getting saved to my favourites for future reference

No worries mate

And now for the next campaign!

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Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad 1 consists of of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and powe
with storm bolters and power fists. This squad deploys in zone A.
Squad 2 consists of a sergeant armed with thunder hammer and storm shield, a Space Marine with an assault cannon and powe
bolters. This squad deploys in zone B.

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins the mission with four blips, and receives two reinforcement blips per turn.

Bulkheads: The Hulk contains several bulkheads, thick armored doors designed to seal off parts of the ship in an emergency. Bu
the yellow 'O's. Bulkheads are treated like doors with the following exceptions: once closed a bulkhead cannot be opened again,
Assault Cannon or being destroyed in close assault by the chainfist. Genestealers cannot destroy bulkheads.

Relentless Assault: The Hive Mind recognises the strategic importance of this area of the Hulk and urges the genestealers to se
roll a D6. On a 4+ the blip may enter play through that entry point regardless.

The Space Marine player wins if he can close all of the bulkheads. The genestealer player wins if every Space Marine is destroye
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2009/09/13 11:00:03 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

blagmasterg *sends more love in teh_k42's direction*

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2009/09/14 12:01:15 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Teh_K42 Haven't played this mission yet, but at first glance looks a bit bleak for the Marine player. If it is too brutal I'd suggest removing the
Nimble Ellyrian
Harbinger of Despair Mission II: Menace

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Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad 1 consists of of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and powe
with storm bolters and power fists. This squad deploys in zone A.
Squad 2 consists of a sergeant armed with thunder hammer and storm shield, a Space Marine with an assault cannon and powe
bolters. This squad deploys in zone B.

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins the mission with ten blips that begin on each of the tiles marked with a yellow 'O'. T
exhausted no more blips are available- the counters are not reshuffled to create a new stack, the genestealer player will have to f

Area Secure: Blips and genestealers cannot lurk in this mission, and therefore may not use entry points within 6 spaces of a Spa

Space Marines:The Space Marine player wins if he destroys every genestealer or if he blocks every genestealer entry point and

Genestealers: The genestealer player wins if he destroys every Space Marine without being wiped out first.

2009/09/14 13:09:47 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Melonfish If anyones interested i have the following in PDF form?

Erratic Knight Errant

Defilement of Honour
Bringer of Sorrow
Fangs of Fenris
Duty and Honour
The Fate of the Sword of Halcyon

4 Gallery Images i've even got the intro's to them, i don't have any webspace with which to upload em however, i can zip and send to someone for
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i'm going to give them a go with this here tile builder anyways.
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Always on the lookout for 5th Ed Bretonnians, PM me!

2009/09/14 13:12:33 Subject: More Space Hulk missions

H.B.M.C. How big are they? You might be able to attach them to your posts.
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2009/09/14 15:31:52 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Dark Angels Melonfish wrote:
Neophyte If anyones interested i have the following in PDF form?
Defilement of Honour
Bringer of Sorrow
Fangs of Fenris
Duty and Honour
The Fate of the Sword of Halcyon

i've even got the intro's to them, i don't have any webspace with which to upload em however, i can zip and send to someone f
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20:10:59 Pete
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Oooh me me me me me me me me me me me me me!

Could you PM them to me? Or if not I can let you have my email address to send them to?

2009/09/14 20:30:20 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Fresh-Faced New Melonfish wrote:
User If anyones interested i have the following in PDF form?

Defilement of Honour
Bringer of Sorrow
Fangs of Fenris
Duty and Honour
1 Gallery Image The Fate of the Sword of Halcyon
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i've even got the intro's to them, i don't have any webspace with which to upload em however, i can zip and send to someone f
Joined: 2009/07/05 i'm going to give them a go with this here tile builder anyways.
20:40:01 ta
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I have webspace if you want to send them to me, I'll post the link here.

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I've already converted the Spawn of Execration missions to PDF. They are going up on my site now.
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I'm sorry Teh_K42, I forgot to ask if your ok with me hosting the PDF's I made from your conversions. This i the text that preceeds

The following missions are the six missions that make up the "Spawn of Execration" campaign created and posted by Teh_K43 o
These are not my work. I took the missions posted from the Dakka forums and created PDF files to make them easy to download

I haven't uploaded them yet. If you would prefer I won't post them. I also converted your Harbinger missions.

