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Vocabulary & Idioms MCQ

1. According to the _____ of the contract, tenants must give six months’ notice if they intend to live.

A. laws: luật pháp nói chung, được đưa ra và hành pháp bởi chính phủ

B. rules: luật lệ/quy định: được áp dụng trong tổ chức

C. terms of contract: điều khoản của một hợp đồng

Stipulations of contract: yêu cầu của hợp đồng

D. details: chi tiết

2. No one could contemplate fame these days without knowing beforehand of its _____.

A. laisez-faire : chủ nghĩa/thái độ không can thiệp

B. outburst: sự bùng nổ (của cảm xúc/hoạt động)

C. insight: Sự thấu hiểu

D. downside: disadvantage, drawback, limitations, impediments

3. Books taken from the short _____ section are due to be returned the next day.

A. borrowing

B. credit

C. loan: Khu vực mượn sách trả nhanh

D. return

4. She was so undisciplined and disobedient that, as the manager, I just had to put my _____ down.

A. stamp B. shoe C. fist

D. foot: thực hiện hành động nghiêm khắc

5. When Wilson’s company was hit by the recession, he decided to take early _____.

A. redundancy

B. retirement

C. resignation

D. redeployment

6. I am sure your husband-to-be will lend you a _____ ear when you explain the situation to him.

A. merciful B. compassionate C. pitiful D. sympathetic

7. The whereabouts of the exiled president remains a _____ guarded secret.

A. highly B. closely C. deeply D. entirely

8. It’s a shame to fall out so badly with your own _____.

A. heart to heart B. flesh and blood C. heart and soul D. skin and bone

9. Life’s very easy for you. You were born with a _____ spoon in your mouth.

A. silver B. golden C. bronze D. diamond

10. There has been a lot of _____ surrounding the government’s proposed scheme.

A. controversy B. consent C. conformity D. consequence

11. You can’t bury your head _____ and hope that this problem goes away, you know.

A. in the mud B. in the pool C. in the sand D. in the water

12. Fiona’s offered to help you. Don’t ask why – never look a gift _____ in the mouth.

A. horse B. cow C. deer D. dog

13. Sandra’s unpleasant _____ suggested that she knew about Amanda’s terrible secret.

A. grimace B. smirk C. wince D. snort

14. Few people can do creative work unless they are in the right _____ of mind.

A. frame B. trend C. attitude D. tendency

15. He was arrested for trying to pass _____ notes at the bank.

A. camouflaged B. fake C. counterfeit D. fraudulent

16. This fabric has the _____ of silk but it’s very cheap.

A. stroke B. substance C. friction D. texture

17. I threw some biscuit _____ on the ground and a whole load of pigeons swooped down and started
eating them.

A. grains B. specks C. flakes D. crumbs

18. The insects looked and tasted so horrible, I _____ with disgust as I tried to force them down.

A. gloated B. grinned C. grimaced D. chuckled

19. Going down white-water rapids in a canoe must be extremely _____! Does your heart start beating
really fast?

A. trivial B. mundane C. sedentary D. exhilarating

20. Was it always an _____ of yours to play for France?

A. urge B. adoration C. anticipation D. aspiration

21. I ____ my eyes around the room but could not see her.
A. flung B. tossed C. threw D. cast

22. I know we're told to shuck our routines and live spontaneously, but I’m ____ - it’s just easier when

know exactly how each day will pan out.

A. a nasty piece of work B. a creature of habit C. a soft touch D. clock-watcher

23. Many modern refrigerators never need to be _____.

A. frosting B. frosty C. defrosting D. defrosted

24. Many old people don’t like change. They are very set in their _____.

A. lives B. habits C. routine D. ways

25. The river is just _____ in the dry season.

A. deep-knee B. knee-depth C. depth knee D. knee-deep

26. Although they hold similar political views, their religious beliefs present a striking contrast.

A. minor comparision B. interesting resemblance

C. significant difference D. complete coincidence

27. Of the two new teachers, one is experienced and _____.

A. the others are not B. another is experienced

C. the other is not D. other lacks experience

28. Owen's second goal was _____ because he was off-side.

A banned B. disqualified C. disallowed D. outlawed

29. Lennon’s sardonic music with lyrics written in the first person, and McCartey’s songs that created

scenarios with off beat individuals, contributed to the character of the music produced by the group.

A. sceneries B. situations C. life stories D. love themes

30. My father often does _____ with people from other countries in the region.

A. finances B. business C. affair D. economy

Guessing Vocabulary

A. eminent (nổi trội)

She is an eminent psychologist who has won a number of awards.

