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Measuring the impact of slow zones on street life using social media
Arianna Salazar-Miranda a, b, 1, *, Cate Heine a, 1, Fabio Duarte a, b, Katja Schechtner a, Carlo Ratti a
Senseable City Lab, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Center for Real Estate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States


Keywords: Streets are fundamental to social and economic exchange in cities. Despite their importance for urban life, streets
Human activity continue to dedicate more space to cars than people, raising concerns about their ability to host social exchange.
Pedestrian zones In this paper, we study the extent to which slow zones (areas designed to be more pedestrian-friendly via speed
Social media
limit reductions) affect human activity in streets. We study this question in the context of Paris, which imple­
Big data
mented several slow zones covering a large portion of the city between 2010 and 2019. We exploit differences in
the effects of the policy at the boundaries of the slow zones and their staggered introduction over time to identify
their causal effect on human activity. Comparing street segments immediately within the slow zone boundary
(our treatment group) to street segments immediately outside the slow zone (our control group) shows that
human activity measured using Twitter is 44% higher in slow zones. This effect is driven by an increase in both
the number of users and in the number of tweets per user, suggesting that slow zones attract more people and
that people are tweeting more in these areas. We also show that slow zones draw visitors from a wider
geographic range of neighborhoods, contributing to social mixing.

1. Introduction sustainable forms of transportation like walking and biking, and (3)
increasing the quality of life in public space in order to promote social
Streets are a vital part of our urban environment. They provide a and commercial activity in neighborhoods.
network for social, economic, and physical activities and are frequented These interventions are rooted in sociological theories that highlight
by millions of pedestrians. Despite their importance for urban life, many the importance of fixed locations—focal points that bring people
street designs continue to grant more space to cars than people and together—in fostering human activity and social interactions (Feld,
prioritize drivers over pedestrians. Rising concerns regarding air quality, 1981; Simmel et al., 1997). Urban scholars have argued that pedestrian-
traffic congestion, and decaying social life in streets are sparking global friendly streets with diverse uses can become such focal points (Apple­
interest in strategies to recover space from cars. In this context, many yard & Cox, 2006; Jacobs, 1961; Whyte, 1980). Despite these clear goals
cities are developing street plans with various strategies to free up public and expectations, there has been little research on the actual impacts of
space for pedestrians, cyclists, and other outdoor communal activities. slow zones. As the slow zone movement becomes widespread world­
Examples include cities like Barcelona, San Francisco, Paris, and wide, it is critical that we fully understand the ways that slow zone
Medellin, which have invested in pedestrianizing areas by creating slow policies affect city function across multiple dimensions and whether
zones that reduce the speed of cars or offering alternative micro- slow zone policies are effective in creating focal points that promote
mobility options for people to move around the city. The “slow zone” social activity.
movements in these cities are primarily motivated by three factors: (1) This paper studies whether slow zones—areas designed to be more
increasing safety for bikers and pedestrians by reducing vehicle colli­ pedestrian-friendly via speed limit reductions—affect human activity in
sions, (2) lowering pollution and reliance on cars by promoting more streets. By exploring this question in the context of Paris’s slow zone

* Corresponding author at: Senseable City Lab, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States.
E-mail address: (A. Salazar-Miranda).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 13 April 2022; Received in revised form 19 September 2022; Accepted 24 September 2022
0264-2751/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Arianna Salazar-Miranda, Cities,

