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Takeout Tips

Don’t worry, we didn’t forget about takeout. A fast, simple dinner

at home from your favorite restaurant can be a viable meal option.
Try some of these tips to make sure you’re getting the right nutrition and
enjoying a delicious night of takeout that will help you achieve your goals.

1 Go to the restaurant's website to check out

the menu and explore the nutritional facts.

2 Asian and Mediterranean are often your best

options because they focus on low-fat proteins
and vegetables.

3 Add a salad to your order or make one at home

to make sure you get your vegetables.

4 Learn how your food is prepared. For instance,

corn tortillas have fewer calories than flour tortillas.

5 If you ordered delivery, steam veggie sides while

you wait for your order.

6 Cut where you can. Ordering a thin crust pizza

instead of deep-dish will help reduce the carbs.

7 Pick stir-fried over deep fried. If an item is

described as “crunchy,” it’s likely to be deep-fried. Tip: If you’re not sure of your meal or snack choices,
ask your Distributor. They’re there to give you the

8 Overall, look for dishes with veggies

and lean protein.
support you need, even when you’re in the grocery
store or out on the town.

Contact your Distributor for more information and tips.

© 2020 Herbalife Nutrition. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. 04/20

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