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Read the text and answer the question number 1!

1. What does the caution mean?

A. We should use the cellular phone.
B. We may use the cellular phone.
C. We should not use the cellular phone.
D. We must use the cellular phone

Read the text and answer the question number 2!

2. Where do you always find this text?

A. School.
B. Hospital.
C. Airport.
D. Gas Station.
Read the text to answer question number 3 and 4

3. Who is the card for?

A. Mom
B. Seza
C. Dad
D. Mom and dad

4. “ … Music Exam!”. The underlined word means …

A. Test
B. Contest
C. Competition
D. Tournament

Read the text to answer question number 5 and 6

To: Andi
I’m going out. Be back at 5 o’clock. Find
the key of the front door at the usual place.
Your lunch is on the dining table. Be
careful when you warm it up.

5. Who is the sender?

A. Andi
B. Andi’s friend
C. Iwan’s friend
D. Iwan
6. What kind of text is it?
A. Advertisement
B. Announcement
C. Short message
D. Letter

Look at the following picture to answer questions 7 to 8!

7. Where did the exhibition take place?

A. 12 noon to 9pm
B. 11 – 14 June 2009
C. Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre L4
D. Courts Booth, A1932

8. “Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre L4.”

The word exhibition has opposite meaning to …
A. convention
B. conceal
C. resolution
D. show
Read the text to answer question number 9 and 10

9. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To describe the dance
B. To retell about the fundraising
C. To inform someone about the dance
D. To invite somebody to a fundraising event

10. “You’re Invited!”. The underlined word refers to …

A. The readers
B. The sender
C. The writer
D. The author

Read the text and answer the question number 11!

Serving size: 1 tablet
Servings per container: 30
Amount of serving% Daily valueVitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate)250 mg416,67
mgCalcium (as calcium ascorbate)50 mg7,14 mgCitrus bioflavonoid*50 mgRutin*25
mgHesperidin*25 mgRose hips*125 mgAcerola*5 mg_________________________
*Daily value not established
Suggested use: 1 tablet after meal
This product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar,
chemical solvent, starch or gluten.
11. Which sentence is correct based on the text above?
A. The product contains artificial colors
B. The product contains 250 g Vitamin C
C. This product suggested use 1 or 2 after meal
D. This product contains sugar.


To welcome to the new members of our school on the seventh graders,

The students’ Association will hold a student gathering for
All students of SMP Nusantara on August 15 at 4 pm in the hall.
To all seventh graders, please come it is a must for you.

For more information

Contact Rudy at Students’ Center

Students’ Association Deputy

12. How can students get more information?

A. Come to school.
B. Gather in the hall.
C. Come to the Principal’s office.
D. Contact Rudy at the students’ center.

13. Why does student association hold the gathering?

A. To get information about the students of seventh graders.
B. To meet all seventh graders in the students’ center.
C. To greet to all new seventh graders.
D. To obey the request of the principal.

14. “The Students’ Association will hold a student gathering...”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. meeting
B. watching
C. preparing
D. collecting
Read the text and answer the question number 15!

15. What is the purpose of the card?

A. To inform about Christmas and New Year.

B. To praise Christmas and New Year.

C. To invite someone to come to a Christmas and New Year party.

D. To greet someone a happy Christmas and New Year.

Read the text to answer question number 16, 17 and 18

16. How long will the sale last?
A. Two days
B. A week
C. Three weeks
D. A month

17. “4 pack licensed briefs.” The underlined word means....

A. Well known
B. Certified
C. Various
D. Cheap

18. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To advertise something
B. To entertain people
C. To announce something
D. To invite someone
Tristan Alif Naufal is a young, talented soccer player. He was born to ivan Trianto
and Irma S. Lansano in Jakarta on December 12th, 2004.

He has become popular after his vidio was aploaded on YouTube on March 3rd, 2012.
in the vidio, he skillfully handles a ball, especially when dribbling a ball. He amazes soccer
enthusiasts with his skills. To improve his skills, he has become a student of liverpool FC
International Academy in Jakarta.