A. Salazar-Miranda et al. Cities xxx (xxxx) xxx

policy—one of the earliest and largest-scale policy implementations thus same street but lie on different sides of the boundary. We implement this
far—we draw conclusions that have immediate implications for the strategy using a 100-meter buffer from the slow zone boundary and
more recent slow zone policies emerging in other cities worldwide. show that our results are robust to using buffers of different sizes. Sec­
The context of Paris is well suited for large-scale analysis of slow ond, we leverage the staggered introduction of slow zones over time,
zone impacts due to the sizeable geographic extent and the sharp spatial which allows us to compare treated street segments to the control group
and temporal variation of Paris’s zones. Between 2007 and 2019, Paris before and after the slow zone is enacted and to show that there are no
reduced traffic speeds discretely within the boundaries of 142 slow differences between treatment and control groups before the creation of
zones covering a large portion of the city. On the inside of these zones, slow zones.
all traffic is restricted to a maximum of 30 km/h, while on the outside, Our results show that slow zones increase human activity by 36.7 log
previous, often higher speed limits remain in place. Besides limiting points (an increase of roughly e.36 − 1 = 44% in total tweets). This effect
vehicle speed, Paris implemented physical changes in slow zones to is sizable: it is comparable to the difference in log tweets per street
improve walking conditions, adapt the city infrastructure for active segment between a typical pedestrian path and a primary road. This
transportation, and offer livelier, more pleasant streets. effect is explained by a 17.8 log point increase in the number of users
Paris’ policy approach is broadly relevant for urban planners across and an 18.9 log point increase in the number of tweets per user. This
the globe for two main reasons. First, the city’s efforts to get cars off its suggests both that slow zones attract more people and that people tweet
streets and reclaim walkable space are some of the earliest of their kind. more in these areas—perhaps finding them more attractive, comfort­
These efforts have inspired many other cities worldwide; for example, able, or “tweetable.” Finally, we construct a measure of the geographic
New York City began implementing 30 km/h zones on certain neigh­ pull of each slow zone by counting the number of neighborhoods that
borhood streets in late 2011. Efforts in Paris have also inspired citizen- share Twitter users with each street segment. If at least one user visits
led campaigns such as 20’s Plenty in the UK, Ville 30 in Belgium, and both a given street segment and a given neighborhood, we consider the
Zona 30 in Barcelona. Since Paris’s slow zones policy was one of the first street segment to share users with that neighborhood.2 We find that this
of its kind, it serves as a valuable case study in predicting the long-term measure, which we call “neighborhood connectedness,” increases in
impacts of the many similar slow zone campaigns that have developed slow zones, suggesting that slow zones draw visitors from more unique
elsewhere in the world. Second, the policy was implemented city-wide, city neighborhoods.
impacting 2.2 million inhabitants. Although more and more cities are The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews
beginning to consider implementing this kind of large-scale speed relevant existing literature. Section 3 provides an overview of the "zones
reduction policy, similar programs in other cities thus far have targeted 30" policy in Paris. Section 4 describes the data we use in our empirical
smaller and fewer areas. Paris is thus a uniquely rich case study for analysis, discusses identification, and presents our results documenting
evaluating the effects of a slow zone policy across many neighborhoods the effects of slow zones on human activity. Section 5 offers concluding
and contexts within a city and for evaluating large-scale slow zone remarks and directions for future study.
policies more generally. Overall, as one of the earliest and largest-scale
implementations of this kind of policy, Paris’s program offers a unique 2. Literature review
opportunity to evaluate the long-term impacts of a large-scale policy and
can inform subsequent strategies implemented elsewhere in the world. Existing literature on the effects of slow zones has primarily focused
These efforts are even more relevant now that the European Parliament on road safety, speed reduction, and collision reduction. Overall, this
has included an EU-wide speed limit reduction to 30 km/h in residential work shows that across multiple contexts, slow zones are effective in
areas and places with high numbers of cyclists and pedestrians (Ahrens increasing road safety. Papers have found significant decreases in
& Agustín, 2021). vehicle speed, dangerous driver behavior, and pedestrian discomfort
To measure the effects of slow zones on human activity, we use rich (Ekman, 1999; Lambert & Venter, 2015; Neki et al., 2021), though
georeferenced data obtained from Twitter—a popular social media others have found no effect on crash incidence (Ewing et al., 2013).
platform on which users exchange information in short messa­ There has also been some work on the potential negative accessibility
ges—between 2010 and 2015. We view Twitter as a reliable proxy for impacts of slow zones—studies have shown that slow zones increase
human activity that allows us to extract meaningful information on retail stores’ sales (Yoshimura et al., 2022) but only have a minimal
people’s mobility patterns (Jurdak et al., 2015a; Osorio-Arjona & Gar­ impact on actual travel times, indicating that lowered speed limits likely
cía-Palomares, 2019). The key advantage of using social media to have a small negative impact on mobility and accessibility of drivers
measure human activity compared to other sources, such as interviews (Archer et al., 2008). Other effects of slow zones remain inconclusive or
and travel diaries, is that it provides data with extensive spatial coverage unexplored—while studies indicate a link between speed reduction and
and high spatial resolution. Our dataset consists of more than 11.7 lower noise pollution levels (Desarnaulds et al., 2004; Ögren et al.,
million tweets from 310,651 users in Paris. Each tweet is attached to a 2018), evidence of the impact of reduced speeds on air pollution levels
geospatial coordinate indicating the location from which it was sent, remains inconclusive (Ahn, 2009; EEA, 2019; Keirstead et al., 2012),
which provides reliable information on how the users in our dataset and little attention has been paid to the impacts of slow zones on human
move around the city. Using these data, we construct measures of street activity and visitation volume, which is the focus and contribution of
visitation that capture a street’s popularity and level of exposure to this paper.
people from distinct neighborhoods. Since slow zones are intended to The idea that human activity in streets is an important dimension of
make areas more attractive to more people, encouraging more social city life that slow zones could significantly impact stems from previous
activity, effective slow zones should see higher numbers of tweets from a
larger group of people.
We estimate the effect of slow zones by exploiting two sources of
variation in the policy’s implementation. First and most importantly, we This measure is inspired by the “linkage strength” measure in Heine et al.
exploit the fact that the slow zone boundaries are discrete and tend to (2021), which calculates the strength of connection between neighborhood
pairs using shared users. In this paper, we follow a similar approach but look at
coincide with primary streets. We compare street segments immediately
the unique number of neighborhoods connected to each street segment instead
within the slow zone boundary (our treatment group) to street segments
of strength of connection between pairs. We do this in order to capture the
immediately outside the slow zone boundary (our control group). This overall attractiveness or pull of an area hypothesizing that slow zones draw
choice of sample ensures that treatment and control groups are com­ people from more neighborhoods of Paris by being more attractive to Paris
parable, lie in similar areas of the city, and share similar characteristics. residents generally, as opposed to being attractive to an inherently more diverse
This design also allows us to compare street segments that belong to the group of people.

