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Charge segregation and slurry transport in long SAG mills

S. Mwansa
Mineral Processing Research Unit, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700, South Africa

P. Condori
Mineral Processing Research Unit, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700, South Africa

M. S. Powell
Mineral Processing Research Unit, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700, South Africa

ABSTRACT. The findings from emptying out and sizing 62 tons of charge, from a 4.7m by 3.5m diameter
South African style SAG mill, into four axial segments are presented. Results reveal strong progressive
segregation of the total solids along the mill, becoming substantially finer towards the discharge. Slurry and
bigger rocks had the strongest segregation, whilst mid-sized rocks showed no segregation.
Steel balls showed no segregation, suggesting that wear rate is critical to the observed segregation.
Breakage tests showed strong segregation by competence of the ore along the mill. It is postulated that
competence may be more significant than size in axial segregation.
Residence time distribution studies were conducted in an autogenous mill using painted pebbles classified
into three sizes. The results show progressive increments of mean residence time with pebble size, however,
the difference between the RTD of “critical size pebbles” and liquid was insignificant.

1 INTRODUCTION attention in the last four decades. The quest has been
to improve the understanding of charge behaviour
Slurry and solids transport through a mill and the and residence time.
mixedness or “segregation” of the charge are key
drivers in the operation of tumbling mills. However,
even though segregation along mills has been 2.1 Segregation in tumbling devices
observed in previous and current research, no The first observation of segregation was reported by
quantitative studies have been conducted to Oyama (1939) who noticed that a binary mixture of
determine the extent to which this phenomenon large and small grained sand segregated into axial
occurs. bands when tumbled in a horizontal drum mixer. A
In this work, the focus was on the segregation more comprehensive study was conducted by
and slurry transport occurring in low aspect Donald & Roseman (1962) who observed
Autogenous and Semi-autogenous (AG/SAG) segregation in three forms; core segregation, end-
grinding mills. Low aspect AG/SAG mills are those longitudinal segregation, and banding segregation.
mills whose length is larger than the diameter. When Later, Shoji et al. (1973) observed segregation in
they are in closed circuit as single stage they are batch balls mills caused by low material filling and
commonly referred to as “South African style low ball loads. Hogg (1984) conducted a thorough
AG/SAG mills”. Segregation of particles and study of material transport in ball mills and observed
detailed slurry flow has generally been omitted from segregation by particle size attributed to internal mill
modelling descriptions of AG/SAG mills due to the classification.
difficult task of conducting these studies. The The drivers of segregation are thought to be the
biggest obstacle has been finding suitable methods particle characteristics (size, density, hardness, etc.)
of collecting mill samples without excessive and the mill operation (speed, length, filling, etc.).
disruption of plant operation and mill downtime. The transport of solids through the charge also
affects segregation.
2.2 Residence Time Distribution of solids
Axial segregation and material transport of particles
in mineral processing systems have received some The use of residence time distribution (RTD) to
Mwansa, Condori, Powell 1
obtain the nature of material transport inside a pi  flowrate of discharge material in size i (tph)
rotating drum started in the early forties when soda ri  breakage rate of particles of size i (hr-1)
ash was used as a tracer. Subsequently a wide range aij  appearance function representing particle
of tracers were used including radioactive tracers. breakage from size j into size i and
Most of the RTD studies have been carried out in Si = mill contents in size i (tph)
laboratory mills and small-scale pilot mills (Rogers It is proposed that this assumption can be
et al. 1982, Weller et al. 2000) and a few of them updated in a future model in order to better cover a
were done in industrial rod and ball mills (Marchand wider spectrum of AG/SAG mills.
et al. 1980, Rogovin et al. 1988). No RTD studies The understanding of slurry transport behaviour
on AG/SAG mills have been reported elsewhere. along the AG/SAG mills will allow modelling of the
Austin et al. (1987) go so far as to suggest that the slurry and solids transport characteristics more
simple concept of residence time distribution loses accurately. For instance, slurry flow is affected by
meaning in SAG/AG mills because the residence two regions in the mill i.e. the mill contents – the
time is determined by the rate of breakage of feed effect of which is strongly related to mill length -
material to less than the grate size, so it is a complex and the discharge region. With these two slurry
function of the feed size distribution and specific transport effects, it is believed that a model can be
rates of breakage. developed in the future taking into account both
Unlike the high aspect ratio type mills, for low regions.
aspect ratio mills the degree of mixing differs With an improved understanding of solids and
significantly from that of a perfectly mixed reactor, slurry flow, and particle segregation along mills, a
Condori & Powell (2005). In addition, they show a more accurate measure of what material is presented
marked degree of segregation, Mwansa (2004). to the discharge grate will be obtained. The
Since the particles breakage processes are closely discharge function can then be more realistic and
related to the time they spend in the mill, the scaleable, as it will not have to accommodate the
residence time of particles in the mill can be perfect mixing assumption on the material presented
considered as an extra input for modelling the to the grate.
transport behaviour.
To describe the transport in grinding mills some
authors have used different mathematical models 3 EXPERIMENTAL
that describe RTD’s. Among the two parameter Two distinct sets of surveys were conducted at two
models used are the axial dispersion model and the separate concentrators. The emptying out of the
tanks in series model explained in detail by charge was at Amandelbult and that for RTD studies
Levenspiel (1962). was at PPL, both of Anglo Platinum, South Africa.

