Effective model and electron correlations in trilayer nickelate superconductor La4Ni3O10

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Effective model and electron correlations in trilayer nickelate superconductor La4 Ni3 O10

Peng-Fei Tian,1 Hao-Tian Ma,1 Xing Ming,1 Xiao-Jun Zheng,1 and Huan Li1, ∗
College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering,
Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, China
(Dated: February 6, 2024)
Recently, signatures of superconductivity with critical temperature from 20 to 30 K have been reported in
pressured trilayer nickelate La4 Ni3 O10 through a pressure-induced structure transition. Here we explore the
evolution of electronic structures and electronic correlations in different phases of La4 Ni3 O10 under corre-
sponding pressure regions, by using density functional theory (DFT) combined with dynamical mean-field the-
arXiv:2402.02351v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 4 Feb 2024

ory (DMFT). Similar to bilayer superconductor La3 Ni2 O7 , the electronic bands are dominated by Ni-3dx2 −y 2
and 3dz 2 orbits near the Fermi level, in contrast, the inner Ni-O plane in La4 Ni3 O10 generates a doublet hole-
pocket Fermi surfaces around the Brillouin-zone corner, meanwhile one branch of the Ni-3dz 2 bands is pushed
very close to the Fermi level, inducing an electron pocket away from kz = 0 plane. The DFT+DMFT simu-
lations suggest that the electronic correlations only give minor modification to the Fermi surfaces, meanwhile
the Ni-3dz 2 states have a remarkable mass enhancement with large electron filling. Based on the DFT and
DFT+DMFT simulations, we eventually derive an effective tight-binding model which includes the Coulomb
correlations, which can produce rather precise electronic bands and Fermi surfaces, hence can serve as an ap-
propriate model to further study the superconducting mechanism and paring symmetry of trilayer La4 Ni3 O10 .

I. INTRODUCTION (a) I4/mmm (b) Cmca (c) P2๛/a

Recently, experimental evidences have shown that the

nickelate La3 Ni2 O7 exhibits high-temperature superconduc-
tivity with transition temperature Tc exceeding 80 K un-
der high pressure [1, 2], which has aroused widespread re-
search interest. Similar to cuprate high-temperature super-
conductors, the superconductivity of La3 Ni2 O7 arises on
bilayer Ni-O planes and can be described by an effective
tight-binding model involving 3dz2 and 3dx2 −y2 orbits of
Ni [3–5]. Although there are still controversies over the
superconducting (SC) pairing mechanism and symmetry in
La3 Ni2 O7 [6–12], growing experimental and theoretical ev-
idences suggest the unconventional nature of superconduc-
tivity [13–19] and that the driving force of SC pairing is
closely related to the magnetic correlations between Ni-dz2
orbits [7, 20, 21, 23–26, 33]. Very recently, superconductiv- FIG. 1: Crystal structures of (a) I4/mmm, (b) Cmca and (c) P 21 /a
phases of La4 Ni3 O10 .
ity has also been discovered in La4 Ni3 O10 with trilayer Ni-O
planes [27, 28]. Likewise, La4 Ni3 O10 also undergoes a struc-
ture transition to a higher-symmetric phase before supercon-
ductivity emerges [29]. However, unlike the cuprate super- P 21 /a [29] structures at ambient or low pressures are similar
conductors with highest Tc in trilayer systems, the SC tran- to each other, and can be properly reconstructed by the Fermi
sition temperature in trilayer La4 Ni3 O10 (Tc from 20-30 K) surface of I4/mmm phase through Brillouin-zone folding.
is significantly lower than bilayer La3 Ni2 O7 [1], which poses In this context, we have fitted a tight-binding effective model
a new challenge to the theoretical understanding of nickelate for SC La4 Ni3 O10 , which can well describe the electronic and
superconductivity. Fermi surface structure thus can serve as an appropriate model
for further studying the SC mechanism and pairing symmetry
In this article, we explore La4 Ni3 O10 through first-principle
of trilayer nicklate superconductors.
calculations, and reveal the electronic structures of differ-
ent crystal structures emerging in corresponding pressure re-
gion [29, 30]. We find that the I4/mmm symmetry of the SC
phase at high pressure possess a similar electronic structure to
the SC phase of La3 Ni2 O7 , however, due to the trilayer Ni-O
planes, the Fermi surfaces have additional electronic and hole Firstly, based on the density functional theory (DFT),
pockets. In addition, the Fermi surfaces of Cmca [30] and we discuss the electronic structures of different phases of
La4 Ni3 O10 in corresponding pressure regions. Under am-
bient and low pressures, literatures have reported two simi-
lar structures, with Cmca [30] or P 21 /a [29, 31, 32] space
∗ Electronic address: lihuan@glut.edu.cn groups, respectively. At around 12.6 to 13.4 GPa, a structure

