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Nguyen Vu Ha Ngan

This assessment has been regraded. Questions 3, 10, 33, 44 have been

86.67% 39 01:00:00
Out of 45 points Time for this attempt

Your Answers:
1 1 / 1 point

In Japan, Hiroshi Yamamoto, a dedicated employee, is consistently passed over for promotions
despite his excellent performance reviews. He believes that his lack of advancement is due to
favoritism and unfair treatment by his superiors. Which of the following statements represents the
cognitive component of Hiroshi's attitude?

It is disheartening to see less qualified colleagues being promoted ahead of me.

I have decided to confront my manager about the promotion decisions.

The company's promotion policies seem to be biased and unfair.

I am determined to improve my skills and performance for future opportunities.

I feel frustrated and demotivated by the lack of recognition for my hard work.

2 1 / 1 point

Hien works as a driver for GSM Luxury, a prestigious limousine service frequently hired for events
in Hanoi and the surrounding areas. In her role, Hien has driven numerous affluent individuals,
including politicians, actors, and other public figures. Based on her experiences with these clients,
Hien forms the belief that all wealthy individuals are approachable, humble, and diligent. Which of
the following best characterizes Hien's perception?

Randomness error

Hindsight bias

Halo effect

Confirmation bias

Self-serving bias

This question has been regraded.

3 Previous score 1 / 1 point Regrade score 1 / 1 point

Raylon Inc. is in the process of hiring a new floor supervisor and is considering prioritizing
diversity by selecting a qualified female candidate over male candidates with similar qualifications.
However, top management insists on hiring the most competent candidate regardless of gender.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen HR's argument for prioritizing the female

Female employees have historically demonstrated better teamwork and collaboration skills
compared to male employees.

Raylon Inc. has faced criticism in the past for its lack of gender diversity in leadership positions.

The company recently received recognition for its commitment to gender diversity in the

The female candidate has received outstanding performance reviews in her previous
supervisory roles.

The majority of the company's clients prefer interacting with female supervisors.

4 1 / 1 point

Trong Inc. is a renowned Japanese software development firm known for its high-quality products.
Recently, the company held its annual conference and awarded all those employees who were in
the top five percent with substantial monetary rewards. Their performance was evaluated based
on target achievement, client feedback, and quality ratings. Employees whose performance had
not changed drastically were given a minor raise, and those who fared badly received no
incentives. Many employees blamed the company for creating differences among employees
because they felt that it would harm the company in the long run, but Trong Inc. truly believes that
to retain and motivate its best performers, a large incentive is a good step. Trong Inc. is using a(n)
________ here.

employee stock ownership plan

modular plan

flexible benefits plan

piece-rate plan

merit-based plan

5 1 / 1 point

Los Alimitos Credit Union is facing a lawsuit from Peg Mayor, an employee who believes she was
treated unfairly. Despite the company's claim of fairness, Peg disagrees. Which situation below
illustrates potential unfair treatment towards Peg?

Peg's coworkers deliberately excluded her from social gatherings.

All employees received equal access to professional development opportunities.

Peg was recognized for her achievements at a company event.

The company implemented a new policy affecting all staff.

Peg had the same chances of promotion as her colleagues.

6 1 / 1 point

In Vietnam, Nguyen Nam is a well-known singer and activist for animal rights. Despite his public
advocacy for vegetarianism and animal welfare, some people criticize him for his occasional
consumption of meat at social events. They argue that his actions contradict his professed beliefs.
Which components of attitude are conflicting in this case, as perceived by critics?

Affective <--> Behavioral

Reflective <--> Behavioral

Cognitive <--> Behavioral

Affective <--> Reflective

Cognitive <--> Affective

7 1 / 1 point

In Malaysia, Amira is a dedicated environmentalist who drives a large SUV because it is the only
vehicle available to her. She experiences discomfort due to the inconsistency between her
environmental values and her choice of transportation. Which of the following terms best
describes Amira's experience?