2.3 The JK AG/SAG mill model 3.1 Emptying out entire mill charge
The model developed by Leung (1987) has been The charge was emptied out from a SAG mill
popular for its versatility and for its prediction of treating open cast UG2 ore. The mill is a single-
high aspect ratio mills. However, the limitations of stage RoM overflow SAG mill closed with a cyclone
the model are its applicability to long mills where and a flash float cell with a re-circulating load of
segregation might exist. Because of the perfect 130 %.
mixing assumption, the AG/SAG mill model Slurry was collected before emptying out the
assumes that the mill product (pi) is equal to the mill charge. In this novel method, bolts were removed
contents (Si) multiplied by the discharge function, and the holes plugged, and the mill then barred to
giving the relationship; pi = diSi. The mill contents
position the holes at the bottom. The plugs were
are experimentally difficult to collect on a regular knocked out to drain the slurry simultaneously from
basis so they are substituted by pi / di in the steady- the four slices along the mill, Figure 1. Although
state perfect mixing model mass balance equation to care was exercised in collecting this sample, spillage
obtain the AG/SAG mill model, (Equation 1. occurred and an estimate of this was made through
back-calculations. An estimated 8600 ℓ of slurry was
i a r p  drained out from the mill - including the spillage.
ri pi
fi      pi 
ij j j
(Equation 1) The processed slurry weighed 1.5 tons dry mass.
j 1 
 d j  di

f i  flowrate of feed material in size i (tph)
Mwansa, Condori, Powell 2
4.5m diameter with exceptionally large pebble ports
was used for this study. The pebble products of the
autogenous mills are very competent and it was
believed that some of them could survive the milling
The pebbles were classified into three class sizes:
(32 – 63 mm), (63 - 90 mm) and (90 – 125 mm) and
they were painted in three colours with a fast drying
paint. Additionally a salt tracer experiment was
A great number of painted (tracer) pebbles were
found at the mill discharge. This was only possible
due to the extreme competence of the rock that was
tested, and that the paint soaks into the rock. The
Figure 1: Slurry collection from bolt holes on the mill shell
pebbles were recorded with the Lynxx system video
camera and counted visually to obtain the residence
time distribution.
Removal of the charge commenced after all the The experimental RTD data was characterized
slurry had been drained from the mill. The mill conveniently by the mixers-in-series model which is
length of 4.72m was divided into four separate slices discussed in detail by Levenspiel (1962).
of 1.2m each from the inlet to the discharge. The
four different zones were named 1 from the inlet to 4
for the last segment at the discharge end. The 4 RESULTS
investigators separated out the segments and ensured
they remained separated as the charge was dug out. The results from emptying out the charge from the
Each section was separately emptied out from the SAG mill and those from RTD studies are given
mill and deposited independently on the drying spot,
according to the respective slices. Colour coded
buckets were used to collect the charge. Figure 2 4.1 Segregation
illustrates the sample collection zones from the mill A summary of the charge masses emptied out from
and the corresponding zones at the drying spot. the SAG mill and the key testwork data is given in
Table 1. The total weight of the emptied out charge
was 62.2 tons making up a total mill (slurry) filling
of 43 % and a ball load of 22 %. The calculated
voidage of the mill charge was 0.38, which closely
matches the accepted standard voidage of 0.4.

