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accountrendered Unpaid amount recordedin a bad debt Debt that is not likelyto be paid.

statement of account, details of which were in balance Differencebetweenthe totals of money
L a previous statement. [6] coming into and going out of a bank account. 16]

advicenote Document or messageinforming a
customer that a consignment rs on its way to
Baltic Exchange An intemational exchangefor
freight and shipping, based in London. [rr]
them. [5,rr] bankcharges Feeschargedbyabankfor
rn advisingbank Bank in a seiler'scountrythat handling transactions.[9]

o advisesthe sellerthat a letter ofcredit has been

lssued in their favour, and may also guarantee
bank draft Chequethat a bank draws on itself
and sellsto a customer.[6,8]
bank transfer Movement of moneyfrom one

u agency Company that provides a service.[ro]

agent Personor company that acts on behalf of a
principal,buying or selling goodsforthem. [r,ro]
agent bank Bank representing seller (exporter)
bank account to another. [6]
b,c.c. Abbrevi ation for blind carb o n copy, used
at the end of copiesof a letter or in the header
information of copiesof an email messageto
usually in the buyer's (importer's) country. The indicate that they are being sent to other,people
agent bank will hand the shipping documents without the named recipient knowing. [r]
over to the buyer either when the buyer pays s/e Abbreviationfor bill of exchange.l3,6l
the bank in a documentsagainstpayment beneficiary Personwho receivesmoneyfrom,
transaction (D/P)or when he or she 'accepts', insurance policy or pension scheme.lrz]
say,a bill of exchangein a documentsagainst benefit payment Payment made from a pension
acceptance(D/A) transaction.Agent banks are fund or a life assurancepolicy. [rz]
also used in ietters of credit transactions in a bill of exchange(e/r) Method of paymentwhere
f"" l
Drfrrff4r Lrrl the sellerpreparesa bill in the buyer'sname
air waybill Document that givesinformation ordering them to either pay the amount when
about goods sent by air, and stateswhether the the bill is presented, or a specified number of
buyer or selleris responsiblefor insurance [5,rr] days,e.g.thirty or sixty days,afterwards [6,8,9]
all risks(an) Type of insurance policythat bi ll of lading (a/l) Shipping document that gives
provides cover against all risks except those details of a consignment, its destination, and the
listed in the policy. lrr,rzl consignee.It entitles the consignee to collect the
and (&) Co. Abbreviation f or and company,tsed goodson arrival. Ir,rr]
ln companynames. [r] blind carboncopy (b.c.c.) Similar to carbon copy
appendix Sectionof a document, e.g.a report, (c.c),onlythere is no indication onthe copy of
that contains additional information and is the letter or messagesent to the named
attached to the end. Ir4] recipient that copies are being sent to other
an Abbreviation for all risks.[rr] people.[r]
arbitration Settling a dispute by means of a third e/L Abbreviation for bill of lading. ft,r.l
party who is independent ofthe others rather blockedstyle Style of writing, e g. an address,in
than by a court of law. [ro] which each line starts directlybelowthe one
asat Uptothisdate.f6l above.[r]
asper Accordingto.[S] box number Number given in a newspaper
assessor Personwho estimates the value of advertisement as part of the address to which
damage to property for insurance purposes [rz] replies shouldbe sent. [3]
asset Anything of value ownedby a company brochure Similar to a catalogue,but usually
that can be sold off. lrrl shorter. [3]
attachment Separatedocument attached to an broker Personor organization that buys and sells
email message.Icons indicating attachments goods,shares,or insurance,for others. [ro]
form part of the header information. [r] budget PIan of income and expenditure for a
attention line Phraseindicating who a letter is particular period of time, e.g.a year. [r4]
f.or,e.g For the attention of the Managing build ing society Type of organization originally
Director. j.l set up in the UK to provide mortgages, but now
averageadjuster Assessorspecializingin marine offering a wide range of services similar to
insurance claims. [rz] those offered by commercial banks. 19]
bulk buyer Businessor organization that buys
backlog A number of jobs waiting to be done, goods in large quantities, e g. a supermarket
and which are late, e.g.orders to be filled. [7] chain [3]

