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Notification of criminal offences

Norwegian Directorate
of Immigration

Who has to fill in the form?

This form is for people who have registered an application for a residence
permit or citizenship online (Application Portal), and who have committed
criminal offences. Due to protection of privacy considerations, you cannot
register this information online. If you have not committed any criminal
offences, you should not fill in this form.

You are obliged to enter all serious and minor criminal

The form applies to all types of serious and minor criminal offences. If
you do not provide us with this information, it may have consequences
for your residence permit in Norway.

Criminal offences can affect your application

If you have committed any criminal offences, this may constitute grounds
for refusing you access to Norway or for expelling you from Norway. It
could also result in you having to wait longer before your application for
Norwegian citizenship can be granted. If you are currently charged with
a criminal offence, the UDI may choose not to process your application
until the case has been decided.

Where should the form be submitted?

If you are applying from Norway, you must submit the form to the police
in Norway. If you are applying from abroad, you must submit the form
to your nearest Norwegian foreign service mission. You submit the form
together with the rest of the documents that must be submitted in
connection with your application.
1 Your personal details
(write your name as it appears in your travel document)
Family name First name

Middle name Citizenship

Date of birth (day/month/year) DUF-number, if applicable

2 Criminal offences abroad

Are you under investigation for a criminal offence outside Norway? If yes, in what country?
Yes No
Do you have previous convictions abroad? If yes, when and in what country were you convicted?
Yes No
Penal sanction
Fine (amount)
- If you are applying for a residence permit, do not include fines that are older than two years.
- If you are applying for citizenship, you must include all your fines

Prison sentence (days)

- If you are applying for a residence permit, do not include suspended prison sentences that are older
than five years, or unconditional prison sentences that are older than ten years
- If you are applying for citizenship, you must include all your sentences.

Other (explain)

Type of offence

Have you paid the fine / served the sentence (probationary period expired)?
Yes No, explain

3 Criminal offences in Norway

Are you under investigation for a criminal offence in Norway? If yes, in what police district?
Yes No
Do you have previous convictions in Norway? If yes, when and where were you convicted?
Yes No
Penal sanction (Not to fill in if you are applying for og giving notification of Norwegian citizenship.)
Fine (amount) Prison sentence (days)
- Do not include fines that are - Suspended prison sentence. Do not include if
older than two years the conviction is older than five years
- Unconditional prison sentence. Do not include
Other (explain) if the conviction is older than ten years.
Type of offence

Have you paid the fine / served the sentence (probationary period expired)?
(Do not fill in if you are applying for or giving notification of Norwegian citizenship).
Yes No, explain
4 Signature
The information will be registered in the computer system for immigrant and refugee cases (DUF).
This information may also be used in relation to later applications and applications from family

Your information may be passed on to other relevant authorities in order to check and obtain more
details of the information you have given. Where necessary, information about you will also be
collected from other Norwegian and foreign authorities, including the police. We will not obtain
information from foreign authorities if this may entail a risk to your safety. If you are granted a
permit, information on this will be entered in the National Population Register.

If you violate the Norwegian Immigration Act or the General Civil Penal Code, you may, in addition
to being punished, be rejected upon entry or expelled, and registered in the Schengen Information
System. If you are granted a permit on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information, the permit
can be revoked.

UDI will use your phone number and e-mail address to contact you in the further application process
in this and future applications. It is therefore important that you check that you agree to receive
information about your case on sms / e-mail.

I accept to receive information about my case on sms / e-mail.

I confirm that the information provided in this form is correct and complete. I am aware that providing
materially incorrect or obviously misleading information with intent or through gross negligence is a
criminal offence. This also includes withholding information of material importance.

Place and date Your signature

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