Table 1: Key testwork data

Emptied out dry charge masses
Figure 2: Four sample zones from the mill and outside spot Weight, tons
Steel balls 46.6
Solid particles 14.1
Drained slurry 1.5
It took four days to completely empty the mill. The Total 62.2
drums of slurry were allowed to settle and then the Mill measurements
water siphoned off, prior to oven drying and then Mill Length, m 4.7
screening. The balls were screened down to 4 mm. Mill diameter, m 3.5
The complete rock charge was screened down to 1 Mill volume, m3 45.8
mm, after which it was split for fine screening. Mill Speed, % critical 70.9
Slurry filling, % 43.2
Fractional mill filling, % 23.0
3.2 RTD procedure Ball load, % 21.6
Steel ball size, mm 90
To continue with the segregation studies and the Average Ore SG 3.96
validation in a wide range of mills, experiments Voidage as after grind out 0.38
using pebbles of different sizes have been carried
out with an open cast platinum ore. An autogenous
mill with internal dimensions of 5.8m length by The segregation results of total rock solids emptied
Mwansa, Condori, Powell 3
out from the mill are shown in Figure 3. There was a 100
90 125

similar size distribution for the combined feed to the 90

mill and slice 1. A strong progressive segregation is 80


revealed where the solid particles become

Cummulative % passing .

substantially finer towards slice 4. The observed 60

large difference in the size distribution between slice 50
Slice 1

Slice 2
4 and the mill product can be attributed to the 40 Slice 3
discharge classification function. 30
Slice 4


90 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Size (mm)
Cummulative % passing


70 Figure 4: +45 mm rocks size distribution

60 Slice 1

50 Slice 2
Slice 3
Slice 4
30 total
20 Mill product
RoM feed
Combined feed
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Size (mm)

Figure 3: Size distribution of total mill solids

It is apparent from Figure 3 that the finer material,

sub 1 mm, dominates the charge, forming 80% of
the solids content. Therefore, it was decided to split
Figure 5: Segregation shown by S80 for rocks and slurry
the rocks from slurry to give a more meaningful
analysis. Slurry was considered to be solid particles
less than 1 mm in size because this was the
maximum size in the discharge. Also, Napier-Munn
et al. (1999) refers to slurry as particles less than 1
Cummulative % passing

mm. The charge was divided into size ranges of; -1

mm, 1-16 mm, 16-45 mm, and + 45 mm rocks. The
segregation of 1-16 mm was similar to that of 16-45
mm size range so they are grouped into one size Slice 1
40 Slice 2
class. Interestingly, this corresponds to the averaged Slice 3
critical size range for SAG mills, given as 25-50 mm 20
Slice 4
by Napier-Munn et al. (1999). 10
The S80 is defined as the size in mm of which 80 0
percent by mass of particles passes. Figure 5 shows 1 10 100 1000
Size (mm)
segregation by size for the big rocks and slurry.
Classifying the particles into different size ranges Figure 6: Steel balls axial size distribution
showed that the bigger rocks, larger than 45 mm,
revealed the most segregation, as shown in Figure 4,
and summarized in Figure 5. Fine particles (slurry) Steel balls showed no segregation along the mill as
also revealed strong segregation towards the mill shown in Figure 6 and by the S80’s in Figure 8. The
discharge end, (Figure 5). This is attributed to middle sized rocks “critical size” shown in Figure 7
segregation due to particle size only. did not reveal consistent segregation along the mill.
The centre slices are finer than the ends of the mill
as shown by the curve of combined slices 2 and 3.
This is attributed to more competent “critical size”
rocks present in this size range.

