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Lecture: Mr. Trinh Trong Hung

Subject: MKT 201
Class: MKT 1708
Team Member

Hoang Duy Kiet Dinh Thi Hai Anh

Nguyen Diep Hoai

Do Quang Minh Nguyen Phuong Anh

Table of contents
01 Introduction
1. Market Description
2.Short profile of the product
3.Target market and customer

Research and analyze the

02 consumer behavior
1. Analysis of factors affecting buying
behavior for Hao Hao instant noodles
2. Analysis of customer's buying
decision process for Hao Hao instant
noodle product.
3. Survey report

03 Recommendations for

04 Conclusion

05 Reference
1. Market Description
I In today's busy and modern society, instant noodles
n have become an indispensable part of everyone's life.
Therefore, the instant noodle market is also becoming
t more and more exciting than ever. Present in the market
r for nearly 20 years, Hao Hao instant noodle brand has
become too familiar to any Vietnamese people. Vifon
o Acecook Joint Venture Company was established on
d December 15, 1993 and started to manufacture and trade
its first products in Ho Chi Minh City on July 7, 1995.
u Acecook Vietnam has been constantly growing. , received
c the trust of a large number of consumers and became the
leading noodle manufacturer in Vietnam with diverse and
t convenient product lines.
i 2. Short profile of the product
Acecook Vietnam launched the first Hao Hao instant
n noodle product with two flavors of Chicken and Mushroom
in September 2000. The sour and sour taste of Hao Hao
Shrimp continued to be introduced to the market in July
2002. of this product also contributes to the development
of Acecook instant noodles business and Vietnam in
general. Vietnamese people are quite familiar with the Hao
Hao brand
Every year, about 1.5 billion packages of Hao Hao
noodles have to go through modern production processes
with strict standards. Before being put into production, all
raw materials must meet the appropriate food safety
standards and be thoroughly tested to ensure quality. Hao
Hao Noodles of Acecook Vietnam Group climbed to 18th
position, 636th in the top 1,000 most valuable brands in
Asia 2017. The introduction of the first packages of noodles
for only 1,000 VND, with sour or sour taste. has paved the
way for the birth of a number of noodle brands in Vietnam.
Today, the price of a pack of noodles in the market is only
4,000 VND, an affordable price, suitable for the pockets of
all working classes.

3. Target market and customer

Target market

Age: over 5 years old

Income: low to medium

Students are the biggest customers of Hao Hao

Noodles. In addition, there are housewives and office
workers who are also customers of Hao Hao Noodles.
Hao Hao Noodles has launched a wide range of products
in order to serve well and position its brand not only to
target customers but also to potential customers. Spicy
and sour noodles are for diners who like spicy and sour
with all flavors from shrimp, chicken, beef. Fried noodles
are a treat for those who love dry noodles. In particular,
Hao Hao also has vegetarian noodles with mushroom
flavor for vegetarians.
Target customer

Hao Hao noodles are widely distributed throughout the

provinces and cities in the country and exported to foreign
markets. Hao Hao noodles are widely distributed throughout
the provinces and cities in the country and exported to
foreign markets. However, the main market that Hao Hao
Noodles targets are big cities and towns in the country
because this is an attractive market with a high population
density and high average income. In addition, in big cities
due to the quality of work, the demand for fast food is
increasingly popular.
1. Analysis of factors affecting buying behavior for
Hao Hao instant noodles products

