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Setting: (Seashore, 5:00 pm)

Propsmen: (Background: coast, rocks, log, sand)

Recorded Audio:
Narrator: (modulated voice) A glimpse of history? A love during the time
when living is considered a misery? How does it feel to love
someone freely? (pause)These questions will be answered in this
not-typical, magical, or superficial love story. As this is a story that
was dug from the well and is opposite from the sweetness of a
caramel. Moreover, aside from a hug while absconding from
others' smell, both the main characters' favorite spots are the
seashore as well. It's a secret place where they can love each
other beyond boundaries, as Fernando, the only son of Cavite’s
Alcalde, fell in love with a commoner that he met during the Cavite
Munity. Given this fact, his parents oppose the intimate
relationship he has with this woman, whose name is Osmeña.


MSC: (“Leonora” by Sugarcane, instrumental…….slowly FADING IN

0:13-15 then slowly FADING OUT)

SFX: (FADE IN sea waves)

Fernando: (sitting beside Osmeña while looking at her with full of love and
admiration in a soft and loving voice) “You are always beautiful,
like you always are. It's been months since we fell in love, yet
nothing changes in the way I look at you.”

Osmeña: (crossing her eyebrows & w/ calming but a bit of hesitation in her
voice) “But my dear, no matter how much we love each other, our
parents, especially yours, oppose our love. You're a dragon, and
I feel like I'm just a tiny ant.”

Fernando: (will stand up and w/ so much caress on his voice & accompanied
w/ a soft & loving touch on Osmeña’s head) “Don't worry, I can
get the stars for you and just like the vastness of this sea, my love
for you will last till eternity.”

Osmeña: (will stand up while looking at Fernando’s eyes with full of

compassion & determination) “Let's fight all odds, my dear
Fernando. Even though I feel sad about these trials, I believe that
no one can break us.”

MSC: (“Gabi” by Sugarcane, instrumental……slowly FADING IN

0:40-42 then slowly FADING OUT)
Recorded Audio:
Narrator: (modulated voice) Despite the opposition of Fernando's parents,
they continue to fight for love. Fernando and Osmeña will hug
each other while feeling their hearts beat for one another. And
suddenly, a gwardiya sibil who happened to be the lookout of the
couple approached Fernando, saying that they needed to go
home before 6:00 pm to meet his father for an important matter
to discuss.

Gwardiya sibil: (whisphering to Fernando) “I'll just remind you that you have an
appointment with your father.”

Fernando: (He will nod his head)

Osmeña: (wondering) “Is there something wrong, my dear?”

Fernando: (will hold Osmeña’s hands) “It breaks my heart to leave you like
this today, given the fact that both of us have heavy hearts.
However, I shall go now because my father needs me to discuss
something with him. Bye, my dear!” (He will kiss Osmeña’s hands)

Narrator: (modulated voice) Being left alone at the seashore became an

opportunity for Osmeña to brace herself with the calming waves
of the sea.

Setting: (At the living room of Fernando’s House, 5:30 pm)

Propsmen: (Background: Vintage Wall, table, chairs, vase, paintings, plastic

flowers, toast glass)


Mercucio: (angry) “How does it feel to meet the love of your life behind my
back instead of fulfilling your duties?” (striking the table with the
bottom of his fist)

SFX: (FADE IN slam on the center table)

Esmeralda: (sassy and rude voice) “Do you think your father and I won't find
out? Huh, she's such a cheap woman!”

Fernando: (angry w/ a dramatic voice) “Scold me as much as you can, but

do not ever drag Osmeña into this.”

Mercucio: “Osmeña? So that is her name.” (smirk)

Fernando: (talking & explaining in a compassionate voice while hoping to
convince his father) “Yes, father, and just like her name, she is
also beautiful. Inside and out.”

Mercucio: (voice w/ conviction & authority) But you are arranged to marry
Cristina, the son of Mayor Hulyo. What's the point with all of

Fernando: (begging) “Just give us a chance, father. Please!”

Esmeralda: (rude voice) "No, your love doesn't stand a chance. Huh!”

Recorded Audio:
Narrator: (modulated voice) The living room will be filled with silence. After
a while, Mercucio will call a gwardiya sibil.

SFX: (FADE IN footsteps)

Gwardiya Sibil: (Will come towards Mercucio)

Mercucio: (voice w/ conviction & authority) “Prepare the most luxurious

things that we have, as those will serve as gifts for
Osmeña's family. We will head to their home
tomorrow at exactly ten o'clock.”

Esmeralda: (Talking w/ angry and confusing voice) “What? Are you out of
your mind?”

Mercucio: (He will stand up and talk with an angry voice & will point at
Fernando) “Enough Esmeralda! He is still our son, after all.”

