Millipore Elix e RiOs User e Service Manual

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Operating and Maintenance Manual for RiOs™ and Elix® water purification systems Information ‘or consequential damages in connection with or arising from Copyright Copyright © 2002, oll ight reserved, Millipore Corporation. Folder: PrO7551 Documentation: PFOSI13, Rev 7, 01/06 Trademarks Lilipor is registered wademark of Millipore Corporation. Ex and Mill-@ are a registered trademarks of Mlipore Corporation. RiQs, Progard ond ReCleon are irademarks of Milipore Corporation Teflon isc registered trademark of E. duPont de Nemours & Co, Allother trademarks oe Frodemarks oftheir respective manufacturer. document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed {as a commitment by Millipore Corporation. Milipore Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. This manual is believed fo be complote eure athe ie of pubction. hn even shall MiiporeCorporafion be Babe for niente Table of contents Use of this manual INTRODUCTION General Information Operating principle Flow schematic Specifications INSTALLATION Unpacking ... Installation ofthe eysem Installation... : OPERATION ........ 14 ‘Operating modes 14 Routine displays vi ‘Additional displays 15 Use of the keypad 7 Start up ofthe systom 19 Inscllation ofthe standard reservoir rom Milipore 2 (MAINTENANCE. Routine maintenance Periodic maintenance MAINTENANCE ... Maintenance Messages Error COdeS wenn APPENDIX 1... Feed water conducivty meosurement Pressure regulator adjustment verification. Prolonged shutdown ofthe system... System information N° APPENDIX 2 (Information exclusively forthe aitenion of Replacement of the reverse osmosis cartridges) no Start up of 6 Progard pretreatment pack of a diferent size. Interruption of a cleaning or rinsing cycle on the RO cartridgels) Replacement of main electrical power fuse 31 APPENDIX 3........ 32 ‘Adalifonal features (UV lamp]... 32 INDEX.........oso00000 34 ORDERING INFORMATION 35 Table of contents (cont’d) ‘WARRANTY. ‘TECHNICAL INFORMATION Contacting Milipore At back of document FIGURES .. 7 38 Use of this manual _ This document describes how fo inal, use, and carry cut the maintenance of your water purification ‘system. The operation of the system is very simple; however we do recommend that you read this document completly end careily balsre making wuler and elacrica power connections. Knowing your syle wel, rot only aves posible dango oe system on stort up but lo Fomiezs you wih el is neon Warning symbols The information contained inthis monvel is et out inthe following manner. ‘The 7 types of systoms inthe RiOs/Elc range ore all described together inthis manual The ule which sled ether he el or igh ofeach peg allws you ose which infomation is speci to one type of system. This is sen by verifying thatthe column corresponding fo your system i ull before reading © porogroph, chorocersi, ee. Example: FORACOMMON TEXT —: Allcolumas or fl FOR TEXT SPECIIC TO Flix SYSTEMS +The three las columns ore full ‘The drawings are grouped al the back ofthis manual on fold out shoots ‘The items drewn in dotted lines represent elements not supplied with he system. Them shown in ih gre ropree the keypad bons wich are no refed inthe paragraph in ‘question, or represent informetion displayed on the sereen by way of exemple. Warnings ‘The “warning” symbols are shown to draw your afenion to actions where a risk of demage or possible injury occurs. Sl LX omer tation ill | | i | I | | | General Information __ es ‘This system produces purified weer from potable top wale by combining several purification fechnologies. The produ waters general sed for rovine labor apliaons er canbe ved oe an hepa system such as 0 Mili-G™: ‘The main system elements ore, igure 1 Control ponel Peck locking adopter Pretreatment pack Liguid crystal display Indicator lights Keypad su Main 0n/oFf swtch Power socket w Fuse holder a ‘Weter connections Cleaning port plug of reverse osm crkidaete Tank level, femole socket v» Label with system details locking dip serews .- locking dips Refer to Appendix 3 for additional information concerning Elix UV Lamp. Operating principle = eaeuueieals 2 yall poses rough 2 Pogard™ pretecnort peck Is designed remove pads and {roe chlorine from the water In edition, ithaps to prevent mineral scaling in hard water areas. The waar is pressurized with a pump and then i purified by reverse osmosis (RO). This produces intermediate quality water In the Blix systoms, the RO preduet water then posses through on elecrodsionsation (E.D1] module. This isthe final purification loge used to reduce levels of organi and mineral contaminants Note: Milipore water systems ore designed to stay in operation mode and will perform best os such. The systems should be placed in Standby mode or switched off ONLY for meinlenanes or repairs Flow schematic ___ = - ‘the simplified flow schematic of your system is shown in he fllowing drawing. Only the key elements are Reverse osmosis EDL. uy