Usage habits
Usage habits have a direct influence on consumers'
behavior and decision to buy Hao Hao noodles. When
choosing products, consumers pay attention to many
factors such as convenience, nutritional value of the
product, design, packaging... Besides, depending on the
region, there will be different tastes. For example, people in
the North tend to use noodles with a frugal taste,
harmonious in spices, and Southern people prefer a more
sour taste.
Reference group
In Vietnam, it is noted that using instant noodles has
become an indispensable habit of people with the
consumption of 1-3 packs/person/week. In recent years, the
introduction of dishes from the country In addition, typical
dishes from Thailand and Korea with spicy and sweet and
sour taste have really influenced the taste of Vietnamese
consumers. This contributes to the influence of consumers'
tastes in choosing instant noodles. Reference groups of
famous people, influential people in the community also
have an impact on consumers' buying behavior. This is one
of the factors affecting product selection behavior, so Vina
Acecook often invites famous artists such as Toc Tien, Truc
Nhan, Hoai Linh ... to film ads for Hao Hao noodles.
Personal factors
Different ages have different preferences. Younger
customers love eye-catching color products and like to
experiment with new things, while older customers do not
like to be fussy about colors. On the contrary, they prefer
simplicity and are less persuaded to buy by promotions.
Therefore, the product packaging color design, as well as
product taste will be affected by different age. The
different levels of income depending on the occupational
group will affect the choice of the price of the product.
High-income customer groups often do not care much
about price. They put the top priority on product quality,
nutrition and convenience. While for customers with lower
income levels, price is a particularly important factor.
Based on that, companies offer many attractive prices and
marketing programs, suitable for each group. specific
object. With the current economic situation, the
continuous increase in prices is what makes customers
interested and hesitant in deciding to buy products.
2. Analysis of customer's buying decision process
for Hao Hao instant noodle product.
Identify needs
Derived from an inner need:
- Feeling hungry, wanting to eat, craving for noodles,
running out of food in the house that needs to be
replenished, or having a need to sell Hao Hao instant
noodles products...
- Derived from external needs:
Watching TVC ads on TV, websites, reading promotional
information; Through chatting with friends, being
introduced by relatives, or consulting sales staff, customers
discover their needs me.
Review and compare
- Provide selection criteria: Affordable, delicious, attractive,
healthy, diverse in taste.
- Compare information: About benefits, convenience, price,
ingredients to make noodles, taste, sauce package
- In consultation with friends and relatives: Listen to
suggestions from people who have used the product.
- Based on the product brand, the company's brand: The
company's reputation as well as the product's has been
very famous, has a foothold in the market, has a high
reputation, is highly appreciated, and has good comments.
will be selected by the customer.
Buying decision
Customers decide to buy the product of the highest
value to them, in accordance with the criteria they have
set. For example, criteria of deliciousness, convenience,
suitable price, suitable for taste; or the purpose of buying
for business with criteria of high profit, fast payback time,
many customers' favorites... This stage has 4 case occurs:
- Customers find it suitable and decide to buy;
- Customers find it unsuitable, decide to change to another
type of noodle or change to another product;
- Customers find it unsuitable and decide not to buy;
- Customers decide not to buy for a number of objective
reasons such as weather factors (rain, storms, ...) or health
factors (sickness, pain)...
Post-purchase stage: Use and evaluate after purchase
After using the product, customers evaluate the product's
- Satisfied: will continue to buy the product next time, give
good reviews about the product, recommend to others to
- Dissatisfied: do not repurchase, or have a poor review of
the product, do not recommend it to others, or may give a
poor review of the product to others, recommending them
not to use it.
However, customers do not always go through all of the
above stages, depending on the individual. For example,
when there is a need, someone will decide to buy and use
it, someone will find out and decide to buy and use it, or
someone will go through all the steps.
Understanding the customer's buying decision process,
Vina Acecook will have specific strategies for each stage to
attract consumers as well as develop business models.
R Consumer survey about 100 people
Describe the demographic
characteristics of the survey subjects
V - Age: From 18 to 24 years old
- Occupation: Student
- Income: From 1,000,000 to 5,000,000
E /month
- Gender: Male, female

Y R Survey objective
Determine the habit of using instant
E Customer's evaluation of the product's
quality and packaging

Determine the level of consumer
satisfaction about Hao Hao noodle

Find out what consumers want about
instant noodles
Customers' attitudes about the

R upcoming instant noodle product

made with brown rice and vegetables

Analyze survey results
1. Descriptive statistics on the sex of survey subjects

->The number of female consumers interested in Hao

Hao instant noodles products is higher than male
consumers with a difference of 26.7%
2. Descriptive statistics on the frequency of using
instant noodles of survey subjects in 1 week

->The chart shows: 21% of respondents use instant

noodles once a week, 53.3% of people use it 2-3 times a
week, the number of users 4-5 times and over 5 times is
21.9%, respectively.

