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Inky oduchon Lo Manag © rial Eco nomi ¥ Cconomics* ta . _ economics is nothing but fhe study ol human behaviours and used of weatth ra manag ertar ECONO Cs 2 r ae on NES nes iE ts the application and principal of economia Such oy Minimize in the cast & mari mite thy Yevenue . HX MICO economicy. ” R-stude of indly idual consumer, x Macro Economies ~ D, the study of SOAs gate Cor) the 2 fotal, economiC’. wcll vt ty | level in whe county. * Nature of mandgétiot economia: ‘) Close to micro economia BP EG Z nS 2) Noymatie Statements 3 operates eT the back dvop;. of macro economics. ~ 4) applied in. nature: 1 ees S) prescriptive -actions 8) unter displinary y offers scope fo evalute "5 each alternative BY pe comptes And lb imdentnrul: © Omi « ¥ “Scope ol manager al OO. Ow ts ) The main. asta kollel UMM ALS Sa i mt ky fo a aiven, ond Pind and optimal solubon 4 "Gp, } / - } Jertat Pr0gGv am } I 2) The of for) Preblem “Fay “veldted "to Bsiduction Cast’, 4 2 On, Aekes minahon ~ Sevvicay ; captial OF pri” ‘of given decision. mating, © _Teregement. & manag MMagement? oe Pres, Dn Ventouy Neti se & management» hurnay Ye Sour | * Demand analy si Demands the Product Co demanain sco) ca * CONdi tone: 7 me TON have ) the. buyey » Peb lity, Need “to bu y we vt'pay i te 3) wilting no, to pay for it “a Determinants @y) Factors . D price OF particutay Product CP) consume, ¢7) 2) Teasts and preference of 2) Intome Levey’ of consumer C71) a) Advertisement CA) Ss) Dishibution Cp) Function = 5 *x Demand une ree oN ee ee ah relation blo the en Quantity demanded Cadies determinants it can be exprtred as Fottodss . Puncke gators oho input ¥ Buankty “demand = ty CPt LTA IP Preee, en) Pse = price of subsbluted expected Price in Tuture eae oe LED Tinwomin Futuve eo 3 x Demand nature and types, 2 cole consumes goods . produces a goods. * 3: duvable goods: Nt er * yr dexwed — demands je s- auton amu “demand ~ & Short wun demand . tplong yun demand: ~& law af demand - ; States. that “> the quantity oF demand yaisex> > poith ~~ every fou in spiras” 4) Exceptions OF the law of demand ¢ the law of demand fS not applicable in the fo tlewiing CASE = ‘) caitlin jon eS 2) veblen quo ds ! “ 9 3) where there wa Shortoge of Necenities Wun! case 3 satan of | pie ae hakhe x ciflen goods ; ai People whose ; Low purchase more of commodity. such ovoken avite, bread, Potato cohen. its pricy raises. Mversly when its pyi@ Folly instated of Guang more ; they uy ~ eno Hae Las aeeSs ot and use the” Seving for the such as meat “282% goods XK-veblen goods? > products suchas Tewel , dimond and so on the part of the users. In such Case the when prin consumes tend to by move goods increased ; lew purchage when price decreased . 2 * shortage of Necessities cS TE» the: consumer «Peat these cyovtene of Necesektiy then ‘the. law of 4 courd ts demand “when | the the changes inthe pri s he tends to meven if there is increase is nol APP li cable A TENOVCN Ce of pare changu, ay ; ~ ee noir ; consumes, is nobly, Famitrey cit. °S a in price. ta aay d * elastis isity” of Demood = clastisity of Merron explain the Ve lationship belween a change in Priceana! con sequent change in -amount Se a x DeFimtions 4 ane wha ‘ oF geehee Bags 4 The elastisity “of demand’ in’ martet 1S Great (Y) Small actor ding” as the” amount deman- | Ged ineveaser Uttle For vo given fai tm Hi” price and ttle For a given Yoise in price, Types of ela tisity, of demand ¢ There ave four types of ee at ') price Elasticity of” “demand. = 2) Income elast sity of demanat., Se: var 3) cross. Clastisity of demand. ; &) Advatising " @ price elastisity of demand ¢ 2 eed OF, MeMan price