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Class 10
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Rise of nationalism in Europe
1) Who made the famous remark, ‘When France sneezes, the rest of
Europe catches a cold’?
a) Metternich
b) Mazzini
c) Garibaldi
d) Louis Philippe
Answer: Option (a) – Metternich

2) The Treaty of Constantinople was signed in _______.

a) 1835
b) 1735
c) 1834
d) 1832
Answer: Option (d) – 1832


3) The famous Italian Revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini was born in

_____ in 1807.
a) Turin
b) Rome
c) Genoa
d) Atlanta
Answer: Option (C) – Genoa
4) Giuseppe Mazzini founded the secret underground society named
‘Young Europe’ in __________.
a) Marseilles
b) Berne
c) Vienna
d) Brussels
Answer: Option (b) – Berne
5) _________ believed that established, traditional institutions of
state and society should be preserved.
a) Conservatives
b) Liberals
c) Democrats
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (a) – Conservatives

6) The Bourbon dynasty, which had been deposed during the French
Revolution, was restored to power after signing the Treaty of
a) Vienna
b) Constantinople
c) Marseilles
d) Prussia
Answer: Option (a) – Vienna


7) _________ regimes imposed censorship laws to control what was
said in newspapers, books, plays and songs and reflected the ideas of

liberty and freedom.
a) Liberal
b) Conservative
c) Democratic
d) Secular
Answer: Option (b) – Conservative CBSE
8) A large part of the Balkans was under the control of the _______
empire, which witnessed the most serious source of nationalist
tensions in Europe after 1871.
a) Greek
b) Russian
c) Prussian
d) Ottoman
Answer: Option (d) – Ottoman

9) Artists of the time of the French Revolution personified _______

as a female figure.

a) Socialism
b) Liberty
c) Autocracy
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (b) – Liberty
10) During the nineteenth century, __________ emerged as a force
that brought about sweeping changes in the political and mental
world of Europe.
a) Nationalism
b) Secularism
c) Monarchy
d) Religion
Answer: Option (a) – Nationalism


11) The idea of La Patrie means _____.
a) Motherland
b) Fatherland
c) Citizens
d) Monarchy
Answer: Option (b) – Fatherland
Nationalism in India
1) Which of the following situations in India were the result of the
First World War?
a) There was widespread anger in villages due to forced recruitment.
b) Custom duties were increased.
c) Income taxes were introduced.
d) All of the above-mentioned situations took place as a result of the
First World War.
Answer: Option (d)

2) As per the census of 1921, millions of people died due to ________.

a) Epidemic and Famines
b) War
c) Riots
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (a)


3) Mahatma Gandhi returned to India in ________.
a) January 1916
b) January 1915
c) March 1921
d) April 1917
Answer: Option (b) CBSE
4) Which of the following statements is true about Satyagraha?
a) Satyagraha is not a physical force.
b) It is the weapon of the weak.
c) A Satyagrahi does not inflict pain on the adversary.
d) Option (a) and (c)
Answer: Option (d)

5) Which of the following statements is true about the Rowlatt Act?

a) It did not give the government powers to repress political
b) It did not allow the detention of political prisoners without trial
for two years.
c) It allowed the detention of political prisoners without trial for
two years.
d) Gandhiji decided to launch nationwide Satyagraha against the
Rowlatt Act in 1920.
Answer: Option (c)

6) The infamous Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre took place when there

was an annual _______ fair.
a) Teeyan
b) Gurupurab
c) Lohri
d) Baisakhi
Answer: Option (d)

7) What was one of the main reasons behind Mahatma Gandhi’s decision
to take up the Khilafat Issue?
a) To bring more unity among Hindus and Muslims.
b) To bring more unity among Hindus and Christians.
c) To bring more unity among Christians and Muslims.
d) None of the above.
Answer: Option (a)

8) Who is the author of the book Hind Swaraj (1909)?

a) Bhagat Singh
b) Jawaharlal Nehru
c) Subash Chandra Bose
d) Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: Option (d)

9) At the Congress session at ________ in December 1920, a

compromise was worked out, and the Non-Cooperation programme was
a) Allahabad
b) Bombay
c) Nagpur PRO
d) Calcutta
Answer: Option (c) CBSE
10) Which of the following statements about the effect of the Non-
cooperation Movement are true?
a) The import of foreign cloth halved between 1921 and 1922.
b) In many places, merchants and traders refused to trade in foreign
goods or finance foreign trade.
c) Production of Indian textile mills and handlooms went up.
d) All of the above.
Answer: Option (d)

11) Which of the following statements about the Non-cooperation

Movement in Awadh is false?
a) The Non-Cooperation Movement here was against talukdars and
b) In Awadh, the peasants were led by Baba Ramchandra.
c) The tenants had no security of tenure.
d) The peasants did not demand the abolition of begar.
Answer: Option (d)

