Lect 1- The history and Evolution of Java

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The history and Overview of

(Chapter 1,2 of Schilit)
Object Oriented Programming BS (CS/SE) II
Sher Muhammad Daudpota
Professor of Computer Science
Sukkur IBA University
Introduction to Course
• PowerPoint are for me, you read the book
• Assessment (Theory 100 Marks)
• 30% mid exams
• 10% project, to be submitted in a group of three
• 10% class quizzes on LMS
• 50% final exam
• Course Outlines
Why new computer language?
• Adapt changing environment

• Implement refinements and improvements in the art of programming

Trade-offs in language design
• Ease of use vs power
• Safety vs efficiency
• Rigidity vs extensibility
History of Java
• Assembly, Basic, Pascal, Fortran, COBOL…
• All relied on GOTO
• Birth of modern programming: C
• 1970 BCPL
• Formalized in 1989 as C with adoption of ANSI
• The next step: C++
• In Bell Labs 1979
History of Java
• The Java creation
• 1991 by James Gosling and Co. at Sun Microsystem
• Initially named as Oak later in 1995 renamed to Java
• Primary motivation
• Platform independence
• Consumer Electronics
History of Java
• Connection with C#
• Impact on Internet
• Applets
• Security
• Portability
History of Java
• Applet (deprecated since JDK 9)
• Java Web Start (deprecated since JDK 11)
• jlink (added from JDK 9 )
Bytecode — the magic of Java
• Server Side programs
Java Buzzwords
1. Simple
2. Secure
3. Portable
4. Object-oriented
5. Robust (memory management, exception handling, reliability)
6. Multithreaded
7. Architecture-neutral (write once; run anywhere, anytime, forever)
8. Interpreted and High Performance (JIT, no compromise on performance)
9. Distributed
10. Dynamic
An Overview of Java
• Computer Program consist of,
• Code
• Data
• Two programming paradigms,
• What is happening
• process oriented model
• code acting on data
• procedural languages
• Who is being affected
• Object Oriented Programming
• Data controlling access to code
An Overview of Java

• Object Oriented Programming

• Abstraction
• Three Basic Principles of OOP
• Encapsulation (classes, instance variables, public methods, private methods)
• Inheritance
• Polymorphism
An Overview of Java
Code: “Hello World”
Code: “VariablesDemo”
• print
• println
• Comments
• Multiline comments
• Block of code
Code: “IfDemo”
Code: “ForDemo”
Lexical Issues
• A program is collection of,
• Whitespaces
• Identifiers
• Literals
• Comments
• Operators
• Separators
• Keywords
• Java is a free-form language
• Whitespace include,
• Space
• Tab
• Newline
• Form feed
• Names of variables, methods, classes etc..
• Allowed
• Uppercase lowercase letter
• Numbers (must not be first char)
• Dolor sign ($)
• Underscore (_)
• Single line //
• Mutiline /* */
• Documentation comments /** */
Java Class Libraries
• java.lang.*
• System class

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