LAMP Inlet solenoid vale. Progard pretreatment pack. Pressure regulator Booster PUM nun acai Decontamination port with builtin conductivity eal First reverse osmosis caridge. Second reverse osmosis cartridge... RO reject solenoid valve Presi 200¢ arn RO reject recirculation controller. Condvatviy cal. Rinsing vabe EDI. module Resist cll UV Lamp Product weer tubing 6mm OD, lengh: 2.5 m, maximum Drain capocity 120 hires per hour Feed water pressure Minimum RiOs 3 + 8.5 bor (50 psi) ot 120 /H RiOs 5/8/16 :*2.0 bor (30 psi) ot 120 /H Flix 3/5/10 :*2.0 bor (30 psi) of 1201/4 Mesximum Allsysiems — : 6.0 bor (90 psi Electrical specifications __ Voltage Power Froquency | Main fuse | Tanklvel | Digitol 220Vels | 70VA 50H: 10AT i 120Vols. | 70VA core 20AT | i 220Vols. | a0VA 50H LOAT WH 120Vols | ova SoH 20AT I i 1-4Vols | Rs 232 || Connector Wy ype RI HT Water connections — i aa Feed water connection 1/2" NPT female | Feed water ubing £8 mm outer diameter (OD), | length: 2m meximumn Drain nbing 8 mm and & mm OD, length: 2.5 m. maximum * Coll Milipoe Technical Servie i he Tap weter pressure is below 2.0 bar (30 psi at 120 L/H | Feed water __ Total Dissolved Solids Ris 3 + < 1500 ys/em Other systems: < 2000)s/em Temperature 2-35 °C [35.6- 95°F) tron <0.1 ppmes CaCO, ‘Aluminium +< 0.05 ppm as CaCO, pH 4-10 i Fouling index | Progord 1 <5 Progard 2 rel2 Teal chlorine Progord 1 <1 ppm Progrd 2 <3 ppm Note: The pretreaiment packs hove been developed to be fed with potable water meeting he specifications cbove. Additional prereatment by activated carbon or prefiration may be necessary when these levels ‘ore exceeded or doe to specific local water characteristics. Cal Millipore Technical Service for edetional information. Environment ‘Storage ond operating temperature | sec100 7%-A%| 99% | >99% | >99%lr | >999% | 1015 |< d0pq/tire MW>100 | rejedion | Maan | Ippbl * Feed water [CO,] < 20 ppm: Product resistivity 10 - 15 Maem , 99.9% silica rejection, * Feed water [CO:] > 20 ppm but s 30 ppm: Product resisvily 5 = 10 Moon , 99.7 % silica rejection. RiOs 3 Bids 5 Rios 8 RiOs 16 Nominal permeate 2.5 LPH at 7°C SPH 7.5\PH 1S LPH flowrale 9.0 1PH at 30°C | (3.5 bor pressure) | Nominal | 42 PH 15H | 20H 25.7 Reject flow | (3.5 bor pressure) Constant = | Constant Constant rceT<30°C | ] | 45 as us 445 | | Bixa i) ix 10 Newalaedes:| simi SUH | 10LFH ee | Consent Cerstant Consent ; 17 23 1PA 31 LPH Beieet Rowenta: | Consont Constant Constant Noise level indBA 445 445 445 atl mete Dimensions and weight - - Height 55 mm Width 255 mm Depth 355 mm (including wall mount projection) Operating weight RiOs 3 MS kg RiOs 5 14kg Rose 14kg RiOs 16 15 kg Blix 3 15k Blix 5 15kg Elix 10 16 kg Unpacking _ ‘The diferent components supplied with the system are shown in figure 2 and are listed below. (A) Woter purification system (8) Power cord (C1 Folder ond documents (0) Feed and reject water tubing 8 mm OD, 6 meres length (6) 6 mmOD tubing fr: ~ Product woter EDL reject woter (F)_ Adopter 1/2" FNPT- 8 mm tubing with integrated screen filer (G) Teflon ube (A) Pack of elbow fitings ().—Slotlong plugs U)_Progrd pretreiment pock (ordered separately) ‘Observed by — pouesauuaneseeaieag Name Signature Dale Verified by —__ Bese eens Name Signature Date Installation of the system —_ : ate LN ‘The system can be placed on a bench or fixed to « wal. nthe case of wll mouning, verify that the walle able to support the operating weight ofthe sysiom. Conioct Milipore Technical Service Dept. fo carry out the wall mounting ofthe system. Tho grea arundth ost sods omumbar of ae conrmcons csr fer proper intoning ofthe system. The system is generally inked io a reservoir. Figure 3 diferent connections to make fo the system. dau ase oe the ‘|| Connection of feed water to the system (Figure 4) aw 1. Cote any vahel) supplying feedwater tothe system (valve nt incoded wih sytem). i 2, Cutthe feedwater bing, 8 mm OD (C} othe desired lng (2 mate | 3. Remove the protective plug (B) rom “FEED 1” connection (H) by pressing on collar (A) and pulling pleg. 4, For wall mounting ofthe system, instal elbow connectors (igure 2, H) ‘5. Connect the fed water ubing (C) (8 mm OD) to inlet “FEED 1” by inserting i fil in the iting, Verify hat the connection is correctly made by pulling severl imes onthe ubing It should not come loose if pule. 6. Connect the tubing tothe feed water supph The fed veto eve oth iting (D) shoud termite ino 1/2" male iting, The 1/2" female filing () is screwed on fo he fiting (0). Use the leon tape which is supplied with the unit fo ensure @ good seal ogeinst leaks. Connection of the reject tubing (Figure 4) ‘The procedure fo connect the reject ubing isthe some as that used for the Feed water tubing, 1. Connection of the reeet tubing of the RO carridgels) 8 mm OD, < 2.5 m is made fo the “DRAIN 3" () oul, 2. Connection of he E.D. module reject tubing, 4 mm, < 2.5 m ie made tothe “OUT 5" ) cure, Connection of the product water outlet (Figure 4) ‘The procedare for connecting the produc walerhbing