12) The tribal people revolted against the British due to which of the
following reasons?
a) The tribal people were prevented from entering the forests to
graze their cattle.
b) The tribal people were prevented from collecting fuelwood and
c) The traditional rights of tribal people were denied.
d) All of the above.
Answer: Option (d)

13) The plantation workers were not permitted to leave the tea
gardens without permission as per _________.
a) Inland Emigration Act of 1859
b) Inland Emigration Act of 1866
c) Inland Emigration Act of 1879
d) Inland Emigration Act of 1869
Answer: Option (a)

14) Gandhi decided to withdraw from the Non-Cooperation Movement

in _________.
a) January 1922
b) February 1922
c) February 1919
d) January 1919
Answer: Option (b)

15) ______ and _____ formed the Swaraj Party.

a) C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru
b) Motilal Nehru and Jawaharlal Nehru.
c) Jawaharlal Nehru and C.R. Das
d) Jawaharlal Nehru and Gandhi
Answer: Option (a)

16) Simon Commission arrived in India in ______.

a) 1928
b) 1930
c) 1932
d) 1942
Answer: Option (a)

17) Under the presidency of Jawaharlal Nehru, the Lahore Congress

formalised the demand of ‘Purna Swaraj’ or full independence for
India in ___________.
a) December 1929
b) January 1929
c) December 1930
d) December 1928
Answer: Option (a)
18) Mahatma Gandhi started his famous Salt March from his ashram in
Sabarmati to Dandi, covering a distance of _______.
a) 260 miles
b) 240 miles
c) 600 miles
d) 500 miles
Answer: Option (b)

19) Mahatma Gandhi reached Dandi on _______, 1930.

a) April 6
b) April 16
c) March 6
d) May 6
Answer: Option (a)

20) Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on _______.

a) 5 April 1932
b) 5 March 1931
c) 5 May 1931
d) 5 June 1932
Answer: Option (b)


Globalisation and the indian economy
1) Which of the following statements are true about MNCs?
a) A MNC is a company that owns or controls production in more than
one nation.
b) MNCs set up offices and factories for production in regions where
they can get cheap labour and other resources.
c) This is done so that the cost of production is low and the MNCs can
earn greater profits.
d) All of the above.
Answer: Option (d)

2) The MNC not only sell its finished products globally but, more
importantly, the goods and services are produced globally. State
whether true or false.
a) False


b) True
Answer: Option (b)

3) ___________ provides the advantage of being a cheap

manufacturing location.
a) China
b) Japan
c) South Korea
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (a)

4) Cargill Foods, a very large ________ MNC, is the largest

producer of edible oil in India, with a capacity to make 5 million
pouches daily.
a) Dutch
b) French
c) British
d) American
Answer: Option (d)

5) __________, footwear, and sports items are examples of

industries where production is carried out by a large number of small
producers around the world.
a) Confectionery
b) Garments
c) Petroleum products
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (b)

6) __________, an American company, is one of the world’s largest

automobile manufacturers, with production spread over 26 countries
of the world.
a) Ford Motors
b) Porsche
c) Audi
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (a)

7) The products are supplied to the MNCs, which then sell them under
their own brand names to the customers. These large MNCs have
tremendous power to determine the _____.
a) Price
b) Quality
c) Labour conditions for these distant producers
d) All of the above
Answer: Option (d)

8) Ford Motors came to India in _______ and spent Rs. 1700 crore to
set up a large plant near Chennai.
a) 1995
b) 1999
c) 1990
d) 1998
Answer: Option (a)
9) When Ford established its manufacturing plant in India, it
collaborated with _______.
a) Hero Motors
b) Maruti Suzuki
c) Tata Motors
d) Mahindra & Mahindra
Answer: Option (d)

10) Ford Motors was selling 27,000 cars in the Indian markets, while
24,000 cars were exported from India to South Africa, Mexico and
a) Brazil
b) Argentina
c) Chile
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (a)


11) Chinese toys have become more popular in the Indian markets.
Within a year, ___________ of the toy shops have replaced Indian
toys with Chinese toys.
a) 50 to 60 per cent
b) 80 to 90 per cent
c) 100 per cent
d) 70 to 80 per cent
Answer: Option (d)
12) Which of the following is true regarding the opening of trade?
a) Choice of goods in the markets rises.
b) Producers in the two countries now closely compete against each
other even though they are separated by thousands of miles.
c) Foreign trade thus results in connecting the markets or
integration of markets in different countries.
d) All of the above.
Answer: Option (d)

13) Globalisation is a process of slow integration or

interconnection between countries. State whether true or false.
a) False
b) True
Answer: Option (a)

