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Theoretical analysis on the possibility of superconductivity in a trilayer

Ruddlesden-Popper nickelate La4 Ni3 O10 under pressure and its experimental
examination : comparison with La3 Ni2 O7
Hirofumi Sakakibara,1, ∗ Masayuki Ochi,2, 3, ∗ Hibiki Nagata,4, 5, ∗ Yuta Ueki,4, 5, ∗
Hiroya Sakurai,4, ∗ Ryo Matsumoto,4 Kensei Terashima,4 Keisuke Hirose,6
Hiroto Ohta,6 Masaki Kato,6 Yoshihiko Takano,4, 5, † and Kazuhiko Kuroki2, ‡
Advanced Mechanical and Electronic System Research Center(AMES), Faculty of Engineering,
Tottori University, 4-10 Koyama-cho, Tottori, Tottori 680-8552, Japan
arXiv:2309.09462v3 [cond-mat.supr-con] 21 Nov 2023

Department of Physics, Osaka University, 1-1 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan
Forefront Research Center, Osaka University, 1-1 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan
MANA, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), 1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba 305-0047 Japan
University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan
Department of Molecular Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Doshisha University, 1-3 Tataramiyakotani, Kyo-Tanabe 610-0321, Japan
(Dated: November 22, 2023)
We study the possibility of superconductivity in a trilayer Ruddlesden-Popper nickelate La4 Ni3 O10
under pressure both theoretically and experimentally, making comparison with the recently discov-
ered high Tc superconductor La3 Ni2 O7 , a bilayer nickelate. Through DFT calculations, we find that
a structural phase transition from monoclinic to tetragonal takes place around 20 GPa. Using the
tetragonal crystal structure, we theoretically investigate the possibility of superconductivity, where
a combination of fluctuation exchange approximation and linearized Eliashberg equation is applied
to a six-orbital model constructed from first principles band calculation. The obtained results sug-
gests that La4 Ni3 O10 may also become superconducting under high pressure with Tc comparable
to some cuprates, although it is not as high as La3 Ni2 O7 . We also perform experimental studies
using our polycrystalline samples of La3 Ni2 O7.12 and La4 Ni3 O9.99 . The superconducting transition
of La3 Ni2 O7.12 , with a maximum onset Tc of 78.4 K at a pressure of 26.1 GPa, is confirmed by a
drop in the electrical resistance, as well as the magnetic field dependence of the resistance. Quite
interestingly, similar temperature and magnetic field dependencies of the resistance are observed
also for La4 Ni3 O9.99 , where a drop in the resistance is observed at lower temperatures compared
to La3 Ni2 O7.12 , under pressures of 32.8 GPa and above. Given the theoretical expectation, the
reduction in the resistance can most likely be attributed to the occurrence of superconductivity in
La4 Ni3 O9.99 . The temperature at which the resistance deviates from a linear behavior, considered
as the onset Tc , monotonically increases up to 23 K at 79.2 GPa, which is opposite to the pressure
dependence of Tc in La3 Ni2 O7.12 .

I. INTRODUCTION were intensively studied both theoretically and experi-

mentally [6]. Due to the opening of the spin gap in the
Even vs. odd number effects have often been issues case of N = even, the possibility of superconductivity in
of interest in various fields of physics. A famous exam- doped even-leg (two-leg in particular) Hubbard and t-J
ple in condensed matter physics is the Haldane’s conjec- models was widely investigated both analytically and nu-
ture, which states that in a spin-N/2 antiferromagnetic merically [4–6]. Indeed, a cuprate that contains two-leg
Heisenberg chain, the excitation spectrum is gapless and ladders was found to superconduct under pressure [7].
the spin-spin correlation exhibits a slow (algebraic) decay Here, an interesting problem arises regarding the possi-
when N is an odd number, whereas when N is even, there bility of superconductivity in doped odd-number-leg lad-
is a gap in the excitation and the spin correlation de- ders. One might expect absence of superconductivity due
cays exponentially [1]. Schulz discussed the relation be- to the absence of the spin gap, but one of the present au-
tween spin-N/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain and thors and his colleagues showed that superconductivity
N coupled spin-1/2 chains [2, 3], namely, N -leg ladders, can still take place in the three-leg Hubbard ladder [8],
and argued that when N is even, the system is gapful, based on the weak coupling analysis that shows two out
while the system becomes gapless when N is odd. In the of three spin modes are gapped [9, 10]. A similar re-
1990’s, following the studies by Dagotto et al.[4] and by sult was also obtained in Ref. [3], and the weak coupling
Rice et al.[5], spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic N -leg ladders analysis was soon extended to N -leg ladders [11].
A two dimensional analogue of the two-leg ladder
model, namely, the bilayer model, typically on a square
∗ These five authors contributed equally lattice, has also been a target of theoretical interest
† from the perspective of unconventional superconductiv-
‡ ity. When two square lattices are coupled by a large