3 3
(a) (b)

Energy (eV)

Energy (eV)
2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

3 3
(c) (d)
Energy (eV)

Energy (eV)
2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

FIG. 2: DFT ((a), (c)) and effective-model ((b), (d)) bands for I4/mmm phase. In (a), the dashed black lines denote the fitted Wannier bands.
(a) and (b) illustrate the orbital-projected bands, in which the red, blue and green colors denote Ni-3dz 2 , 3dx2 −y 2 and t2g bands, respectively.
In (c) and (d), red and blue colors denote contributions from inner and outer Ni-O planes, respectively.

3 (a) 3 (b) 3 (c)

2 2 2
Energy (eV)

1 1 1

0 0 0

-1 -1 -1

-2 -2 -2
X' M' X' X' M' X' X' M' X'

FIG. 3: Projected DFT bands of (a) Cmca and (b) P 21 /a phases, in which the red, blue and green colors denote Ni-3dz 2 , 3dx2 −y 2 and t2g
components, respectively. (c) Folded bands from the effective model for I4/mmm phase, which can nicely construct the Cmca bands in (a).
In (a) and (b), the dashed black lines denote the fitted Wannier bands.

transition takes place from monoclinic P 21 /a to the tetrag- ther distorted slightly along the Ni-O bonds which are origi-
onal I4/mmm space group [29]. These three structures are nally perpendicular to the Ni-O planes. For both Cmca and
illustrated in Fig. 1 (a-c). The orientation of NiO6 octahe- P 21 /a phases, the unit cell on Ni-O planes are doubled than
drons in I4/mmm is uniform, forming trilayer Ni-O planes in I4/mmm phase.
with an intra-plane square-lattice structure. While in Cmca
and P 21 /a structures, the nearby NiO6 octahedrons are tilted Fig. 2 (a) illustrates the orbital-projected representation of
with opposite angles along lattice a axis (which is along intra- the DFT bands for I4/mmm phase along the high symmetric
plane next-nearest-neighbor Ni-Ni direction), arranging in a path on the kz = 0 plane in the Brillouin zone, which cor-
staggered manner along both intra-plane and vertical direc- responds to the two-dimensional square-lattice Brillouin zone
tions. For P 21 /a phase, the tilted NiO6 octahedrons are fur- of Ni-O planes. It can be seen that the electronic bands near
the Fermi energy are mainly constructed by 3dz2 (red) and

(b) ner [29, 30], dividing the Ni atoms into two different sublat-
(a) tices. Since the six electronic bands near the Fermi level in
I4/mmm phase are mainly constructed by eg orbits of Ni,
therefore, twelve eg bands emerge near the Fermi level in
Cmca and P 21 /a phases, which can be understood in terms
of the Brillouin-zone folding of the six eg bands of I4/mmm
phase. The projected electronic bands of Cmca and P 21 /a
phases are shown in Fig. 3 (a) and (b), respectively. It can
(c) (d) also be seen that the twelve Ni-eg bands in Cmca phase are
quite similar to the folded bands (Fig. 3 (c)) computed by
generalizing the effective model of I4/mmm phase into two-
sublattice structure, which can be ascribed to the small de-
flection angles of the NiO6 octahedrons in Cmca phase. By
contrast, the electronic bands of P 21 /a phase are a bit more
deviated from the folded bands of I4/mmm phase, due to
further tilting of NiO6 octahedrons in P 21 /a phase. As dis-
played in Fig. 4 (c) and (d), the FSs of Cmca and P 21 /a
FIG. 4: Fermi surfaces (FSs) of I4/mmm phase in (a) 3- phases are similar to each other and coincide with those re-
dimensional lattice Brillouin zone and (b) on kz = 0 plane (cor-
ported in Ref.[27, 29]. As will be shown in the following, the
responds to the Brillouin zone of Ni-O plane). (c) and (d) are the FSs
of Cmca and P 21 /a phases on kz = 0 plane (corresponds to the FSs of both Cmca and P 21 /a phases can be qualitatively re-
folded Brillouin zone of Ni-O planes), respectively. gard as the Brillouin-zone folding of the I4/mmm FSs (Fig.
4 (b)).
(a) (b)