14) _________ have led to a huge reduction in port handling costs

and increased the speed with which exports can reach markets.
a) Containers
b) Cranes
c) Elevators
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (a)


15) The cost of _______has fallen. This has enabled much greater
volumes of goods being transported by _______.

a) Air transport, airlines
b) Road transport, four wheelers
c) Rail transport, railways
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (a) CBSE
16) Governments can use trade barriers to increase or decrease
(regulate) foreign trade and to decide what kinds of goods and how
much of each should come into the country. State whether true or
a) True
b) False
Answer: Option (a)
17) Removing barriers or restrictions set by the government is known
as _____.
a) Globalisation
b) Disinvestment
c) Privatisation
d) Liberalisation
Answer: Option (d)

18) Starting around ________, some far-reaching changes in policy

were made in India. The government decided that the time had come for
Indian producers to compete with producers around the globe.
a) 2011
b) 2001
c) 1991
d) 1981
Answer: Option (c)


Print culture and the mordern world
1) The earliest kind of print technology was developed in _______,
Japan and Korea, which was a system of hand printing.
a) India
b) Britain
c) China
d) Germany
Answer: Option (c)

2) Which of the following statements are true about printing?

a) Merchants used print in their everyday life as they collected trade
b) The imperial state in China was, for a very long time, the major
producer of printed material.
c) Both (a) and (b).


d) None of the above.
Answer: Option (c)

3) As Western powers established their outposts in China, _______

became the hub of the new print culture.
a) Shanghai
b) Beijing
c) Guangzhou
d) Hong Kong
Answer: Option (a)

4) ________ from China introduced hand-printing technology into

Japan around AD 768-770.
a) Buddhist Missionaries
b) Christian Missionaries
c) Scholars
d) Traders
Answer: Option (a)

5) The oldest _________ book, printed in AD 868, is the Buddhist

Diamond Sutra, containing six sheets of text and woodcut
a) Chinese
b) Indian
c) Japanese
d) Korean
Answer: Option (c)

6) In the flourishing urban circles at Edo, illustrated collections of

paintings depicted an elegant urban culture involving artists,
courtesans, and teahouse gatherings. Edo was later known as
a) Kyoto
b) Seoul
c) Beijing
d) Tokyo
Answer: Option (d)

7) China already had the technology of woodblock printing. Marco

Polo brought this knowledge back with him to ________.
a) Italy
b) Germany
c) Great Britain
d) France
Answer: Option (a)

8) Vellum was a parchment made from the _____ of animals.

a) Bones
b) Skin
c) Legs
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (b)
9) Which of the following statements about Manuscripts are true?
a) It was easy to read from Manuscripts.
b) It was easy to carry around the Manuscripts.
c) Manuscripts were not fragile.
d) All of the above statements are false.
Answer: Option (d)

10) By the early fifteenth century, woodblocks were being widely used
in Europe to _____.
a) To print textiles
b) Playing cards
c) Make religious pictures with simple, brief texts
d) All of the above
Answer: Option (d)

11) Johann Gutenberg developed the first-known printing press in the

1430s in Strasbourg, located in ______.
a) Great Britain.
b) Germany
c) USA
d) France
Answer: Option (b)

12) ________ is a Metal frame in which types are laid and the text
a) Compositor
b) Galley
c) Platen
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (b)

13) Which of the following were the result of the invention of the
printing press?
a) The time and labour required to produce each book came down
b) Printing reduced the cost of books
c) None of the above
d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer: Option (d)

14) _____ are the places where people gathered to drink alcohol, be
served food, meet friends and exchange news.
a) Ballad
b) Taverns
c) Galley
d) Compositor
Answer: Option (b)

15) In 1517, the religious reformer Martin Luther wrote ‘Ninety Five
Theses’, criticising many of the practices and rituals of the
a) Roman Catholic Church
b) Protestants
c) Orthodox Church


d) None of the above
Answer: Option (a)

16) Protestant Reformation was a sixteenth-century movement to

reform the Catholic Church dominated by ______.
a) Paris
b) Rome
c) London
d) Marseilles
Answer: Option (b)
17) _______ was a former Roman Catholic court for identifying and
punishing heretics.
a) Heretical
b) Seditious
c) Inquisition
d) Satiety
Answer: Option (c)

18) _______ were the beliefs which do not follow the accepted
teachings of the Church.
a) Inquisition
b) Satiety
c) Seditious
d) Heretical
Answer: Option (d)

19) _______ began to maintain an Index of Prohibited Books from

a) Roman Church
b) Orthodox Church
c) Protestants
d) Monarchs
Answer: Option (a)

20) _______ a term used to describe pocket-sized books that are

sold by travelling peddlers called chapmen, which became popular
from the time of the sixteenth-century print revolution.
a) Chapbook
b) Almanac
c) Denominations
d) None of the above
Answer: Option (a)


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