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Hope this letter finds you well!

Here in Haryana, the weather is like a giant

furnace! The sun beats down mercilessly, and the wind feels like a hot hairdryer
constantly blasting. Farming under these conditions is no joke. The crops are
practically wilting before our eyes, thirsting for any drop of moisture they can
get. We've been relying heavily on irrigation, constantly running the pumps to keep
the fields from drying out completely. Some farmers have even resorted to using
shade cloths to give their crops a little bit of relief from the relentless sun.

It's a constant battle, and everyone here is anxiously waiting for the monsoon
rains to arrive. A good downpour could be the difference between a successful
harvest and a disappointing year. Despite the challenges, we're a determined bunch,
and we're doing everything we can to keep our crops going.

Speaking of crops, what kind of things do you grow back in Manipur? The landscape
there must be so different from our dry plains here. Tell me all about it in your
next letter!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

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