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A. Une los sentimientos con su definición. Hay un ejemplo. Hay dos opciones extra. A. arms
B. ears
0. You use this to eat a burguer: ___mouth___
C. face
1. You can kick a ball with this. ______________________
D. foot
2. You can listen to your mom and dad with these. ______________________
E. hair
3. People wear a hat on this. ______________________
F. hands
4. People usually write their name with these. ______________________
G. head
5. Some people like to have this in different colors. ______________________
H. mouth

B. Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.

History of paper
Since the beginning of writing, people have tried to think of something easy and cheap to write on,
(6)_______ it took 3000 years until the Chinese people made paper.
Only one thousand years afterwards, people were (7)_______ paper all over Europe and Asia. In the 8th
century, the Arabs and the Chinese were enemies, and the Arabs captured (8)__________ Chinese
men. Many of (9)__________ men knew how to make paper, and (10)__________ explained it to the
Arabs as the price to be able to go home.
Almost eight centuries later, Europeans began to make (11)__________ own paper. At that time, people
in the country of the Aztecs (12)________ the way to make paper too, while the Chinese people were
already famous for paper kites and toilet paper!

6. A. or B. so C. but Yesterday, I went home at about 12:30 and

had fish for lunch. I usually eat a lot of fish. I
7. A. uses B. used C. using
was filming all afternoon so I took some snacks
8. A. some B. any C. much and yogurt with me.
I had a cheese sandwich and a glass of milk at
9. A. that B. these C. this
home before I went out to play tennis. My
10. A. he B. they C. it late dinner was more fish with rice and salad; I
drank some water with it. It is important
11. A. their B. our C. your
for me to eat well.”
12. A. find B. finding C. found
13. Yesterday, Frank ate breakfast
C. Lee el texto y responde las preguntas. A. at home. B. in a café. C. on television.
Frank Lynam, the television star, talks about
14. For breakfast, he had
what he ate yesterday.
A. vegetables. B. fruit. C. coffee.
“I have to get up at 4:00 a.m. every day
because I am on a morning television show.
15. Frank needs a big breakfast because
A. he doesn’t have any lunch.
I left home yesterday; I had a lot of bananas
B. he only drinks coffee and tea.
and apples. It’s a long time before lunch so I
C. it’s many hours until his next meal.
have to eat a lot when I get up. If I don’t, I feel
very hungry later. I never drink tea or
16. The doctor said he should eat
A. sugar. B. rice. C. salad.
Last month, I decided not to eat any more red
meat and I never eat sweet food now, either.
17. He had fish yesterday
When I was younger, I ate a lot of chocolate
A. once. B. twice. C. three times.
and cakes. When I first stopped eating sugar,
I had headaches. My doctor told me to eat
18. What did he drink with the last meal he had?
olives and brown rice to help the pain go
A. yogurt B. milk C. water

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