bulk carrier Ship that carriesvery large catalogue Book or booklet giving details of goods o
quantities of freight without packing, e.g. or services offered by a company, usually with a o
grain, coal [n] price list [3] t
bulk consignment Consignment of goods carried certificateof origin A document that shows
in large amounts and without packing, e.g. where goods were made. [9,rr]
f., l
5r4rrL, ^^-l
LV4r Lrrl c/r Abbreviation for carriag eforward l4l
bu llion market Market dealing in gold or silver in c rs Abbreviat ion f or co nt aine rfr eig ht st atio n. ltt]
bars. [9] chamberof commerce Association of business
buying agent Agent who buys goods on behalf of people formed to protect thelr interests and
a principal and receivesa commission, Buying provide services,e.g.supplying information
agents can also act as forwarding agents, and setting up recognizedstandards oftrading.
clearing goodsthrough customs and sending lr,ro]
them on to their clients [ro] charter To hire a means of transport, e g a ship or
buyinghouse Groupofbuyingagents [ro] aircraft. lrrl
charter party Contractfor chartering a ship. [u]
cabotagelaws Laws that allow a means of chequecard Cardissued by a bank or building
transportation, e.g ship, aircraft, to pick up societyto an account holder guaranteeing that
goodsfrom one country and transport them to their chequeswill be honoured up to an agreed
another for trade. [rr] limit [9]
cAD Abbreviation for cashagainst documents. c rrvr Abbreviation for rail co n sig nm ent not e ltr)
l+,sl circularletter Letter,either advertisingor offering
careersummary Short proflle or description of a product or service,circulated to a large number
the subject at the beginning of a cv. [r5] of companies or individuals [3]
carbon copy (c.c.) Exact copy of a letter or email claimant Personwhomakesa claimfor
messagesent to people other than the named compensation from an insurance company. [rz]
recipient. They are listed at the end of a letter claused Termusedon abillof lading to indicate
or in the header information of an email that goodswere damaged or incomplete when
message.[r] takenonboard [n]
c.c. Abbreviat ion f or carbo n copy, us ed al the end clean Term used on a bill of lading to lndicate
of a letter or in the header information of an that goodswere taken on boardin good
email messageto indicate that it is being sent condition Irr]
to other people.[r] cleanbill Bill of exchangewithout any
carriageforward (cr) Condition of saiewhere the accompanying documents. [9]
customer pays forthe transport ofthe goods.[4] clear (A) To pay an account.(B)To pass goods
carriagepaid (ce) Condition of salewhere the through customs [6 (senseA); rr (senseB)]
seller pays for the transport ofthe goods [4] clearingagent Personor organizationthatclears
cashagainst documents(cno) Atransaction goodsthrough customs frr]
when the agent bank (acting for the clearingbank Another termfor commercial
seller/exporter) in the buyer's country presents banklsl
shipping documentsto the buyer and askshim closedindent Order that statesthe sourcefrom
or herto payforthe shipment before the which the buying agent must buy. [ro]
shipping documents are handed over to the caan Abbreviat ion f or r oa d co n sig nm ent n ot e. lttl
buyer [4,5] CoD Abbreviationfor cashon delivery.16]
cashcard Cardissued by abank orbuilding combinedtransportbill of lading Anotherterm
society to an account holder that enables f or mult im od aI b ill oJIa ding. [tt]
him or her to withdraw cash from a cash commercialagent Personor companythat acts
dicnpncpr fol on behalf of a manufacturer, selling their goods
cashdiscount Amount taken offthe usual selling to retailers. lro]
price of goodswhen they are paid for by cheque commercialbank Type of bankthat deals mainly
or cash.l3l withprivate customers and small companies in
cashon delivery(coD) Condition of salewhere domestic and international transactions l9]
the buyer pays immediatelythe goods are commercialinvoice A document that will include
delivered.[6] the name and addressof the seller and buyer,
the terms of delivery and payment and a
description ofthe goodsbeing sold.There is a

standard s Irp Ro document, which exporters the importingcountrywhich givespermission
can use. [1,1r] for goodsto be imported [9]
o commission Chargefor handling a transaction.[ro] consulateBranchof an embassythatprotectsthe
I commissionagent Another term for com mercial commercialinterestsof the countryit
agent.lrol rpnrecenl-c [r nl