A. Salazar-Miranda et al. Cities xxx (xxxx) xxx

work pointing at the importance of streets as both a physical and social Further, it is unclear whether Twitter users send messages to a biased
part of our living environment (Appleyard & Cox, 2006; Jacobs, 1961; subset of the complete set of locations that they visit (for example,
Whyte, 1980). These studies underscore the importance of streets with tweeting more from the home or workplace than from social gathering
buzzing activity as key indicators for good urbanism, motivating the locations) and how such preferences to send tweet messages from spe­
importance of leveraging slow zone policies to create safe and walkable cific locations can impact the mobility patterns observed from geo­
spaces. Literature on this topic suggests that high-speed and heavy tagged tweets. Relatedly, some have raised concerns regarding the low
traffic hamper pedestrian volume and social interactions between pe­ sampling rate since Twitter users do not post every day for every activity
destrians (Handy et al., 2008; Southworth & Ben-joseph, 2004). (Cui & He, 2021). These results serve as important qualifiers to our
Appleyard and Lintell (1972) study of traffic volume on residential study—our Twitter-derived activity measures serve as proxies for the
streets in San Francisco found that streets with lighter traffic saw higher activity of specifically the Twitter population. They may not represent
levels of social interaction across all of the dimensions that they the population of Paris as a whole.
measured, including more congregation in streets, a stronger feeling of
community, and a higher number of adults meeting and talking on 3. The zones 30 policy
sidewalks. A similar study in New York found that residents of higher-
traffic streets generally spend less time walking, shopping, and playing 3.1. Institutional context
with their children around their neighborhoods and have fewer strong
relationships with their neighbors than residents of lower-traffic streets In the early 2000s, Paris began to promote sustainable transport
(Alternatives, 2006). Sauter and Huettenmoser (2008) found that rela­ modes to enhance pedestrians’ experiences in the city. Through the
tive to streets with 50 km/h speed limits, streets with lower speed limits Pedestrian Paris Initiative, the city implemented a street-sharing pro­
see more socializing between pedestrians and more people doing gram that transformed streets by delineating the specific rights of cars
manual activities (e.g., gardening, painting) on or near sidewalks. While and alternative modes of transportation, including bikers and pedes­
these studies indicate that lowered speed limits create space for trians (Avis et al., 2021). A key component of this program was the zones
enhanced social interaction in city streets, they rely on survey-, inter­ 30 initiative, which involved creating a series of slow zones throughout
view-, and observation-based data collected across just a few streets and Paris. In these areas, the city limited vehicle speed to 30 km/h and
have thus not been able to identify a causal link between lowered speed implemented a series of physical changes to make streets more
limits and human activity. We contribute to this literature in two key comfortable and accessible for active modes of transportation. For
ways: (1) we analyze the impact of slow zone policies on a large scale, example, the city widened sidewalks and cleared them of obstacles,
comparing thousands of street segments across the city of Paris, and (2) encouraged tree planting and vegetation of sidewalks, and provided
we use causal inference techniques in order to isolate the causal impact infrastructure such as counter-flow bike lines and new crosswalk marks
of speed limit reductions on human activity. to facilitate less-contaminating modes of transport. This policy also
This paper also complements a large body of literature that has used added certain design features to streets; for example, the city converted
social media data as a proxy for human activity to study mobility and the parking spaces into amenities such as cafe terraces, benches, greenery,
use of urban spaces. Existing studies have used Twitter data specifically fountains, or bike racks. Fig. A1 in the Appendix illustrates these
to estimate home and work locations (Kurkcu et al., 2016; Steiger et al., changes using street view images from 2008 (before the policy) and
2015), measure visitation to urban spaces (Hamstead et al., 2018; Hasan 2020.
et al., 2013), analyze social mixing in cities (Heine et al., 2021; Wang Fig. 1 shows the geographic distribution of the 141 slow zones
et al., 2018), and identify land use patterns (Soliman et al., 2017), introduced in Paris, colored by year of implementation. Slow zones are
among other applications. Several studies have used Twitter data to not exclusive to specific neighborhoods; they are scattered throughout
measure visitation patterns to urban places, especially in urban parks the city. All slow zones are located within the central area of Paris, with
(Abbiasov, 2020; Hamstead et al., 2018; Roberts et al., 2017; Zhang & 95 located within 4 km of the city center and all 141 located within 6.5
Zhou, 2018). Twitter data has been found to be representative of km of the city center. The implementation of slow zones peaked in 2010
selected mobility patterns, such as the size of the mobility radius and (43 zones were implemented that year), then plateaued between 2011
home-work pairs (Jurdak et al., 2015a; Osorio-Arjona & García-Pal­ and 2012 (one implementation in total), and picked up again in 2013
omares, 2019). Jurdak et al. (2015a) document that while the reliability and 2014 when the city implemented 34 zones. Between 2015 and 2017,
of individual-level mobility patterns depends on an individual user’s the city implemented an additional eight zones and then picked back up
preferences and other contextual factors, aggregate mobility patterns, with eighteen zones between 2018 and 2019. As the figure shows, zones
such as overall activity in a given area, as we use here, are much more vary in size, ranging from 0.006 km2 to 1.347 km2. As a whole, the slow
accurate. In the US context, Kurkcu et al. (2016) and Hasan et al. (2013) zones cover 35 km2 (out of 105 in the Paris borough) and 49% of all the
find Twitter-derived mobility patterns to be aligned with ground-truth street segments.
mobility patterns from the Regional Household Transportation Survey Although the zones 30 policy is a city-wide initiative, its imple­
in New York City and mobile phone data, respectively. Steiger et al. mentation happened at the district level. This approach left some of the
(2015) find Twitter to be a representative proxy of workbase-placed decision-making about zone delineation and implementation to the
activities in the UK but much less representative of home-based activ­ mayors of districts (arrondissements), who responded to local factors
ities. We build upon this literature by using Twitter-derived activity such as public transit stations and routes, historical use of streets,
visitation measures to analyze the impacts of a specific urban policy. number of crashes, and the desires of their constituents.3 Most of the
Despite the general representativeness identified by previous studies, slow zones were ultimately implemented in the east of Paris, where
there are two significant issues with using geotagged tweets for under­ constituents were more amenable to this type of policy. Our empirical
standing mobility patterns: (1) sampling bias and (2) location biases for design was chosen in order to account for the fact that the location of
sending tweets (Jurdak et al., 2015b). Like any technology that captures slow zones might have been influenced by political decisions specific to
mobility dynamics, Twitter is subject to sampling bias. The Twitter user each neighborhood and allows us to compare similar streets to one
population (relative to the US population) has large discrepancies,
which suggests that entire regions of the US may be significantly un­
derrepresented (Mislove et al., 2021; Wesolowski et al., 2013). Although 3
There is some anecdotal evidence that emphasis was placed on locating the
our study area is Paris, we might expect similar representativeness issues slow zones near schools Garcia (2013); personal communication (November 16,
to arise. Twitter tends to skew toward younger, minority, urban in­ 2021). However, empirically we see no significant difference in distance to
dividuals (Maeve et al. (2013); Hargittai (2020); Malik et al. (2015)). schools between treated and untreated streets—see Table 1.