Mwansa, Condori, Powell 4

100 significant effect on axial segregation. Both the A*b
90 (impact resistance to breakage) and ta (abrasion
80 resistance) parameters reduce significantly towards
Cummulative % passing

70 31.5 slice 4 (mill discharge). For both parameters, a

60 decrease in value indicates an increase in resistance
Slice 1
to impact and abrasion respectively.
30 Slices 2 & 3

16.0 4.2 RTD results
Slice 4

10 Generally pebble sizing data obtained from inside

0 the mill (after a crash stop) or from the mill product
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
is a combination of transport and grinding processes,
Size (mm)
and the two phenomena cannot be directly separated.
Figure 7: “Critical size” rocks size distribution However, in this work pebbles of the same size as
those fed into the mill were collected - as was clear
from the painted surfaces still being visible - so the
transport time can be independently derived. It is
therefore possible to deduce the differences in RTD
of different sizes in the feed as shown in Figure 10.
Table 2 gives the data fitted to tanks in series. The
liquid was modelled with a 0.7 minute delay.

Table 2: Mean residence time and modelling results

size mean res. # mixer variance 1st pebble
mm time, min N G (t) min
Liquid (salt) - 8.5 2 5.72 -
Small pebbles 32 - 63 9.0 7 12.16 2.33
Medium pebbles 63 - 90 11.1 9 15.39 4.00
Figure 8: Balls and critical size rocks without segregation Big pebbles 90 - 125 10.8 10 10.90 5.22

Five sized rock samples, from the mill feed and the RTD of pebbles and liquid in autogenous mill
four charge slices, were subjected to the standard JK
Drop Weight test procedure to study the impact and 0.14
abrasion properties of the rocks relative to their 0.12 Medium
position along the mill. 0.1 Liquid



200 4.0 0.04

180 3.5
Impact parameter (A * b)

Abrasion parameter (ta)

160 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
A*b ta 3.0 Time, min
140 128
2.5 Figure 10: RTD of the solids and liquid (experimental data
represented by N reactors in series model)
97 2.0
1.9 85
1.7 1.5
1.5 As expected, experimental data shows progressive
60 increments of mean residence time with pebble size.
0.8 0.6 However, looking at differences between the mean
40 0.5

RoM Feed Slice 1 Slice 2 Slice 3 Slice 4 residence time of the pebbles of 32-63 mm, which
Sample position are in the range of “critical size”, and the liquid
Figure 9: Segregation due to ore competence tracer, an insignificant difference was found. This
finding is in agreement with segregation studies
where no evidence of segregation in the critical size
Results of the rock breakage tests are shown in ore was found. The mean residence time of medium
Figure 9. This reveals that ore competence has a and bigger size pebbles were in the range of 22 -