commodity market Market inwhich raw containerVerylargemetalboxin which goods

materials and certain manufactured goods arepackedfor transportation.[rr]
(,copper) are bought and sold in large station(crs) Containerdepotfor
quantities by brokers and dealers.lro] imports [rr]
compensation Money paid by an insurance containerwaybill Documentthat gives
company for damage,loss,or injury. [7] informationaboutgoodssentby container,and
compliments slip Small piece of paper with a stateswhetherthebuyeror selleris responsible
company's details on it, and possibly the name fnr incrrrenrp [rrl

ofthe person sending the slip. Used as a contract Agreement, with legal force,made
coverlng note for a longer document. [5] between two or more people.[7]
complimentaryclosePhraseusedatthe end of a correspondentbank Bankthat acts as an agent
letter, before the signature,e.g.Yoursfaithfully, for another bank. [6]] counterfoil Part of a cheque or paying-in slip
comprehensivecover Insurance cover against which can be detached and kept as a record.[9]
most risks [rz] courtesytitle Title such asMr, Mrs, or Dr used
confirmed letterof credit The seller's/exporter's before a person'sname. Ir]
bank (acting as an agent bank) in the cover (n) Insurance;(vb) Provide insurance
importer's/buyer's country conflrms to the Iro,rz]
sellerthat they will guarantee payment for the covernote Document that provides coveruntil
goods,thus reducing the risk ofthe buyer/ the insurance certificate is prepared Irz]
importer not paying the seller/exporter.Ir,rz] coveringletter Letter accompanying a document
confirming bank Another termfor advising or goods,explaining the contents [5]
bank.lgl c/p Abbreviat ion for carri ag e paid. l4l
confirming house Agencythat receivesorders credit (n) Sum of money paidinto abank
from overseas,placesthem, and arrangesfor account; (vb) To record in a bank account a sum
packing, shipping, and insurance. [9, ro] of money paid in. [9]
consequentiallossinsurance Insurance against credit card Card,issuedby a bank or flnance
loss of money as the result of an accident.[rz] company,that guaranteespayment for the
consignee Personor organization to which goods goodsor servicesthe cardholder buys.
are sent by a consignor.[rr] The cardholder pays the card issuer at a
consignment O_uantityof goods sent to supply an later date.[6,9]
order. [r] credit facilities Means of allowing credit, e.g.
consignment basis Basison which an agent is payment by bill of exchange,open account
employed to resell goods for a commission, e.g. facilities. [8]
as a distributor. [ro] credit note Document informing a customer of
consignment note Document sent with goods, money owed by a supplier for faulty or
giving details ofthe goods and sender.It is returned goods.It can only be used to buy
signed by the person who receivesthe goodsto goodsfrom the supplier. [6,7]
provetheyhave arrived 15] credit rating Evaluation of the creditworthiness
consignor Personor organization that sends of an individual or company. [8]
goodsto supply a customer'sorder. Irr] credit status Creditworthiness of an individual or
consolidation When small consignments fiom company. [9]
different exporters are Ioaded into a single credit terms Rulesinvolved in maklng a
container. h1] payment, e.g.allowing a certain amount of
consolidationservices When shippers or time, signing a contract,paying by bill of
forwarding agentsload small consignments exchange.l8,ro]
from different exporters into a single container. credit transfer Transfer of money from one bank
lnl account to another. [6,9]
consularinvoice Invoice,or stamp on a creditworthy Capableof paying offthe credit
commercial invoice,issuedby the consulate in offered [8]

crossed Term used to describea cheque or postal dishonour Torefusetopay(e.g achequeorbillof o
order that has two lines drawn acrossit to show exchange)becausethere is not enough money o
that it must be paid into an account and not in the account [6,9] ll

cashed.[6] distributor Personor company that buys goods

current account Account into which the from a manufacturer and then seilsthem to
customer can pay money, and draw it out, rateilerc [r rnl

