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Small Talks

Syed Mushrafuddin(Assistant Professor, RGUKT)

Department of English.
What is a Small Talk?
• Small talk refers to casual conversation about everyday topics,
often used as a way to break the ice or maintain social interaction
in various situations.
• It typically involves light, non-controversial subjects such as-
• the weather, current events, hobbies, or weekend plans.
• Small talk serves as a social lubricant, helping people establish
rapport, build relationships, and create a sense of camaraderie.
What is a Formal Small Talk?
oIn professional settings such as networking events, business
meetings, or formal gatherings, small talk tends to be more
restrained and focused on neutral topics like
owork, industry news, or professional interests.
oPeople may still engage in small talk to establish rapport and build
connections, but the tone and topics discussed are typically more
reserved and professional.
Types of Questions to be Asked in a Formal
Small Talk:
❖Industri related questions.
❖Professional interests and goals.
❖Events and conferences.
❖Work related challenges and solutions.
❖Professional development and learning.
What is an Informal Small Talk?
▪ In casual social settings such as-
Parties, social gatherings, or interactions with friends and family,
small talk is often more relaxed and can cover a wide range of
topics, including-
Personal interests, hobbies, family, entertainment, and more.
The tone is usually lighter, and people may feel more comfortable
sharing personal anecdotes or opinions.
Types of Questions to be Asked in an Informal
Small Talk:
✓Personal interests and hobbies.
✓Favourites and preferences.
✓Travel experiences and adventures.
✓Weekend plans and Activities.
✓Life experiences and anecdotes.
Thank You

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