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Name: Juno May T.

Section: Humss – 401

1.To compute the total salary of all five (5) employees for the 6-month project:
Total Salary = (Project Leader’s Salary x 6 months) + (3 Software Engineers’ Salary x 6 months)
+ (Project Manager’s Salary x 2 months)Total Salary = (P37,500 x 6) + (P25,000 x 3 x 6) +
(P50,000 x 2) = P225,000 + P450,000 + P100,000 = P775,000
2. To compute the depreciation for the two (2) brand-new laptops:
Depreciation per month = (Cost of Laptop – Residual Value) / Estimated Lifetime in months
Total Depreciation for 2 laptops = Depreciation per month x 6 months
†Answer: Depreciation per month = (P50,000 – 0) / 24 = P2,083.33
Total Depreciation for 2 laptops = P2,083.33 x 6 = P12,500
3. To compute the total service cost for the 6-month project:
Total Service Cost = Travel Expenses + Repairs and Maintenance + Other Expenses
†Answer: Total Service Cost = P187,500 + P300,000 + P1,200,000 = P1,687,500
Scenario #2:
1. To compute the total number of occupied beds for the entire year, we need to calculate
the total number of patient days for each category of beds.
For the 35 regular beds: 35 beds * 150 days = 5,250 patient days
For the additional 25 beds: 25 beds * 80 days = 2,000 patient days
Total occupied beds for the entire year = 5,250 + 2,000 = 7,250 beds

2. To compute the total income for occupied days, we need to multiply the average income
per day per patient by the total number of patient days.
Total income per day per patient = P2,000
Total income for occupied days = P2,000 * 7,250 patient days.
†Answer: Total income for occupied days = P14,500,000
3. To compute the Total Costs for one year of operation, we need to sum up all the expenses
mentioned in the scenario.
Total Costs = P75,000 + (2 * P25,000) + (4 * P20,000) + (4 * P5,000) + P250,000 + P81,000 +
P880,000 + P600,000 + P750,000 + P600,000 + P1,080,000 + P1,000,000
†Answer: Total Costs for one year of operation = P7,366,000

4. To compute the Profit for the year, we subtract the Total Costs from the Total Income for
occupied days. Therefore, Profit = Total Income – Total Costs.
†Answer: Profit for the year is P5,334,000

5. To compute the Service cost per unit, we divide the Total Costs by the total number of
occupied beds for the entire year.
†Answer: Service cost per unit is P1,264.55

Scenario 3.
1. To compute the total product cost, we need to sum up all of Edward’s expenses:
Total Product Cost = P700 + P125 + P100 + P175 + P250 = P1350.

2. To compute the product cost per unit, we divide the total product cost by the number of items
Edward created:
Product Cost per Unit = Total Product Cost / Number of Items
Product Cost per Unit = P1350 / 500 = P2.70

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