A. Salazar-Miranda et al. Cities xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Figure shows the geographic distribution of the 141 slow zones introduced in Paris during our study period, colored by year of implementation. Slow zones
where the implementation year data is missing are colored in grey. The Paris borough is shown with a dashed line.

another and thus alleviate concerns regarding selection. that they are entering a 30 km/h zone. The speed limit signs are
Access to slow zones is clearly demarcated by road signs and infra­ accompanied by road design changes, including road furniture like
structure, encouraging high levels of compliance. Examples of road speed bumps and rumble strips that reduce the speed of cars inside these
signage include signs along the road to inform pedestrians and drivers areas. These areas are also highly regulated by the police, who charge

Fig. 2. Figures show the street segments assigned to the treated (in blue) and control group (in red). The treated groups consists of street segments whose centroids
are 100 m or less from within the slow zone boundary, and the control group consists of street segments whose centroids are 100 m or less from outside the slow zone
boundary. Main streets, excluded from our sample, are shown in grey. Figure (a) shows the full city of Paris. Figure (b) shows a closer-up view of treated and control
street segments surrounding the zones of Verneuil (top) and Maubeuge (bottom). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

A. Salazar-Miranda et al. Cities xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Summary statistics of street characteristics.

All Paris Treated sample Control sample Mean difference

Street fundamentals:
Street segment length............... 47.685 59.306 39.911 19.396
[57.015] [53.844] [48.440] (0.000)

Log distance to city center.......... 8.173 8.021 8.017 0.004
[0.588] [0.632] [0.563] (0.767)
Proximity to transit stops........... − 0.000 0.371 0.430 − 0.059
[1.000] [0.839] [0.806] (0.001)

Public amenities:
Proximity to parks................... − 0.000 0.513 0.525 − 0.012
[1.000] [0.577] [0.614] (0.376)
Proximity to schools................. − 0.000 0.365 0.382 − 0.016
[1.000] [0.585] [0.647] (0.227)
Proximity to landmarks............ 0.000 0.317 0.338 − 0.021
[1.000] [1.115] [1.049] (0.380)
Number of landmarks.............. 1.334 1.391 1.304 0.087
[1.033] [0.968] [0.957] (0.452)

Proximity to population............ − 0.000 0.458 0.439 0.019
[1.000] [0.610] [0.601] (0.159)
Proximity to income................ 0.000 0.461 0.450 0.011
[1.000] [0.594] [0.604] (0.388)

Note.—Columns 1 to 3 report the sample means and standard deviation (in square brackets) of the street characteristics in 2010— the baseline year. Column 4 reports
the mean difference between treated and control samples and p-value (in parentheses). Proximity measures are computed using a gravity measure with a quadratic
decay function.

fines of up to 135 euros for speed violations. group to be street segments whose centroids fall within 100 m of the
The high compliance induced by slow zones can be seen from an boundary of each pre-2015 zone: street segments whose centroids are
overall reduction in the number of vehicles passing through these areas. 100 m or less from within the slow zone boundary are our treated group,
To document this, we use data from the Paris Open Data portal on and street segments whose centroids are 100 m or less from outside the
vehicle counts at the street segment level. These data are obtained from slow zone boundary are our control group. We chose a distance of 100
fixed sensors located throughout Paris, covering 714 street segments m, the typical block size because it provides a tight window for sharp
during 2014 and 2015 (1.3% of our sample). The sensor data shows that comparison between similar streets while allowing enough walking
the volume of cars fell by 41% in slow zones relative to other areas of the distance for pedestrians to perceive decreased traffic levels. For
city, which suggests that slow zones had bite and affected driving robustness, we also define 75-meter and 125-meter windows. Street
patterns. segments very close to the border also increase the risk of confounding
spillovers from the slow area to the control group. To account for this
3.2. Defining treatment and control and the possibility of drawing inaccuracy in the slow zone boundaries,
we exclude from our sample streets whose centroids lie within 25 m of
Our analysis focuses on the 80 slow zones implemented between either side of the boundary.
2010 and 2015 since this is the period for which we have geo-referenced Fig. 2 shows the streets assigned to the treatment group (in red) and
Twitter data. A list of the implemented slow zones was obtained from the control group (in blue). Panel (a) shows the entire city of Paris, while
Paris Open Data portal, including the zones’ polygon boundaries and the panel (b) zooms to the slow zones of Verneuil (top) and Maubeuge
year and month in which each zone was built. We exclude two small (bottom). Streets shown in grey are classified as main streets and are
zones built in 2007 and 2008 and 24 zones implemented after 2015 since excluded from the analysis.4 We exclude main streets for two reasons:
we lack geo-located Twitter data for these periods. Finally, 36 zones are First, our identification strategy assumes that the boundary of slow
missing the year of implementation. In our main empirical analysis, we zones is random. However, main streets might have been used to define
treat these zones as if they were implemented in 2010 (the year in which slow zone boundaries. By excluding them from the sample, we account
most of the policy was implemented). In Section 4.5, we verify that our for this non-random assignment in slow zone boundaries. Second, slow
results are robust to excluding them from the sample. zones include primarily secondary and tertiary streets, which are the
Our unit of analysis is the street segment, which is the part of a street streets where it is feasible to reduce the speed of cars. Thus, by dropping
that lies between two consecutive intersections. To construct the treat­ main streets from the sample, we make treatment and control groups
ment and control groups, we implement the following procedure. First, more comparable.
we obtain the street network for Paris from OpenStreetMap—an open- Since we define the treated and control street segments as immedi­
source mapping platform that collects geographic information. We ately adjacent to one another, we expect them to be similar across many
then calculate the shortest Euclidean distance from the centroid of each
street segment to its closest slow zone boundary. We define our study
We use the streets marked as “primary” or “secondary” by OpenStreetMap
to exclude main streets.