In order to investigate the consequence of trilayer Ni-O


0 X 0
planes on the electronic structure and SC pairing mecha-

nism, we intend to extract an effective lattice model of the


SC I4/mmm phase of La4 Ni3 O10 . Firstly, we project the



DFT bands into a subspace containing six Ni-eg orbits by us-

2 2
x -y

- -
- 0 - 0
ing maximum-localized Wannier function embodied in Wan-
nier90 code, thus obtain the tight-binding (TB) coefficients
FIG. 5: (a) FSs of I4/mmm structure from effective two-orbital between these eg orbits. The corresponding Wannier bands
model. (b) FSs via folding into the contracted Brillouin zone (within are shown as dashed lines in Fig. 2(a), which show good
the dashed square). In (b), the Fermi energy is set slightly higher agreement with the DFT bands. Afterwards, in the Wannier
than (a), thus additional small electron pockets emerge at the center coefficients, we retain the TB coefficients between eg orbits
and corners. to the order of next-next-nearest-neighbor, thus obtaining a
simplified TB model on a two-dimensional square lattice de-
scribing the trilayer Ni-O planes, of which the model param-
3dx2 −y2 (blue) orbits of Ni atoms. Therefore, the Fermi sur- eters are given explicitly in the appendix section. The result-
faces (FSs) are also composed of these two states, as shown ing non-interacting electronic bands of the extracted simpli-
in Fig. 4 (a) and (b). The hole pockets around M points at the fied TB model are shown in Fig. 2(b) and (d), which can
Brillouin corner are contributed by the 3dz2 orbit, while the properly reproduce the orbital-projected and layer-projected
electron pocket around Γ point at the center and the large hole representation of DFT bands in (a) and (c). The FSs calcu-
pockets around M are formed by mixture of these two orbits. lated by the effective TB model are shown in Fig. 5(a), indi-
Fig. 2 (c) shows the electronic bands projected by different cating good agreement with the DFT FSs in Fig. 4(b). Sim-
Ni-O layers. In comparison to La3 Ni2 O7 , the inner Ni-O layer ilar to the bilayer nikelate superconductor La3 Ni2 O7 [1, 4],
in La4 Ni3 O10 gives rise to two additional energy bands (the La4 Ni3 O10 also exhibits an electron pocket α around the Γ
third and sixth bands from bottom to top, denoted by red), re- point (contributed by two eg orbits, with average filling 0.12)
sulting in two nearby hole pockets surrounding M (mixed by and hole pockets β around M points (formed by 3dz2 orbit,
two eg orbits). Besides, the inter-layer interactions through with average filling 0.81). In addition, La4 Ni3 O10 possesses
the inner Ni-O layer push the fifth bands (contributed by outer two nearby hole pockets γ around M point (constructed by
planes) much closer to the Fermi level, hence induces a small mixture of two eg orbits), one of which is induced by the inner
electron pocket (by 3dz2 orbit) near Γ on kz 6= 0 plane, see Ni-O plane, and the consequence of such doublet hole pock-
Fig. 4(a). ets to the superconductivity deserves deeper understanding.
In Cmca and P 21 /a phases, the NiO6 octahedrons on The large electron filling of β hole pocket indicates that the
trilayer Ni-O planes undergo distortion in a staggered man- 3dz2 orbits should be subjected to Coulomb repulsion, which

(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 6: Momentum-resolved spectral functions for (a) I4/mmm, (b) Cmca and (c) P 21 /a phases, respectively. In (a) the red, blue and green
colors denote the components of 3dz 2 , 3dx2 −y 2 and t2g orbits, respectively.

should be correctly included in the effective TB model, see 3dx2 −y2 and t2g orbits, respectively, indicating an unconven-
appendix. tional SC pairing mechanism, therefore, the electronic corre-
For Cmca and P 21 /a phases, the FSs on kz = 0 plane can lations should be treated properly, particularly for 3dz2 orbits
also be reproduced qualitatively by the effective TB model which has a filling factor remarkably larger than half filling. It
of I4/mmm phase through Brillouin-zone folding along the should be noted that the mass enhancements in La4 Ni3 O10 are
boundaries of the extracted Brillouin zone (dashed lines), the remarkably smaller than in La3 Ni2 O7 [33], implying that the
result is illustrated in Fig. 5(b), which agrees well with DFT former is less correlated, which may accounts for the lower
FSs in Fig. 4 (c) and (d). It is worth noting that the SC SC transition temperature in La4 Ni3 O10 .
phases in both La3 Ni2 O7 and La4 Ni3 O10 favor the aligned The spectral functions of Cmca and P 21 /a phases are il-
NiO6 octahedrons perpendicular to the Ni-O planes [1, 29], lustrated in Fig. 6(b-c), beside the reduction of energy spread-
thus the physical origin of the disadvantage of tilted NiO6 oc- ings, the spectral functions are compatible to the DFT bands
tahedrons to superconductivity should be further studied and in Fig. 3(a) and (b), respectively, which in turn confirms
understood. the validity of Brillouin-zone folding in the understanding of
DFT bands and FSs of Cmca and P 21 /a phases in terms of
I4/mmm bands, as previously shown in Fig. 3(c) and Fig.

