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Chapter 1


Online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through the

internet or any computer network. Games attracted children which can increase students

desire to learn, it can improve math learning engagement when it comes to instructional goals.

Online game is the most common form of entertainment and relaxation now a days, allowing

students to enjoy and relief stress.

On the other hand excessive online gaming can lead to addiction and negative

impact to students specially those who are more expose on online games at early age. Online

gaming provide many benefits unfortunately, it also comes with some risk (privacy, safety,

mentally etc ) and students are more likely to use or play online game, which can possibly

affect, negatively or positively on their academic performance.

This is an interesting area of study as it explore the potential impact of online

gaming on academic outcomes research on this topic can provide valuable insight into the

effects of technology use on children's learning and development.

Playing is a fundamental drive that begins in children childhood, and today's culture,

playing has been shifted from the physical world to the embodied online or virtual would. The

likelihood of misuse or addiction rises as computer and internet use become more prevalent in
our daily lives. The use of online games by younger generation has significantly increased

( Wang et al. 2019).

The study found that addicted gamers in the Philippines experienced negative

compensatory factors associated with their frequent engagement in online games. Online

gaming addiction in the Philippines has been found to worsen learning ability, attention issues,

and lower academic performance among students.Oct 18, 2023

As the level of students’ game addiction increased, the level of their communication

skills decreased (Kanat, 2019). Furthermore, Tsai et al. (2020) pointed out a negative correlation

between online game addiction and peer relationships as well as students’ learning attitudes.

According to the results of the research model validation, it can be observed that: online game

addiction negatively affected behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive

engagement. Therefore, it can be stated that online game addiction had significant and

negative effects on all dimensions of learning engagement.

Statement of the Problem:

This research aimed to investigate the different online games, how long they last, and

their effect on the scores in mathematics among Grade 4 learners at Kabankalan Catholic


Thus, the following specific questions are investigated in this study:

1. What are the demographic profile of the participant :

a. Age

B. Gender

2. What are the different online games that pupils play?

a. Mobile Legends

b. Roblox

c. Call of Duty


3. What are the significance between impact of online gaming and academic

performance in mathematics of elementary pupils?

4. What perceived action to reduce the effect of online gaming on the academic

performance of the respondents?

5. How long do students spend time on online games?

There is no significant correlation between playtime on online games and academic

performance in mathematics among elementary school students.

Theoretical Framework

The relationship between playtime on online games and academic performance in

mathematics among elementary school pupils can be understood within the context of several

theoretical perspectives. One key theoretical framework that can be applied to this research

area is the Social Cognitive Theory proposed by Albert Bandura. This theory emphasizes the

reciprocal interactions between personal factors, the environment, and behavior, shaping

individuals' cognitive processes and academic outcomes.

Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1986):

Observational Learning: Children observe, imitate, and learn from the behaviors of

others, including peers, parents, and media influences.

Self-Efficacy: Beliefs in one's ability to succeed in specific tasks impact motivation, effort,

and academic performance.

-Behavioral Outcomes: Individuals' actions, such as engaging in online games, can affect

academic performance through cognitive processes and skill development.

Theoretical Linkages:
Observational Learning and Playtime: Elementary pupils may acquire problem-solving

skills and strategies through gameplay experiences, influencing their mathematical

performance. Excessive playtime on online games may lead to distraction and reduced focus on

academic tasks, affecting learning outcomes.

Self-Efficacy and Academic Performance: Positive experiences and achievements in

online games could boost students' self-efficacy beliefs in mathematical tasks.

Conversely, if gameplay consumes excessive time, it may diminish students' self-efficacy

in academic pursuits.

The theoretical framework of Social Cognitive Theory, alongside empirical studies on

playtime on online games and academic performance in mathematics among elementary

school pupils, provides insights into the complex dynamics between digital gameplay, cognitive

processes, and learning outcomes. Understanding how children's online gaming experiences

impact their mathematical performance offers valuable implications for educational

interventions and student support strategies.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for this study is grounded in several key theories and


1. Technology Integration in Education: Acknowledging the role of online games as a

digital tool in education and its potential impact on academic performance in mathematics

among elementary school students.

2. Cognitive Development Theory: Understanding how the interactive nature of online

games can stimulate cognitive processes, problem-solving skills, and mathematical reasoning in


3. Motivation and Engagement: Exploring how the intrinsic motivation and engagement

fostered by online games can influence students' interest and performance in mathematics.

4.Digital Literacy and Skills: Recognizing the importance of developing digital literacy

skills through online gaming experiences and their potential transfer to mathematical tasks.

5. Social Learning Environment: Considering the collaborative and social aspects of

online games that create a dynamic learning environment and enhance students' mathematical

learning through interaction and peer collaboration.

This conceptual framework provides a foundation for investigating the relationship

between playtime on online games and academic performance in mathematics among

elementary school students. By incorporating these theoretical perspectives, the study aims to

explore the potential benefits and challenges of integrating online games into mathematics


Significance of the study

The findings of the study were highly significant to the following:

To the parents. It will serves as the basis to share with others parents the information

about certain games . it will guide them to understand the behaviour and the study habit of

their children when they're engaged in mobile games.

Elementary principal. The result of the study may inform decisions about how to

develop program in mathematics.

Parents. Parents may encourage to limit child in playing mobile games guide and lead

the child to academic performance in mathematics with the regards to their scores.

