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The charge on any body (q) is equal to an integral multiple of the electron charge (e)
q = ± ne
Where n is an integer
A neutral body gets positive charge by losing electrons and gets negative charge by
gaining electrons. Like charges repel and unlike charges attract to each other. A body gets
positive charge only when it loses electrons. Hence, the mass of a body decreases slightly and
hence its weight slightly decreases.

Repulsion is the sure test of charging than attraction.

Attraction can be there between a charged body and an uncharged body also between
opposite charges. But repulsion exists between two like charges only. Hence, repulsion is
the sure test to confirm the charge on a body.
The electric lines of force do not intersect
If electric lines of force intersect, the electric field at the point of intersection will have two
directions simultaneously, which is physically impossible.
Coulomb’s Law
The force of attraction or repulsion between two electric charges is directly proportional to
product of their charges and is inversely proportional to the square of distance between them
and acts along the line joining the charges.

The force between two charges q1, q2 separated by a distance r is given by

(i) F ∝ q1q2
(ii) F∝ 2
q1 q 2
F¿ k 2
k ⟶ propotionality constant
4 π ɛ0

1 q1q2
F¿ 4 π ɛ 2
0 q

ɛ 0 ⟶ Permitivity of free space

1 9 2 −2
=9 x 10 N m C
4 π ɛ0

When the charges are in a medium then

1 q1q2
Fmedium ¿ 4 πɛ 2

ɛ → perimitivity of medium

Intensity of electric field

The intensity of electric field at a point in space defined as the force
experienced by a unit positive charge placed at that point in the field.

If F is the force experienced by a test charge q placed at a point in an

electric field, the intensity of electric field (E) at that point is

Intensity due to a point charge

The force on a test charge q kept at P is
1 Qq F 1 Q
F = 4πɛ 2 ⇒
= 4 π ɛ0 r2
0 r
But intensity of electric field E= q

Intensity of electric field due to a point charge

1 Q
E = 4πɛ 2
0 r

Electric dipole consisting of two equal and opposite charges q and -q separated
by a distance 2a

Equation for the couple acting on an electric dipole in a uniform electric field
The dipole is placed in a uniform electric field of intensity E at an angle
ϴ to the direction of electric field. Then the electrostatic forces acting on the
poles q and -q are qE and -qE respectively.
They form a torque a or couple which tends to rotate the dipole into the
direction of electric field.
Torque = Force x perpendicular distance between two force
τ = F x BC
From the figure, in triangle ABC,
Sin ϴ = AB = 2a ⇒ BC = 2a Sin ϴ

τ = qE x 2a Sin ϴ
τ = 2aqE sin ϴ Bit 2qa = p where p → dipole moment
τ = pE x Sin ϴ
τ=px E
An expression for the intensity of the electric field at a point on the axial line of
electric dipole
Let ‘P’ be the point on the axial line of a dipole at a distance ‘r’ from it center.
The distance of P from B is (r - a) and from A is (r + a)

Intensity of electric field at P due to +q is

1 q
E1 = 4 π ɛ 2
0 ( r−a )

Intensity of electric field at P due to -q is

1 q
E2 = 4 π ɛ 2
0 ( r +a )

The resultant intensity of electric field due to the dipole at point P is

E = E 1 – E2

E =
[ q

4 π ɛ 0 ( r−a ) ( r + a )2
= 4 π ɛ0[
q r 2+ a2 +2 ar−r 2+2 ar −a2
(r 2−a2)2 ]
[ 2 x 2 ar
4 π ɛ 0 (r 2−a2)2 ] = [
1 2 (2 qa)r
4 π ɛ 0 (r 2−a 2)2 ]
E =
2 Pr
4 π ɛ 0 (r −a2)2
If r≫ a, the a2 term can be neglected.

1 2P
4 π ɛ0 r3 [ ]
An expression for the intensity of the electric field at a point on the equatorial
plane of electric dipole

Let P be a point on the equatorial plane of a dipole at a distance r from its center
The magnitude of electric field at P due to +q is
E1 = 4 π ɛ 2 2
0 r +a
( q
The magnitude of electric field at P due to -q is
E2 = 4 π ɛ 2 2
0 r +a
( q
From the figure y components of E1 and E2 are equal and opposite. Hence, they
cancel each other. But some of x components gives the resultant field E at P.
i.e., E = E1cosϴ + E2cosϴ
( q
= 4 π ɛ 2 2 cosϴ + 4 π ɛ 2 2 cosϴ
0 r +a 0 r +a
) 1
( q
[ 1
= 2 4 π ɛ 2 2 cosϴ
0 r +a
( q
From right angled triangle PAO
cosϴ =
√ r + a2

[ 1
E = 2 4πɛ 2 2
0 r +a
( q
)] √r a+ a
2 2

= 4 π ɛ (r 2+ a2 )3/ 2

But 2qa = P ⟶ dipole moment

1 p
4 π ɛ 0 (r + a2 )3 / 2

If r >> r, the a2 term can be neglected, then

1 p
4 π ɛ0 r3

Gauss’ Law
The total electric flux (Ф) through any closed surface is equal to ɛ times the net

charge (q) enclosed by the closed surface.

Ф= ɛ q

Importance of Gauss’ Law

1. Gauss’ Law is true for any closed surface.
2. Gauss’ Law gives the relation between the electric field and the charge.
3. Gauss’ Law is valid for stationary charges as well as for rapidly moving
4. Gauss’ Law based on Coulomb’s law. It is valid as long as Coulomb’s
law is valid.
If 109 electrons move out of a body to another body every second, how much
time is required to get a total charge of 1 C on the other body?
The charge that moves out in 1 second is
1.6 x 10-19 x 1019 = 1.6 x 10-10 C
The time required for 1 C to move out is
1 9
=6.25 x 10 s
1.6 x 10
¿198 years

2. What is the force between two small charged spheres having charges of
2 x 10 -7C and 3 x 10 -7C placed 30 cm apart in air ?
Q1 = 2 x 10 -7C
Q2 = 3 x 10 -7C
R = 30 cm = 0.3 m
1 q1q2
F¿ 4 π ɛ 2
0 q

1 9 2 -2 9 x 10 x 2 x
4 π ɛ 0 = 9 x 10 Nm C f = 0.3 0.32

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