Comparative Theology Article Review21

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Holy Trinity University

Comparative theology assignment

Article review on

The Spiritual Gifts and The Gift of Speaking in


Prepared by
Kidane Hailu
ID No: Ex-0751/12

Submitted to: Abba Gedion B.

Submit ion date: - 08/10/2016

Title: - Review of Pope Shenouda's "The Spiritual Gifts and the Gift of Tongues" in
Comparative Theology.
1. Introduction
Patriarch Shinouda III, the 117th Patriarch of the See of St. Mark in Alexandria, has made great
contributions to the Coptic Orthodox Church through his teachings and writings. In his article
entitled Spiritual Gifts and Language Gifts, he made a deep theological discourse with a special
focus on glossolalia in the context of Coptic orthodox tradition.
This review seeks to look at the insights of Pope Shinouda and evaluate his significance in
orthodox Christian theology.
The book has a great role in comparative theology especially on the interpretation of scriptural
text. Pope Shenouda's work is grounded in biblical interpretation and the teachings of the
church fathers, offering insights into how the Coptic Orthodox Church views various
theological topics, including spiritual gifts and the gift of tongues.
2. Summary
Pope Shenouda III's teachings on spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of tongues, emphasize the
following key points:
 Speaking in Tongues as a Spiritual Gift:

Speaking in tongues, also known as glossolalia, is one of the nine "power gifts" of the Holy
Spirit. These power gifts are visible manifestations of supernatural power, strength, knowledge,
and ability that come from God. Humans cannot operate in these gifts without the Holy Spirit's
 The Primacy of Love:

The Apostle Paul emphasizes that love surpasses all spiritual gifts. In 1 Corinthians 13:1, he

states that even if someone speaks in tongues (of men or angels) but lacks love, they become

like a clanging cymbal. Love is the first fruit of the Spirit and holds greater significance than

faith or any other gift.

 Fruit of the Spirit vs. Gifts of the Spirit:

St. Paul lists the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23: love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Love, as the primary fruit, takes
precedence over all other gifts. Jesus also emphasized love as the foundation of the Law and
the Prophets (Matthew 22:40).

 Salvation and Spiritual Gifts:

The possession of spiritual gifts does not guarantee salvation. Jesus warned that some who
prophesied, cast out demons, and performed miracles would still be rejected because they
lacked a genuine relationship with Him (Matthew 7:22-23).
 Gifts and Humility:
Spiritual gifts are not earned; they are given by God's grace. The great saints understood the

danger of seeking vainglory through gifts. One wise saying suggests that if God grants a gift,

we should also seek humility to protect it.

Even the Apostle Paul, who received abundant revelations, faced challenges. He received a

"thorn in the flesh" (2 Corinthians 12:7) to prevent him from being exalted. This highlights the

need for humility and dependence on God, even amidst spiritual gifts.

3. Result

The article titled "The Spiritual Gifts and the Gift of Tongues" discusses the Christian

perspective on spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of speaking in tongues. It emphasizes that

while some Christians prioritize the pursuit of spiritual gifts, the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians

12:31 points to a more excellent way, which is love. The article underscores that love is superior

to all gifts, as stated in 1 Corinthians 13:1, and that the fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy,

peace, and self-control, are more crucial for salvation than the gifts themselves. (Galatians


The article also warns against the dangers of pride and vanity that can accompany the desire

for spiritual gifts. It recounts how even the Apostle Paul was given a "thorn in the flesh" to

prevent him from becoming conceited due to the abundance of revelations he received (2

Corinthians 12:7). Similarly, it mentions Jacob, who was given a physical ailment to protect

him from pride (Genesis 32:28).

Furthermore, the article argues that spiritual gifts are not to be sought after or requested, but

are given by God's will. It criticizes the practice of some who claim to transfer spiritual gifts to

others, noting that in Orthodox theology, those who receive gifts should try to conceal them.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, the article suggests that instead of seeking spiritual gifts, believers should

prepare their hearts with purity and humility to receive whatever gifts God may bestow,

focusing on seeking God's kingdom and righteousness as the ultimate goal (Matthew 6:33).

In summary, Speaking in tongues is not necessary in every age. The Holy Bible says

concerning this: “Whether there are tongues, they will cease” (1Cor.13: 8). Even in the era of

the Apostles there were conditions for Speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is a sign for

unbelievers. While spiritual gifts are significant, love and humility remain essential. Every

believer seek God's gifts with a heart of humility and a desire to glorify Him.

5. Citations

 Holy bible

 Shenouda III, H.H. (Year of Publication). Comparative theology (M. Bassilli & A. Bassilli,

Trans.). Publisher Name.


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