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Class : 6 to 9] (Max. Marks : 20) [ Time : 1 Hr.
Listening Test – 10 M Speaking Test - 10 M

SECTION – A Listening Test 10 x 1M = 10M

Instruction : You will hear a talk / conversation which is followed by one or more
questions. Choose the right option and mark your answer on the OMR sheet.
Question Type 1

Audio :
1. What is the subject of the announcement? [ ]
a) The school will be closed for three days
b) A new teacher has joined the school
c) The school is getting their own newspaper
d) Some students have won medals in athletics competition.

2. What is the purpose of the announcement by the teacher? [ ]
a) To inform students about an upcoming exam
b) To remind students to submit a signed consent form for a zoo trip
c) To announce a change in the school schedule
d) To request donations for a school event
Question Type 2

3. What is the main topic of the conversation between the girl and the boy? [ ]
a) School projects b) History and art exhibition
c) Sports events d) Music concert
4. What do the students plan to do on the second day of the exhibition? [ ]
a) Attend a guided tour b) Explore ancient civilizations
c) Participate in a pottery workshop d) Visit the contemporary art section
5. Why is the boy interested in the contemporary section of the
exhibition? [ ]
a) He has a passion for contemporary art.
b) He wants to learn about local artists.
c) He appreciates the artefacts from different eras.
d) He is not interested in the exhibition.
6. What does the boy find interesting about the ancient civilizations
section? [ ]
a) The paintings by a local artist b) The guided tour
c) Ancient pottery workshop d)The artefacts from Egyptian civilization
[Turn Over
02 2
Question Type 3

7. What is the main topic of the talk? [ ]
a) The threats posed by honeybees to human health
b) The methods for beekeeping and hive management
c) The benefits of honeybee hierarchy within the hive
d) The significance of honeybees for the environment
8. What is the main role of honeybees in the environment, as
mentioned in the lecture? [ ]
a) Hive construction b) Seed dispersal
c) Pollination d) Honey production
9. What socialising patterns of honeybees were discussed in the
previous class? [ ]
a) Communication through complex dances
b) Hierarchy within the hive
c) Solo foraging techniques d) Intrapopulation conflicts
10. How can individuals contribute to the conservation of honeybees,
according to the lecture? [ ]
a) By increasing pesticide use b) By avoiding bee-friendly flowers
c) By supporting local beekeepers and planting bee-friendly flowers
d) By eliminating wildflowers to control bee habitats
SECTION – B Speaking Test 10M
Note:- Teacher has to test every student individually and award marks basing on their
11. Question Type 1: Read Aloud 1x5=5
Instruction: You will have one minute to read a short given passage to
yourself quietly, followed by one minute to read the passage aloud to your
Reading Passage The exploration of outer space has captivated human
curiosity for centuries. From ancient astronomers observing celestial bodies
with the naked eye to the modern era of space exploration with sophisticated
telescopes and spacecraft, our understanding of the universe has expanded
Advancements in technology have played a pivotal role in this cosmic
journey. Telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope have provided
breathtaking images of distant galaxies, while robotic spacecraft have ventured
beyond our solar system, sending back valuable data about distant planets
and cosmic phenomena.
The potential for space debris and the impact of human activities on the
cosmos raise questions about our responsibility as space explorers. As we
reach further into the unknown, it becomes crucial to balance our quest for
knowledge with the preservation of the celestial environment.
12. Question Type 4: Academic Listen-Speak 1x5=5
Instruction: Listen to the given audio talking about an academic topic. Then,
you will talk about what you heard. You may take notes as you listen. You
will have 45 seconds to prepare and one minute to share your answer with
your teacher.


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