letter of request for feeding program

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Good nutrition plays a vital role in the learning process. A healthy mind and body can help a student
to focus on class discussions and be mentally and physically prepared for psychomotor and cognitive-
related activities. However, it is a well-known fact that not all students have good nutrition. In most schools,
the number of students who are deprived of good nutrition is alarmingly increasing due to economic crisis.
As a result, more students find it hard to attain meaningful learning experiences.

Hence, Napsan NHS has organized a Feeding Program to somehow alleviate hunger and help
reduce the number of malnourished students in our school. Moreover, this activity will not just increase
cognitive and academic performance but also improve students’ attendance and school enrolment.

Thus, our school is earnestly looking for sponsors to help us sustain the program for good. You
may provide cash or in-kind donations. Remember that your partnership with us will be an avenue to create
a better future for the students who will benefit from the program. Napsan NHS family will be able to make
this undertaking successful in one way or another through your generous support.

Remember that your meaningful participation in this program will be forever etched in our hearts.
We are grateful that you decide to share your blessings with us. God will surely reward your goodness and
will continue to bless you in your future endeavors!

Sincerely yours,

School Head

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