A. Salazar-Miranda et al. Cities xxx (xxxx) xxx

dimensions that may impact Twitter activity, such as proximity to (Swier et al., 2015). Our analysis focuses on 10,585,302 geotagged
amenities, transit access, and resident income. To verify this assumption tweets posted between January 2010 and April 2015, originating from
and ensure there are no systematic differences between the two groups within Paris.6 We focus on the 2010–2015 period for two reasons: (1)
that could confound our results, we examine how street segments in the most of the zones were implemented between those years, and (2)
treatment and control groups differ in the following characteristics: during this period, accurate georeference information is available for a
street fundamentals (street segment length), location (distance to the much larger subset of tweets.7 We match each tweet to its nearest street
city center and proximity to transit stops), public amenities (schools, segment within a 200-meter radius, which allows us to create measures
parks, and landmarks), and demographics (income and population).5 of human activity at the street segment level.
Columns 1–3 of Table 1 report the sample means and standard de­ For each street segment, we compute several complementary mea­
viations (in square brackets) of the street characteristics in 2010—a sures of street activity. We first look at the total number of tweets and
period preceding the full operation of most slow zones. The first column unique Twitter users per street segment. Higher total tweets and unique
reports these statistics for all the street segments in Paris; the second and users indicate increased general activity. We hypothesize that if slow
third columns restrict the sample to the treated and control street seg­ zones attract more people and create more generally buzzing and
ments, respectively. The fourth column reports the mean difference vibrant streets as they are intended, they will see higher overall activity
between treated and control samples (p-values in parentheses). as more people visit them. Higher tweets and users could either indicate
We document significant differences in street segment length be­ that more people are visiting, that the people who visit tweet more often,
tween treated and control groups. For this reason, we pay particular or both. While our data cannot tease these apart, both visiting more and
attention to controlling for segment length throughout our empirical tweeting more often (indicative of a user finding a space more attractive
analysis. The remaining rows show that the treated and control street or “tweetable”) can serve as proxies for social attractiveness. We then
segments are comparable in all other characteristics. The only exception look at tweets per user. More tweets per user indicate that the same user
is proximity to transit stops, where treated street segments have lower is either returning to a given place more often, spending more time
access to transit. However, this difference is extremely small (0.059 there, or finding the location more attractive and “tweetable.” This
times the standard deviation in the sample). If anything, this would serves as a complementary measure of attractiveness and buzziness to
presumably bias our estimates against finding a positive effect of slow overall activity. Finally, we ask whether slow zones serve as “connec­
zones on human activity. The fact that we only observe minor differ­ tors,” bringing together people from geographically diverse parts of
ences between treated and control groups suggests that the border Paris. To do so, we construct a measure that we call “neighborhood
discontinuity approach provides a suitable control group. connectedness” by counting the number of IRIS districts (comparable to
US Census tracts) that people who visit each street segment also visit
4. The effects of slow zones during the 5-year study period.8 This measure captures the ability of
streets to attract people from different neighborhoods without relying
4.1. Measuring human activity on home location estimation methods, which can be unreliable and
require significant amounts of data per user.
We examine the impact of slow zones by testing whether their
enactment affects human activity on streets. To measure human activity 4.2. Graphical evidence
for each street, we use data from Twitter—a popular social media
platform on which users exchange information in short messages. The We begin our analysis by exploring whether human activity varies
key advantage of using Twitter to measure human activity is its exten­ across the boundaries of slow zones. To do this, we calculate human
sive spatial coverage and high spatial resolution. Twitter is widely used activity for street segments in the treatment and control groups, bin the
in Paris, and the georeferenced messages provide near real-time infor­ data according to the street’s distance from the slow zone boundary, and
mation on how people move across the city, allowing us to study the plot activity against distance to the boundary. Fig. 3 shows average
‘pulse’ of the city by tracing users’ movements. differences in our Twitter-derived social outcomes between the treated
To download the Twitter data, we queried all user messages (or and control street segments. There appears to be a discontinuity in our
tweets) within a bounding box surrounding central Paris using the Twitter measures across the slow zone boundary: street segments within
Twitter API. Each tweet provides the location coordinates (latitude and the slow zones (shown in blue) see more total tweets, more unique users,
longitude) of the person at the time of the posting, a timestamp, and a and higher levels of visitor diversity than street segments outside of the
unique username identification consistent across years. Location co­ slow zones (shown in red).
ordinates are based on the Global Positioning System (GPS), which until
2015 offered location accuracy of 7.8 m or less with 95% confidence 4.3. Regression analysis

To explore the patterns from Fig. 3 more systematically, we turn to a

We compute proximity using a gravity measure with a quadratic decay
regression analysis of the differences in human activity between the
function. In particular, we add up the squared inverse of the Euclidean distance treatment and control street segments.
of each street centroid to all parks, schools, landmarks, and transit stops. For
population and income, we computed a weighted sum of the log of population
and income of all IRIS neighborhoods (statistical units comparable to a US We start with 14,189,655 tweets scraped from Paris. We remove tweets
Census block group, where IRIS stands for an acronym of ‘aggregated units for associated with Instagram and FourSquare (which often give location at a
statistical information’) weighted by the square inverse distance between the neighborhood or city level) and tweets associated with authors that both send
street centroid and the neighborhood centroid. In calculating proximity to more than 200 geolocated tweets between 2010 and 2019 and receive a score
landmarks, we include all spaces determined to be historic monuments by greater than 0.8 from the botometer API, indicating high likelihood of bot ac­
France’s Ministry of Culture for more details. In order to ensure that our results tivity. For more information on the Botometer, see https://botometer.osome.iu.
aren’t only capturing individual, highly-visited landmarks such as the Eiffel edu.
Tower, which if contained within slow zones could skew our results, we also In April 2015, Twitter changed their geolocation policy so that less precise,
manually verified that Paris’s most popular landmarks (Eiffel Tower, Les noisier geolocation data is attached to each tweet. After this policy change,
Invalides, Arc de Triomphe, Palais Garnier, Sacre-Coeur, Louvre Museum, tweets tagged at a broad area, such as “Montmartre” or “France,” would be
Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Pantheon) fall outside of slow zones. The only associated with a bounding box or a central point in the area instead of the
exception is Sacre-Coeur, contained in the Butte Montmartre zone. Our results precise latitude and longitude coordinate from which the tweet was sent.
remain unchanged when we repeat our analysis excluding this slow zone. The population of IRIS districts ranges between 1800 and 5000.

