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with a Healthy
Dengue is caused by a family of viruses and is transmitted by Aedes
mosquitoes. The symptoms in addition to fever are headache,
muscle pain, skin rashes, and exhaustion. Dengue is very prominent
in tropical and subtropical regions.

In addition to various treatments and preventions, a diet plan for dengue

plays a crucial part in the recovery of the patient suffering from it.
To overcome the loss of nutrients caused by dengue, patients need to
ensure a sufficient intake of essential nutrients.

The diet plan for dengue should include the following:

• Easily digestible food, e.g., boiled food, green vegetables, bananas,

apples, soups, porridge, and herbal tea.

• Lots of fluids to regain electrolytes and prevent dehydration, e.g., fresh

juices, coconut water, Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS).

• Consumption of food with Vitamin C acts as a natural cure for dengue

fever as it promotes antibodies for faster healing and recovery, e.g.,
amla, papaya, and orange juice.

• Food that increases platelet count and blood count, e.g., pomegranate
juice, black grape juice, green leafy vegetables (boiled), flaxseed oil,
and fresh fruits.

• Patients should avoid spicy food, foods with saturated fats, processed
food, sugary and aerated drinks, and should absolutely avoid raw
Oranges are full of essential nutrients and
vitamins. They are rich in vitamin C, which is an
important antioxidant.

The delicious cereal also known as Dalia is
a popular breakfast option all around the world.
Its high fibre and nutrient value ensure that
you get adequate strength to fight the disease.

Herbal tea:
Herbal teas can help reduce the symptoms
of dengue fever. Choose flavours like
cardamom, peppermint, or ginger.

Coconut water:
Coconut water is great for dengue patients as it
helps with hydration and is a natural source of
essential minerals and electrolytes.

Vegetable juices:
Carrots, cucumbers and other leafy greens
are especially good for treating the symptoms
of dengue. These vegetables are filled with
essential vitamins and minerals that help
boost immunity and reduce the suffering of
dengue patients.
Fruit juices:
Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant. It triggers
collagen production and helps boost the immune
system. Fruits like orange, pineapple, strawberry,
guava, and kiwi boost the production of
lymphocytes, which fight viral infection. Fruit juices
are a must-have ifyou are suffering from dengue..

Include probiotic-rich foods like yogurt

and kefir to promote digestive
health and support the gut microbiome.

Things to avoid during dengue:

Don’t take dietary supplements or herbal remedies without
consulting with a healthcare professional, as they may interfere
with medications and exacerbate symptoms.

Spicy food:
Foods like chillies and hot spices might irritate the stomach walls
of the patient.

Fried food:
Any fried food will be too heavy for the stomach to digest in dengue

Fatty food:
Give your stomach a break from digesting heavy, fatty foods during
Junk food:
Avoid eating pizzas, burgers, and French fries during dengue, as
they are not healthy.

Processed food:
Avoid eating processed food if you want to recover fast from dengue.

Sugary beverages:
Sugar-rich foods will be difficult to digest for your intestine, so avoid
them in dengue fever.

Caffeine in tea and coffee will act as a diuretic and will dehydrate
your body further in dengue, so avoid it.

Raw vegetables:
Eating raw vegetables is good, but not in dengue,
due to poor digestion.

Stale and unhygienic food: Eat fresh, home-cooked food

and say no to stale and unhygienic food. Avoid eating
outside food.

Oily food: One of the main symptoms of dengue is

stomach problems. Make sure you don’t continue
eating oily and spicy food as it will only worsen
your condition.
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