Alif is a hard-working and obedient player. He always obeys his coach and does his
best when practicing.

19. What is the text about?

A. A young soccer player from Arsenal.
B. A young soccer coach.
C. A talented boy from Liverpool.
D. Tristan Alif Naufal.

20. What happened on March 3,2012?

A. Everyone was amazed by his vidio.
B. Alif became a famous soccer player.
C. A vidio about Alif was aploaded on YouTube.
D. Millions of soccer enthusiasts watched his vidio.

For questions 21 to 23, choose the best options to complete teh text below

Buttermilk Fried chicken


 2 ½ pound fryer chicken, cut into 6 pieces

 3 cups buttermilks
 1 large onion, thinly sliced
 ½ cup minced fresh herbs included parsley, tarragon nad thyme
 1 paprika, cut into small peices
 ½ teaspoon salt and pepper
 4 sliced cayenne pepper
 2 pinches og garlic and onion salt
 1 cup flour
 1 cup of canola oil.
Methods :

1. First of all. Immerse the chicken in buttermilk together with sliced onions cayenne
pepper, minced herbs and pieces od paprika for 8 to 48 hours
2. Then, drain well in a sieve and let some herbs stay on the chicken.
3. Next, blend the chicken with the flour and seasoning in a sturdy palstick bag.
4. Shake the chicken and teh flour seasoning
5. While waiting for the seasoning ti mingle well, heat one cup of canola oil in the large
frying pan on medium heat
6. After the oil has heated, lower the fire to medium or small heat and put the chicken
pieces into the frying pan.
7. Make sure that the oil is hot enough to fry the chicken
8. Cook it for 10-15 minutes until lightly browned
9. Removed the fried chicken from oil with tongs
10. Finally, serve it on the plate. You can sprinkle more salt and pepper to add more taste

21. What does the text tell us above ?

A. It gives guidance on how to cook buttermilk fried chicken

B. it gives information of how to tenderize buttermilk chicken

C. it describes about immerse chicken with buttermilk

D. it describes about frying chicken with buttermilk

22. What should you do if the pieces of chicken have changed color into golden brown ?

A. Lower the fire into medium heat

B. Remove the chicken with clamp

C. Remove the oil from the pan

D. Sprinkle more salt to taste the chicken

23. “Then, drain well in a sieve and let some herbs stay on the chicken”

The synonym of the underlined word is ... .

A. remove the liquid after being cooked

B. add the liquid before being cooked
C. dry the object by wind
D. put oil into the object
The text for number 24 to 26.

The Ant and the Dove

An ant went to the river to get a drink. The water rushed along so fast that he
was washed off the bank into the river.

"I shall drown!" he cried. "Help! Help! Help!" but his voice was so tiny that it
could not be heard.

A dove was sitting on a tree that overhung the water. She saw the ant
struggling, and quickly nipped off a leaf and let it fall into the water. The ant climbed
upon it and floated down the river until the leaf was washed upon the bank of the

The ant called out in its tiny voice, "Thank you, kind dove, you have saved my
life," but of course the dove could not hear him.

Several days after this, the dove was again sitting on a tree. A hunter crept
carefully up to the tree. His gun was pointed at the dove and he was about to shoot,
when he was bitten in the leg by an ant.

He cried out with pain and dropped his gun. This frightened the dove and she
flew away.

"Thank you, kind ant," cooed the dove, and the ant heard and was glad.

24. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?

A. The dove saved the ant.

B. The hunter was bitten by the ant.

C. The dove flew away to the forest.

D. The dove was almost shot by the hunter.

25. What did the dove do when he saw the ant almost drowning?

A. She struggled to free himself.

B. She nipped off a leaf for the ant.

C. She rushed along the river to help.

D. She sat and watched the ant save his life.

26. What can you learn from the text?

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

B. The higher you are the more you need others.

C. The weaker the creature is the braver he will be.

D. The good man will not need other people’s help.

Read the text and answer questions 27 – 30.