vertical hopping t⊥ or a strong vertical magnetic cou- II. THEORETICAL METHOD

pling J⊥ , opening of a spin gap is expected, and vari-
ous studies have shown strong enhancement of interlayer
pairing superconductivity [4, 12–20]. Motivated by the For density functional theory (DFT) calculation, we
very strong enhancement of superconductivity near half use the PBEsol exchange-correlation functional [56]
filling found in some studies [13, 14], one of the present and the projector augmented wave method [57] as
authors investigated the possibility of realizing the bi- implemented in Vienna ab initio Simulation Package
layer Hubbard model with large t⊥ in actual materials, (VASP) [58–61]. Core-electron states in PAW potentials
and ended up with a bilayer Ruddlesden-Popper nicke- are [Kr]4d10 , [Ar], [He] for La, Ni, O, respectively. We
late La3 Ni2 O7 [16]. The key factor there was that the Ni use a plane-wave cutoff energy of 600 eV for Kohn-Sham
3d3z2 −r2 orbitals, which are elongated in the out-of-plane orbitals without including the spin-orbit coupling for sim-
direction and hence enhance t⊥ , are close to half filling plicity.
in this material. Quite recently, superconductivity in the We perform structural optimization until the
very La3 Ni2 O7 with a maximum Tc of 80 K has been Hellmann-Feynman force becomes less than 0.01
discovered under high pressure [21], which has sparked eV Å−1 for each atom using an 8 × 8 × 2 k-mesh. To
a vast wave of interest both experimentally [22–25] and verify the stability of the optimized crystal structure
theoretically [26–54] including ours [55]. under pressure, we calculate the phonon dispersion using
Given the recent developments in the bilayer the finite displacement method as implemented in the
La3 Ni2 O7 , and also the previous studies regarding even Phonopy [62] software in combination with VASP. We
vs. odd-leg ladders as described above, it is natural to use a 4 × 4 × 1 q-mesh for a conventional tetragonal unit
consider investigating the possibility of superconductiv- cell containing 34 atoms. For a 4 × 4 × 1 supercell used
ity in a trilayer Ruddlesden-Popper nickelate La4 Ni3 O10 . for finite-displacement calculations, we use a 3 × 3 × 2
Since La4 Ni3 O10 is not superconducting at ambient pres- k-mesh.
sure, we will consider its possibility under pressure as in To discuss superconductivity, we extract Ni-dx2 −y2 and
La3 Ni2 O7 both theoretically and experimentally. Since d3z2 −r2 Wannier orbitals using Wannier90 software [63–
superconductivity in La3 Ni2 O7 appears to occur when 65]. For this purpose, we use the tetragonal crystal struc-
the symmetry of the crystal structure becomes (close ture under the pressure of 40 GPa obtained by our cal-
to) tetragonal under high pressure [21], we first inves- culation. We use an 12 × 12 × 12 k-mesh for a primitive
tigate theoretically whether the crystallographic symme- unit cell. We study the possibility of superconductivity
try of La4 Ni3 O10 becomes tetragonal under high pres- for the obtained six-orbital model within FLEX [66, 67].
sure. Indeed, we find that a structural phase transi- As for the interaction term of the Hamiltonian, we take
tion from monoclinic to tetragonal takes place around the on-site interactions, namely, intraorbital(interorbital)
20 GPa. Adopting a hypothesis that superconductivity Coulomb interactions U (U ′ ), Hund’s coupling J, and pair
in La4 Ni3 O10 , if any, occurs when the crystallographic hopping J ′ . We assume the orbital rotational symme-
symmetry is tetragonal, we investigate the possibility of try, and take the same value of U for the dx2 −y2 and
superconductivity using the crystal structure obtained at the d3z2 −r2 orbitals, and U ′ = U − 2J, J = J ′ . As a
40 GPa, which is safely in the tetragonal phase regime. typical value of the interactions, we take U = 3 eV,
A combination of fluctuation exchange approximation J = J ′ = 0.3 eV and U ′ = U − 2J = 2.4 eV. We
(FLEX) and linearized Eliashberg equation is applied to calculate the self-energy induced by the spin-fluctuation
a six-orbital (2 orbitals × 3 layers) model constructed formulated as shown in the literatures [68–70] in a self-
from first principles band calculation. Our calculation consistent calculation. The real part of the self-energy
results suggest that La4 Ni3 O10 may also become super- at the lowest Matsubara frequency is subtracted in the
conducting under high pressure with Tc comparable to same manner with Ref. [71] to maintain the band struc-
some cuprates, although it is not as high as La3 Ni2 O7 . ture around the Fermi level obtained by first-principles
We also present experimental results for our polycrys- calculation.
talline samples of La3 Ni2 O7.12 and La4 Ni3 O9.99 . The The obtained Green’s function and the pairing interac-
superconducting transition of La3 Ni2 O7.12 , with a max- tion, mediated mainly by spin fluctuations, are plugged
imum onset Tc of 78.4 K at a pressure of 26.1 GPa, into the linearized Eliashberg equation. Since the the
is confirmed by a drop in the electrical resistance, as eigenvalue λ of the Eliashberg equation monotonically in-
well as the magnetic field dependence of the resistance. creases upon lowering the temperature, and reaches unity
Quite interestingly, similar temperature and magnetic at T = Tc , we adopt λ calculated at a fixed temperature,
field dependencies of the resistance are observed also for T = 0.01 eV as a measure of superconductivity. For con-
La4 Ni3 O9.99 , where a drop in the resistance is observed venience, we will call the eigenfunction (with the largest
at lower temperatures compared to La3 Ni2 O7.12 , under eigenvalue) of the linearized Eliashberg equation at the
pressures of 32.8 GPa and above. Given the theoreti- lowest Matsubara frequency iω(=iπkB T ) the “supercon-
cal expectation, the reduction in the resistance can most ducting gap function”. We take a 16×16×4 k-point mesh
likely be attributed to the occurrence of superconductiv- and 2048 Matsubara frequencies for the FLEX calcula-
ity in La4 Ni3 O9.99 . tion.