Value dissonance

Moral dissonance

Ideological dissonance

Environmental dissonance

Cognitive dissonance

8 1 / 1 point

Trang works as a marketing executive in a fast-growing tech company in Hanoi. She consistently
puts in long hours, contributes innovative ideas to marketing campaigns, and actively participates
in team meetings. However, she notices that her colleague, Minh, who joined the company around
the same time as her, receives more recognition and rewards despite putting in similar effort.
Feeling frustrated, Trang decides to assess the fairness of her situation by comparing her inputs
(effort, time, and creativity) with the outcomes she receives (recognition, bonuses, and
opportunities for advancement) in relation to Minh and other colleagues in similar roles. This
comparison reflects Trang's evaluation of the ________.

outcome-input ratio

quality of outcome

efficiency-effectiveness trade-off

cost-benefit ratio

quantity-quality trade-off

9 1 / 1 point

Sarah works as a customer service representative in a busy call center. Despite having a
comfortable salary and good relationships with her colleagues, she often feels unmotivated and
unfulfilled in her job. However, whenever her supervisor acknowledges her hard work and
exceptional customer service skills during team meetings, Sarah feels a renewed sense of
motivation and satisfaction. Which of the following factors best explains Sarah's increased

Company policies

Relationships with others


Quality of supervision

This question has been regraded.

10 Previous score 0 / 1 point Regrade score 1 / 1 point

In a culture where individuals prioritize maintaining stability, avoiding risks, and adhering to
established norms and rules, people tend to seek strong social cohesion within their communities.
They rely on close-knit social networks and expect others in their groups to provide protection and
Which cultural dimension from Hofstede's framework is most likely prevalent in the described

Long-term orientation



Power distance

Uncertainty avoidance

11 1 / 1 point

Employees' beliefs in the degree to which they influence their work environment, their
competence, the meaningfulness of their jobs, and their perceived autonomy is termed as ________.

organizational dissent

employee engagement

secondary action

organizational commitment

psychological empowerment
12 1 / 1 point

Johanna Murray, a climate campaigner at The National Footprint Foundation, is known in her
organization to be a campaigner of caliber and high performance. She recently worked on a
campaign against global warming during which she worked extremely hard to achieve project
milestones. However, the campaign failed as it could not achieve the desired objective. Due to this,
her manager, Brenda Owens, gave her a poor performance appraisal. In the appraisal, Brenda said
that Johanna was not motivated and failed to reach out to 25,000 people through Internet media
to spread awareness about climate change. Which of the following, if true, weakens Brenda's

Johanna lacks experience in publicizing campaigns using Internet media.

Johanna's previous job involved an extensive amount of researching on environmental issues.

Brenda was unable to make time for Johanna to brief her on the tasks involved in
carrying out the campaign's media strategy.

Johanna recently moved from the agriculture campaign to the climate campaign.

Brenda is known in the organization to be a fair and unbiased manager.

13 1 / 1 point

In a workplace where women are consistently paid less than men for the same roles, some female
employees argue that this pay gap is justified because women are perceived to prioritize family
over career advancement. They believe that the existing wage disparity reflects the natural order
of things rather than discrimination.
What term is used to describe the phenomenon where individuals may justify or rationalize their
experiences with inequality, prejudice, and discrimination compared to other groups?

Group normalization

Discrimination rationalization

Prejudice normalization

System justification

System acceptance

14 0 / 1 point

Sarah recently joined a new company and was first introduced to Emily, her cubicle neighbor. Emily
came across as amiable and cheerful. During lunch, she met another colleague, Rachel, who did not
come across as friendly as Emily. In this situation, Sarah's interpretation of Rachel's personality
rather than other situational factors is most likely to be affected by ________.
Bandwagon effect

Confirmation bias

Fundamental attribution error

Contrast effect

Fundamental attribution error

Self-serving bias

15 1 / 1 point

In Vietnam, EY, a prominent finance and accounting firm in Ho Chi Minh City, is considering
implementing alternative work arrangements to accommodate the evolving needs of its
employees. Trang, a dedicated accountant at EY, is intrigued by the idea of working from home
part-time. She believes that this arrangement could offer her greater flexibility without
compromising her productivity.
Which of the following refers to the option of working at home at least two days a week on a
computer linked to the employer's office?


Alternative work-sharing

Social loafing

Job sharing


16 1 / 1 point

Hieu works as a sales associate at a retail store. Despite consistently meeting his sales targets,
Hieu feels frustrated with his job. He often receives vague and inconsistent feedback from his
supervisor, leading to confusion about his performance. Additionally, his supervisor rarely
provides guidance or support when Hieu encounters challenges with customers. Which of the
following factors best represents Hieu's dissatisfaction?