isthe same use forthe feed water wing. 1. The connestion othe product water tubing 6 mm, <2.5mis mad tothe outlet PRODUCT 2” IK} i When stating up the system, place oll he ends ofthe tubing fo © drain, Installation of the Progard pretreatment pack (Figure 5) 1. Liftthe pack edapler cop (Af the high postion endl remove the protective plugs (8) 2. Inaal he Slot Long plug, (gure 2, (1) fo Progard 1 (1,2) for Progerd 2 3. Remove the protective plugs [C] from the Progord pack, and wet the pack o-rings using o Few drops of clean woter the pack onto the metal guide pin ~ Lift up the pocksightly in order push the boom ofthe pack into the sot at the bottom of the system, ~ Atthe upper adapter (D), push the pack completely in unl secure. ‘5 Lock the peck in place wih the meal locking clip (E) on the end ofthe metal guide pin. {Bring the adopter cap down to its low posiion (F). Nat: the postion fhe pock ape on be changed depending yoo hyp of rogard pack Contact Millipore Technical Service fer assistance with changing the pock adopter position System electrical connection 1. Push the reservoir lat swich phono jack into the socket at he bock ofthe sysem (igure 4, l) 2. Using the supplied elecrical power cord, connect the system ond then fe an earth grounded cule figure 4, Ml Note: Contact Millipore Technical Service to carry out he connection to. diferent ype of reservoir Connection of a printer to the RS 232 outlet of the system Your system hos the copabiliy to send information which appeers in the “MEASURE menu, fo & printer For all other information reloled othe connection of printer fo the weer syskom, contact Milipore Technical Service. 1 | Operating modes a | ‘Your system has a number of operating modes which can be activated via the keypad. Other modes are | ‘viomatically activated by the microprocessor. | ‘These diferent modes ae displayed on the screen, ond ore described below: } | | | Routine displays | | Seale ‘Activation Status ofsystom | i ‘STANDBY. Press OPERATE / STANDBY for 2 | The system goes into STANDBY mode but 1 seconds wile he system is in| will avomaticaly cory ou periodic Rush i production mode. cycles. || PRES, BAR | Automatic The system dieplays the pressure applied i to the RO cartridgels). ‘OPERATE ‘Automatic ‘Woter production is temporarily sus- pended while the system carries out one ‘of the automotic cycles (Rush, etc.) Production will restart at the end of the oye FLUSH ‘Automatic ‘Automatic flushing of the reverse osmosis | cartridges). i RINSING ‘Automatic Diversion fo drain of poor quality RO | pproduci waler unil optimum quality is a reached. i TANK FULIN9® % | Auiomatc Tho stom goes int TANK FUL mode, | since he reservoir is HH a 50% ‘Aviomatic Disploys the water level (in % full in the i [continuous digpley) slorage tank. Wi SYST.RINSE: | Press MENU for 2 seconds. This eyle carries out o system rinse when i 239 mon Press MENU a second time. a new RO cartridge is installed. | ts te | aise | ‘Maintenance of the system Operating aes ie System status Activation START ‘A deaning ofthe reverse osmosis Automatic AUTOCIEAN | cartridges) is needed. See MAINTENANCE chopter, page 23 EXCHANGE PACK | The pack lif has boon used up. Automatic See MAINTENANCE chopler, Page 24 EXCH, TANKFTER The vn filer othe ressncr nds | Change the ven ir replacement 1, CLEAN: Reverse osmosis cortidgels] leaning | Manuel programme. (duration 15 min.) See MAINTENANCE chapter, 80 “use of keypad”, page 25 pH CLEAN: Supplementary cleaning progrem for | Aulemotic reverse osmosis corridgels). [Duration is_| See TROUBLESHOOTING chapter, 90 min) page 26 CHECK PUMP —_| The pump performance is below specif- | cations Note: The “SERVICE” indicator LED flashes when the system displays one ofthe above messoges. Alarm displays Displays Sts of system PACK NOT IN PLACE ‘The system is topped, becouse he prelreciment pack snot correc installed. See routine maintenance chapter, “Replace- trent of Progardprevechment pack", page 24 LOW PRESSURE ‘The feedwaler pressure is oo low. See TROUBLESHOOTING, age 26. REJECTION < SP. ‘The ionic rejection ofthe RO cartridge is below the preset ‘cceptcble valve, See TROUBLESHOOTING, page 26, PRODUCT < SP ‘The ressivily ofthe product water from the E.D11 module is, below the preset acceptable vole. See TROUBLESHOOTING, poge 26. RS 232 ERROR Problem withthe RS 232 oul, See TROUBLESHOOTING, poge 26. ERROR NUMBER Troubleshooting code. Each code corresponds io diferent ype ‘of problem. See TROUBLESHOOTING, page 26. Note: The “ALARM light flashes when the system displays one ofthe above messages Use of the keypad ‘the keypad cllows the wer to eer otvale he diferent opercting modes orto review information cbout system performance. KEYPAD ACTION DISPLAY ‘Standby and production — Ed Press the OPERATE/STANDBY button for yo 8 @ @ @) Te sricm moves between STANDBY ond OPERATE modes. SUNDBY (STANDBY W554 cond: OPERATE PRES:5 . (BAR Operating data sa ae During OPERATE mode: @e@eoe tsi MEASURE btn i a fime dispoys % Svceesivepressingofthisbuitoasoolls