(a) monoclinic tetragonal (b)

lattice constant ( )

angle ( )
0 10 20
La (c) Pressure (GPa)


Energy (meV)

FIG. 1. (a) Optimized crystal structures of La4 Ni3 O10 red in the monoclinic and tetragonal phases. Gray, blue, and red
spheres denote La, Ni, and O atoms, respectively. Crystal structure was depicted using the VESTA software [72]. (b) Lattice
parameters a, b, and β obtained by structural optimization with the P 21 /a (Z = 4) space group under pressure. (c) Phonon
dispersion of the tetragonal I4/mmm structure under the pressure of 40 GPa.



We optimized the crystal structure under pressure

by DFT calculation. Here, we note that several dif-
ferent space groups have been reported in literature
for La4 Ni3 O10 at ambient pressure, F mmm [80] (or
Imm2 considering a symmetry lowering mentioned in
this study, as pointed out in Ref. 81), Cmce (Bmab) [81–
Polycrystalline samples of La3 Ni2 O7.12 and
83], P 21 /a (Z = 4) (i.e., P 21 /a containing 4 formula
La4 Ni3 O9.99 were employed for electrical resistance
units in the unit cell) [84–86] as was also reported for
measurements under high-pressure conditions. These
Nd4 Ni3 O10−δ [87, 88], and P 21 /a (Z = 2) [81, 89] as was
were synthesized from La2 O3 and NiO, and characterized
also reported for Pr4 Ni3 O10 [90]. It was pointed out that
by powder X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetry to
samples were mixed phases of orthorhombic and mono-
find that they were of single phases with the chem-
clinic symmetry [81, 91]. The stability of several phases,
ical compositions. The details of the synthesis and
Cmce, P bca, and two types of P 21 /a, was also inves-
characterization will be described elsewhere [73]. High
tigated by DFT calculation [92]. Due to the complex-
pressure was generated with Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC)
ity of the situation, we first optimized a crystal struc-
with boron-doped diamond electrodes designed for
ture under pressure assuming a monoclinic space group
four-terminal resistance measurement [74, 75]. Cubic
of P 21 /a (Z = 4), which has a relatively low symmetry
boron nitride powder was used as a pressure-transmitting
among these candidates and is a subgroup of some of the
medium. Applied pressure was estimated by fluorescence
candidates, and next checked the stability of the obtained
of ruby placed near the sample up to 20 GPa [76]. For
structure under pressure by phonon calculation.
pressure beyond 20 GPa, applied pressure was estimated
by a Raman spectrum from a culet of the top diamond By the structural optimization of an P 21 /a (Z = 4)
anvil obtained by Raman Microscope (Renishaw) [77]. structure under pressure, we found that the structural
Details of the cell configuration will be described in the phase transition from monoclinic to tetragonal takes
literatures [78, 79]. Temperature and magnetic fields place as shown in Fig. 1(a). In fact, lattice parame-
were controlled by PPMS (Quantum Design). ters relevant to the monoclinic-tetragonal transition, a,