Promotional opportunities



Quality of supervision

17 1 / 1 point

Trang's parents used to give her money every week to clean their backyard and water the plants.
However, when her father faced financial difficulties, they stopped giving her money. Despite no
longer receiving an allowance, Trang continued to water the plants. Which of the following best
explains why Trang continues to water the plants?

Without the extrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on internal motivation.

Without the intrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on external motivation.

With the extrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on internal motivation.

With the intrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on external motivation.

Without the extrinsic reward, the task itself is eliminated.

18 1 / 1 point

At KPMG Vietnam, Mai Nguyen is a senior auditor known for her meticulous attention to detail
and exceptional problem-solving skills. Despite receiving competitive compensation and regular
performance bonuses, Mai feels increasingly dissatisfied with her job. She craves deeper meaning
and fulfillment beyond financial rewards. In this context, which of the following concepts best
explains Mai's dissatisfaction?

Financial incentives

Job enrichment

Performance appraisal

Extrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation

19 0 / 1 point

During a comedy show, Tom is the only person in the audience laughing loudly. How would you
attribute Tom's behavior?

High Distinctiveness, External Cause

Low Consensus, Internal Cause
High Consistency, Internal Cause

High Consistency, External Cause

Low Consistency, Internal Cause

Low Consensus, Internal Cause

20 1 / 1 point

VinCommerce, a subsidiary of Vingroup, has introduced an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)
to enhance employee engagement and performance. Under this plan, eligible employees are
provided with shares in the company, allowing them to become partial owners. VinCommerce
believes that by giving employees a stake in the company's success, they will be more motivated to
contribute to its growth and profitability.
For employee stock ownership plans to be effective in improving performance, they must ________.

be implemented such that employees psychologically experience ownership

be planned such that they are unaffected by company profitability

be based on the market compensation philosophy

be determined on the basis of performance appraisals and recent performance

be based solely on productivity like gainsharing plans

21 1 / 1 point

Nguyen Lan is a customer service representative at a telecommunications company in Vietnam.

She is known for her friendly and empathetic demeanor when assisting customers with their
inquiries and concerns. Nguyen Lan genuinely cares about resolving customers' issues and
ensuring their satisfaction with the company's services. She believes that her positive attitude and
empathy contribute to building strong relationships with customers and enhancing the company's
Which of the following Big Five personality traits is Nguyen Lan most likely to exhibit?

Low Emotional Stability

High Extraversion

Low Conscientiousness

High Agreeableness

High Openness to experience

22 1 / 1 point

Hoàng Nam is looking for a new job. He used to be the company's top customer service
representative and was eagerly expecting to be promoted. However, one of the team leaders'
friends was promoted to team supervisor instead. According to the expectancy theory, Hoàng
Nam's dissatisfaction with his current job stems from a breakdown in the ________ relationship.


reward-personal goal

personal goal-self actualization



23 1 / 1 point

Rachel Zelenski has been asked to help train a new hire for a barista position in the coffee shop
where she works. Rachel has trained other people in the past and likes the camaraderie that
usually ensues. As the new hire walks in the door, Rachel notices that she stops to grind out her
cigarette before entering. Rachel, a strong anti-smoking advocate, immediately concludes that she
will not like the new hire. Rachel's behavior reflects ________.

halo effect

confirmation bias

horns effect

contrast effect

hindsight bias

24 1 / 1 point

Laura Choi recently started her first job out of college. In her new position, Laura is a junior
member of a consulting team assigned to work with companies to develop their social media
presence. As a new member of the team, Laura has been tasked with some of the more menial
aspects of the job but is looking forward to taking on a bigger role in the future. During her first
few weeks on the job, Laura has demonstrated positive core self-evaluations. Which of the
following did she most likely do?

Did not consider her work as challenging and fulfilling

Set less ambiguous goals and objectives

Gave up easily on tasks when faced with difficulties

Mentioned that she was confident about her basic competence

Expressed dissatisfaction with the nature of work

25 1 / 1 point

Abigail Jones is a sales executive at Orbit Bank in Brussels. She is the best performer on her team
and often gets the highest number of corporate accounts for the company. However, she feels that
she does not get sufficient credit for her hard work. During lunch, she says to her colleague, "I have
been getting the largest accounts for the bank for the past eight months. Yet, my manager never
acknowledges the kind of effort I put in to get these accounts." Which component of attitude is
being demonstrated by Jones?