Part of speech ______________________

Approximate meaning: ______________________

B. exacerbate (worsen)

Climate change is likely to exacerbate existing flood problems in India and


Part of speech: ______________________

Approximate meaning: ______________________

C. nocturnal (hoạt động vào ban đêm)

Nocturnal animals usually have eyes that are adapted to seeing in the dark.

Part of speech ______________________

Approximate meaning: ______________________

D. aroma (mùi vị, thường là tích cực)

Many people think that the aroma of coffee is better than the taste.

Part of speech ______________________

Approximate meaning: ______________________

E. jeopardy (nguy hiểm)

Hundreds of jobs will be in jeopardy if the factory closes.

Part of speech ______________________

Approximate meaning: ______________________

F. revere (tôn trọng, kính trọng, có thể đến mức tôn thờ)

Many traditional cultures revere the elderly for their wisdom and experience

Part of speech ______________________

Approximate meaning: ______________________


1. Buses spew clouds of black exhaust fumes in Mexico City while, in India, wood

burnt in rudimentary stoves fills houses with sooty smoke. Methane leaks

from gas pipelines in Russia and rice paddies in China, eventually breaking

down in sunlight and contributing to the production of smog and ozone. In

each of these cases, simple steps to curb air pollution would promote public

health; scaled up, they may offer the only realistic way to tame global warming

over the next few decades.


2. Rapid measures to reduce emissions of black carbon, which soaks up solar

energy, and methane, a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more potent than

carbon dioxide, could cut the rate of global warming in half between now

and 2050, according to an analysis published last week. Such numbers have

spurred political interest, and next month a small coalition of countries is

aiming to launch an initiative that would target these 'short-lived climate

forcers·. If successful, the effort could have an immediate impact on global

temperatures while countries grapple with efforts to regulate emissions of

carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas.


3. ·we·re in a gridlock over carbon dioxide, and we're losing time,· says

Veerabhadran Ramanathan, an atmospheric scientist at the Scripps Institution

of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, and a co-author of the Science analysis.

'This is one way to buy back some of that time, and the co-benefits are huge.'

By 2030, these reduction measures could prevent anywhere from 700,000 to

4. 7 million premature deaths from air pollution annually, the study found.

And because ozone is toxic to plants, such measures could boost global crop

production by 1-4%.


4. The United Nations Environment Programme explored the potential gains

in a detailed assessment last June. Chaired by Drew Shindell of the NASA

Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the assessment ranked

hundreds of options for reducing black carbon and ozone pollution according

to their potential to reduce warming. A follow-up report, released in November

and funded by the Swedish government, further analyzed opportunities and

impacts at national and regional levels. This work served as the basis for the

Science study.

5. For methane, the study identified 14 control measures that would target

leakage from coal mining and oil and gas operations, emissions from landfills,

wastewater systems, livestock manure and rice paddies. Black-carbon

reduction would focus on cleaning up diesel vehicle emissions, biomass

stoves, brick kilns and coke ovens. Other measures would reduce the burning

of agricultural waste and provide alternatives to wood, dung and charcoal for

cooking and heating in poor countries.


6. It could take decades to slow global warming through reductions in carbon

dioxide emissions, whereas cutting soot and methane would have immediate

climate payoffs because they are quickly purged from the atmosphere.


Chọn câu trả lời đúng

1. Which gas affects the growth of plants? (paragraph ... )

2. What human activities contribute to global warming? (paragraph .. .)

3. In what ways can the amount of methane being released into the atmosphere be

reduced? (paragraph .. .)

4. What three substances lead to global warming? (paragraph ... )

Try to think of your own answers to the questions. Then look at the multiple-choice

questions below and choose one correct option for each.

5. According to the text, what can help slow down global warming?

A promoting public health

B not using stoves

C reducing air pollution

D not using buses

6. Which of these is not mentioned as a contributing factor to global warming?

A carbon dioxide

B oxygen

C black carbon
D methane

7. According to the text, which of these affects the growth of plants?

A ozone

B oxygen

C carbon

D carbon dioxide

8. Which of these is said to produce and release methane into the atmosphere?

A vehicles running on diesel

B faulty wastewater systems

C burning wood fires

D heating in poor countries


(loại 2, khẳng định)

(loại 1, phủ định)

(câu hỏi)

(loại 1)
(loại 0)

(loại 0)

(tự xác định loại)

(tự xác định loại)

(loại 1)


Describe a famous person you are interested in

You should say:

 Who he/she is
 How you knew about him/her
 What he/she was like before he/she became famous
 And explain why you are interested in him/her

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