-> Instant noodles products are usually used 2-3 times to

replace meals in 1 week. It can be seen that this is a very
familiar and popular product by consumers, proving that
the instant noodle market in Vietnam is a market that still
has potential for development with fierce competition
from many brands. big brand
3. Descriptive statistics on the places to buy instant
noodles of the survey subjects

->Grocery stores are everywhere from rural to urban

areas with prices much cheaper than supermarkets and
convenience stores. Besides, instant noodles are a fast-
moving consumer product, consumers tend to buy them
at places close to home, so it can be seen that the
percentage of respondents who buy instant noodles at
grocery stores is up to 67.6%. But now with the modern
era, convenience stores are the top selection criteria
because the price is not much different, there are many
promotions, there are more items to choose from, so it
accounts for 74.3%
Online shopping is not convenient for fast-moving
consumer products such as instant noodles, because it
takes some time from the time the order is placed to when
the customer receives the product. Therefore, the
percentage of respondents ordering noodles online is very
small, accounting for only 24.8% of the total number of
votes distributed
4. Descriptive statistics on criteria when choosing
instant noodle products

The most important criterion when choosing a

customer's instant noodle product is the type of sauce
(accounting for 62.48%) followed by the brand of the
product (accounting for 53.3%).
→ The sauce of the noodles is the most concerned factor.
The company needs to study carefully about the quality of
flavor, noodles and especially the soup package of the
upcoming Hao Hao brown rice noodle product to best suit
consumers' taste.
5. Which of the following is your favorite instant noodle
soup flavor?

Descriptive statistics on the taste of the soup in the

favorite instant noodles. The number of people who love
the soup flavor of Hao Hao noodles is spicy and sour shrimp
accounting for the largest proportion, followed by grilled
ribs and seafood respectively. and mushroom chicken.
→ The taste of spicy and sour shrimp is still very popular, so
the upcoming Hao Hao brown rice noodle product can still
keep this flavor.

6. What's your favorite side dish in the noodle package?

Most of the respondents chose seaweed as their favorite
accompaniment in the noodle package, accounting for
64%, followed by kimchi, mushrooms and dried
vegetables. Mushrooms and kimchi are also quite popular
in relatively equal proportions.
→ The new brown rice Hao Hao noodle product may have
an additional package of dried vegetables including
kimchi and dried seaweed to meet the needs of
7. What material do you want to pack products with?

Today's consumer trend focuses on safe and

environmentally friendly products, reflected in the
percentage of 73.3% consumers who love products with
paper packaging and only 26.7% choose products with
paper packaging. products with paper packaging. plastic
→ Today's consumers prefer eco-friendly packaging
options. This will be an opportunity for the company to
research and develop more on current plastic packaging
products, as well as a challenge because it is difficult to
completely replace plastic packaging with paper packaging.

8. Descriptive statistics on customer satisfaction

The charts above show that consumers are quite satisfied

with the taste, noodles, and seasoning package of Hao Hao
noodles. Overall, the quality of the perfect noodles is very
-> The company will base on these assessments to
continue to promote the strengths and improve the
unappreciated factors to perfect new products.

9. Statistics of sources that know good noodles

It can be seen that word of mouth accounts for the most,
accounting for 56.2%. Through this we can know the
psychology of the majority of customers who will buy
noodles through word of mouth to apply a reasonable
advertising strategy. Then through TV and advertising
campaigns with a small percentage difference.
10. What do you think about Hao Hao products made
from vegetables, brown rice?

