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Mata Kuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS 1

Semester : SATU (I)
Jurusan / ProgamStudi : SEMUA PRODI
Hari / Tanggal : JUM’AT, 14 OKTOBER 2022
Waktu / Pukul : 14.00-15.00 WIB

Petunjuk : 1. Isilah pertanyaan pada lembar jawaban yang telah di sediakan.

2. Jangan lupa menulis NAMA,NIM, dan Mata Kuliah.
3. Periksalah dengan teliti jawaban anda, jangan sampai ada yang belum di jawab.
4. Apa bila ada soal yang belum jelas harap bertanya pada pengawas.

Jawablahpertanyaan – Pertanyaan di bawahini !

Soal :
1. Change the following sentences into negative and introgative!
1). The man comes here just to take this letter.
2). One of my brothers works for Bank of America in Jakarta.
3). He makes his weekly report regularly.

2. Put the following sentences into simple past tense. Use the verbs in parentheses.
1). She ... (take) the stamps from my drawer yesterday morning.
2). They ... (spend) the night at one of my friend's last night.
3). My secretary ... (bring) all the books home last week.

3. Write the missing verb in the sentences below.

a) Alice and Max are learning to……..the tango
b) Shal I ………………the milk in the fridge?
c) I always…………… to the news on the airport or go by bus?

4. Put The following sentences into present continuous.Use the words in parentheses.
a).One of them ….(try) to open the dor.
b).The Gril …….(Take) something in that room.
c). the two man ….(discuss)their new plans?

“Good Luck”

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