Since the superconductivity of La4 Ni3 O10 emerges after

the density-wave like magnetic order is suppressed at high V. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION
pressure [27, 28], the electronic correlations particularly the
spin correlations may play a crucial role in the SC pairing To summarize, we have explored the electronic structures
mechanism. In order to study the electronic correlations, we and electronic correlations in distinct phases of La4 Ni3 O10
employ the DFT+DMFT algorithm, which is a powerful tool under different pressure regions. We suggest that under am-
in simulating the correlated materials. Based on above DFT bient and low pressures, the electronic bands and Fermi sur-
electronic structure, we employ the on-site Coulomb repul- faces of Cmca and P 21 /a phases can be constructed quali-
sion U =5.0 eV and Hund’s coupling JH =0.7 eV on Ni-3d tatively through the superconducting I4/mmm phase in the
orbits, which are typical value used for nickelates [33]. In context of Brillouin-zone folding, as a consequence of tilted
Fig. 6(a), we illustrate the momentum-resolved spectral func- NiO6 octahedrons in Cmca and P 21 /a phases. Similar to the
tion of I4/mmm phase at temperature T =230 K, in which the trilayer nickelate superconductor La3 Ni2 O7 , in SC I4/mmm
spectral weights of two eg orbits are represented by different phase of La4 Ni3 O10 , the electronic bands near the Fermi level
colors. Near the Fermi level, the momentum-resolved spec- are dominated by the eg orbits of Ni-3d states, in which the
tral functions turn out to be close related to the DFT bands 3dx2 −y2 orbit constructs a electron pocket around the Bril-
in Fig. 2(a). The similarity between DFT and DFT+DMFT louin center, and the 3dz2 state forms hole pockets around
bands suggest that the electronic correlations give only mi- Brillouin-zone corners. Notably, the additional inner Ni-O
nor modification to the FSs, therefore the FSs deduced by the plane in SC La4 Ni3 O10 gives rise to a doublet hole pockets
non-interacting part of the effective TB model in Fig. 5(a) can surrounding Brillouin zone corners, which are contributed by
provide appropriate description to the FSs even at presence of mixture of 3dx2 −y2 and 3dz2 states. Besides, the presence of
electronic correlations [34]. Noticeably, the energy spread- inner Ni-O plane pushes a branch of 3dz2 band much closer
ing of DFT+DMFT bands are remarkably reduced in com- to the Fermi level, thus induces an electron pocket around the
parison to the DFT bands, leading to enhancement of quasi- Brillouin-zone center on kz 6= 0 plane. By using DFT+DMFT
particle mass m∗ /mDF T by 1.67, 1.51 and 1.2 for Ni-3dz2 , simulations of the SC I4/mmm phase, we verify that the

electronic states near the Fermi level are dominated by Ni- tc’’,td’’,tdc’’
3dx2 −y2 and 3dz2 states, though the Fermi surface structure
are only weakly modified by electronic correlations, the elec- tc,td,tdc
tronic states near the Fermi level are correlated with remark- tc’ t, d’ sc’’,sd’’,sdc’’
ably enhanced quasi-particle mass, particularly for the Ni-
3dz2 state. In this context, we have extracted an effective two-
orbital tight-binding model for the I4/mmm phase, which ec,ed sc’,sd’ gc,gd
’ ’
is appropriate for further studying the SC pairing mechanism rc,rd
and pairing symmetry in trilayer nickelate La4 Ni3 O10 .