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All of Teh_K42's missions are converted to PDF and waiting to be uploaded. As soon as I get his ok I'll post the link.
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2009/09/15 08:57:03 Subject: More Space Hulk missions

Teh_K42 I'm fine with it, as long as GW is properly credited so they aren't as inclined to ruin our effort.
Nimble Ellyrian
I would also like to be credited as Teh_K42, not Teh_K43

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Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad 1 consists of of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and powe
with storm bolters and power fists. This squad deploys on the starting squares on one of the corridors shown on the map.
Squad 2 consists of a sergeant armed with thunder hammer and storm shield, a Space Marine with an assault cannon and powe
bolters. It deploys on the starting squares in the other corridor.

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins the mission with four blips, and receives two reinforcement blips per turn.

Bulkheads: The Hulk contains several bulkheads, thick armored doors designed to seal off parts of the ship in an emergency. Bu
the yellow 'X's. Bulkheads are treated like doors with the following exceptions: once closed a bulkhead cannot be opened again,
Assault Cannon or being destroyed in close assault by the chainfist. Genestealers cannot destroy bulkheads.

Relentless Assault: The Hive Mind recognises the strategic importance of this area of the Hulk and urges the genestealers to se
roll a D6. On a 4+ the blip may enter play through that entry point regardless.

Control Panel: Schematics vital to fighting the genestealer threat are contained in a computer accessed through the control pane
standing in an adjacent square to the control panel can activate it for 2 AP. The control panel is stationary and may not be moved
The activation of the control panel results in a Space Marine Victory. Any other result is a genestealer victory.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/09/15 11:45:49

2009/09/15 12:00:07 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Steelmage99 The Bringer Of Sorrow campaign published in WD 199. Adapted for Space Hulk 3E.
Stormin' Stompa

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Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad A consists of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and power s
storm bolters and power fists. Squad B consists of a sergeant armed with thunder hammer and storm shield, one Space Marine a
power fists.The Space Marine player deploys the squads on the respective starting squares shown on the map.

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins with one blip, and receives one reinforcement blip per turn that may enter from any

C.A.T.s: The C.A.T.s are objects (see page 18 of the Rulebook). Each Space Marine squad carries a single C.A.T.. Nominate a s
allowed to enter the square with the C.A.T. but cannot pick it up or move with it. This means that a Genestealer that enters the sq
The Space Marines carry a third C.A.T.. Nominate any single Space Marine to be carrying the special C.A.T.. Use an appropriate

Moving the C.A.T.: If the C.A.T. is on its own or in a square with a Genestealer in the Mission Status phase then it will move on it
Space Marine player moves it. The C.A.T. moves three squares. It can move in any direction, turning freely as it does so. It may n
squares. The C.A.T.s are not allowed to open doors, shoot or close assault.

The Space Marines win by getting at least two of the C.A.T.s off the board. If all the Space Marines are killed, any C.A.T.s still on
other result is a genestealer victory.
If you are playing this mission as part of a campaign, record the number of C.A.T.s that manage to get through.
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Mission 2 in the Bringer Of Sorrows campaign published in WD 199. Adapted for Space Hulk 3E.

Mission 2 - Knowledge Is Power

Transmit the data gathered by the C.A.T. to Chapter command.


Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad A consists of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and power s
storm bolter and a chainfist and two Space Marines armed with storm bolters and power fists. Squad B consists of a sergeant arm
powerfist, and three Space Marines armed with storm bolters and power fists.The Space Marine player deploys the squads on th

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins with one blip counter in each of the entry areas, and receives two reinforcement bl
Space Marine model (ie. Standing within 6 squares), the genestealer player only receives one reinforcement blip per turn

C.A.T.s: The C.A.T.s are objects (see page 18 of the Rulebook). At the start of turn 2 roll a dice to see where the first C.A.T. ente
start of turn 3 roll for the second C.A.T. and on turn 4 roll for the last C.A.T. If you are playing as part of a campaign, you can only
enter the square with the C.A.T. but cannot pick it up or move with it. This means that a Genestealer that enters the square with t

Moving the C.A.T.: If the C.A.T. is on its own or in a square with a Genestealer in the Mission Status phase then it will move on its
Marine player moves it. The C.A.T. moves three squares. It can move in any direction, turning freely as it does so. It may not mov
close assault.