b, and β, were shown in Fig. 1(b), where a = b and of the Eliashberg equation λ of the six-orbital model of
β = 90◦ were realized at around 20 GPa. We also con- La4 Ni3 O10 is plotted against the band filling (defined as
firmed that the obtained tetragonal structure belongs to the number of electrons per unit cell per spin), which
the I4/mmm space group by checking atomic coordi- is measured from that of the stoichiometric composition
nates. Then, we performed phonon calculation for the (two electrons). For comparison, we plot λ for the four-
tetragonal I4/mmm structure under the pressure of 40 orbital model of La3 Ni2 O7 [55]. The eigenvalue is found
GPa, which is safely in the tetragonal phase regime. The to be smaller for La4 Ni3 O10 than for La3 Ni2 O7 , but a no-
calculated phonon dispersion has no imaginary modes as table difference regarding the band filling dependence is
shown in Fig. 1(c), by which we confirmed the stability that while λ monotonically decreases for La3 Ni2 O7 when
of this structure. Our calculation shows that several tens the band filling is decreased, namely, when it moves away
of gigapascal pressure gives rise to a tetragonal structure, from half filling, for La4 Ni3 O10 , λ is (locally) maximized
as in La3 Ni2 O7 [21]. near the stoichiometric composition. Consequently, its
value (0.433) for La4 Ni3 O10 at stoichiometry is not small,
in the sense that it is still comparable to those of some
V. THEORETICAL RESULTS–BAND of the cuprates (with relatively low Tc ) obtained by the
STRUCTURE AND SUPERCONDUCTIVITY same method [93–95]. The relatively small reduction of
λ compared to that of La3 Ni2 O7 is even more interesting
We now study the possibility of superconductivity in considering the fact that the band filling of the d3z2 −r2 or-
the tetragonal phase, which can be considered as natu- bitals in La4 Ni3 O10 is only roughly 1/3 (per Ni atom per
ral due to the enhanced electronic hopping between the spin), compared to roughly 1/2 (half filling) in La3 Ni2 O7 ,
layers, which is likely to favor interlayer pairing super- so that the electron correlation effects are expected to be
conductivity, as in La3 Ni2 O7 . In Fig. 2(b), we present significantly smaller in the former.
the band structure of the six-orbital model of La4 Ni3 O10 In order to understand the origin of the band filling de-
at 40 GPa. Some of the key parameter values are listed pendence of λ, we plot in Fig. 2(e) the superconducting
in table I. For comparison, in Fig. 2(a), we also show gap function of the model of La4 Ni3 O10 for various band
the band structure of the four-orbital model of La3 Ni2 O7 fillings, together with that of La3 Ni2 O7 (at stoichiome-
obtained in our previous study [55]. While there are try) obtained in Ref. [55] (Fig. 2(d)). At stoichiometry
bonding (colored blue) and anti-bonding (green) d3z2 −r2 in La4 Ni3 O10 , the sign of the gap is reversed not only
bands in La3 Ni2 O7 , in La4 Ni3 O10 , there is an additional between bonding and anti-bonding d3z2 −r2 bands (as in
non-bonding d3z2 −r2 band (yellow) between the bond- La3 Ni2 O7 ), but also between bonding and non-bonding
ing and anti-bonding bands. Interestingly, the Fermi bands. When the band filling is decreased from stoi-