RO FEED ves: through the fllowing daplays t Second touch euse : PERMEATE: 4S Third ouch TE ines : PRODUCT:i¢. Maem Fourth ouch - ‘ REJECTIO ox Fifth ouch fs TT TEWP.: —15.0°C ae ‘The CLEANING function is described in he MAINTENANCE SECTION, © © © O| STANDBY is inital position @ ee date languoge cheice, end relum SYST RINSE: 5) Choice of measurement unit: Bar, psi or kPa (Bor is programmed as default poston) = fs 2 second on MENU Fe] Femen MENUbulom ascending | SERVICE : OPTIONS @@ee@ LANGUAGE: ENGLISH Press twice on OPERATE/STANDBY @ee PRES.UNIT bar Ta a ‘One press on MEASURE or CLEANING oee0 botonchowethechicectdeplyunt pees UNIT pst PRES.UNIT kPa Press 2 seconds on MENU to validate = Units and to rlurn to start STANDBY @eo SYST. RINSE: KEYPAD ACTION DISPLAY 6) Selection of measurement unit: Mm or 1Siemensenr* (Mm programmed as default poston) OCR @eoe goes O@eeod OO O® Press once on MENU button for 2 se conde 4 Ares 0 secon me MENU bom Press three times on OPERATE/ STANDBY 4 Pressing MEASURE or CLEANING eno bles selection of measurement unit Press on MENU bottom for 2 seconds 4 volidate units and fo return to stort position SERVICE: OPTIONS LANGUAGE: ENGLISH PROD.UNIT Moc PROD.UNIT ts STANDBY SYST. RINSE: Note: The system will each its optimal performance afer 2-3 doys from startup. A this lime (2-3 days), complete the table on page 29. 7) How to set the time of the day and the date The date (dey-month-year] ean be printed out or downloaded fo 6 compuler long with other operating dla pertinent with the Elix. The date is changed ct midnight each dey The ime ofthe day isnot printed out cr downloaded to a compuler; its used only to advance the dote. Follow the steps below fo change the Time Of the Day or the Date OPO Repeat the wo stops above to change the Day-OF Week, the Mani the Date and the Year When you are Press the MENU keypad button for bout 2 seconds, The LCD will change <3 shown here Press the MENU keypad button (4 times} until the CALENDAR screen dis ply oppecs. ‘The Hour willbe lashing. Change the Hour by using the MEASURE or CLEANING Keypad butions Press he OPERATE/STANDBY keypad button o validate (selec the Hour. The Minutes will now be foshing. SERVICE: LIFETINE CALENDAR: CALENDAR: CALENDAR: 20:30 Finished, press MENU button for more than 2 seconds fo ge bock lo STANDBY mode. 1 Installation of the standard reservoir from Millipore ‘Unpacking the reservoir There are severel items included wih the reservoir. These ore shown in figure 3 and are listed below: (A) Level ria fs beer ite (8) Overflow tubing wih cirgop (C}__Yahe for draining reserveir or feeding a Mill: (0) Filing for connection to fill reservoir [E) Valve for drawing water from the reservoir (F) Tubing: 5 metres (16.4 ft) length, 6 mm ID (G) Noincuded: Ven filer, (catclogue number TANKMPKOI) [Note:The reservoir can be fited with a vent fiter This prevents contomination ofthe reserveir water by cirborne particles or solvent fumes. The reservir should be fied with alenghh of overflow hubing to prevent flooding or spills level sensor (elecc] con be used to display the amount of water inthe reservoir The level sensor will only work wih R'Os or Elx systems, Reservoir ‘Operating Weight 301 34 al ‘ale Installation (see figure 3) Zs rounnng nksoas howell oopartewegnetokdnsere flo haocon delivered with the reservoir for the wall mounting of the reservoir. 1. Connect the level sensor (A) to the water purification system (figure 4, LI. 2. borer prope i of the reservoir overflow, position the air gap in a vertical position Place the end of the overflow into a drain. Refer to figure 3, B if necessary. 3. Ifthe reservoir war is feeding another system, then connect length of hibing (F between one ofthe outlet volves (C) and the other system. 4, Connect alengh ofubing between PRODUCT 2 (igure 4, K) nd the tank inlet Biting (0). 5. Make sure the reservoir valve (Es closed. Icon be used fo get war direc from he reser 6. Screw the vent filer (G0 the top ofthe reservoir Nate: Ipod a sical opi hee io te ecmmended replace tate sae me ‘On a periodic bosis, verify that he reservoir overflow does not contin water. there is wel in the ‘overflow bing, drain itby removing the tubing from the red check valve. MituiPoee ELIX SYSTEM Routine maintenance = : Following deploy oF | Monthly Every 6 month ae Noe the operating porom: | Cleon the scraen fie. Se | Dispey: START AUTOCLEAN. | siorscrindclednfebleon | ROUTINE MAINTENANCE | Cony outa ceoning ofthe RO carbide) prge 29 on poge 24 See below Dipl: EXCHANGE PAK Replace the pretreatment pack Soo ROUTINE MAINTENANCE, page 24 Periodic maintenance ee Clearing of he reverse osmosis carridgels) 1. Placs the system in STANDBY mode by pressing OPERATE /STANDBY for 2 seconds. The STANDBY | dlsploy Hoses to incite ho dopressrizaion ofthe sytem. 