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Ivy Mills Prof.

Kwartler Wrt 101-093 October 13, 2011 Capital punishment is one of the most controversial debate in our society today. Some people find the death penalty immoral or unjust, while others find it righteous and fair. But who is right in this situation? Unfortunately no one and the reason for that is, when pertaining to taken a person life, there no right or wrong. Alan Sash wrote his opinion on Capital Punishment in the New York Times. He believed that unless the person is a 100% guilty, there no need for the death penalty. Many people responded and wrote their own opinion on his point of view. Some agreed with him wholeheartedly, others challenged his statement, and fair few believed that the system, rather the people, is flawed. There are people like Paul McBride, who believe in and support the death penalty. Paul McBride, who was a military attorney, especially believes that proof beyond reasonable doubt is an already high standard of proof. He states, that if a person commit a heinous crime, should face the consequences of their actions. However, according to Phillips Runyon III and Steven Nelson, capital punishment is a cruel and inhumane. Mr. Nelson does agree that there are certain crimes that do require the death penalty, however still states that there should be used for exceptional circumstances. While Mr. Runyon feels that capital punishment diminishes our nation as a whole. Nevertheless, both agree that people, who do unspeakable crimes, should be permanently removed from society and put in jail. Yet, there are a selective few of readers who neither support the death penalty nor were against it. One reader in particular name Daniel E. Hood; who believed that the criminal justice system is flawed and the main cause of the unfairness death penalties cases. He states that there

is a lack of counsel for poor defendants and which is why the prisons are filled with minorities and/or the poor. His views correlate with those of George Orwells. In his essay called A Hanging, Orwell portrayed a prison guard who witnessing a hanging of an criminal. As the guard, he questions what made the criminal so different from everyday people; or how the other guards and the superintendent disregard human life to possibly cope for what they have done. Based on the view point of the readers, it clearly shows Capital Punishment is still controversial topic. Some people agree is right and justifiable, others believe its cruel and inhumane, while there are the few who blame the system. The death penalty is something that cannot be viewed in a black or write perspective. The reason for that is because it stems from the whole concept of taking a persons life.

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