without giving notice. [6] documentarycredit (oc) Letter of credit that

curriculumvitae (cv) Document describing a requiresthe sellerto supply shipping
person'squaliflcations,work experience,and documentsto obtain payment from a bank 16,9]
interests,usually sent with a job application.[r5] document of title Document that allows
cv Abbreviationfor curriculum vitae. p5] someoneto claim the goodsspecifiedon it, e g
r4u!r5 trrl
o/a Abbreviationfor documentsagainst documentsagainstacceptance (o/n) When a
acceptance.l3l bank will not releaseshipping documents until
daysafter sight (o/s) The number of days within a bill of exchangehas been signed (accepted)by
which a bill of exchange must be paid after the personreceivingthegoods 13,9]
presentation 19] documentsagainstpayment(o/e) When abank
Dc Abbreviationfor documentary] will not releaseshipping documents until a bill
dealer Personwho buys and sells shares,goods, of exchangehas beenpaid by the person
or servicesto make a proflt. [ro] receiving the goods.[4,9]
debit (n) Sum of money paid out or owed from a o/p Abbreviationf.or documentsagainst
bank account; (vb) To record in a bank account a payment l4l
sum of money paid out or owed. [9] draw (on) (A) To write a chequethat instructs a
debit card Cardissued by a bank that enables bank to make a payrnent to another person ot
payment for goods and servicesto be taken organization (B)Towrite a bill of exchange
from the cardholder'saccount automatically. [6,9] demanding payment from a person or
debit note Document informing a customer of organization frt (senseB)]
money owed for goodsor servicessupplied.[6,7] drawee Personwho must pay a bill of exchange
declarationform Form used when an open (e g,the buyer) l9l
cover pollcy is in operation to provide details drawer Writer of a bill of exchange,who draws
of individual shipments to the insurer. [rz] the bill on the drawee(e g the buyer) [9]
default To fail to do something required by law, o/s Abbrevialionfor days afier sight l9l
e.g.repay money owed, keep to the terms of a due Arriving or dock[ngln (a destinationport),
contract [8] e g due Hong Kong ltz)
del credereagent Agent who guarantees due date Date by whlch an accountshouldbe
customers'debtsho] settled [6]
del crederecommission Commissionpaidto an
agent who guaranteescustomers'debts.lro] e and (&) oE Abbreviationfor errorsand
delivery note Document sent with goodsto omisslonsexcepted 16l
a customer.It is signed by the person who endorse(vb) To transfer a chequeor bill of
receivesthe goods to prove they have arrived exchangeto someoneelseby signing it on the
h1l back [rt]
department of trade Government department errorsand omissionsexcepted(r & oe) Phrase
that provides services to industrial and written or printed at the end of an invoice or
commercial organizations [ro] statement of account to indicate that the seller
deposit account Type of savings account has the right to correct any mistakes in it. [6]
that requires notice before money can be estimate Pricegiven for work to be done or a
takenout l9l serviceto be provided. [r,3]
despatchnote Document sent with a eurobond market Market dealing in bonds issued
consignment, giving details of what it contains by European governments [9]
and any missing items that wili be sent later [u] eurocheque Chequefrom a Europeanbank that
direct debit Similar to a standing order,except can be cashedat any bank in the world
the amount is specifledby the payee [9] displaying a eurochequesign. Ig]
discount (a e/r) To sell abiil ofexchange to a ex- From (a vesselor port of departure),e.g ex-55
bank at a percentagelessthan its value. [9] Orianna,ex-Hamburg. lt o,e]