Reflective component

Behavioral component

Affective component

Cognitive component

Positive component

26 0 / 1 point

A research team composed of individuals from various cultural backgrounds is struggling to

collaborate effectively due to differences in communication styles and perspectives.
In the context of the common ingroup identity model, what effect does focusing on shared identity
rather than differences have on workplace dynamics?

It has little effect on implicit bias.

It fosters inclusion and reduces bias.

It leads to an increase in prejudice over time.

It leads to an increase in discrimination over time.

It stifles group creativity.

It fosters inclusion and reduces bias.

27 1 / 1 point

Thao is a university student studying business administration. She has set a goal to start her own
business after graduation. Thao is passionate about entrepreneurship and strongly believes in the
importance of innovation and creativity in business. She wants to build a company that aligns with
her values of sustainability and social responsibility.

Self-fulfilling prophecy




Self-serving bias

28 1 / 1 point

Taylor Nguyen works for a company selling organic skincare products. Business has been so strong
that the company has decided to add a new person to the sales team. Taylor, who has consistently
received strong performance evaluations, has been asked to train the new hire who will be doing
the same job as Taylor. During the training process, Taylor finds out that the new hire, a recent
college graduate with no experience, is making more money than they are. Which of the following
theories will Taylor most likely use to evaluate this situation?



Operant conditioning


Goal setting

29 1 / 1 point

Which of the following personality traits is not included in the Big Five Model?



Openness to experience


30 1 / 1 point
At a technology company in Seoul, South Korea, Sang-Hoon feels deeply connected to the
company's mission of creating innovative solutions to global challenges. He actively participates in
company events, mentors new employees, and consistently goes the extra mile to ensure the
success of his team. Which of the following best describes Sang-Hoon's attitude?

The state of discord caused by opposition of values between people working together

The employee's degree of disagreement or differential opinions about organizational practices

The degree to which an employee's sense of cognitive dissonance is related to his/her job

The degree to which employees identify with the organization they work for and its

The degree to which employees believe their work impacts their organization significantly

31 1 / 1 point

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) categorizes individuals into how many dimensions for the
16 personality types?






32 1 / 1 point

Tran Nam, a project manager at a software development company in Hanoi, is known for his
adventurous spirit and openness to new ideas. He often encourages his team members to explore
innovative solutions and embrace change in their projects. Tran Nam enjoys traveling to different
countries, experiencing different cultures, and trying out new cuisines. He believes that being
open-minded helps him adapt to diverse situations and learn from new experiences.
Which of the following Big Five personality traits is Tran Nam most likely to exhibit?


Openness to experience



This question has been regraded.

33 Previous score 1 / 1 point Regrade score 1 / 1 point

In a multinational corporation based in Seoul, there is an ongoing debate about the

implementation of job rotation. The Human Resources department is considering the advantages
and disadvantages of adopting this strategy. Some executives argue that job rotation could lead to
a more versatile workforce and potentially increase employee satisfaction. However, others are
concerned about the potential disruptions and costs associated with implementing such a
Which of the following, if true, would strengthen the argument in favor of adopting job rotation?

The company can enhance the productivity of existing employees in various areas for
different projects.

The company has launched a new brand which is cannibalizing one of its existing products.

Two front-level managers have resigned in the last quarter as they were not promoted.

The company is currently facing numerous budget constraints.

The company has recently given employees new responsibilities by combining their routine
tasks into natural work units.

34 1 / 1 point

Covington, a sales manager at Synergy Corporation Bank, often compares her team to other high-
performing teams within the company. She believes that her team lacks the necessary skills and
experience compared to these other teams, leading her to have low expectations of their
performance. As a result, Covington's team feels demotivated and struggles to meet their sales
targets consistently. Which of the following concepts best explains Covington's team's poor

Halo effect

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Hindsight bias

Bandwagon effect

Confirmation bias
35 0 / 1 point

Huy is an excellent technical writer. He has never missed a deadline, and all his projects are of
superior quality. He now wants to telecommute two days a week so that he can spend more time
with his family. He feels that he has proven his reliability. However, his boss is unable to comply
with his request and gives him a substantial raise instead. According to the expectancy theory,
Huy's disappointment demonstrates a breakdown in the ________ relationship.

rewards-personal goals




rewards-personal goals


36 1 / 1 point

Takashi Nakamura works at an automobile manufacturing plant in Tokyo. Despite being well-liked
by his supervisors and coworkers, Takashi feels demotivated and lacks enthusiasm for his job. He
feels frustrated that his role is limited to installing specific components in the cars, without being
involved in the entire assembly process. Takashi is concerned that he has limited opportunities for
career advancement due to his restricted tasks.
Which of the following best describes Takashi's situation?