Green, or common, iguanas are among the largest lizards in the Americas, averaging
around 6.5 feet (2 meters) long and weighing about 11 pounds (5 kilograms).

They are also among the most popular reptile pets in the United States, despite being quite
difficult to care for properly. In fact, most captive iguanas die within the first year, and
many are either turned loose by their owners or given to reptile rescue groups.

The green iguana’s extensive range comprises the rain forests of northern Mexico, Central
America, the Caribbean Islands, and southern Brazil. They spend most of their lives in the
canopy, descending only infrequently to mate, lay eggs, or change trees.

Primarily herbivores, iguanas are active during the day, feeding on leaves, flowers, and
fruit. They generally live near water and are excellent swimmers. If threatened, they will
leap from a branch, often from great heights, and escape with a splash to the water below.
They are also tough enough to land on solid ground from as high as 40 feet (12 meters)
and survive. Resting time is usually from afternoon till night.

27. When are iguanas active?

A. During the day
B. In the afternoon
C. The whole day time
D. From afternoon till night
28. What will the iguanas do if they were threatened?
A. They stay near water and swim fast.
B. They feed on leaves, flowers, and fruits.
C. They will leap to the land and take a rest.
D. They leap from a branch and escape to the water.
29. What is the main idea of second paragraph?
A. Iguana can live as a pet for one year only.
B. It’s difficult to take care of iguanas as pets.
C. Iguanas are popular reptile pets in United State.
D. Iguanas should be given to reptile secure group.
30. “…, iguanas are active during the day, feeding on leaves …”
The word “feeding” in paragraph 4 can be replaced by the word ….
A. jumping
B. moving
C. eating
D. living

Congklak is an Indonesian traditional game played by two players. The instruments to play
the game are congklak board and a number of small shells.

The board has 7 or 9 holes with a bigger hole as a "store house" in each side for each
player. Before the game begins, 7 or 9 shells are put into each small hole.

A Player plays the game by taking all the shells from a small hole in his/her side.
Move clockwise while dropping a shell in each hole, except the opponent's store house. Take
the all of the shells from a hole where the last shell is dropped and continue to move. The
move stops when the last shell is dropped into an empty hole and it is the other player's turn.
The winner of this game is the player with the more shell in the "store house".

31. What is the function of the holes in the congklak board?

A. To store the house.

B. To place the shells.
C. To make it like a ship.
D. To Decorate the board

32. From the text, we know that....

A. congklak is only for girls
B. congklak board is only made of wood
C. we should fill each hole with the shells
D. we should not fill the opponent's store house

The text is for number 33 and 34

Stone In The Road

Once upon a time lived a wise and rich king in his palace near a small village. The king did
anything to help the villagers make their living, however made the villagers lazy.

One day, he got up early in the morning and told his soldier to put big stone and a bag of some
gold money under it in the middle of the road. Then he waited what would happen.
A poor man came along riding a cow. He grumbled because the stone lay in his path, Then the
farmer came. He complained too. Everyone who came across the stone were grumbling and
complaining about it because it was blocking their way. However no one tried to move it, even
touched it.

“It is almost dark came a boy passed the road. somebody may stumble over this stone at night
and perhaps will be badly hurt. I’ll remove it off away,“ said the boy. So, he stugged the stone. It was
so hard because it was very heavy. He pulled and pushed it all the way and finally the stone was
successfully removed.

The boy was so surprised to find a bag under the stone. Upon the bag was written: “THIS
GOLD BELONGS TO THE ONE WHO MOVES THE STONE”. Finally the boy went home happily and the
king, relieved, went back to his palace. He was glad that not all of the villagers were lazy.

33. What is the purpose of the text above?

A.. To retell past events

B. To entertain the readers

C. To discuss about the stone

D. To describe about stone in general

34. “He grumbled because the stone…” ( Paragraph 3 )

The word “He” refers to… .