Mwansa, Condori, Powell 5

24% greater than the liquid. 7 REFERENCES
Austin, L.G., Menacho, J.M. and Pearcy, F., A
5 CONCLUSIONS general model for semi-autogenous and
autogenous milling. APCOM 87, 2, SAIMM, pp.
The results revealed that the total solids emptied out 107-126, (1987).
from the mill showed clear segregation along the Condori, P., and Powell, M.S., RTD of solids in an
mill. However, when the charge was separated into industrial AG mill. In abstracts, Mineral
rocks and fine solids (slurry), the fine solids and big Processing conference, SAIMM, South Africa,
rocks showed segregation whilst the mid-sized, 67-68 (2005).
“critical size”, rocks showed an inconsistent Donald, M. B. and Roseman, B., Mixing and de-
segregation trend. This behaviour implies that it is mixing of solid particles. I. Mechanisms in a
misleading to draw conclusions based on the size horizontal drum mixer. British Chemical
distribution of the total mill solids because of the Engineering, 7,10, 749–753, (1962).
bias of more fine solids present. Separating the Hogg, R., Mass transport models for tumbling ball
material into different size ranges gives a broader mills. İn Control’84 AIME. Int. symp. Control in
picture of the rocks and fine solids distribution and Min. Proc. & Process Metallurgy. 1984, pp. 55–
hence the segregation of particles along the mill. 61.
The balls had no segregation, which implies that Levenspiel O., Chemical Reaction Engineering,
wear rate is critical to the observed segregation. 1962, John Wiley, New York.
Rock breakage tests revealed a progressive and Leung, K., An energy based ore specific model for
significant increase in ore competency from the mill autogenous grinding mills. Ph.D. Thesis. 1987,
feed to the discharge slice, the A*b dropped from University of Queensland, Australia.
128 to 85, and the ta from 1.7 to 0.6 along the mill. Marchand, J.C., Hodouin, D. and Everell, M.D.,
As the ‘very competent’ balls were found to not be RTD and mass transport characteristics of large
segregated, it is tentatively deduced that segregation industrial grinding mills. In Proceedings of third
is a function of ore competency and that segregation IFAC, 1980, pp. 295-302.
by ore competency may be more significant than Mwansa, S., Measuring particle segregation along
segregation by size. To have the range in ore SAG mills. In abstracts, Mineral Processing
competence shown in Figure 9, the feed ore must conference SAIMM, South Africa, 101-102,
have this range (the ore does not become harder!). It (2004).
is therefore postulated that ore with the greatest Napier-Munn, T.J., Morrell, S., Morrison, R. D. and
range in competence will show the greatest Kojovic, T., Mineral Comminution circuits: their
segregation along a mill, due to preferential operation and optimisation. 1999, JKMRC,
breakage of the softer components. Australia.
Progressive increments of mean residence time Oyama, Y., The Bulletin of Institute of Physical and
with pebble size were found; however, the Chemical Research. (Tokyo) Rep. 5, 600 (1939).
difference between the RTD of critical size pebbles Rogers, R.S., Bell, D.G. and Hukki, A.M., A short-
and liquid was insignificant. lived radioactive tracer method for the
The next steps are the mathematical modelling of measurement of closed circuit ball mill RTD
segregation in AG/SAG mills and laboratory scale Powder technology. 32, 2, 245-252, (1982).
experiments. The RTD experiments in AG/SAG Rogovin, Z., Casali, A., and Herbst, J., Tracer study
mills have been adopted as a standard part of plant of mass transport and grinding in a rod mill. Int.
site campaigns. J. Mineral Processing, 22, 149-167 (1988).
Shoji, K., Hogg R. and Austin, G. L., Axial mixing
of particles in batch ball mills. Powder
6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Technology, 7, 331-336 (1973).
The authors gratefully acknowledge the permission Weller, K.R., Spencer, S.J., Gao, M.-W. and Liu Y.,
of Anglo Platinum for allowing the publication of Tracer studies and breakage testing in pilot-scale
this paper. The plant management at Anglo Platinum stirred mills. Minerals Engineering, 13, 4, 429-
Amandelbult concentrator are gratefully thanked for 458, (2000).
their support in allowing extended mill downtime for
this test work. PPL concentrator metallurgical staff
is acknowledged for their support. Great
appreciation is extended to Mr. Aubrey Mainza for
his involvement in both sets of testwork.

Mwansa, Condori, Powell 6

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