excfusiveagent / agency Another term for sole handling charge Freight company's chargeto an
agent / agency.[to] exporter for dealing with the documentation
executor Personor organization appointed by for a consignment. [tt]
t, the maker of a will to carry out its terms. [9] houseairwaybill Airwaybill issuedto an
individual consigneewhen consignments
factor Agent who buys and sells for another have been consolidated.[rr]
organization,but in his or her own name. [ro]
factoring Processwhereby a companybuys the IATA Abbreviation for lnter nat io nal Air Tr ansoort
outstanding invoices of a manufacturer's Association.lttl
customers,keepsthe accounts,and then Ic D Abbreviat ion for inland clear an ce d ep o t. [tt]
obtains payment. [ro] fMo Abbreviationfor international money order.
rcr Abbrevialion f.orfull container load. [rr] t6l
fidelity bond Guarantee against an employee Inc. Abbreviation for incorporate d, lsed i^
stealing moneyfrom a company. [rz] comPany names h]
fi nancialyear Periodusedby companies for incorporated_Americantermfor public limited
accounting and tax purposes.In the UK, from company. L1l
6 April to the following 5 April. [r4] Incoterm Term establishedbythe International
force majeure Term used in insurance policies Chamber of Commerce (tcc) indicatingwhich
meaning an outstanding or unusual event, price is being quoted to the customer > see
e.g.a violent storm, an earthquake.[rr] Pager 51-52.[2,4]
foreign bill Term used in the UK for a bill of indemnify To promise to protect someone
exchange drawn, or payable,in another against money lost or goods damaged [rz]
country. [9] indemnity A promise to protect someoneagainst
foreign exchange Money in a foreign currency. money lost or goods damaged.[ro]
tsl indent Order fiom another country. [ro]
foreign exchangemarket Market dealing in inherent vice Term used in insurance policies
foreign currencies.[9] meaning something inthe content ornature
forwarding agent Personor organization that of goodswhich causesdeterioration, e.g.flsh
conveysgoodsto their destination. Forwarding or fruit can go bad, metal can oxidize. [rr]
agents are involved in the Iogistics of inland bill Termusedinthe UKfor a bill of
transportation, finding the most effective and exchange payable in the country in which it is
economical route. [5,u] drawn up. [9]
freight account Invoice sent by a shipping inlandclearancedepot (tco) Depot where
company to an exporter. [rr] goods are collectedand sent on to their flnal
full container load (rcl) Consignment from a destination. [rr]
single exporter that fllls a container. [rr] insideaddressAddressofthepersonaletteris
written to. [r]
generalaveragesacrifice Term used in marine instructionsfor despatchform Consignors
insurance to referto cargo that has been fill out this form for transport companies
deliberately thrown overboard,e.g flammable or forwarding agents so the details of the
goods in the caseoffire. [rz] consignment, e.g. contents,packing,
giro Systemfor transferring money from one measurements, and its departure and arrival
bank to another. [6] dates and placescan be put on the relevant
grossprice Priceof goods including additionai transport documents, e.g.the waybills or
costssuch as transport, insurance,and consignments notes.
purchasetax. [4] insurancecertificate Document that an insurance
groupage Another term for consolidation. Irr] policy is written on. [5,r2]
groupage rates Ratefor container shipments insuranceof interest Insurance against making a
when different consignments are put together businessmistake [rz]
in a single container. [11] insuranceof liability Insurance of responsibility
guarantee (A) A promise that if something goes for loss or damage,e I a company's
wrong with a product, the sellerwill repair it; responsibility to compensateemployeesfor
(B)A promise to repay another's debt. [7] injury at work. [rz]
guarantor Personwho undertakesto be intermodaf Another term f.ormultimodal. lrtl
responsible for, or to repay, another's debt. [9]

InternationalAir TransportAssociation(tara) make up To put together, order. [5] o
Association of major airlines that meets merchant bank Type ofbank that specializesin o
regularlyto agreeon routes and chargesfor international trade and flnance, and deals !)

their services.lrr] mainly with large organizations.[9]

internationalbank draft Chequethat abank mortgage A loan for which property is the -
draws on itself and sellsto a customer,who then security. l9l
sends it to a supplier in another country. [6] movement certificate Usually called a EUR1.This
InternationalChamberof Commerce(tcc) is a customs certificate completed bythe
Association of businesspeople that promotes exporter and countersignedby Customsto
and protectstheir interestsin businessaffairs.[4] obtain a preferential duty rate for goods
internationalmoneyorder(tMo) Moneyorder coming into the EUfrom an outslde country.It
bought from a bank to send to someone in has preferential duty rates with the EU country
anothercountry 16] e g. countries that were part of the Lomd
InternationalUnderwritingAssociation(t ua) Body Agreement could get a specialduty rate [rr]
responsiblefor Institute CargoClauses.Irz] multimodal Usedto describeunits for
invoice List of goods or servicesthat stateshow transportation, e.g.containers,that can be
much must be paid for them. [5,6] transferred between different systems,e g
irrevocableletter of credit Letter of creditthat can truck,train, and ship [rr]
only be cancelledwith the agreement of the multimodal bill of lading BiIl of lading covering
seller.14,91 more than one means of transport, e g road
issuingbank Bankthat issuesaletterof credit.lg] and sea.[rr]
mutual Description of a company or institution
t/c Abbreviationfor letter oJcredit.f6,gl in which there are no shareholdersand in
LcL Abbreviat ion f or less than full cont ain er load. [tt] which all proflts are distributedto
lessthan full containerload (rct) Small policyholders or members. [9]
consignment that does not flll a container and
can therefore be shipped in the same container negotiabledocument Document, e.g.a bill of
as other consignments. [rr] Iading, that can be bought or sold [rr]
letter of credit (t /c) Document lssuedby abank negotiablesecuritiesSecuritiesthat canbe
on a customer's requestthat orders an amount exchangedfor goods,money, etc. [9]
of moneyto be paidto a supplier [6,9] net invoicevalue Value of an invoice without
letter of indemnity Letter issued by an exporter extra chargessuch as shipping. fto]
accepting responsibility for goods lost or net price Pnce of goodswithout additional
damaged during shipping [rr] costssuch as transport, insurance,and
letterhead Printed addressofthe sender,in the nrrrcheceiev frl