2. Once he STANDBY display slopsReshing, unscrew the senitzaton por pl figure 1, K) and drop in chlorine fle, 2. Replace the sonitzation por plug. Sere in hond fight, wihout forcing 1 | 4. Stor the dleening cycle os follows: Press wo seconds on CLEANING d = STANDBY Chlorine decning cycle validated ator OO @ OQ) Vo second delay, Countdown of ime Chr CLEAN S temaining eyde STANDBY " Altheend of this cycle the system switches © CLEAN | (an ‘automatically to OPERATE mode, in order ‘oil the reservoir of necessary. Replacement of Progard pretreatment pock (igure 5) 1 3 Place the system into STANDBY mode by pressing the OPERATE/STANDBY button for 2 se- conds, The STANDBY display foshes fo indicate depressurization ofthe syslem. (Once the STANDBY display stops flashing ~ bing the pack adopler covert the top poston (A) = remove the locking clip (E) ~ pull out the Progard pack. Instoll he new Progard pack as described inthe “INSTALLATION” chopter, page 13. ‘Cloning screen filler (figure 4) Close the feed woter isolating valve. Disconnect the feed water tubing (C) from the system and from fing (. Unscrew fing (F rom iting (E. Locate the screen fier (6). ‘Cle the sereen filer (6) Corry out these stops in reverse order lo reassemble sreen liter ‘Additional cleaning ofthe reverse osmosis carridgels |. Place the sytem in STANDBY mode by pressing the OPERATE/STANDBY bution for 2 seconds The STANDBY display floshes o indicate depressurizaton ofthe system. 2. Once he STANDBY display stops lashing, unscrew the scntization port plug figure 1, K) and add the ROCLEAN-A or ROCLEAN'B clecning pouch, 3, Reploce the sanitzation port plug 4, Start the addiional leaning cycle os Follows: ©0e0 y @ @ res 2 seconds on CLEANING Press once on CLEANING The pH deaning cycle will sor afer © 10 second delay. Countdown of time tpnaringin ceil be dipleyed ‘Atthe end ofthis eycle the system relumns fo the mode it was in prior fo the start of the cleaning cycle (STANDBY) To enable filing ofthe reservoir, Press 2 seconds on OPERATE/ STANDBY fe hove the fllowing display CL, CLEAN STANDBY = pH CLEAN STANDBY pH CLEAN an OPERATE pH CLEAN. 4 an 1. im Maintenance Messages ce eee : ‘When the SERVICE LED i foshing,« corresponding messoge is dlsplayad onthe LCD. Use the tobe below to se he cause and appropriate oction fo follow: | | STATE/MESSAGE CAUSE ACTION Display black. No LED's Power cord loose ‘Check main electrical power. No electrical power = Blown hse. ‘Check power cord ‘Check or change mein fuse Soo APPENDIX 2. START AUTOCLEAN ‘An RO membrane cleoning is | Perform an autoceaning needed. ‘See chapler MAINTENANCE. EXCHANGE PACK ‘The Progard preireaiment pack | Reploce Progard. needs replacement See chapter MAINTENANCE. LOW PRESSURE Feedwater pressure too low. | Check feedwater pressure. Progard pack plugged. Change Progord. Inlet solenoid valve not Call Milipore Technical ‘opening Service. REJECTION < SP RO Rejection below setpoint. | Clean RO membranes) See chopter MAINTENANCE. IF condition persists, call Millipore Technical Service. PRODUCT < SP Blix product water resistivity | condition persis, call below se pont ‘Millipore echnical Service, PAK NOTIN PLACE Progard pretreatment pock | Reinstall rogardl pock. loose or not secure, See Chapter MAINTENANCE, (CHECK PUMP Pump not operating wihin | Call Milipore Technical specications Service. ! il ERROR NUMBER Error number displayed Errors lisled on page 27. corresponds o deleied system err. S232 ERROR ‘A transmission error occured ilize the system by while sending information to« | presting OPERATE/ STANDBY. printer 'fcondiion persist, cal Millipore Technical Service, Error codes ‘When the ALARM LED is flashing, on error code simulianeously appeors on the LCD. Exch error code number corresponds io a specific problem, Error : bed (MEANING WHY ? WHATTO DO? 1._| Elevated motor volge. all Milipore Technical Service. 2. | Low motor voltage Coll Millipore Technical Service. 3 | Elevated system pressure, Millipore Technical Service. 4 | ED. module error. Elecical Curent | Call Millipore Tochnical Service. ‘error. Current isto high, ors zero 5 | ED. module errr. Electrical Volage | Call Millipore Technical Service. terror. Volloge is oo high, or is zero. 6 | Temperature < minimum. Ifthe messoge persis, eal Milipore Technical Service, 7 | Temperature > maximum Ifthe message persist, eal Milipore Technical Service. 8 | Feed water conductivity < minimum | Weter conductivity too low, call Milipre Technical {not measureable) Service. 9 | Feed water conductviy > maximum | Water conductivity foo high, ell Millipore Technical (of scole Service. 10 | RO permeate RO permeate conductviy too low. conductivity < minimum Ifthe messoge persis, ell Millipore Technical (off scle Service. 11 | RO permeate RO permeate conduetviy too high, conductivity > maximum Ifthe message persist, cal Milipore Technical (off scale Service. 12 | Product resistivity < minimum EDD produc resistivity loo low. (off scale) Ifthe message persists, eal Milipore Technical Service, 13. | Product resistivity > maximum EDL product resistivity too high (off sce [Fhe message persis, cal Milipore Technical Service. 