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APPLES: Μήλα- Äpfel- mela-

Working collaboratively and using your sleuthing detective

skills, research and find the answers to the following below.

One particular website that will assist you is: so

make sure you visit the site for assistance.

Research questions about apples:

1. What can you tell me about apples’ buoyancy in water?

Less dense than water
2. What does the term deciduous mean?
A tree or shrub shedding its leaves annually
3. When is the best time to plant apple trees in Australia?
June and july
4. What is the calyx?
The butt of the apple or the bottom
5. Find an online image of an apple cross section that includes the following parts. All
must be included in the diagram: seed, core, calyx, flesh, pedicel, skin.
6. On a map of Australia, identify the three main apple growing regions in Australia.
Vic, tas and nsw
7. What conditions affect an apple’s taste and growth?
Weather, water, sun and type of apple

Fill in the Gaps

Apples come in various varieties, each with unique flavours and colours, ranging from sweet to tart
and green to red. They are typically harvested during the aug to dec season, depending on the
climate and region. Apples are a good source of vitamin, which is essential for maintaining a healthy
diet. They can be eaten raw, cooked, or used in various dishes. The granny smith apple is known for
its crisp texture and slightly sour flavour, making it a favourite among many.

Matching Game:

Granny Smith Crisp and slightly tart

Red Delicious Crunchy and sweet
Golden Delicious Tart and green
Fuji Mild and yellow
Pink Lady Sweet and deep red.

True or False Questions

Apples are native to Australia.
There are over 100 varieties of apples grown worldwide.

Granny Smith apples originated in the United States.

Design concept:

"Design your own apple variety. What is its name, what does it taste like, and what colour is it?"

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