Legal Standards and Policies in Teacher Education

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Southern Luzon State University

College of Teacher Education

Graduate School
Midyear 2024


Name: Hanna Angeline R. Grana Date Submitted: July 28,2024

Program – Year: MA Educational Management- 1st year Faculty: DR. CECILLE P.

Legal Standards and Policies in Teacher Education

Teacher education in the Philippines is governed by a comprehensive framework of
legal strategies and policies aimed at ensuring the developed of competent, effective, and
professional educators. These policies encompass various aspects of teacher preparation,
professional development, and regulatory standards, reflecting the government’s
commitment to quality education through well-trained teachers.
Central to the legal framework for teacher education is Republic Act No. 7836, also
known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994. This act established the
PRC and the Board Professional Teachers, which oversee the licensing and regulation of
the teaching profession. Under this law, aspiring teachers are required to pass the LET to
ensure they meet the necessary standards of knowledge, skills and competencies. This
certification process is the basis of maintaining high educational standards and ensuring
that only qualifies individuals enter the teaching profession.
In addition to these laws, the DepEd and the CHED play a pivotal role in shaping
teacher education policies. DepEd’s National Competency- Based Teacher Standards
(NSBTS) provide a framework for assessing and improving teacher performance. These
standards outline the core competencies required for effective teaching, serving as a guide
for both pre-service education and in-service professional development. CHED, on the
other hand, is responsible for accrediting teacher education programs in higher education
institutions. Through its policies, CHED ensures that teacher education curricula are
aligned with national educational goals and standards.
There are some challenges that are being faced by the teaching profession, several
strategies and initiatives have been implemented. One such initiative is the National
Educators Academy of the Philippine (NEAP), that provides training and professional
development programs for teachers and school leaders. They are design to enhance
pedagogical skills, leadership capabilities and subject matter expertise, thereby improving
the overall quality of education. The legal strategies governing teacher education in the
Philippines reflect a robust commitment to developing a highly qualifies and professional
teaching workforce. Through comprehensive laws, continuous professional development,
and rigorous standards, the Philippine Education system strives to ensure that teachers are
well-prepared to meet the diverse needs of learners and contribute to the overall quality of

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