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1) Write a program to display “TEXAS INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE.”

Program to display Texas International College is listed below:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
printf(“Texas International College”);

return 0;

2) Write a program to add, subtract, multiply, and divide two whole numbers.

Program to add, subtract, multiply, and divide two whole number is listed below:


int main()
int num1, num2, res;
printf(“Enter any two whole number:”);
scanf(“%d%d”, &num1, &num2);
res = num1+num2;
printf(“\n Addition = %d”, res);
res = num1-num2;
printf(“\n subtraction = %d”, res);
res = num1*num2;
printf(“\n Multiplication = %d”, res);
res = num1/num2;
printf(\n Division = %d”, res);
return 0;

3) Write a program to find simple interest.

Program to find simple interest is listed below:

# include <conio.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>

int main()

//Simple interset program

int principal, rate, time, interest;

printf("Enter the principal: ");

scanf("%d", &principal);

printf("Enter the rate: ");

scanf("%d", &rate);

printf("Enter the time: ");

scanf("%d", &time);

interest = principal * rate * time / 100;

printf("The Simple interest is %d", interest);

return 0;

4) Write a program to convert a temperature given in celcius to Fahrenheit.

Program to convert a temperature given in celcius to Fahrenheit is listed below:


int main()
float celcius, fahrenheit;
printf("enter temperature in celcius:");
scanf("%f", &celcius);

fahrenheit = (celcius*1.8) + 32;

printf("%.2f celcius = %.2f fahrenheit", celcius, fahrenheit);
return 0;

5) Write a program to find square root of a given number.

Program to find square root of s given number is listed below:


int main(){
double num, root;

printf("Enter an integer:");
scanf("%lf", &num);
root = sqrt (num);

printf("THE SQUARE ROOT OF %.2lf = %.2lf", num, root);

return 0;

6) Write a program to find the power of a given number.

Program to find the power of a given number is listed below:


int main() {
int base, exp;
long double result = 1.0;

printf(“Enter a base number:”);

scanf(“%d”, &base);
printf(“Enter an exponent:”);
scanf(“%d”, &exp);

While (exp != 0) {
result *= base;
printf(“Answer = %.0Lf”, result);
return 0;

7) Write a program to find the area and circumference of a circle.

Program to find the area and circumference of a circle is listed below:


int main() {
float pi=3.14, area, circumference, radius;

printf("Enter radius of circle:");

scanf("%f", &radius);
area = pi * radius * radius;

printf("Area of circle is: %f\n",area);

circumference = 2 * pi * radius;
printf("Circumference of circle is: %f\n",circumference);

return 0;

8) Write a program to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle.

Program to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle is listed below:

#include <stdio.h>

void main() {
float length, width, perimeter, area;

printf("Enter the length of the Rectangle:\n");

scanf("%f", & length);
printf("Enter the width of the Rectangle:\n");
scanf("%f", & width);

perimeter = 2 * (length + width);

printf("Perimeter of the Rectangle: %0.4f\n", perimeter);

area = length * width;

printf("Area of the Rectangle: %0.4f\n", area);

9) Write a program to find the area of a triangle.

Program to find the area of a triangle is listed below:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
float base, height, area;

printf("Enter the base of the triangle: ");

scanf("%f", &base);

printf("Enter the height of the triangle: ");

scanf("%f", &height);

area = (base * height) / 2;

printf("The area of the triangle is: %.2f\n", area);

return 0;

10) Write a program to convert pounds to kilograms.

Program to convert pounds to kilograms is listed below:


int main()
float KG = 0.453592, pound;

printf("Enter weight in pounds\n");

scanf("%f", &pound);

printf("Weight in Kilograms is %f\n", (pound * KG) );

return 0;

11) Write a program to print six digit integer in reverse order.

Program to print six digit integer in reverse order is listed below:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int n, reverse = 0, remainder;

printf("Enter any six digit integer: ");
scanf("%d", &n);

while (n != 0) {
remainder = n % 10;
reverse = reverse * 10 + remainder;
n /= 10;

printf("Reversed number = %d", reverse);

return 0;

12) Write a program to find the rupee equivalent of dollars.

Program to find the rupee equivalent of dollars is listed below:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
float dollars;

printf("Please enter dollars:");

scanf("%f", &dollars);

float rupees = dollars * 70;

printf("%f Rupees", rupees);


13) Write a program to express a length given in kilometers in meters, centimeters, millimeters.

Program to express a length given in kilometers in meters, centimeters, and millimeters is listed

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
float Millimeter, Centimeter, Meter, Kilometer;

printf("\n Please Enter the Length in Kilometers (km) : ");

scanf("%f", &Kilometer);

Meter = Kilometer * 1000;

Centimeter = Kilometer * 100000;
Millimeter = Kilometer * 1000000;

printf("\n %.2f Kilometers = %.2f Meters", Kilometer, Meter);

printf("\n %.2f Kilometers = %.2f Centimeters", Kilometer, Centimeter);
printf("\n %.2f Kilometers = %.2f Millimeters", Kilometer, Millimeter);

return 0;

14) Write a program to swap two numbers using temporary variable.

Program to swap two numbers using temporary variables is listed below:


int main() {
int x, y, temp;
printf("Enter the value of x and y: ");
scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);
printf("Before swapping x=%d, y=%d ", x, y);

/*Swapping logic */
temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
printf("After swapping x=%d, y=%d", x, y);
return 0;

15) Write a program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable.

Program to swap two numbers without using temporary variables:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int a,b;

printf("Enter the value of a: ");

printf("Enter the value of b: ");

printf("Before swapping a: %d, b: %d\n",a,b);

a = a+b;
b = a-b;
a = a-b;

printf("After swapping a: %d, b: %d\n",a,b);

return 0;

16) Write a program to find the square and cube of a given number.

Program to find the square and cube of a given number is listed below:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int no;
printf("Enter a number : ");
scanf("%d", &no);

printf("Square of %d is %d\n", no, (no * no));

printf("Cube of %d is %d\n", no, (no * no * no));

17) Write a program to calculate percentage of a student with makrs of 5 subjects.

Program to calculate percentage of a student with marks of 5 subjects is listed below:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
float eng, phy, chem, math, comp;
float total, average, percentage;

printf("Enter marks of five subjects: :- ");

scanf("%f%f%f%f%f", &eng, &phy, &chem, &math, &comp);
total = eng + phy + chem + math + comp;
average = total / 5.0;
percentage = (total / 500.0) * 100;

printf("Total marks = %.2f\n", total);

printf("Average marks = %.2f\n", average);
printf("Percentage = %.2f", percentage);

return 0;

18) Write a program to sum the digit of as positive integer which is 5 digits long.

Program to sum the digit of a positive integer which is 5 digits long is listed below:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n, t, sum = 0, remainder;

printf("Enter 5 digit integer : \n");

scanf("%d", &n);

t = n;

while (t != 0)
remainder = t % 10;
sum = sum + remainder;
t = t / 10;

printf("Sum of digits of %d = %d\n", n, sum);

return 0;

19) Write a program to find price of n mangos given the price of dozen mangos.

Program to find the price of n mangos given the price of dozen mangos is listed below:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
// Declare variables
float dozenPrice, mangoPrice;

// Input the price of a dozen mangos

printf("Enter the price of a dozen mangos: ");
scanf("%f", &dozenPrice);

// Calculate the price of one mango

mangoPrice = dozenPrice / 12;

// Display the result

printf("The price of 1 mango is: %.2f\n", mangoPrice);

return 0;

20) Write a program to show the use of typedef in c language.

Program to show the use of typedef in c language is listed below:

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