14. | Reference value errr in electronic | Call Millipore Technical Service. ‘measurement circuit 15_ | Seog eer n EPROM mancry I Milipore Technicol Service. ip. Feed water conductivity measurement ‘The system recycles a portion of the water from the RO reject stream. The conductivity of the feed water which is displ ‘on the unit will therefore be slightly higher than the incoming tap water. To know the ‘exoct value of the tap water conductivity proceed as follows: 1. During normal production mode, switch off power tothe system fr a Few seconds by switching main switch (igure 1, G) fom position Ife position ©. Al startup, the system will avlomofically corry out @ 3 minute fnse. During his ime, since there is no reeyle of eject water, the rue feed water conductivity ean be displayed ae ross 2 seconds on MEASURE OPERATE: @eeoe RO FEED “ous Ss At the end of this 3 minute cyde, the sys- fom comes back to OPERATE mode Pressure regulator adjustment verification lin normal operating mode, the sysiem displays the pressure epplied tothe RO certrdge by the pump. The pressure regulator i odjusted fo 2 bor ond con be verified in the folowing way: 1. Place the system in STANDBY, by pressing 2 seconds on the OPERATE/STANDBY button, The STANDBY display flashes fo indicate depressurisaton ofthe system. 2. When the STANDBY display remcins steady (stops flashing), press the MEASURE bution. The pressure displayed afer a few seconds isthe pressure opplied cer the pressure regulator. PRES: BAR At the end of this 10 second eyele, the system comes back to the mode which ‘was acive prior fo the cycle (STANDBY) ee Press two seconds on OPERATE/ Q eee ‘STANDBY fo stor the system I the pressure needs fo be adjusted, please contac Milipore Technical Service. Prolonged shutdown of the system Place the sytem in STANDBY mode when purified water production isnot needed. In case of complete shutdown, please contact Milipre Techical Service. “System information N° ee R Serial eed eon Bele en er es EDI product ee ce flowrate od acd Name Signature Date Verified by aan Nome Signature Date + Make a copy ofthis information. Keep one copy wih this manuel and locate the other copy neor the ‘water porifcaio sytem. eo Replacement of the reverse osmosis cartridge(s} The cabinet ofthe system needs to be removed. I the systom is well mounted, unhook the system from its support serews. 1. _Putthe system in STANDBY mode by pressing for 2 seconds on OPERATE/STANDBY. Switch off power tothe system by switching the main switch (figure 1, G)to pesiion 0 AN Unplug and disconnect the system mein electrical power cord. Unscrew and remove the deaning por pl igure I,K). Unscrew the lwo serews on the lower locking dis figure 1, NI. Slide the two clips backwards (gure 1, O) 1 unlock the cabinet. Lift up the cabinet slighly disconnect the ground wire and remove the cobinet, ‘8 Mork he inlet and outlet tubes on the RO cartridges) and the connections. (Figure 7, Al. Disconnect tubes. 9. Remove the locking rng fom the RO housing [Figure 7, 8) 10. _Unscreve he housing hea (Figure 7, C) by placing it inthe opening (figure 7, D) ond reploce he caridgels). 11. Follow the cbove insirucions in reverse order to reassemble the uni 12 Start a eystem rinse eyle eae page 19h. Start up of a Progard pretreatment pack of a different size ‘The system cabinet should be removed. In the case of a wall mounted systom, unhook the system from its support serews. 1. Putthe system in STANDBY mode by pressing 2 seconds on OPERATE/STANDBY. Ny 2. Switch off power to the sytem by switching main switch (Bgure 1, G1 position 0 3, Unplug ond disconnect the system mein eleckcal power cord. Unscrew and remeve the cleaning por plug figure 1, K). Unscrew the hwo screws on the lower clips (Figure 1, Slide he two clips backwards (Figure 1, ©} fo unlock the eine Lif up the cabinet slightly, disconnect the ground wire, and remove the cabinet. 8. Remove te plugin ship gure 5, G) ard aut poston of he pack adapter using the new peck os a guide. 9. Ploce the new plugin sips in position. 10, Follow cbove inskuctions in reverse order lo reassemble the nil Interruption of a cleaning or rinsing oe | on the RO cartridge(s) : eatees ees |e clecning or rinsing cycle has been storted afler introducing @ cleaning agent into the system, itis very | important fo complate the cycle in order o insure « complete rinsing ofthe system Tha cyee can be canclld with no il fect, fa cleaning egent has not been inroduced. aaah (stanpey 55x @@e@ CL, CLEAN % fos 10 acon on CEANING ton tin " ‘Atthe end ofthis cyte the system returns to the mode which was active before starting the cleaning cycle. Replacement of main electrical power fuse ee | Pulthe sysem in STANDBY mode by pressing for 2 seconds on OPERATE/STANDBY bouton. Switch off power by swiching the moin power switch (gure 1, G) te position 0. Unplug end disconnect the system main elecrical power cord Remove the fuse holder figure 6) 5. Remove the fully fuse (igure 6, A) ond replace it by « new fuse (gure 6,8) \Note: It is recommended to provide @ spore fuse to be kept in the secondory position | inthe fuse holder. 