A. Salazar-Miranda et al. Cities xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. Twitter activity at the boundary of slow zones. The figure reports Twitter activity inside the slow zones (in blue) and outside slow zones (in red) aggregated in
bins and then plotted by their distance to the slow zone boundary (in meters). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

Table 2
Relationship between slow zones and Twitter activity.
Dependent variable: log number of tweets

(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)

Slow zone 0.156*** 0.218*** 0.230*** 0.300*** 0.367***

(0.059) (0.066) (0.064) (0.080) (0.098)
Observations 58,758 58,503 58,503 56,720 24,915
Clusters 737 697 697 682 572
R-squared 0.52 0.64 0.65 0.70 0.80

Polynomial in geography ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Neighborhood FE by year ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Slow zone FE by year ✓
Slow zone boundary FE by year ✓
Street FE by year ✓

Note.—The dependent variable is log number of tweets recorded between 2010 and 2015. Slow zone is an indicator equal to 1 if a street’s centroid falls within the cut-
off and equal to 0 otherwise. The treated groups includes all streets larger than 25 m that fall within 100 m from the edge of the slow zone boundary and 100 m outside
of it, respectively. Column 1 includes a cubic polynomial in geography (latitude and longitude) of the slow zone boundary. Columns 2 and 3 include neighborhood and
slow zone-fixed effects by year, respectively. Column 4 controls for slow zone boundary fixed effects by year. Column 5 controls for street-fixed effects by year. All
specifications control for the log of street segment length. The coefficients with *** are significant at the 1% confidence level; with ** are significant at the 5%
confidence level; and with * are significant at the 10% confidence level. Robust standard errors, adjusted for clustering by neighborhood, are in parentheses.

Our empirical strategy estimates the following regression model: effects, which ensures that we are comparing treatment and control
segments within the same neighborhoods. θs(i) denotes street fixed ef­
Outcomei,t = β⋅SlowZonei,t + γ⋅Xi + δt + αn(i) + θs(i) + εi,t , (1)
fects. When included as a covariate, street fixed effects ensure that the
effect of slow zones is identified by comparing street segments that are
where Outcomei,t corresponds to one of the outcome variables of interest
part of the same street (and therefore share common features) but
for segment i at time t. SlowZonei,t is an indicator equal to 1 if the street
happen to lie on different sides of the slow zone boundary. εi,t is the error
segment lies within one of the slow zones at time t and 0 otherwise. Xi is
term of the regression model. We report robust standard errors clustered
a vector of covariates that includes the length of the street segment and a
at the neighborhood level. These standard errors allow for serial and
cubic polynomial in latitude and longitude.9 δt are year-fixed effects that
spatial correlation in the error term εi,t across street segments in the
account for common time trends and αn(i) denotes neighborhood fixed
same neighborhood within a given year and over time. This specification
nests alternative clustering approaches that only allow for spatial cor­
relation across street segments in the same neighborhood during a given
This is intended to control for unobserved spatial variation in our outcomes, year or for observations that belong to the same street segment to be
and helps counteract potential issues with residual spatial autocorrelation. See serially correlated over time.
Dell (2010) for more details on this methodology. This is a spatial regression discontinuity design-inspired approach.

A. Salazar-Miranda et al. Cities xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Relationship between slow zones and different measures of human activity from Twitter data.
(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)

Log number of tweets Log number of users Log number of tweets by user Log tweet density Neighborhood connectedness

Slow zone 0.367*** 0.178** 0.189** 0.181* 37.783***

(0.098) (0.086) (0.073) (0.105) (13.805)
Observations 24,915 24,915 14,502 24,915 24,915
Clusters 572 572 559 572 572
R-squared 0.80 0.82 0.60 0.75 0.74

Polynomial in geography ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Neighborhood FE by year ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Street FE by year ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Note.—Columns report the estimates of Eq. (1) for different outcome variables using the specification from column 5 in Table 2. All specifications control for the log of
street segment length and control for street segment fixed effects. The coefficients with *** are significant at the 1% confidence level; with ** are significant at the 5%
confidence level; and with * are significant at the 10% confidence level. Robust standard errors, adjusted for clustering by neighborhood, are in parentheses.