UK usually at the top of the page. lrl new issuemarket Market dealing in new share
life assurance Form of insurance providing for issues.[9]
the payment of a specifledsum to a named non-Conference ship Shipthatis not amember of
beneficlary ifthe policyholder dies.[rz] the Shipping Conferenceand doesnot travel on
limited liability Company in which the scheduledroutes. frr]
shareholdersare only responsiblefor the non-exclusive agent/ agency Personor
capital they have contributed if the company organization that sellsthe products of a
goesbankrupt. [r] manufacturer alongside other agents in a
line Particular item made or soid by a company particular country or area.[ro]
trl non-negotiablewaybill Waybill that cannot be
Lloyd'sof London An associationof underwriters boughtorsold [rr]
and insurance brokers.Irz] non-recoursefactoring Buying up an outstanding
Ltd Abbreviationfor limited liability, usedin invoice and claiming the debt from the
company names. [r] customer fro]
long-term credit facilities Credit facilities that
allow a buyer a long period of time to pay. [5] on approval Term used for goods sent to possible
loyalty discount Amount taken offthe usual customers to look at or use before buying them
selling price of goodswhen they are sold to a lrl
regular customer 14] online banking Using the Internet to transact
bankbusiness [9]

on their own account In their own name.fiol private ban k Similar to a commercial bank, but
open accountfacilities Account in which a owned by one person or a partnership and
o customer is given an agreedperiod of time, therefore a much smaller organization [9]
(:, e.g.three months, to pay for goods.[4,8] pro forma invoice Invoice sent in advanceofthe
open coverpolicy Type of marine insurance goods ordered.[5,6]
policy that provides coverfor all shipments promissorynote Document inwhich a buyer
made by the policyholder over an agreed promises to pay a seller a certain amount of
period, e.g.six months. [rz] money by a certain date. [6]
open indent Order that allows the buying agent to proposalform Form completed by a person
buy from any sourcethey choose.[ro] taking out an insurance policy that stateswhat
option Right to hire a ship. [rr] is to be insured, how much it is worth, how long
out of chargenote Note issued by customs when the policywill run, and under what conditions
goodshave been cleared [rr] it is to be effected.[tz]
outstanding Unpaid.f5l prospectus (A) Similar to a catalogue,but issued
overdraft Loan made by a bank to an account- by a schoolor college;(B)Document published
holder, enabling them to take out more money by a company, giving details of a new share
than is intheir account [9] issue [3,senseA]
overdraw Totake out more moneythanthere is protest To take legal action to obtain payment,
in a bank account. [9] e.g of an outstanding bill of exchange 16,91
overhead A regular cost of running a company, public limited company (elc) Companywhose
e g wages,rent. [9] sharescan be bought and sold by the public. [r]