6 Replace the fuse older to its original position and reconnect he system, Additional features 1 oa ce {Sollware versions V2.06 and higher, 3.00 ond higher} UV LAMP Elix UV systems have @ facory instolled 254 nm Germicidal UV Lamp. The UV Lamp islocated immediately following the ED| Module and is used to kill bcterio in the product water Note: This accessory is optional on Ris Systems and! previous versions ofElix. You need fo order an UV Uparede i his os illo Cocloge Numba of 220 VIP 1 86 Ordering fro for mre i. 1- UV Age (sae In OPERATE or STANDBY mode: Pross 2 @ @@ see. on the MENU bution. When you see yy AGE 1 MONTHS the “SERVICE: LIFETIME” message on the display, press the OPERATE/STANDBY button ence fo se the lifetime of the UV lamp. Note: he value shown decreases by o month ata time. 2.- Maintenance Messages (SERVICE LED-orange): message and service LED are lashing. ACTION EXCHANGE UV LAMP | The UV Lamp needs | Call Millipore Technical EXCHANGE UV LAMP. Service replacement. ‘3 How to replace the UV Lamp ‘When "EXCHANGE UV LAMP” oppears on the dspley, the UY Lamp needs fo be replaced. tis recom mended to have c Millipore Field Service Representative change the UV Lamp. TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS 1 - Product Water Temperature: ihe femperatue ofthe product water exiting the system, cd PROD. TEMP: during OPERATE mode: SOO) Maser ate a ton Tear 2 Feed Temperature: the lemperaiure ofthe water enfering the system. a FEED TEMP: during OPERATE mode: °} 8,2 @|_Pressonthe MEASURE buon severliimes FEED TEMP ‘nfl the FEED TEM. is shown, ‘OTHER SPECIFICATIONS 1 - Materials in Contact of Water UV Lamp and Housing: Ulrapure Quartz and 316 Stainless Stee! 2- Becca Specifications Blix Ue 120 VAC 10%, 90 VA, 40 HZ. 0.75 amp source, 2A fuse sed 230 VAC 410%, 90 VA, 50 HZ. 0.39 amp souree, 1 A T fuse used. ‘3+ Additional Product Weter Specifications Please refer fo poge 10 in this manual forthe Product Waler Specifications. In addition, Elic and RiOs systems having @ UV inside have: ‘Microorganisms $1 CFU/ml (Colony Forming Unit per milli] when Feed Wet levels re < 100 CFU/ml. Note: This is the Micro-Orgonism Specification of the Preduct Waler ond may not correspond fo the ‘Miero-Orgonism levels ino storage reservoir receiving his wale. ‘4 Operating Weight Flic 3UV: 15.9kg FixSU. 15.9hg Ex JOU: 16.9kg A ALARM 16, 18, 19, 27 c Chlorine 6, 9, 23 CO, 9, 10 Connection 2, %, 12, 13, 22 EDL. 7, 11, 27, 29 F Fond ° water pressure Foy thematic 7 Flush 14 Fouling 9 Frequency 8 Fuse 26, 31 H Height 10 Humidity 9 K Keypod §, 14, 17 L longuoge 18, 20 lacking dip. 13 LOW PRESSURE 19 M ‘Moin fuse 8 MAINTENANCE 15, 17, 23, 26 ‘Maintenance 26 ‘Maintenance 23 Materials 8 N Nominal permeate flow raie. 10 Nominal product flow role 10 Nose level 10 NSF 8 ° Overflow 22. Poklife 18 Performance 10 Power 6, 8, 1, 26 Prossure 9, 10, 14, 16, 26, 27, 28 Printer 13, 26 Progard 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 19, 22, 24, 26, 30 Pump 6, 15, 28 R Reject flow 10, Rejection 10, 16 Reservoir 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25 Resistivity 7, 10 ROCLEAN-A 25 ROCLEAN-S 25 s Screen fier 24 Serial number 19 Shutdown 28 Silica 10 Storage and operating temperature 9 Ti Temperature 32 U Units 18, 20, 21 W lamp 32, 33 Vv Vent fiter 22 Elix / RiOs systems sienna Reference information for Elix system: ZI} LIX] Ss Y —l Voltage/Frequency 5= 230/50 He 20 V/60 He 7 = 100 V/50 -60 He 10= 10L/hr Reference information for RiOs systems: Z}|R{)O] Ss Y | Poa aeaes Voltage/Frequency Product flowrate 230 V/50 Hz 003 = 3U/he 20V/60 Hz (005 = 51/hr 7 = 100 V/50 - 60 Hz (008 = BL/hr 018= 1éi/he Elix/RiOs System Consumables ae Description Quantity/Pock Catalogue Number: Progard’™ 1 Pretreatment Pack with Reservoir Protecion Filer PROG MPK 0} Progord 1 Pretreatment Pack (Bocteriostatc Activated Carbon) swf Reservoir Proton ter PROG MPKS]__ Progard 2 ‘wth Reservoir Protection Filter i PROG MPK 02 Progard 2 Prereaiment Pack (Bocteriostatc Activated Corbon) wilh Reservoir Protection Fi 1 PROG MPK $2 Progard 1_Preteaiment Pack = Zz PROG 000 01, Progord | Pretealmen! Pack (Boctericstatc Activated Carbon 1 PROG 000 $1 Progard 2 Preteen! Pack long] PROG 00002 Progard 2 Prereaimen! Pock(Bocleristtic Activated Corbon 1 PROG 000 $2 Progard 1 Preeaiment Pack without Plyphosphale : 1 PROG ONP O Progard 2 Pretreatment Pack without Pelyhosphate 1 PROG ONP 02 RO Cartridge (for Elix 3 System, RiOs 3, RiOs 5 1 CRC 062.01 RO Cartridge (fr Elix 5 System, RiOs 8) 1 ‘CDRC. 60201 RO Cartridge (fr Elix 10 Systm, RiOs 16) 2 ‘cDRC 602002 PE Reservoir Ven filler 1 TANK MPK OL Chlorine Tablets 45 ZWCLOLF 50 RO Clean™ A, ri ZWAC 100.12 RO Clean B 12 ZWBA SEO 12 UV lomp for Blix UV 1 ZU VP O1 Elix/RiOs System Accessory Items — Description Catalogue Number UV Upgrade Kit ZLXU PGU V1 ‘Wall Meunting Bracket Sytem, ee ae Seta Elix Remote Display ZMQS RMD $1 Bench Integrated Tonk with Pump (230 V / 50 Hz) ZBIT ANK 