level in La4 Ni3 O10 is placed near the top of the bond- chiometry (when holes are doped), the superconducting
ing d3z2 −r2 band, while the bottom of the anti-bonding gap of the anti-bonding band becomes small, while when
band is placed somewhat above the Fermi level, which electrons are doped, the gap of the non-bonding band be-
is a situation similar to that in La3 Ni2 O7 . This similar- comes small. Also, all the bands are fully gapped at sto-
ity occurs due to a combination of two discrepancies be- ichiometry, while the small gaps are nodal when doped.
tween these materials, namely, (i) there is a non-bonding From these results, we may conclude that the (locally)
d3z2 −r2 band in La4 Ni3 O10 , and (ii) the formal Ni valence maximized and relatively large λ obtained for La4 Ni3 O10
is +2.67 in La4 Ni3 O10 against +2.5 in La3 Ni2 O7 . around stoichiometry, despite d3z2 −r2 orbitals being away
from half filling, is because all three d3z2 −r2 bands con-
TABLE I. The orbital level offset ∆E = Ex2 −y2 − E3z2 −r2 tribute to superconductivity. This in turn can be at-
between dx2 −y2 and d3z2 −r2 orbitals, the vertical interlayer tributed to the relation between the Fermi level and the
hopping t⊥ between the d3z2 −r2 orbitals, the nearest-neighbor band edges; around stoichiometry, the edge of all three
intralayer hoppings t3z2 −r2 , tx2 −y2 , and tx2 −y2 -3z2 −r2 of bands touches or lies close to the Fermi level, namely all
La4 Ni3 O10 are displayed. Here, the onsite energy offset be- the bands are (nearly) “incipient”, which pushes up the
tween the inner- and outer-layer dx2 −y2 (d3z2 −r2 ) orbitals is spin fluctuations to finite energies, thereby making them
0.262 eV (0.415 eV). The first column indicates the layer dif- more effective as pairing glue [16, 96]. When holes are
ference of parameters. The parameters of La3 Ni2 O7 presented doped, the Fermi level moves away from the anti-bonding
in Ref. [55] are also displayed in the lowest row for compari- band bottom, whereas for electron doping, the Fermi
level firmly intersects the non-bonding band. These situ-
[eV] ∆E t⊥ t3z2 −r2 tx2 −y2 tx2 −y2 -3z2 −r2 ations are schematically presented in Fig. 2(f). It is also
inner 0.105 −0.163 −0.541 −0.294 worth noting that the role played by the non-bonding
outer 0.257 −0.117 −0.538 −0.285
band is quite different from that in the three-leg Hubbard
La3 Ni2 O7 0.372 −0.664 −0.117 −0.491 −0.242
ladder, where the non-bonding band is irrelevant for su-
perconductivity [8]. Although the origin of this discrep-
Let us now see how this similarity and discrepancies ancy is not clear at present, there are differences in that
of the band structure between the two materials is re- t⊥ is much larger than the in-plane hoppings and also
flected in superconductivity. In Fig. 2(c), the eigenvalue the band filling is far away from half filling in the present

d 3z2-r2 (upper) d3z2-r2 (middle)

(a) (b) d 3z2-r2 (lower) d x2-y2 (c)

(d) (e) Δn= −0.3 Δn=±0 Δn= +0.3

Δ>0 ← anti-bonding →

Fermi level stochiometric
Δ<0 ← bonding →

La3Ni2O7 La4Ni3O10
Nearly 1/2 filled Nearly 1/3 filled
(strongly correlated) (less correlated)