packing list list of goods being sent.This repeats quantity discount Amount taken offthe usual
some of the information on a bill of lading, but selling price of goods becausethe buyer is
is a separatedocument. [n] purchasing a large quantity. [3]
p and(&) p Abbreviationfor postage and packing quarterly report Report published everythree
t6l months. [r4]
paying-inslip Printed form used by an account quarterly statement Statement of account sent to
holder to record cashor chequespaid into a a regular customer every three months. [5]
bank account. l9l quotation Pricegiven for work to be done or a
payload The part of a cargo that earns money for serviceto be provided. [4,r2]
the shipping company [rr]
pet prc For and on behalf oJ.lrl railconsignmentnote (crM) Consignmentnote
pt c Abbreviationfor public limited company, sent with goodsby rail. [rr]
used in company names [r] receipt Adocument showing that goods have
postageand packing(p&p) Chargefor postage been paid for. [rr]
and packing goodsto be sent to a customer. [6] recoursefactoring Similarto non-recourse
postal order (ux) Document bought from a post factoring, but claiming the debt from the
office that representsa certain amount of manufacturer if the customer cannot pay. [ro]
money. It is a safe way of sending money by referee Personwho writes a reference
post.[6] (senseB).[8,r5]
p.p. Abbrevialionfor per pro, used before the reference (A) Figures ( and / or letters
sender'sname in a signature block to indicate (e.g.initials of sender)written at the top of a
that a letter is signed on behalf of someone Ietter to identify it, often abbreviated to ref
else,e.g.a personal assistant signing on behalf (B)Written report on a company's
of a manager. [r] creditworthiness or a job applicant's character
premium Payment made to an insurance and suitability for the job h(A), 8,rSF)l
company in return for cover [rz] remittance Payment. [6]
primary source In research,sourceofflrst-hand retailer Personor company that buys goodsfrom
information such as an interview or wholesalers or manufacturers to sell to the
questionnaire h4] public. [3]
principal Personor organizationthat hires an revocableletter of credit Letter of credit that can
agent or broker to buy or sell goodsfor them be cancelled.[9]
Ir,ro] road consignment note (cmn) Consignment note
sent with goods by road. [rr]

sAD Abbrevlation for sinqleadministrative singleadministrativedocument (sao) Eight-part o
document.ltt] set of customs forms for export declarations,
saleor return Term used when the supplier used in the EuropeanUnion. [rr] o,
agreesto take back any goodsthat the retailer soleagent / agency Personor organization that is
LdrrlruL ^^ll
>trrr LJI the only one allowed to sell the products of a
salutation Openingof a letter,e g Dear Sir/ manufacturer in a particular country or area.[1o]
Madam.lrl soletrader Personwho owns and runs a business
savingsaccount Account with a bank or building ontheir own. [r]
societyfor personalsavings.lnterestratesare specificindent Anotherterm for closedindent
higher than on other types of account.and Irol
therefore there are usually restrictions on specimensignature Exampieof a customer's
when money can be drawn out [6] signature.usedby a bank to identify
scP Abbreviationfor simplified clearance documents as being valid [9]
procedure fn] standardshippingnote Document completedby
secondarysource In research,sourceof the exporter that gives information about a
information such as a book or a report. [r4] r nns i onm eni T t i s r r s c d a< a del i r r er r r nnte nr
securities Items or investments,e.g.shares,that receipr l11l
can be bought and sold on a stock exchange [9] standbyletterof credit Bank guaranteeto the
settle (vb) Topayan account.[6] sellerthat they,,,,'illbe paid l9l
settlement Payment of an account [5] standingorder Orderto a bank to pay someonea
ship To send goodsby any method oftransport, s nc r i 6ed r m .r r nT nr r r eor r l :r detc e o on f h e road,raii, or air as well as by sea [5] first of everymonth -91
shipbroker Agent who arrangesthe transport of statement nt I :stof amountspai dand
of accou
cargoby ship. Irr] nr nr ed c ent hr i a c unnl i er r n r r r r c i om c r [6'l
shipment Consignment.[7] stockexchange Marketrvherestocksand shares
shippedbill of lading Bill of lading signedwhen arebought and sold -ro]
goods are already on board a ship. [rr] stop (a cheque) To instruct a bank not to honour a
shippedcleanon board Phraseindicating that the cheque l9l
bill of lading was clean,i e.the goodswere subjecttitle Phraseindicating what a preceof
taken on board in good condition. [rz] correspondence is about.e g c os damagedin
5hi pping Conference International organization post.In a letter it is placeddirectlyafter the
of shipowners that setsprices for transporting salutation;in a fax or email it forms part of the
goods or passengerson scheduledroutes. [rr] header information fr]
shipping documents The documents usedfor subrogation lnsurer'sright to claim damaged
shipping goods,and usually including - goodsfor which they have pard compensation
depending on the type oftransport -Bill o;f Irzl
Lading (or Airway B|II),commercial invoice, subsidiary Company of which at least half the
insurancecertifcate andany other customs share capital is olvned by a larger company,but
documents that may be required in the which may trade under its own name [3]
shipment, e.g.Health Certiflcate(for food),EURl syndicate Group of people or companieswho
to get preferential tariffs, Certiflcateof Origin, work together to make money. [rz]
etc. [5]
shipping mark Distinctive mark put on the sidesof take legal action To hand over a matter, e.g non-
cratesand boxesindicating who they belong to. [rr] payment of a bill, to lawyers 17]
sight biff Another term for sight drafi.fgl tanker Ship that carriesliquid bulk
sight draft Bill of exchangethat must be paid consignments,usually oil In]
immediately it is presented.14,6,9] tariff list of prices chargedfor goods or services
signatureblock (A) Name andjob title typed L1U
below a handwritten signature at the end of a telegraphictransfer (rr) Quick method of
Ietter; (B)Sender'sdetails that appear below his transferring money to an account abroad The
/ her name at the end of an email message.[r] sender'sbank cablesthe money to the receiver's
simplifiedclearanceprocedure(sce) Customs bank. l6l
clearanceprocedureused in the European tender Writtenestimate,usuallyforalarge;ob13]
Union to make documentation easierfor term draft Billofexchangethat mustbe paidon a
exporters and agents.lrr] particulardateafter goodshavebeen sent [6]