51 :h Integrated Tank with Pump (120 V 1 Printer Coble. PRNT BLO} ‘Computer Cable COMP CBLO1 Explore Data Software a 'SOFT000 At 30Line PE Reservoir TANK FEO 30 Ore PE Reservoir TANK FE0 60, 10D PE Reseroie TANK FE1 00) ‘Well Mounting Bracket for 30 or 601 Reservoirs scl ciacneniacasid clase ata OO ae ctteceaoin Automatic Sonitizotion Module (ASM) for PE Reservoir (230 150 Hz) TANK $50 UV_ Automatic Sanitization Module (ASM for PE Reservoir (120 V / 60 Hz) ______TANK $60 UV _ ASM with Water Detector [230 V / 50 Hz) TANK SSLUV_ ASM with Weoler Detector [120/60 Hz) TANK S6L UV ‘Woter Detector (290 V / $0 He] ‘ZEWA TDE 12 ‘Wale Detector (120 V / 60 He : ZEWATDET! Recirculation Pump for PE Reservoir (230 V / 50 Hz) TANK REC 50 Recirculation Pump for PE Reservoir (120. / 60 ti Remote Dispenser [for Recirculation Loop) ‘ZMQS POU BL Millipore Corporation (‘Millipore”) warrants its products will meet their o — ished speciiclions when used bh ‘cordance vith her applicable insiucions orc period of one year kom shipment of the products, MILIPORE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THERE IS NO- WARRANTY ¢ OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The worranly provided herein ond the data, specifications and descriptions of Milipore produc -oppearing in Millipore’s published catologues and irl may ‘not be altered exc ress written ant Sad im cide ot Autpep: fare cuosoa acl or wrtranic or beomstaaruaa oven oreo, Fo ore re ufos and give should nat be rele upon In the event of a breach of the foregoing warranty, Millipore’s sole obligation shall be to pa ‘oF replace, at its in, the applicable product or part hereo, provided he customer notifies Milipore prom of any such breach. If cher exer- ising rearoneble efforts, Millpore is Unable lo repo or replace the prodct or port then Milhpore shall refund tothe customer all monies paid for such applicable produc or part. MILLIPORE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ECONOMIC LOSS OR PROPERTY DAM- AGE SUSTAINED BY ANY CUSTOMER FROM THE USE OF ITS PRODUCTS. Internet Site can be used to find addresses, telephone/fox numbers and other information. Internet Site Address: MANUFACTURING SITE Millipore SAS 67120 Melehsio FRANCE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The following information is in addi 1n to the text found in the manual. Manufacturing site: MILLIPORES.A.S., 67 120 MOLSHEIM, FRANCE, ‘SAFETY SYMBOLS FOUND ON THE SYSTEM CABINET OR INSIDE Electrical Specifications Danger! Danger: UV Radiation! Electrical Danger! Ground Connection! Voltage System Catalogue Power Frequency Main fuse Number RiOs 230 Volts + 10%, ZROSSOOY 7085005 7ROS5008¥ 8055016 70VA 50H: 1.0ASkoS8lo 120¥olls + 10% 7ROS6003 7ROS6O05Y 7R0S6008¥ 720860116 70VA 60H: 20 Sb-blo Elix 230 Valis + 109%, 713550037 285005 80VA 50H: -1.0ASk8lo ‘20%S50] OY 120 Vole = 10% ‘ZDS6003Y ‘2086005 BOVA GHz 2.04 Selo 2135601 OY Elix UV 230 Volts £ 10%, ZXSSVOOY Zus5v05y 90¥A 50H: 1.0 SkoBlo 2UXSSvIOY 120 Vols # 10% ZOSAvORY Zxs6vosy 90VA SH: 2.04 Skelo ZUXS6VIOY PF08797 — Rev.0 - 03/ 03, EligRiOs 1of2 Environment Storage and operating temperature: 5°C < T= 40°C Humility 20 %- 80 % without condensation Altude: = 2000 meieis Installation Category: 1 Pollution Degree’ 2 PF08797 —Rev.0- 03/03 El/RiOs 262 REV. A SPEC N° 0 001 692 PS WAIL MOUNTING BRACKET for ELIX/RiOs & MILL-Q SYSTEMS ANNEXE 1 CAT. # : SYST FIX O1 pes H UHL MILLIPORE —- Explication du symbole : “poubelle barrée” Explanation of the symbol: “crossed bin” Directive 2002/96/CE : Pour les utilisateurs européens uniquement Ce symbole « poubelle barrée »sur le produit ou sur son emballage indique qu'il ne doit pas étre traité comme un déchet ménager et qu'il devra étre amené & un point de collecte pour le recyclage des équipements électriques et électroniques. En agissant ainsi, vous aiderez @ prévenir les conséquences négatives pour environnement et la santé de |'éire humain, qui pourraient étre causées par une gestion inappropriée de ce déchet Le recyclage des matériaux aidera 4 la conservation des ressources naturelles. Pour une information @ propos des systémes de collecte de ce produit, contactez votre organisme professionnel Directive 2002/96 EC : For European users only The symbol “crossed bin” on a product or its packaging indicates that the product should not be treated like household waste when discarded. Instead the product should be disposed of at a location that handles discarded electric or electronic equipment, Proper disposal of equipment containing electric or electronic components will help to reduce pollution effects to the environment or to human health. Proper recycling of these products helps in environmental proservation and helps lo protect natural Tesources. For more information about recycling of products containing electric of electronic componenis, please contact your local recycling representative or organisation PFO9700 — Rev / - ‘MILUPORE Page 1 of 1 August 2005

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