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Updating may result in:

Change of critical path

Decrease of project completion time
Increase of project completion time
All of the above

What is "float path" in a construction project schedule, and how does it differ from the critical path?
The float path represents the path with the most float, while the critical path is the shortest path.
The float path is a sequence of non-critical activities with total float, differing from the critical path as it
allows project delays.
The float path represents a path with high resource allocation, while the critical path is resource-
The float path is the same as the critical path but allows for variations in project duration.

In the given figure, the network of a project represents:

activity of excavation which takes 8 units of time

activity of an excavation of a footing
activity of an excavation which starts at event No. 1 and ends at even No. 2
All of these

Critical Path Network helps an engineer

To concentrate his attention on critical activities
To divert the resources from non-critical advanced activities to critical activities
To be cautious for avoiding any delay in the critical activities to avoid delay of the whole project
All the above

Which explanation best describes what the term ‘crashing’ a project means?
Abandoning a project when using a stage-gate approach.
Injecting further funds into a project.
Reducing the time spans on critical activities to complete the project in less time.
Failure of a project due to the incompetence of the project manager.

You are the project manager for a construction project. Your foreman informs you that, due to the
humidity, the concrete will need to cure for an additional 24 hours before the framing can begin. To
accommodate the requirement, you add _______________ time to the framing activity.
Which one of the following is the objective in crashing?
Reduction in duration
Reduction in resources
Reduction in cost
Reduction in project size

What is the primary purpose of an S-curve in construction scheduling?

To represent the shape of a construction site
To track the cost and progress of a project over time
To indicate the safety measures on a construction site
To define the architectural design of a building

You are the project manager of the ABC Project and you're working with your customer stakeholder.
The stakeholder has asked that you find a method to reduce the overall project duration for her
organization. She has promised a bonus to your company of Php100,000 per day that you finish ahead of
schedule. Which duration compression technique could you utilize on activities that are effort-driven?
Gantt Chart
Resource smoothing
Resource levelling

What is the primary objective of using the PERT and CPM techniques in construction scheduling?
To maximize profit
To complete the project as quickly as possible
To efficiently plan, manage, and control complex construction projects
To minimize resource allocation

How are slack or float times calculated in a PERT/CPM network, and what do they indicate in
construction scheduling?
They are calculated by subtracting early start times from late start times, indicating time for relaxation.
They are calculated by finding the shortest path in the network, indicating the most efficient activities.
They are calculated by identifying the difference between late start and early start times for an activity,
indicating how much time an activity can be delayed without affecting the project's completion time.
They are calculated by finding the longest path in the network, indicating the riskiest activities.

Which one of the following is the correct sequence to analyze a project for implementation?
Network, WBS, Scheduling with resource allocation
Network, Scheduling with resource allocation, WBS,
WBS, Network, Scheduling with resource allocation
WBS, Scheduling with resource allocation, Network

Explain the concept of crashing in construction scheduling. When and why is crashing used in
PERT/CPM analysis?
Crashing is the process of delaying project activities, used to save resources.
Crashing is the process of extending project deadlines, used to increase project quality.
Crashing is the process of shortening project durations by adding additional resources, used when there
is a need to accelerate the project to meet a tight deadline.
Crashing is the process of reducing the project scope, used to decrease project cost.
In the time-cost optimization, using CPM method for network analysis, the crashing of the
activities along the critical path is done starting with the activity having
longest duration
highest cost
least cost
shortest duration

A ________ is a deliverable oriented grouping of the work involved in a project that defines the
total scope of the project.

The estimated time required to perform an activity is known as


What does it mean when an S-curve is ahead of the baseline in construction scheduling?
The project is progressing faster than planned.
The project is behind schedule.
The project is over budget.
The project is in its initial phase.

What is the critical path in a CPM schedule, and why is it important in construction project
The longest path with the least amount of float, important for risk management
The shortest path to project completion, important for cost control
The path with the highest risk, important for quality assurance
The longest path determining the project's minimum duration, important for project timing

In PERT analysis, what does "PERT" stand for, and how is it used in project scheduling?
Program Evaluation and Review Technology, used for budgeting
Program Efficiency and Resource Tracking, used for quality control
Program Evaluation and Review Technique, used to model and analyze project time
Program Efficiency and Resource Technology, used for procurement

In construction scheduling, what does the slope of the S-curve indicate?

The number of workers on-site
The quality of construction materials
The rate of progress
The project duration

In a PERT/CPM network, what is the "dummy activity," and why is it used in construction scheduling?
A dummy activity is a critical path task, essential for project success.
A dummy activity is a task without dependencies, representing a high-risk item.
A dummy activity is a fictitious activity used to depict logical relationships between real activities in a
network, ensuring proper sequencing and dependency representation.
A dummy activity is a low-priority task, often removed to expedite project completion.

The Project represented in the PERT below is to be finished in day 36. We know that all the activities
start in Early Start.

What is the EF for activity A


What information can an S-curve provide to project managers?

Weather forecasts
Employee performance evaluations
Project cost and schedule performance
Building design details

Which of the following does not represent an activity?

Site located
Foundation is being dug
Site office is erected

Which of these is not one of the constraints of a project?


The Project represented in the PERT below is to be finished in day 36. We know that all the
activities start in Early Start.

What is the LF for activity C


In which of the following project phases is the project schedule developed?



The Project represented in the PERT below is to be finished in day 36. We know that
all the activities start in Early Start.

What is the ES for activity F


The Project represented in the PERT below is to be finished in day 36. We know that all the
activities start in Early Start.

What is the EF for activity G


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