The Space Marines win by getting a C.A.T. to transmit its data to a nearby battle barge. When a Space Marine is in the same squ
robotic scouts.
Any other result is a genestealer victory.
If you are playing this mission as part of a campaign, record the outcome of this mission (success/failure).

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Mission 3 of the Bringer Of Sorrow campaign published in WD 199. Adapted for Space Hulk 3E.

Last Mission - Deathbringer

Overload the main reactor and destroy the hulk Bringer Of Sorrows.
Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad A consists of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and power s
storm bolter and a chainfist and two Space Marines armed with storm bolters and power fists. Squad B consists of a sergeant arm
powerfist, and three Space Marines armed with storm bolters and power fists.The Space Marine player deploys the squads on th

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins with one blip placed in each of the rooms and receives one reinforcement blip per

Campaign: If you are playing this mission as part of a campaign and the Space Marines lost Mission 2, then remove one Space
the genestealers in the fight to retrieve the location of the reactor control room.

Reactor Control room: To overload the reactor and destroy the Bringer Of Sorrow, a single Space Marine must stand in the indi
Due to the sensitive nature of the controls in the room, the heavy flamer may not be fired at any squares in the room.

The Space Marines win by overloading the main reactor (see Reactor Control room).
Any other result is a genestealer victory.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/09/15 12:09:32

"He died because he had no honor. He had no honor and the Emperor was watching."

18.000 3.500 8.200 3.300 2.400 3.100 5.500 2.500 3.200 3.000

2009/09/15 12:41:27 Subject: Re:More Space Hulk missions

Melonfish yeah looking through these chaps they're about 75mb put together so webspace it'll have to be!
Erratic Knight Errant anybody got any spare?

just banged together the Fangs Of Fenris missions into the new tilesets, i'll upload tonight!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/09/15 13:00:35
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2009/09/15 13:08:40 Subject: More Space Hulk missions

Steelmage99 Cool.
Stormin' Stompa

116 Gallery Images Im working on Defilement of Honour at the moment.

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Please post what missions you are working on after Fangs Of Fenris (if any), Melonfish.
Joined: 2006/03/30
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The Defilement Of Honour campaign published in WD 197. Adapted for Space Hulk 3E.
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Mission 1 - Stop The Tide

Seal off Genestealer reinforcements

The blue markings represent airducts. See Special Rules.

Seal off Genestealer reinforcements


Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad A consists of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and power s
bolter and chainfist, and two Space Marines armed with storm bolters and power fists. Squad B consists of a sergeant armed with
three Space Marines armed with storm bolters and power fists. The Space Marine player deploys the squads on the starting squa

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins with one blip counter in each of the four airducts, and receives two reinforcement b
reinforcement blip per turn.

- Genestealers and blips may enter an airduct from the square directly in front of the airduct at the cost of 2 AP.
- Genestealers and blips may move from the end of an airduct into the square directly in front of the airduct at the cost of 1 AP.
- With the exception of entering and leaving, Genestealers and blips move through airduct exactly as if they were corridors.
- When converting blips in an airduct, you may only place Genestealer models in the airduct. Models which cannot be placed in th
- Marines cannot enter airducts. Although the Marines can see the opening of the airduct they have no LOS into the airducts them
- Heavy flamers may be fired at the first square of an airduct affecting the entire section as normal. Blips inside airduct being flam
- Close assault from an airduct cannot be drawn. If the result is a draw, the Genestealer wins. In any case the winning model is p

Bulkheads: In this mission bulkheads may be used to permanently block off Genestealer entry points. Treat them as doors until
place an end-marker to show the entrypoint is being blocked.

The Space Marines win by sealing all three entry points shown in the map.
Any other result is a genestealer victory. If you are playing this mission as part of a campaign, record the result (success/failure).