Most of the respondents are very interested in the

upcoming brown rice Hao Hao noodle product. This is a
good sign, however, the company still needs to further
promote marketing activities to impress and stimulate the
curiosity and interest of consumers.
1. Proposal on product strategy

According to a survey, now more than 50% of people

want to have a new Hao Hao product made from brown
rice and vegetables because vegetables have a lot of
nutrients and help lose weight, so it is one of the great
suggestions. is to add the product of good quality shrimp
noodles made from vegetables, brown rice and vegetarian
noodles into the product. In addition, the products of Hao
Hao's instant noodles industry are very diverse and rich,
from instant noodles to cup noodles, cup noodles. And yet,
there is also a wide variety of product lines such as Hao
Hao sour and spicy shrimp (Most used), Hao Hao yellow
chicken, Hao Hao satay purple onion,.... Therefore, about
products we need more improvements like more
Vietnamese flavors like shrimp paste, blabla. and premium
quality noodles will have the same dried shrimp as
advertised to help diners have a bowl of noodles exactly as
In addition, the general situation of people today is that 1
package is not enough to eat but 2 packages are full, so
there will be a product with a net weight of 1.5 times larger
than the normal package for everyone to enjoy. .
2. Recommend pricing strategy
The target audience that we are targeting is customers
whose age ranges from 6-35 years old. However, with the
current price, Hao Hao noodles are one of the products
that are considered delicious, nutritious and cheap.
Currently, Hao Hao is being sold for 4000 VND a pack, we
can sell it for 3800 VND a pack when buying 10 packs or
more and buying a box will cost 3500 VND a pack.
Although the price has decreased significantly, however,
the consumers are students or people with lower average
incomes, the cheaper the price but the quality is as good
as good, it can completely become the focus of attention.
points the attention of students or those who come home
late from work. In addition, after adding new products
such as vegetables, brown rice or vegetarian, the product
price will increase because vegetables or brown rice will be
more expensive than potatoes, about 4500-5000vnd.
However, since these are healthy products, it is normal for
the prices to be higher, on the other hand, the price of
good noodles is currently extremely cheap in the market,
plus incentives apply to products. New products will help
these products gain the favor of customers.
3. Proposing a distribution strategy.

According to the survey, Hao Hao noodles are more often

purchased at grocery stores, supermarkets and
convenience stores than online. Therefore, still focusing on
distribution in these locations as usual, online shopping
still has to be promoted for customers who are lazy to buy
and have the need to stay at home. In addition, there are
still people who receive Hao Hao noodles through Diep
Hoai's friend, so if anyone wants to have Hao Hao noodles,
they can also come and ask for it from Diep Hoai's friend.
Currently, Hao Hao has been present in most grocery
stores, supermarkets, blabla but there is one place that
Hao Hao has not yet targeted, which are hostels for
students and dormitories. of universities. The image of
students at the end of the month eating instant noodles is
a very common image in Vietnam. and when Hao Hao is
sold right in the hostel or in the dormitory, students just
need to step out of the room door to have a few packages
or even a box of instant noodles in the room, stimulating
students' laziness will make Hao Hao products sell better
than ever.
4. Recommend advertising strategy.

Through the survey, we found that almost customers

who buy and use good noodles are through word of
mouth, when they come to your house to play, they see
that you are eating good noodles that look delicious, so
they also buy them to eat. followed by television and finally
advertising campaigns.
Hao Hao is almost famous throughout the Vietnamese
market, so ordinary advertising has no longer had a strong
impact on consumers. However, applying the advertising
form of dunkin' donuts can be extremely useful. This is a
form of advertising that uses sounds and scents on the bus
to stimulate the appetite of customers when on the bus at
morning or evening time when they come home from
work. And right at each bus stop, there will be a small stall
selling quick Hao Hao noodles, there is a bartender right
there who can help those who just got off the bus with a
craving to immediately relieve their cravings, because of
the smell and aroma. Hao Hao's taste is considered very
delicious, so it is understandable that the scent stimulates
Over 30 years of operation, Acecook Joint Stock
Company has constantly developed and become the
leading general food company in Vietnam. Currently, they
have occupied a strong position in the market, specializing
in providing high quality and nutritious instant products.
And through this consumer behavior analysis and user
survey, it will help businesses evaluate and change
products in the best way to match customer criteria,
understand customer psychology so that they can
produce the best products and from there, can find the
best solutions for business promotion campaigns.

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