Takashi's job has low task identity.

Takashi's job has high task complexity.

Takashi's job has high task significance.

Takashi's job has low role definition.

Takashi's job has a high span of control

37 0 / 1 point

During a job interview, John, an African American candidate, feels uneasy and self-conscious after
the interviewer makes a remark about the underrepresentation of minorities in leadership
positions. Despite being highly qualified, John begins to doubt his capabilities, fearing he might
confirm the stereotype associated with his racial group.
Which of the following statements about stereotype threat is accurate based on John's
Stereotype threat is not present during job interviews and assessments.

Stereotype threat is diminished through increasing awareness of how stereotypes are


Stereotype threat does not affect job attitudes and performance.

Stereotype threat is not influenced by comments or remarks made during job interviews.

Stereotype threat is reduced by adopting transparent practices that signal the value
of employees.
Correct Stereotype threat is diminished through increasing awareness of how stereotypes are
Answer: perpetuated.

38 1 / 1 point

Which of the following characteristics typically represents surface-level diversity?

Style of work





39 0 / 1 point

Capital Finances Ltd., a leading financial institution headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia, is known
for its robust investment strategies and meticulous financial management. As part of their
expansion plans, they are seeking to hire a diligent and detail-oriented accounts clerk to join their
esteemed team. The role primarily involves managing routine financial transactions, updating
ledger entries, and ensuring accurate documentation of financial records. Capital Finances Ltd.
values candidates whose personalities align with the demands of the role and exhibit a strong
commitment to maintaining financial accuracy and efficiency.
Which personality type, according to Holland's theory, would best suit the accounts clerk position
at Capital Finances Ltd.?






40 1 / 1 point

Trung works as a software developer in a technology company. He enjoys his work but often feels
overwhelmed by the number of tasks he needs to juggle and the lack of clarity in his role
responsibilities. Trung believes that if the elements in his job were more organized and structured,
he would be able to work more efficiently and effectively.

Which of the following options best describes what Trung is referring to?

The way the job is evaluated in terms of its relative worth to other job

The degree of decision-making power with the immediate superiors

The degree to which the job contributes to profit margins

The way the elements in a job are organized

The degree to which the job rewards competence

41 1 / 1 point

In a society where individuals prioritize long-term planning, emphasize the importance of

achieving goals, and value productivity and efficiency in their work, which cultural dimension from
the GLOBE framework is most likely prevalent?


Short-term orientation

Future orientation

Power distance

Humane orientation

42 1 / 1 point

ABC Corporation is expanding its workforce and plans to hire a large number of entry-level
employees across various departments. To ensure a good fit between candidates and their
respective roles, the HR department is considering different methods for assessing personality
traits. They want to implement a tool that is efficient yet effective in evaluating a high volume of
In the context of hiring a large number of entry-level employees, which type of personality test is
more suitable?

Self-reported surveys

Career portfolio

In-depth interviews

Stress interviews

Reference interviews

43 1 / 1 point

Trang Nguyen works in an environmental advocacy organization and frequently collaborates with
a large team for project implementation tasks. However, she consistently struggles to work
effectively as part of a team. Trang often finds herself in significant disagreements with team
members, leading to strained and hostile relationships. Despite transitioning from one team to
another, her interactions with colleagues continue to be marked by animosity and coldness. How
would attribution theory interpret this behavior?

High on consistency

High on adaptability

Low on consensus

High on reliability

Low on distinctiveness

This question has been regraded.

44 Previous score 0 / 1 point Regrade score 1 / 1 point

Mary Gold, a human resource executive, is in charge of the recruitment process in her
organization. During the hiring process, she often needs to coordinate with prospective
employees. The organizational process does not require her to inform employees who do not get
through the selection process. However, she believes that it is rude not to give them an update. She
thus makes sure that she sends them e-mails informing them about the selection process. Which of
the following types is Downing characterized as according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI) classification?






45 1 / 1 point

Which of the following statements is most likely to be true about the major job attitudes?

They are not correlated to one another.

They increase cognitive dissonance.

They tend to overlap one another.

They are generally resistant to change.

They are highly distinct from one another.

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