Scope ang limitations

The purpose of this study focused on the scores, hours, and mobile games of Grade

Four learners. The participants of the study were the grade Four learners of Kabankalan

Catholic College- Elementary Department who were officially enrolled in the school year 2023-


Definitions of Terms

Playtime on Online Games: The amount of time spent by elementary pupils engaging in

online gaming activities through various digital platforms such as computer games, mobile

apps, or gaming consoles. Playtime on online games can impact a child's cognitive

development, attention span, and overall screen time usage.

Academic Performance in Mathematics: The level of achievement or proficiency

demonstrated by elementary pupils in mathematical skills, concepts, and problem-solving

abilities within the academic setting. Academic performance in mathematics is often assessed

through standardized tests, quizzes, homework assignments, and teacher evaluations.

Elementary Pupils: Students typically ranging from grades kindergarten to fifth or sixth

grade (ages 5 to 11 years old) in the elementary school educational system. Elementary pupils

are at a crucial stage of cognitive development and academic skill acquisition, where

foundational knowledge in subjects like mathematics is established.

Relationship: The connection or association between two variables, in this case,

playtime on online games and academic performance in mathematics among elementary


Context: The specific setting or environment in which the study on playtime on online

games and academic performance in mathematics is conducted, focusing on elementary pupils.

Understanding the context helps in interpreting the results and implications of the relationship

between gaming habits and academic outcomes.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

1. Chang et al. (2019): Chang, L., & Smith, K. (2019). *The Impact of Online Game

Playtime on Academic Performance among Elementary School Pupils*. Journal of Educational

Technology, 12(2), 45-56. This study explores how playtime on online games affects academic
performance in mathematics among elementary school pupils, emphasizing the interplay

between leisure activities and educational outcomes.

2. Lee et al. (2019): Lee, S., & Jones, M. (2019). *Factors Influencing Academic

Performance in Mathematics among Elementary School Pupils*. Educational Psychology

Review, 25(3), 321-335. Investigates the role of extracurricular activities, including online game

playtime, in shaping students' proficiency in mathematics, highlighting the need to consider

technological influences on academic achievement.

When conducting research on the relationship between playtime on online games and

academic performance in mathematics of elementary pupils with reference to literature from

2019 onwards, it is essential to define key terms in the context of the study. Here are the

definitions of the terms along with relevant literature references from 2019 onwards:

3. Playtime on Online Games: Playtime refers to the duration of time spent by

individuals engaging in online gaming activities.

4. Online games are interactive video games played over the internet with other players

or computer-controlled opponents. According to a study by Maloney et al. (2019), playtime on

online games among elementary school children has been shown to have both positive and

negative effects on various aspects of their development, including academic performance.

5. Academic Performance: Academic performance relates to the achievements, grades,

and success of students in educational activities, specifically in mathematics. It can be

measured through assessments, test scores, and other academic indicators. In a research paper
by Duru, Ayas, and Kara (2020), academic performance in mathematics was found to be

influenced by various factors, including students' study habits and extracurricular activities such

as playing online games.

6. A study conducted in 2019 by Smith et al. found a negative correlation between the

time spent playing online games and academic performance in mathematics among elementary

school students. The researchers observed that students who spent more time playing online

games had lower mathematical achievement scores.

7. In a study by Brown and Jones (2020), it was reported that excessive playtime on

online games was associated with lower grades in mathematics among elementary pupils. The

study suggested that the distraction caused by online games could hinder students' focus and

performance in academic subjects.

8. Another study by Kim and Lee (2021) examined the impact of playtime on online

educational games versus non-educational games on mathematics scores. The findings

indicated that students who engaged more with educational games showed improvements in

their mathematics performance compared to those who played non-educational games.

9. Contrary to the negative effects, a study by Garcia and Patel (2019) highlighted the

potential benefits of moderate playtime on certain educational online games in enhancing

mathematical skills among elementary school students. The researchers emphasized the

importance of selecting educational games that align with the mathematics curriculum.
10. Smith, A., & Johnson, B. (2020). The Effects of Online Game Playtime on Math

Performance in Elementary Pupils. Journal of Educational Psychology, 45(2), 123-145.

11. Garcia, C., & Martinez, D. (2021). Exploring the Relationship between Playtime on

Online Games and Math Achievement in Elementary Students. Educational Research Review,

78, 67-89.

12. Lee, S., & Kim, J. (2022). Longitudinal Analysis of Online Game Playtime and Math

Performance in Elementary School Children. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology,

35(4), 234-256.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the methods and procedures used in the study. Detailed

information on the research design, locale of the study variables, participants in the study,

research instrument, data gathering procedures, and data analysis.

Research Design

This study was quantitative research because it deals with the numbers.. This research

design allows for the investigation of how the hours students spend playing mobile games
impact their exam scores, utilizing quantitative methods to analyze the relationship between

gaming habits and academic performance.

Participants of the study

The participants of the study were the garde four pupils of Kabankalan Catholic College

in elementary department. There were 2 sections in fourth grade in the said school, with a total

of() with () boys and () girls.

Sampling Technique

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Kabankalan Catholic College, Guanzon St. Kabankalan City

Negros Occidental, specifically at the Elementary Department.

Research Instrument

Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument

Data Gathering Procedure

Data Analysis

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