The identifying assumption is that treated street segments only differ in each street segment and neighborhood connectedness. The latter
from the control group in that they are within a slow zone. This is captures the variety of neighborhoods that visitors to each street
achieved by comparing street segments near one another but on oppo­ segment also visit. The log number of Twitter users complements our
site sides of the same slow zone boundary (or, in our strictest specifi­ previously used measure (log number of tweets) by adding the infor­
cation, segments of the very same street). Therefore, treated and control mation on how many unique visitors an area sees—the “gravity” or pull
street segments are similar in terms of the spatially-correlated charac­ of the street segment. Neighborhood connectedness serves as a proxy for
teristics that attract people and encourage social media activity—for social mixing—high neighborhood connectedness indicates that the
example, neighborhood character, amenity density, accessibility, and visitors to a given street segment are either from a geographically
proximity to landmarks. This assumption is supported by our street diverse range of places within Paris or visit a geographically diverse
characteristics analysis (Table 1), which shows that treatment and range of places, as opposed to visitors to a street segment mainly staying
control street segments are not significantly different in terms of the within its surrounding area. This implies that the street segment serves
characteristics we measured. Under this assumption, the difference be­ as a draw to a wide range of Paris residents and provides an opportunity
tween treated and control street segments is the treatment itself; our for mixing and interacting between people who may not otherwise be
control variables and fixed effects control for all unobserved spatial exposed to one another.
differences that affect social media activity other than the presence or Table 3 shows the estimates of Eq. (1) for different outcome vari­
absence of a slow zone. Thus, the coefficient β can be interpreted as the ables. For brevity, we focus on the specification from column 5 in
causal impact of the slow zone policy on social activity. Table 2, which is the more demanding specification. Column 1, equiv­
Table 2 shows the estimates of Eq. (1), focusing on streets that fall alent to column 5 in Table 2, shows that street segments up to 100 m
within 100 m of the slow zone boundary. All models use the log number inside of slow zone boundaries saw a 36.7 log point increase in the
of tweets as the dependent variable. Column 1 reports estimates using a number of tweets (equivalent to a 44% increase) relative to street seg­
cubic polynomial in the latitude and longitude of the centroid of each ments in the control group. Columns 2 and 3 show that slow zones also
street segment. This polynomial controls flexibly for any geographic experienced a 17.8 log point increase in the number of users (19.5%
features that vary continuously over space.10 Column 2 shows the results increase) and an 18.9 log point increase in the number of tweets per user
controlling for neighborhood-fixed effects, which compare streets in the (20.8% increase). This finding implies that more Twitter users visited
same neighborhood. All fixed effects are by year, accounting for overall slow zone street segments and that those users were more active in those
trends over time in Twitter usage. Column 3 exploits a sharper com­ street segments (likely spending more time there) after slow zone
parison between street segments that fall on opposite sides of the same implementation. Column 5 shows that street segments in slow zones also
slow zone, and column 4 goes even further by comparing street segments experienced an increase of 37.78 in neighborhood connectedness after
that fall along the same specific slow zone edge. The estimates in column slow zone implementation. This implies that visitors to slow zone street
4 show that Twitter activity is 30 log points higher (or 34.9% higher) in segments visited 37.78 more neighborhoods than visitors to those seg­
streets that are up to 100 m within a slow zone’s edge relative to the ments before slow zone implementation, indicating connections be­
streets that are up to 100 m outside of it. tween slow zone street segments and more geographically diverse parts
Column 5, our strictest specification, controls for street name fixed of Paris. This effect is large in magnitude, considering that the average
effects, comparing segments of the same street that lie on opposite sides value of neighborhood connectedness across street segments during our
of a slow zone. This full set of street fixed effects ensures that the esti­ 5-year study period is 62.
mates are captured by comparing segments that belong to the same
street and therefore share many common features. The estimates in 4.4. Effects by cohort and pre-treatment differences
column 5 show that Twitter activity is 36.7 log points higher (or 44.3%
higher) in streets within 100 m of the slow zone border relative to the We now explore the effects of each slow zone cohort separately. This
same street before the slow zone enactment. approach allows us to understand whether there were pre-treatment
We have focused on measuring street activity using the log number of differences between treated and control groups in each cohort. Fig. 4
tweets in each street segment. In the next exercise, we explore com­ plots the estimates of Eq. (1) separately by cohort for the groups of slow
plementary measures of street activity: the log number of Twitter users

See Dell (2010).

A. Salazar-Miranda et al. Cities xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Effect of slow zones by cohort. For each cohort, the figure reports pre-treatment differences between treatment and control (first bar), post-treatment dif­
ferences between treatment and control (second bar), and a difference-in-differences estimator of the effects of slow zones (third bar). The whiskers provide 90%
confidence intervals based on robust standard errors clustered at the neighborhood level.

Table 4
Relationship between slow zones and Twitter activity for different samples.
Dependent variable: log number of tweets

(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (VI) (VII) (VIII)

<75 Meters of boundary <125 Meters of boundary Tertiary & pedestrian streets Excluding missing years

Slow zone 0.297*** 0.313*** 0.277*** 0.286*** 0.200*** 0.227*** 0.277*** 0.429**
(0.028) (0.045) (0.024) (0.040) (0.016) (0.023) (0.090) (0.204)
Observations 63,856 30,239 95,649 47,017 256,461 116,971 18,134 7300
Clusters 12,426 5876 18,303 9037 43,125 19,672 3136 1268
R-squared 0.68 0.77 0.66 0.76 0.61 0.73 0.69 0.77

Polynomial in geography ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Slow zone boundary FE by year ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Street FE by year ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Note.—All models include tweets recorded between 2010 and 2015. Columns report the estimates of Eq. (1) using log number of tweets as the dependent variable for
different samples. Odd-numbered columns are comparable to column 4 of Table 2 and even-numbered ones are comparable to column 5. Columns 1 and 2 modify our
control and treatment group to include street segments within 75 m of the slow zone boundary. Columns 3 and 4 repeat the same exercise but include street segments
within 125 m of the slow zone boundary. Columns 5 and 6 restrict the sample to residential and tertiary streets. Columns 7 and 8 exclude streets missing the slow zone
treatment year. Robust standard errors, adjusted for clustering by neighborhood, are in parentheses.

zones created in 2010, 2013, and 2014.11 We provide estimates of the cohorts, which suggests that slow zones increased human activity in
difference between treatment and control groups both before the treated areas relative to the control ones. These differences are sizable
treatment was enacted (first bar) and after it (second bar). This exercise and significant for the 2010 cohort. However, they are imprecisely
takes the year in which a slow zone was created as part of the pre- estimated for the 2013 and 2014 cohorts, which is to be expected given
treatment period. For example, for the 2010 cohort, we consider base­ that fewer slow zones were enacted during these years. Third, the figure
line differences between treatment and control in 2010 as their pre- also reports a difference-in-difference estimator where we subtract the
treatment differences. We follow this approach because most slow pre-treatment differences from the post-treatment ones to account for
zones were created towards the end of the year, which implies that for any baseline differences between treated and control groups. Here too,
most of 2010, the slow zones were not operating. we obtain a positive difference-in-difference estimate for all cohorts,
The figure shows three key findings. First, for all cohorts, we cannot although the estimates for 2013 are imprecise. Overall, these findings
reject the null that there were no differences between treatment and support the interpretation that slow zones had a causal effect on human
control before enacting slow zones. In fact, for 2010 and 2013, the pre- activity and that our estimates do not reflect pre-existing differences
treatment differences are quite small (and precisely estimated for 2010). between treatment and control groups. This is particularly the case for
This finding suggests no systematic targeting when deciding the the 2010 cohort, which represents 54% of slow zones and yields the
boundaries of the slow zones and lends credence to our identification most precise estimates. This aligns with evidence suggesting that more
strategy. Second, we estimate a positive post-treatment difference for all

There were no slow zones implemented in 2011 or 2012. In addition, we
exclude 2015 because there is not enough Twitter data available to trace its
effects over time.