Recorded Audio
Narrator: (modulated voice) Fernando couldn't believe what his father said.
However, his heart was happy, as at least he got the chance to
introduce his parents to Osmeña and her family. He was
enlightened, especially because he knew this might be a turning
point in their relationship.


Setting: (Osmeña's House, 7:00 pm)

Propsmen: (Background: Hut, Mirror, Comb, tables, chairs, fan)

Osmeña: (combing her hair while looking at the mirror in low spirits &
with confusingly and sad voice) “Mother, am I not pretty?”

Clara: (will talk in a comforting voice while facing Osmeña) “Osmeña no

need to ask me that question. There is also no need to look into
the mirror, as the real beauty is here.” (pointing to Osmeña 's

Osmeña: (will turn around and will take a few steps while talking in a
hopeless & sad voice) “Then why does it seem hard for his
parents to accept us?”

Recorded Audio
Narrator: (modulated voice) While talking to her mother, Osmeña and her
mother heard a strange noise outside their home. When she
opened the door, she was surprised to see Fernando and his
family with lots of gifts.

SFX: (FADING IN a little bit of chaos among family members)

MSC: (“Tadhana” by Dharma Down…… FADING IN at 0:20-25 then

slowly FADING OUT)

Osmeña: (will surprisingly look at Fernando with eyes full of love)

Fernando: (will not say anything but he is actually nervous)

Esmeralda: (pointing her fingers to Osmeña’s w/ rude and insulting voice) “Is
this already their house? Oh, Fernando, I can't take this anymore.”
(swiftly fanning herself and will touch her forehead)

Mercucio: (voice w/ conviction & authority) Let's get inside.

Fernando: (nervously looking at Clara w/ a compassionate voice and will

make a gentleman bow) “Good afternoon. I am here with my
family and I am asking for your approval to get your daughter's

Carla: (happy and welcoming voice) “Come inside. We are very happy
to see you.”

Recorded Audio
Narrator: (modulated voice) Both families talked about a lot of things.
However, the arrogance of Fernando's family turned Osmeña off.
They keep belittling how Osmeña's family lives, and it seems like
they just went there not to have peace or accept Osmeña but to
drag her instead. Despite all of the insults, Osmeña swallowed
every word that Fernando’s family threw at him in the name of her
love and respect for Fernando.
Mercucio: (He will look at Osmeña and will talk w/ sarcastic & insulting voice
“This Osmeña is a lovely lady. I understand that you cannot afford
some things in life, including having a father, huh?”

Fernando: (angry) Father!

Esmeralda: (will get the things that they brought and will talk with a sassy and
pretentious voice) “Your father is just kidding. And, oh, look, this
vase is 10 times cheaper than what we brought as gifts for you.
Have a look.” (boasting)

Osmeña: (thankful but insulted and uncomfortable) “Thank you so much,

but I will not accept it. These are too luxurious, and I just can't...

Esmeralda: “Oh dear, it's your loss.” (fake smile)

Narrator: (modulated voice) The tension between their families is getting

hotter. However, at the end of the conversation, Fernando's family
had reached an agreement to let him marry Osmea.

Mercucio: (talking in a rude and unhappy voice) “No matter how much we
despise you, we will still let you marry into our family.”

Recorded Audio
Narrator: (happy with a little bit of exaggeration in her voice) Fernando and
Osmeña couldn't believe what they heard. They looked at each
other with love and excitement. At last, they will tie the knot, and
it will be their dream garden wedding.


Setting: (Seashore, sunset)

Propsmen: (Background: coast, rocks, log, sand)

Recorded Audio:
Narrator: (modulated voice) Three days after their wedding, both Fernando
and Osmeña decided to see each other again at their secret place.
No one can measure the happiness that they were feeling at that
time, and everything was going smoothly as Fernando's parents


MSC: (“Ikaw at Ako” by Jonhnoy Danao” abruptly FADING IN then

continue playing)
SFX: (FADE IN sea waves)
Fernando: (sitting and holding Osmeña’s hands and looking at her with a full
heart while talking in a calm and compassionate voice) "See, I
told you right? We will fight for our love."

Osmeña: (looking at Fernando with a heart full of love and talking in a lovely
and sweet voice) "I still can’t believe that my first love is also going
to be my last."

Fernando: (He will hug Osmeña and talk in a compassionate and a little bit
emotional voice.) "I am the luckiest man in the world for finding
someone like you. We don’t have to see each other in secret
anymore. We can finally freely love each other."

Osmeña: “I want us to be like this forever. But what if you fell in love with
another woman while we are married?” (wondering)

Fernando: (explaining in a calm and compassionate voice) "That will never

happen and my dear, can we not talk things like this? I don’t want
to talk about another woman in front of my woman."