For the trilayer Ni-O planes, by defining Φkσ = X

(1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3)
(ckσ dkσ ckσ dkσ ckσ dkσ ), in which the superscripts 1, 2, 3
denote the upper, inner and lower Ni-O planes, c and d rep- FIG. 7: Tight-binding parameters in the effective TB models on tri-
resent the annihilate operators for Ni-3dx2 −y2 and 3dz2 or- layer Ni-O planes. The green dots denote Ni atoms, among which
bits, respectively, the non-interacting part of the effective the red, black and blue links denote the intra-plane, nearby-plane
TB Hamiltonian can be written as a compact matrix form and outter-plane hopping parameters.
H0 = kσ Φ†kσ Hk Φkσ , in which the summation of k is re-
stricted in the Brillouin zone of square lattice, and the Hamil-
tonian matrix reads ′′(o)
(i) ′′(i)
= −0.021, tdc = 0.296, tdc = 0.041, tdc = 0.283,

tdc = 0.036, sc = 0.002, s′c = 0.004, s′′c = −0.005,
   
H11 H12 H13 H11 H12 H13
Hk =  H21 H22 H23  =  H12 H22 H12  . (1) sd = 0.038, s′d = 0.004, s′′d = −0.001, sdc = −0.037,
H31 H32 H33 H13 H12 H11 s′′dc = 0.003, rc = 0, rc′ = −0.0013, rc′′ = 0, rd = −0.01,
rd′ = 0.003, rd′′ = 0.0018, rdc = −0.0015, rdc ′′
= 0, and the
Since the two outer planes are equal to each other, the above chemical potential µ = 10.83 is set equal to the Fermi energy
equation has taken the relations H33 = H11 , H23 = H12 , in DFT. In above parameters, ǫ denotes local potential; e and
with g denote hybridization among neighbor layers and two outer
! layers along perpendicular direction, respectively; t denotes
(o) (o) ′(o) ′′(o) (o) ′′(o)
λk (ǫc , tc , tc , tc ) γk (tdc , tdc )
H11 = (o) ′′(o) (o) (o) ′(o) ′′(o) , intra-layer hopping strength; s denotes the hybridization be-
γk (tdc , tdc ) λk (ǫd , td , td , td ) tween nearby layers; r denotes the hybridization between two
outer layers. The subscripts dc denote the hybridization be-
! tween d and c orbits. During the Wannier fitting, the TB pa-
(i) (i) ′(i) ′′(i) (i) ′′(i)
λk (ǫc , tc , tc , tc ) γk (tdc , tdc ) rameters are found to be slightly different between inner and
H22 = (i) ′′(i) (i) (i) ′(i) ′′(i) , outer layers, for which the parameters are denoted by super-
γk (tdc , tdc ) λk (ǫd , td , td , td )
scripts (i) and (o), respectively. The nearest-neighbor, next-
nearest-neighbor and next-next-nearest-neighbor (measuring
in terms of on-plane projection) components in t, s and r are
λk (ec , sc , s′c , s′′c ) γk (sdc , s′′dc )
H12 = ′′ ′ ′′ , denoted by no superscript and superscripts ′ and ′′ , respec-
γk (sdc , sdc ) λk (ed , sd , sd , sd )
  Since the Ni-3dz2 state constructs β hole pockets with fill-
λk (gc , rc , rc′ , rc′′ ) ′′
γk (rdc , rdc ) ing factor 0.82 remarkably larger than half-filling, the on-
H13 = ′′ ,
γk (rdc , rdc ) λk (gd , rd , rd′ , rd′′ ) site Coulomb repulsion between 3dz2 electrons should be in-
cluded in the effective TB model, with the interacting part as
in which λk (d, t, t′ , t′′ ) = d + 2t(cos kx + cos ky ) + P (l) (l)
Hint = i,l U ndi↑ ndi↓ , where l = 1, 2, 3 denote layer num-
4t′ cos kx cos ky + 2t′′ (cos 2kx + cos 2ky ), γk (t, t′′ ) =
bers. The entire Hamiltonian of the effective TB model reads
2t(cos kx − cos ky ) + 2t′′ (cos 2kx − cos 2ky ). As shown in
H = H0 + Hint .
Fig. 7, in the effective TB model, the hopping parameters ex-
tracted from the Wannier TB Hamiltonian are approximated
to next-next-nearest-neighbor, with strength (in unit of eV) as
(i) (i) (o) (o)
ǫc = 11.98, ǫd = 11.88, ǫc = 11.63, ǫd = 11.49, Acknowledgments
ec = 0.011, ed = −0.7, gc = −0.0026, gd = −0.105,
(i) ′(i) ′′(i) (o)
tc = −0.511, tc = 0.051, tc = −0.082, tc = −0.516, This work is supported by National Natural Science
′(o) ′′(o) (i) ′(i)
tc = 0.064, tc = −0.067, td = −0.162, td = Foundation of China (No. 12364023 and 12264011) and
′′(i) (o) ′(o)
−0.017, td = −0.026, td = −0.151, td = −0.014, GuikeAD20159009.

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