FIG. 2. (a) The band structure of the four-orbital model of La3 Ni2 O7 [55]. (b) The band structure of the six-orbital model
of La4 Ni3 O10 . On the right is a blowup near the Fermi level, together with the Fermi level for various band fillings. (c)
The eigenvalue of the Eliashberg equation for La4 Ni3 O10 and La3 Ni2 O7 [55] plotted against the band filling measured from
stoichiometry. The yellow hatched region indicates the range of λ obtained by the same method for various cuprates [93–95]. (d)
Superconducting gap functions of La3 Ni2 O7 for ∆n = 0 [55]. (e) Superconducting gap functions of La4 Ni3 O10 for ∆n = −0.3
(left), ∆n = 0 (center), ∆n = +0.3 (right). (f) Schematic picture of the superconducting gap functions of La3 Ni2 O7 and
La4 Ni3 O10 . The strength of Wannier orbital characters are presented in panels (a)(b)(d)(e) with the thickness/radius of the
color coded line/circles, where the “sum” of the dx2 −y2 (d3z2 −r2 ) orbital characters among inner- and outer-layer is indicated
by red (green, blue, and yellow). The yellow color is used for indicating the d3z2 −r2 characters in the case that the eigenstate
contains the inner-layer components less than 5%. Otherwise, either green or blue is used for the d3z2 −r2 components, depending
on whether the band energy is above or below 0.2 eV. In this way, the colors blue, yellow, and green represent bonding, non-
bonding, and anti-bonding d3z2 −r2 bands, respectively. All the calculation results for La4 Ni3 O10 are obtained using the crystal
structure at 40 GPa.

FIG. 3. Temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of La3 Ni2 O7.12 (a) under several pressures from 1.2 to 30.3 GPa,
(b) normalized at 100 K, under 16.1 - 56.3 GPa, (c) under magnetic fields from 0 to 7 T, at 26.1 GPa.

FIG. 4. Temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of La4 Ni3 O9.99 (a) under several pressures from 1.1 to 41.2 GPa,
(b) normalized at 30 K, under several pressures from 32.8 to 79.2 GPa, (c) under magnetic fields from 0 to 7 T, at 69.4 GPa

model, besides the obvious differences in the dimension- Tc around 78.4 K is clearly recognized, which is a be-
ality and the presence of the inter-orbital hybridization. havior similar to that of La3 Ni2 O7 single crystals in the
previous studies [21, 23, 24], although the amount of the
resistance drop is not as significant as in those studies. Tc
VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS–LA3 NI2 O7.12 appears to decrease with increasing pressure as shown in
Fig. 3(b). The superconductivity survives even at mag-
netic fields of 7 T, although the resistance drop below Tc
We now turn to the experimental results. We first
diminishes significantly with increasing field, as shown in
focus on La3 Ni2 O7.12 . Fig. 3 displays the tempera-
Fig. 3(c). Tc exhibits small field dependence, i.e., 78.4 K
ture dependence of the electrical resistance under various
(0 T) to 74.1 K (7 T), which is also consistent with the
pressures and magnetic fields. Semiconducting behavior
previous studies [21, 23, 24].
is observed below 22.0 GPa, whereas metallic behavior
emerges at 26.1 and 30.3 GPa, as shown in Fig. 3(a). At
26.1 GPa, the superconducting transition with a onset