MSC: (“Ikaw at Ako by Jonhnoy Danao” slowly FADING OUT)

Setting: (Church)

Propsmen: (Background: tables, chairs, mini-altar, candle)

Recorded Audio:
Narrator: (a little bit of dramatic voice) On the day of their wedding, poor
Osmeña doesn't have any idea that the love of his life, Fernando,
was forced to marry Cristina. His father lied to him. He was very
excited for the wedding, but it turned out that it would be a wedding
with another woman.


Fernando: (angry and emotional at the same time) “What is this father? You lied
to me! How could you do this to Osmeña? How could you do this to
me? Why do I have to marry her? For power? Fame? Money?”

Mercucio: (talking in an angry voice Yes, you got it right! And you have no future
with a girl like Osmeña. You have no choice but to marry her or else,
in just a snap of my finger, Osmeña and her mother will be killed and

Fernando: (confused and emotional) “I don’t know what to do but and I’m really
torn apart inside. I love her but I don’t want her to suffer in my father’s
MSC: (“Pain” piano version FADING IN at 0:20-25 then slowly FADING

Setting: (Garden)

Propsmen: (Background: flowers, grass, rocks, water)

Recorded Voice:
Narrator: On the other hand, on the day of their most anticipated wedding,
Fernando did not really show up. Osmea and her mother waited for
ages, yet Fernando and his family did not fulfill their promise. It was
Gergorio, his childhood friend, who comforted her during the most
draining day of her life.


Osmeña: I love him very much, but why? How could he do this to me?

Clara: (emotional but is trying to comfort her daughter) Osmeña, fix yourself.
A man like him does not deserve your tears.

Osmeña: (crying while holding her chest because of tha pain) "Mother, I can't
bear the pain. Why promise to marry me when he will not evenshow
up? This is too much.

Gregorio: (will run towards Osmeña & he will wipe Osmeña's tears w/ tender
voice) You deserve someone better. We've been friends for a long
time, and I can treat you better than he can.

Osmeña: (crying so hard) “Fernando, why?”


Setting: (Seashore, sunset)

Propsmen: (Background: coast, rocks, log, sand)

Osmeña: (crying while reminiscing the memories that he shared with
Fernando in their secret place) “This placed used to be our
comfort place but now, everywhere I look, all I see is you and
I’m in pain. What happened to our promises?”

MSC: (“Paalam Leonora” by Sugarcane…… FADING IN at 1:53-2:40

then slowly FADE OUT)
Gregorio: (He will suddenly show up & hug Osmeña and will comfort her w/ a
tender voice) “Cry as much as you can. You can always lean on me.”

Recorded Audio:
Narrator: (modulated voice) One of Fernando's Gwardiya Sibil, who happened
to be passing by, saw them and told Fernando about what he
witnessed at the seashore. The angry Fernando immediately hurried
to confirm whether it was true. But what he saw was Gregorio
hugging Osmeña, which made him lose control. He challenged
Gregorio for a duel.

Fernando: (will suddenly show up and will speak with a dominating voice)
“Stay away from my woman! Let’s have a duel instead and
whoever wins will take her heart”

Osmeña: (surprised to see Fernando again) “What are you doing here? You
broke my heart and then you will show up like nothing happened?

Gregorio: (talking as if giving Osmena assurance that everything is just fine)

“Osmena, don’t worry, I will not let him go near you.”

Fernando: (burning up with modulated voice) “Who are you to say that?
Osmeña my dear, please leave the two of us. He’s meddling with
our matters.”

Recorded Audio:
Narrator: (modulated voice) Fernando and Gregorio will have a fight, and
since Fernando is a good fighter, Osmeña will notice that his
friend is at a disadvantage. After a while, Gregorio will fall down.

Osmeña: (rushing towards the direction of his pitiful friend) “You’re too
much Fernando! After making a promise with me, you’re making
my friend suffer.

Fernando: (fake smile while explaining hoping to get Osmeña again) No. it’s
not like that, Osmeña. Please listen to me!

Osmeña: (kneeling while holding Gregorio who is fighting for his life)
“There’s nothing to explain! I love you but you tore my heart. Let’s
end our story here and I better be with Gregorio. He ca treat me
better than you!”

Fernando: (He will lose his temper because of what Osmeña so he will show
Gregorio but Osmeña protected Gregorio so she was shot instead)

SFX: (FADE IN gunshot)

Fernando: (will be shocked and because he will feel guilty for Osmeña’s
death, he diverted his guilt by shooting Gregorio and he also
committed suicide by shooting himself)
SFX: (FADE IN gunshot)

MSC: (“Nocturne op.9 No. 2 by Chopin” slowly FADING IN 0: 15-20

then slowly FADING OUT)

- (END) -
Francis Marie A. Lagarto
11- Acacia

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