A. Salazar-Miranda et al. Cities xxx (xxxx) xxx

financial resources were allocated to the program initially (Personal current context, and untangling them is an interesting question for
Communication, November 16, 2021).12 future work.
This paper opens three additional questions for future research: First,
4.5. Robustness checks it is important to understand whether slow zones have spillovers in
surrounding areas. For example, one could imagine that slow zones
To explore the sensitivity of our results, Table 4 reports a series of operate partly by taking away visitors from nearby areas, reducing
robustness exercises. Columns 1–2 and 3–4 modify our control and human activity in their vicinity. If this is the case, slow zones would have
treatment group to include street segments within 75 and 125 m of the a smaller impact on aggregate human activity at the city level since they
slow zone boundary, respectively. Different distance thresholds are would mostly change where human activity takes place without neces­
useful because smaller distances ensure that the control group is more sarily increasing its level. On the other hand, slow zones could have
similar to the treatment, while larger distances allow for the inclusion of positive spillovers and contribute to a vibrant environment in their
more data. Columns 5–6 restrict our sample to residential and tertiary immediate surroundings. In this case, the city-wide effects of slow zones
streets, ensuring that the set of streets in the control and treatment on human activity would be larger than those implied by our boundary
groups are also comparable in type. Finally, columns 7–8 exclude from design. It is worth pointing out that, independently of the nature of
the exercise slow zones for which the year of implementation is missing spillovers, slow zones play an important coordinating role by concen­
(recall that in the main estimates, we treated missing slow zones as if trating human activity in the same areas, leading to higher levels of
they were implemented in 2010). All panels show similar point esti­ mixing between different Paris neighborhoods. Second, our estimates on
mates to those in Table 2. the effects of slow zones capture the bundle of both slowing cars and
making streets friendlier to pedestrians. Future work can focus on dis­
5. Concluding remarks entangling the independent role of these two policy tools. In particular,
knowing whether these policy tools must be used together or can be
This paper provides the first large-scale, causal analysis of the im­ substituted for one another is important for prioritizing resources when
pacts of “slow zones”—low-speed-limit urban areas gaining popularity designing these interventions. Future research can also try to understand
worldwide—on social activity. We exploit the sharp spatial and tem­ whether slow zones endogenously affect the built environment and the
poral variation in a traffic speed policy implemented over five years in location of amenities. For example, do slow zones attract businesses and
Paris to identify the effects of slowing cars and making streets friendlier restaurants in the long run? Do people residing in these areas invest
to pedestrians on human activity. We find that street segments within more in their homes and the aesthetic qualities of the neighborhood?
treated slow zones exhibit higher levels of human activity (as proxied by Finally, we studied the pull of slow zones from different geographic
social media data) and attract individuals from a broader range of Paris areas of Paris. It would be interesting to study the pull of slow zones from
neighborhoods than otherwise-similar street segments outside slow different socioeconomic groups within Paris and, thus, their ability to
zones. The fact that this policy implemented in Paris effectively en­ host diverse social interactions and foster social mixing—a related but
courages activity in newly regulated areas offers a precedent for other substantively different question. We refrained from doing this primarily
cities in the future as they consider implementing similar policies to because of Twitter’s low sampling rate; it is difficult to reliably estimate
reduce the speed of vehicles. This evidence is especially critical as the users’ home locations and thus infer socioeconomic and demographic
social activity impacts of slow zones have remained largely unexplored characteristics. This question could be explored in future work using a
in all international contexts. denser dataset or one that contains socioeconomic information.
As slow zone policies gain popularity worldwide, it is essential to
consider how these results are generalizable to other cities. Paris’s policy CRediT authorship contribution statement
is very similar to other European cities in that it involves a speed limit
reduction to 30 km/h and complementary pedestrian-friendly street Arianna Salazar Miranda: Conceptualization, Data Curation,
improvements. The results presented here can thus provide a baseline Formal Analysis, Visualization, Methodology, Writing original draft,
expectation for slow zone impacts in similar, large European cities that Writing - review & editing. Cate Heine: Conceptualization, Data Cura­
gradually implemented speed limit reduction in select parts of the city. tion, Formal Analysis, Visualization, Methodology, Writing - original
Replicating this study in different cities under different policies would draft, Writing - review & editing. Katja Schechtner: Provided Re­
add nuance to the relationship between speed limit reduction policies visions. Fabio Duarte: Project Administration. Carlo Ratti: Funding
and street activity identified in this paper. acquisition.
The slow zones enacted in Paris could have led to increased human
activity through various channels, including higher activity coming Declaration of competing interest
from 1) a reduction in cars and the negative externality that this imposes
on pedestrians (e.g., pollution and noise), 2) higher accessibility via the The authors declare no competing interests.
increased provision of bike infrastructure, 3) the endogenous creation of
amenities in these areas due to increased demand, 4) increased the Data availability
aesthetic attractiveness of the built environment and perceived safety or
a combination of these factors. All of these channels co-exist in the The authors do not have permission to share data.

There are two additional interpretations of the stronger effects estimated for the 2010 cohort. One the one hand, the effects of slow zones could diminish with the
area of the affected regions. For example, a policy reducing speed limits across an entire city may not see the same effects per street segment as a policy targeted at
specific areas. On the other hand, it could be the case that the areas of Paris where the first batch of slow zones were built have the greatest potential for increasing
human activity. Instead, subsequent slow zones may have been enacted in more marginal areas of the city.

A. Salazar-Miranda et al. Cities xxx (xxxx) xxx

Appendix A

Fig. A1. Figure shows the visual changes in some slow zones using images collected from Google Street View. Each row corresponds to a different slow zone. Images
on the left were taken in 2008 (prior to the intervention) and images on the right were taken in 2020.

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