A. The wise and rich king

B. The poor man
C. The villagers
D. The farmer

The text is for numbers 35 to 37!

Dreams are part of our lives. We dream almost every night through sleep. However,
there are times when we have no recollection of our dreams upon walking. We also often do
not understand our dreams and are always hoping for some interpretations. Although the
interpretations may not be reliable, many people still believe in them.

For the past twenty years, scientist have learnt a great deal about sleep and dreams.
According to them, we have little or no control over our mind when we asleep. This
uncontrolled ideas and feelings come out to form pictures known as dreams.

The scientists have also discovered that sleep and dreams affect the people feel. If we
have nightmares the night before, for example, we tend to be more moody during the day. On
the other hand, a good night’ sleep generally makes us happier in the morning. These moods
will affect people’s performance through the day. Besides affecting people’s moods, dreams
also help people to escape from the real world.

Recently, the scientist are doing some research trying to find a way to control
people’s dream. In this way, people’s feeling and their performance can be manipulated.

35. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To retell about dreams.
B. To discuss about dreams specifically.
C. To describe about dreams in general.
D. To entertain the readers about the dreams.

36. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Many people still believe in a dream.
B. Dreams are part of our live.
C. We dream through sleep.
D. Everyone has a dream.

37. What have the scientists learnt in the past? They have learnt about….
A. People’s feeling
B. sleep and dreams
C. people’s behaviors
D. the effect of people dream

For questions 38 to 40, choose the best options to complete teh text below.

One Sunday morning last week, Mary went out on a picnic with some other girls. It was a
fine day. They sky was clear and the sun was shinning. They did not think it was going to
rain, so they did not bring any (38)... . Suddenly the wind began to blow. There we (39)
the sky. The rain came down. It rained heavily. There were lightning and th didi nunder.
Mary and all the other girls were very wet. They were very cold. The next morning, Mary did
not go to school. She was absent. Miss Rosy was surprised. She the pupils (40)... the class
where Mary was. John Stood up and said to the teacher. He said that Mary had got a cold
cough. Miss Rosy was very sorry for her.


A. sticks

B. drinks

C. raincoats

D. compasses

A. red

B. grey

C. dark

D. light


A. on

B. at

C. in

D. above
Fill the following text with appropriate words!


This Wednesday is August 17th, the independence day. Don’t … (41) the Independence
Day festival!

The festival … (42) at 08.00 in every district in Jakarta. Gather in front of our school at
07.30 to see the parade with the principal. Don’t miss it! And join many contests at

Free registration and full of prizes!



Kunci : 42. miss, 43. begins

43. Arrange the following words to make a meaningful sentence!

Area – a – we – to – went – enjoy – around – scenery – the – beautiful

Kunci : We went around the area to enjoy a beautiful scenery.

44. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph!

1. Dry your phone with soft cloths or a towel.

2. After removing the phone from water, quickly gather some paper towels or soft cloths
to lay the phone on while you remove the battery.
3. Place the phone in a bowl of uncooked rice overnight. The rice can absorb some
remaining moisture from the phone.
4. Remove all other accessories such as memory cards, and protective covers.
5. Plug it into its charger. If it is still does not work; take your cell phone to an
authorized dealer.
6. Take the phone out of the water as soon as possible.

Kunci : 6 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 3 - 5
B. Uraian.

Read the text and answer question 45.

Dear Anne

You are invited to

A graduation Party


Sophia Jenkins

Saturday, May 17th 2018

6:00 – 9:00 PM

The Jenkins Residence

402 Northside – ONVE


Best Wishes

-The Jenkins-

45. What can we conclude from the dialogue?

Kunci : We can conclude that The Jenkins invite Anne to come to a graduation party.
Kunci Jawaban :

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. A
15. D
16. C
17. B
18. A
19. D
20. C
21. A
22. B
23. A
24. D
25. B
26. A
27. A
28. D
29. C
30. C
31. B
32. D
33. B
34. B
35. C
36. B
37. A
38. C
39. C
40. C

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