termsof payment Termsthe buyerand seller vAr Abbreviationfor Value Added Tax. [4]
agreeregardingdiscounts, methodsof ValueAddedTax (ver) A UK purchasetax. [4]
o payment,shipment,and documentation. [9] valued policy Type of insurance policy in which
c' throughbill of lading Anotherterm for the value ofthe goodsto be insured is agreed in
multimodaI b iIIof Iading ln) advance.[rz]
time charter Charterthat lastsfor a periodof voyage charter Charter for a particular voyage
time,e.g.sixmonths.Irr] carrying a particular cargo. [rr]
title Thelegalright of possession. [r]
to account Termusedwhen part of a paymentis wear and tear Normal deterioration of
made.[6] something as it is used.[7]
to order Phraseusedto indicatea negotiable wholesaler Personor company that buys goods
document.[rr] from manufacturers and sells them to retailers.
tonnagevalue Thecostperton of cargofor tt1
charteringa shipundera voyagecharter.lrrl
andpromotesa particulartrade.[8,ro]
tradediscountAmounttakenoffthe usualselling
priceof goodswhen they aresoldby a
manufactureror wholesalerto a retailer.[3]
tradejournal Publication,usuailyweekly or
monthly,specializingin a particulartrade or
tradeprice Pricepaidfor goodsby a retailerto a
wholesaleror manufacturer. [3]
tradereferenceReference in which a personin
onecompanygivestheir opinionasto the
creditworthiness of anothercompanyin the
sameareaof business. [3]
traveller'schequeChequefor a fixedamount,
soldby a bank,that canbe cashedby the buyer
in othercountries.[9]
trial order Order,usuallyfor a smallquantityof
goods,to testthe market.[5]
trustee A personor organization that manages
moneyfor anotherpersonor organization. 19]
rr Abbreviationf or telegraphictr ansfer.16l
tue Unit of containerstowageequalto onezoft
turnover Totalbusinessdoneby a companyin a
givenperiod,e.g.a year.[3]

underseparate cover In a separateenvelopeor

underwriterPersonor organizationthat
examinesa risk and calculatesthe insurance
premiumto be charged.[ro,rz]
unsolicited Not askedfor, applicationfor a
postthat hasnot beenadvertised[r5]
unvaluedpolicy Typeof insurancepolicyin
which the valueof the goodsto be insuredis
not agreedin advancebut assessed ifloss
usanceBill of exchangethat is paidaftera period
of time. [9]


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