Mission 2 - Shut Down

Shut down the hulks engines.

The blue markings represent airducts. See Special Rules.

Stop the engines of the hulk.


Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad A consists of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and power s
bolter and chainfist, and two Space Marines armed with storm bolters and power fists. Squad B consists of a sergeant armed with
three Space Marines armed with storm bolters and power fists. The Space Marine player deploys the squads on the starting squa

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins with one blip counter in each of the three entry areas, and receives one reinforcem
are stopped.
If playing this mission as part of a campaign and the Space Marines lost Mission 1, more Genestealers can break through. The G

- Genestealers and blips may enter an airduct from the square directly in front of the airduct at the cost of 2 AP.
- Genestealers and blips may move from the end of an airduct into the square directly in front of the airduct at the cost of 1 AP.
- With the exception of entering and leaving, Genestealers and blips move through airduct exactly as if they were corridors.
- When converting blips in an airduct, you may only place Genestealer models in the airduct. Models which cannot be placed in th
- Marines cannot enter airducts. Although the Marines can see the opening of the airduct they have no LOS into the airducts them
- Heavy flamers may be fired at the first square of an airduct affecting the entire section as normal. Blips inside airduct being flam
- Close assault from an airduct cannot be drawn. If the result is a draw, the Genestealer wins. In any case the winning model is p

Bulkheads: In this mission bulkheads may be used to permanently block off Genestealer entry points. Treat them as doors until
place an end-marker to show the entrypoint is being blocked.

The Space Marines wins by deactivating the engines. To do so a Space Marine model must be standing in the square marked “X
and the mission is successfully completed.
Any other result is a genestealer victory. If you are playing this mission as part of a campaign, record the result (success/failure).

Last mission - Take Control

Take control of the hulks navigation computer.

The blue markings represent airducts. See Special Rules.

Take Control of the hulk


Space Marines: The Space Marine player has two squads. Squad A consists of a sergeant armed with storm bolter and power s
bolter and chainfist, and two Space Marines armed with storm bolters and power fists. Squad B consists of a sergeant armed with
three Space Marines armed with storm bolters and power fists. The Space Marine player deploys the squads on the starting squa

Genestealers: The genestealer player begins with one blip counter in each of rooms marked in blue. From the third Genestealer
If the entry area is sealed reinforcements are stopped.
If playing this mission as part of a campaign and the Space Marines lost Mission 2, a new Marine squad has to be deployed givin
turn 1.


- Genestealers and blips may enter an airduct from the square directly in front of the airduct at the cost of 2 AP.
- Genestealers and blips may move from the end of an airduct into the square directly in front of the airduct at the cost of 1 AP.
- With the exception of entering and leaving, Genestealers and blips move through airduct exactly as if they were corridors.
- When converting blips in an airduct, you may only place Genestealer models in the airduct. Models which cannot be placed in th
- Marines cannot enter airducts. Although the Marines can see the opening of the airduct they have no LOS into the airducts them
- Heavy flamers may be fired at the first square of an airduct affecting the entire section as normal. Blips inside airduct being flam
- Close assault from an airduct cannot be drawn. If the result is a draw, the Genestealer wins. In any case the winning model is p

The Space Marines wins by taking control of the nav com. To do so a Space Marine model must be standing in the square marke
Marine is killed or takes any other actions. Once the computer is under their control the Space Marines win.
Any other result is a genestealer victory.


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2009/09/15 15:40:59

"He died because he had no honor. He had no honor and the Emperor was watching."

18.000 3.500 8.200 3.300 2.400 3.100 5.500 2.500 3.200 3.000

2009/09/15 15:41:27 Subject: More Space Hulk missions

Melonfish i'll get all of FOF up tonight then i'll start on another, nice one on the DOH, i wasn't sure how to do the Vents myself
Erratic Knight Errant

I'll do Duty and Honour tonight, that game has a special tile however BUT, i have a scan of it i'll also upload
not sure how to incorperate it into the tileset but i'm sure someone will know, i'll drop in a plain room for its substitute.

"Home is where you dig it."

"Morkies little orky loves shortnin', shortnin', Morkies little orky loves shortnin' legs..."

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