VII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS–LA4 NI3 O9.99 that La4 Ni3 O10 , around stoichiometric composition, may
become superconducting under high pressure with Tc
We now present experimental results for La4 Ni3 O9.99 . comparable to some cuprates, although it is not as high
Fig. 4 shows the temperature dependence of the electrical as La3 Ni2 O7 . In our analysis, we have assumed that
resistance under various pressures and magnetic fields. superconductivity, if any, occurs in the tetragonal struc-
La4 Ni3 O9.99 displays metallic behavior across all mea- ture phase. We speculate that other orders such as the
sured pressures, with a slight upturn observed at temper- charge density wave is more favored for lower symme-
atures below approximately 100 K, as shown in Fig. 4(a). tries, but such a competition between superconductivity
The origin of the upturn is uncertain at present. Intrigu- and other orders is beyond the scope of the present study,
ingly, the drop in resistance suddenly appears below 5 K and serves as an interesting future issue.
at 32.8 GPa. Upon increasing the pressure beyond 46.2 We have also examined our theoretical analysis by per-
GPa, the temperature at which the resistance is maxi- forming experimental studies using our polycrystalline
mized increases, and also the decrease in the resistance samples of La3 Ni2 O7.12 and La4 Ni3 O9.99 . The supercon-
below it becomes more pronounced, as seen in Fig. 4(b). ducting transition of La3 Ni2 O7.12 has been confirmed by
Here, it should be reminded that according to our theo- a drop in the electrical resistance, as well as the magnetic
retical calculation, the tetragonal structure is stabilized field dependence of the resistance. We have observed a
beyond pressures around 20 GPa in La4 Ni3 O10 , for which maximum onset Tc of 78.4 K at a pressure of 26.1 GPa.
superconductivity with a Tc lower than that of La3 Ni2 O7 Similar temperature and magnetic field dependencies of
is expected to take place around stoichiometric composi- the resistance have been observed also for La4 Ni3 O9.99
tion. Since the pressures where the reduction in the resis- under high pressure, where a drop in the resistance is ob-
tance is observed are well in the tetragonal phase regime, served at lower temperatures compared to La3 Ni2 O7.12 .
this reduction can most likely be attributed to pressure Given the theoretical expectation, the reduction in the
induced superconductivity of La4 Ni3 O9.99 , although the resistance can most likely be attributed to the occur-
magnitude of the resistance drop is not as significant as rence of superconductivity in La4 Ni3 O9.99 , although we
in single crystal La3 Ni2 O7 [21, 23, 24], similarly to our believe that further studies are necessary for a complete
data for polycrystalline La3 Ni2 O7.12 . In fact, the mag- confirmation. The onset Tc , defined as the temperature
netic field dependence of the resistance is quite similar to at which the resistance deviates from a linear behavior,
that of La3 Ni2 O7.12 as shown in 4(c), namely, the peak increases with pressure up to 23 K at 79.2 GPa, which
position of the resistance is nearly unaffected, while the is the opposite of what is observed for La3 Ni2 O7.12 . Un-
resistance drop becomes less significant with increasing derstanding the origin of this difference between the two
field. On the other hand, as seen in Fig. 4(b), the tem- materials also serves as an interesting future study.
perature at which the resistance deviates from a linear
behavior, considered as the onset Tc , monotonically in- During the finalization process of the present study, we
creases up to 23 K upon increasing the pressure up to came to notice a recent experimental study on polycrys-
79.2 GPa, which is a pressure dependence opposite to talline samples [97]. The temperature and magnetic field
what is observed in La3 Ni2 O7.12 and hence is character- dependencies of the resistance in La3 Ni2 O7 observed
istic of La4 Ni3 O9.99 . there are quite similar to our results on La3 Ni2 O7.12 ,
while superconductivity is not observed in La4 Ni3 O10
under the pressure of up to 50 GPa.

In the present study, we have investigated the possi-

bility of superconductivity in La4 Ni3 O10 under pressure
both theoretically and experimentally. Through DFT
calculations, we have found that a structural phase tran-
sition from monoclinic to tetragonal takes place around We thank Kenji Kawashima for fruitful discussions.
20 GPa. Using the crystal structure obtained at 40 GPa, We are supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant No.
we have theoretically investigated the possibility of su- JP22K03512 (H. Sakakibara), JP22K04907 (K. K.),
perconductivity, where a combination of FLEX and lin- JP20H05644 (Y. T.), and JSPS Bilateral Program
earized Eliashberg equation is applied to a six-orbital JPJSBP120214602 (Y. T.). The computing resource is
model constructed from first principles band calculation. supported by the supercomputer system HOKUSAI in
An interesting feature found here is that the eigenvalue RIKEN, and the supercomputer system (system-B) in
of the Eliashberg equation is (locally) maximized around the Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of
stoichiometry, reflecting the fact that all of the three Tokyo.
d3z2 −r2 bands contribute to superconductivity around H.S.(H. Sakakibara), M.O., H.N., Y.U., and H.S.(H.
this band filling. Hence our calculation results suggest Sakurai) contributed equally to this work.

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