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John Ivan L.

Rivera CW
BSA-1A Reflection Paper


After watching the documentation of The Corporation, I was able to understand how
corporation work, although most of the content of the documentation is about the bad effects of
corporation to our world. The flow of the documentation is divided in sub topic so the watcher
can understand the corporation and how it work. Also the documentation has a many
professional guest speaker that gives their own definition of corporation. According to the
documentation the Corporation 150 years ago was a relative insignificant institution but today it
is an dominant institution, their documentary examines the nature, evolution, impacts, impossible
future of the modern business corporation. Based on the documentation, the USA is the greatest
place in the world to invest, the corporation can be compared to puzzle, football team, and family
unit. I will give some of the meaning of corporation based on the professionals in the
documentation. According to Robert Keyes, the corporate agenda trying to take over the world
and according to Joe Badaracco, corporation is the form of business ownership, group of
individuals working together to serve a variety objectives. They also give some case stories about
the corporation and the bad effects of it to human, animals, and to Earth.

I understand that the corporation has a bad effects to everything in our planet. They harm
workers, while they are earning million or billions of dollars, some corporation doesn't care
about their employees or workers, they giving them low salary like in the documentation the
NIKE give low salary to the workers by giving them 8 cents per 6.6 minutes. They also harm
human health because of the product that they are creating or the toxic waste that they are using
and dumping in not proper place. They also harm animals and our biosphere, in short they almost
harm everything. And I think that Robert Keyes is right about his definition of corporation
because the corporation almost manipulates everything in our world and it's not good for our

In conclusion, there many corporations that only care for their success, they don't care for
others, as long as they are earning they will not see the bad side that they're doing, it's because
that they have many connection and money to overpowered the law even though they are doing
illegal activities. But there also corporations that gives back to the community, they are sharing
the blessings that they have like donating to charity, building homes for the homeless people and
etc. Even though there are good and bad effects of corporation, they run the world, without them
the world will not work.

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