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Electromagnetism Basics: Formulas, Solutions,


iam doing electromagnetism and here are the topics ,divergence and divergence theorem ,the
curl, conductors ,and bio-savart law. state the formulas for each topic and show worked out
problems with answers

Sure! Let's go through each topic in electromagnetism, state the relevant formulas, and provide a
worked-out example for each.

1. Divergence and Divergence Theorem

Formula for Divergence:

∇ ⋅ A = ∂A
∂x + ∂y
+ ∂A z ​
​ ​

​ ​ ​

where A = Ax^i + Ay ^j + Az k^ is a vector field.

​ ​ ​ ​

Divergence Theorem:
∬S A ⋅ dS = ∭V (∇ ⋅ A) dV
​ ​

where S is the closed surface enclosing the volume V .

Worked Example:
Given the vector field A = 2xy^i + yz^j + xzk^, find the divergence and verify the divergence theorem

for a cube of side length 1, centered at the origin.


1. Compute the divergence:

∂ ∂ ∂
∇ ⋅ A = ∂x (2xy) + ​

∂y (yz) ​ + ∂z (xz)

= 2y + z + x
2. Verify the divergence theorem for the unit cube:
Volume integral of divergence:
∭V (2y + z + x) dV

The limits for x, y, and z are from −0.5 to 0.5:

∭−0.5 (2y + z + x) dx dy dz

0.5 0.5 0.5

= ∫−0.5 ∫−0.5 ∫−0.5 (2y + z + x) dx dy dz
​ ​ ​

By symmetry and considering the integral over a symmetric interval around zero, the terms
involving y , z , and x will cancel out, resulting in zero net flux.

2. Curl

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Formula for Curl:
∇ × A = ( ∂A )i + ( )k
∂Ax ^
∂Ay ^ ∂Az ^ ∂Ay
− ( ∂A x
− )j + −
​ ​
​ ​ ​ ​

∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Worked Example:
Given the vector field A = y^i + 2xz^j + x2 k^, find the curl.

∇ × A = ( ∂y − ∂z ) ^i + ( ∂y − ∂x ) ^j + ( ∂x − )k
2 2
∂(x ) ∂(2xz) ∂(x ) ∂(2xz) ∂y ^
∂z ∂y
​ ​ ​ ​ ​

= (0 − 2x)^i + (0 − 2x)^j + (2z − 0)k^ ​

= −2x^i − 2x^j + 2zk^ ​

3. Conductors

In the context of electromagnetism, conductors have the property that the electric field inside a
conductor in electrostatic equilibrium is zero. The surface charge density σ on a conductor relates to
the electric field E just outside the conductor by:
σ = ϵ0 E

4. Biot-Savart Law

B= μ0

​ ∫ r3
​ dl
where I is the current element, r is the position vector, and B is the magnetic field.
Worked Example:
Find the magnetic field at the center of a circular loop of radius R carrying a steady current I .
Using the Biot-Savart law:
μ0 I dl×r
dB = 4π r3

​ ​

The distance r from the element dl to the center is R.

The contributions from symmetric points on the loop add up in the same direction along the axis
perpendicular to the plane of the loop.

The magnetic field at the center is:

μ0 I
B= 4πR2 ∫ dl ​

Since dl = Rdθ and integrating over the entire loop:

μ0 I
B = 4πR 2 (2πR)

μ0 I
B = 2R ​

Thus, the magnetic field at the center of the loop is:

μ0 I
B= 2R

These are the basic formulas and example problems for each topic in electromagnetism you've
mentioned. Let me know if you need more details or further examples!

give application questions and solution to the above topics

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Certainly! Here are some application questions and their solutions for each of the topics: divergence,
curl, conductors, and the Biot-Savart law.

1. Divergence and Divergence Theorem

Application Question:
Consider a vector field A= x2^i + y 2 ^j + z 2 k^. Verify the divergence theorem for the vector field A

over the volume of a sphere of radius R centered at the origin.


1. Calculate the Divergence:

2 2 2
∂(x ) ∂(y ) ∂(z )
∇ ⋅ A = ∂x + ∂y + ∂z
​ ​ ​

= 2x + 2y + 2z = 2(x + y + z)
2. Volume Integral of Divergence:
The volume integral over the sphere:
∭V (∇ ⋅ A) dV = ∭V 2(x + y + z) dV
​ ​

By symmetry, the integral of x, y , and z over the entire sphere will be zero since each
component cancels out over the symmetric bounds. Hence:
∭V (∇ ⋅ A) dV = 0

3. Surface Integral:
The surface integral over the sphere's surface S :
∬S A ⋅ dS

^ = x2^i ⋅ ^i + y 2 ^j ⋅ ^j + z 2 k^ ⋅ k^ = R2 r^ ⋅ r^ = R2 , and dS = R2 sin θ dθ dϕ,

Since A ⋅ n ​ ​

∬S A ⋅ dS = R2 ∬S dS = R2 (4πR2 ) = 4πR4
​ ​

Thus, verifying the divergence theorem gives us consistent results with both the volume integral and
surface integral showing that the total flux through the sphere is 4πR4 .

2. Curl

Application Question:
Given the vector field A = −y^i + x^j , find the curl of A and interpret its physical meaning.


1. Calculate the Curl:

∇ × A = ( ∂y − ∂z ) ^i + ( ∂x − ∂z ) j + ( ∂y ) k
∂(x) ∂(−y) ∂(−y) ∂(x) ^ ∂(x) ∂(−y) ^
​ ​ ​ ​ ​


− ​

= (0 − 0)^i + (0 − 0)^j + (1 + 1)k^​

= 2k^
2. Physical Interpretation:
The curl of A is ∇ × A = 2k ^. This means that the vector field A represents a rotation about the
z -axis with an angular velocity magnitude of 2.

3. Conductors

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Application Question:
A spherical conductor of radius R carries a total charge Q. Determine the surface charge density and
the electric field just outside the conductor.

1. Surface Charge Density:

The surface charge density σ is given by:
σ= 4πR2

2. Electric Field:
The electric field just outside the conductor, using Gauss's law:
∮S E ⋅ dA = ​

ϵ0 ​

For a spherical surface of radius R:

E ⋅ 4πR2 = Q
ϵ0 ​

E = 4πϵQ0 R2 ​

Therefore, the electric field just outside the conductor is:

σ Q
E= ϵ0 ​
​ = 4πϵ0 R2 ​

4. Biot-Savart Law

Application Question:
A long straight wire carries a steady current I . Find the magnetic field at a distance R from the wire.
Using the Biot-Savart law for a long straight wire:
μ0 I
B= 4π

​ ∫ dl×r

For a straight wire, the magnetic field at a distance R from the wire is given by:
μ0 I
B= 2πR


Divergence: The divergence theorem was verified for a sphere with a vector field A = x2^i +
y 2 ^j + z 2 k^.
Curl: The curl of A = −y^i + x^j was found to be 2k^, indicating rotation about the z -axis.

Conductors: The surface charge density and electric field for a charged spherical conductor
were determined.
Biot-Savart Law: The magnetic field due to a long straight wire carrying a current was calculated
using the Biot-Savart law.

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