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POS System for Cafeteria

Project Proposal Submitted for

Object Oriented Programming Course Project

Submitted By-

1. Humeera Mirani

2. Rainuka Bai

3. Abdul Rafay

Submitted To,

Dr. Sher Muhammad

Submission Date: 08/04/2024

Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Problem Statement .......................................................................................................................... 3

Proposed Solution ........................................................................................................................... 3

Proposed Methodology ................................................................................................................... 4

Major Outcomes.............................................................................................................................. 5

Project Timeline/Gantt Chart .......................................................................................................... 5

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 6
In today's fast-paced retail environment, efficient and user-friendly point-of-sale (POS) systems
are essential. These systems streamline the checkout process, manage inventory, and provide
valuable sales data. This project delves into the development of a robust POS system using the
power of object-oriented programming (OOP). OOP provides an organised method for creating
software that encourages scalability, maintainability, and reuse of code. We can build a flexible
and modular point-of-sale (POS) system that can handle a range of business requirements by
utilising OOP concepts.
This POS system comprises of two user roles: Admin and Cashier. The admin must authenticate
with a unique ID and password. Upon successful login, the interface will display a comprehensive
record of all orders made throughout the day, along with details. Additionally, the Admin can
access information regarding the total profit or loss incurred by the end of the day.
Similarly, the Cashier also requires authentication with an ID and password. Upon validation, the
interface will present the Homepage. Here, various options are available, including displaying the
menu categorized into Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Bakery items. The Cashier can select a
category and proceed to choose items for the order. Before finalizing the order, three options are
provided: Cancel (to annul the order), Quantity (to adjust item quantity), and Void (to replace the
order). Once the desired option is selected, the order is confirmed and processed.

Problem Statement
Managing orders manually with pen and paper becomes challenging, particularly during peak
hours when a restaurant is bustling with customers. This can result in several issues, such as
inaccuracies in calculations of the sale, cash, cashback, time management hurdles, and difficulties
in accurately documenting every order's details.

Proposed Solution
❖ By automatically calculating amounts based on the products and their prices that are
ordered, our programme can reduce calculation mistakes.
❖ Both the merchant and the consumer may benefit from our application's time management
features. It does away with the requirement to compute all orders at the end of the day by
keeping track of orders placed during the day.
❖ Furthermore, by lowering calculation mistakes through automatic calculations and
assisting in time management for both the consumer and the shop through real-time order
records, our technology offers substantial advantages to university cafes. This might result
in a more precise and efficient service, which would increase customer satisfaction and
boost company success.

Proposed Methodology
The objective of this project is to design and develop a working Point-of-Sale (POS) system using
object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques. The technique is as follows:
We are using different API’s using JDBC for database and java swing for GUI
MYSQL for database connection.

Some of important classes that we are going to use

❖ Driver Manager class

❖ Connection class Java
❖ Sql package for database

❖ Java swing package.
❖ Java AWT components

Major Outcomes
❖ Management of the menu: The cafeteria staff should be able to simply add, remove, and
update pricing from the menu.
❖ Order processing: The system should allow employees to accurately and effectively handle
orders, which can include adjusting and personalising.
❖ Calculation processing: This method will assist the employees in determining their final
profit or loss.

Project Timeline/Gantt Chart

We will be working on this project according to following proposed project Timeline for the tasks
form 08 April to 01 May 2024.
Task Task Name 08 April – 01 May 2024
No 08 12 16 20 24 28 01

1 Project Idea Submission

2 Literature Review
3 Project Coding
4 Reviewing and Finalizing the
5 Project Report
6 Submission

This project serves a dual purpose: it offers immediate practical benefits while simultaneously
laying the groundwork for deeper exploration of OOP concepts. Because it offers a straightforward
user interface and is founded on the fundamentals of object-oriented programming, this project
will be beneficial to users. The project will help users with order processing, time management,
and calculations.

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