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Descriptions of a classroom

Pleasant Description of my Classroom

As you enter our classroom, there are rows of exquisitely

arranged desks. You can almost taste the vibrancy of the
students at these desks. The teacher is writing on the neat, smart
board. His arched back is against the brilliant students. Across
the windows, the sun is gleaming rays, and it brings light into the
room. Meanwhile, the birds are sitting on the tall trees outside
the classroom; they are singing a new morning song. The scents
of different flower perfumes can be perceived by your nasal
cavity. In a similar way, the morning breeze welcomes you to the
magnificent place that is our classroom. This is surely the place
to be.

Unpleasant Description of my classroom

Our classroom is not a place for visitors. The walls are full of
graffities. The floor is dirty. It is the dirtiest floor in the world! The
sun is very strong today. The sun rays are stronger than any
other day. That is the reason why the windows are closed. From
the background, the vehicles in the street produce horrible
sounds. In addition, the rebellious students are trying to
outshine each other in giving answers bring in an aura of
Adapted from Pleasant Description of my Classroom - Essay Typing


Classroom Description
The classes are shifting from being teacher-centered to student-centered. The role of
the teacher is changing from being an ‘intellectual on the stage’ to the ‘guide on the
side’. Students can sit in groups of four. The chairs rotate so that the students may look
at each other in an easier way while
they are speaking. Individual white
boards help introverted students
participate in class and also serve as
barriers during assessment time.

We have one projector and two TV

screens that create a digital triangle
around the room. Therefore, students
can see what the teacher is projecting
no matter where they are sitting. The
teachers can mirror their iPad screens
onto all of the screens. The teachers
can even use combinations of
computers, laptops, and iPads to display three different images - one on each screen.

Adapted from Classroom Description (


Description of a classroom
Our Kindergarten Classroom promotes cooperative play to learn problem solving
through lesson plans. Our lesson plans teach the children to use independent
reasoning and develop manners and social skills. Our teachers introduce the
structure of a classroom setting and concentrate on early reading and math skills.
Language lessons include story time followed by content questions. Phonics and
writing are stressed. In math, adding and subtracting are introduced along with
graphing, grouping, sorting, and comparisons. In Science and Discovery, they
learn about animals, the earth and outer space, the weather, magnets, and
magnifying glasses, and the five senses. Social studies teach the children about
their community and different cultures.

Adapted from description of a classroom - Learn to be Heard

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