Elastisity 5 Proportiate, change in the quantity commodity Proportiate change in price of commodity where quantity demand price ae. eWatreye ay q; quantly Aemand prire alles chanrte SPi-) pruice be fore change. * co main Pr- price alter change ry vefers to the quanbly demandéd ala commo dity ’ ot respon se 0 a given change in price - Jncomes Fase sit of ‘demand ¢ Si NS ae ouantity demand of change in ~at cyefers a) the odity AN se5ponce bo pegiven of the consumer: Propox Mate change the quantity oF commodity’ ‘ WA come demand Ho portiale change in income oF & ye é& : ) nS at a ay in nea before ord eeRange (5,-3) ; (2) 1D, Pincome’ AL Ler A change - iw cress etasti sity OF demand’? oN “ehenge sn ¢ prvee of “6ne storamnot| lends to! achange: erery quan beg: deracin de d | ok ancthey Commodity, This Is) cette. | 04085 clarsBisity ot demand - nas OB SY “ol “demand is Exo ssa selosticihy = Pxo por ionate charge, in \ ths quanti, the _fomutae | ris CFO. . demand mate commodity "oe" * oC i. Proporti onake Pap in price 7 ~ commodity * “AdVétising pclostiey x situ was a ES) Tapes & ety measittinents There ore Five Causes of. pate lastly ohdemt, ) per Fectly | clastic dengernd 2») perfectly Inclastic demand \ ” 2 2) rela bively elastic demand 4) velatively inele she _dernand — s)>, anit elasticity of demand * perkectly ‘elashe demande when ema change in pri leads to an inFintely large change is quantly demand ie is catted perfeclly clastic demand (ovinfinit mm this case The demand curve DDy | hevizontel shriq ht + Ttshows Dy that op price ony amount is demand and price incvny o} 7x) =the consumes voill ok purchoy Quonbity , F o si ch. commodity - * perfectly Inelastic jdemane ® _ Tinthis case 5 even o large. change In price fails te ovine: about a enon in quently demand. ver Peckly Tnelastic- Rewara> je iB veatted Dis > token: price increases, Vrom ps op to OP, mi quantity Fee p, ldemand — vemaing the, same Srofies ior 3 - the. wesponee of Seyence to a change ine pul t ae ~ Quantity i demtand? -c bo change in price: IN this. -iease demand Curve voill be Platter. L . y — sesushen prite Eaus, trom. .op to oP; emount demanded in Gveases, “Nom © .0@ -to 208s whichts Larger | thein = ie chavige im n prices re Relarvely cinetaste demand? “Quantity “demanded “cht proportional to ‘change, aN prse ae heve- demand’ curve? voll Bey 'P ~ Shee per.” ‘ Py when» prite “Fat From op tre, amount demanded ines 08, gohich is smatteyi than. the fhe. change ‘in demand’ Penaetly' pee to chante ™m price. when both are egal PEs" be clarsktcity is said ,t0 be unitary pwd ri t when price... Fats Brom: Spe ; quantly PPL Jammer ; demanded west fren 0Q to OR, imegns Jo changiy), price hos vesuteed in an equal change in quan tly, demand + © ag so price” clasticity ok demand {© equal: | nflucneng the Clastiaty demana wy Tactors ¢ , on many Larters * a clastitty demand. clepends yy Nature of commodity “| >) Availanitlty:, of substitutes / 3) Vanity of Uses Y) post pondent of demand — 8) Amount of Money spent. » Time Z Ene Y.-Range ~ ok prices an fatto ~ a Importance of Inclasticity of “demand > D price! Gratin 0S », production suns : ing Shots ) aishivution.. a ay s) pubic Finane | att national) fade sa 9 /NlatHonali sation. rs x Tmaportan Guesnonpis —=—_, ) vohat. 1s wise economies 9 explain the nature and scope of om. Raat e? we ; a deting demand 9 — state taus of demand and etcep hon b) worite © Short nolex on ies _stecting of on demana analy sis? ve Aodig ay ate Busts DOW TS 1 i Ee vw | j L—— cost ANINIY SVS Le eestis ss " cost 18.0 -sacrilic made fo acquire seme Genefit and cost isthe incuwed to producing a parmentan product Servis . cutotypes of “tails Bor aa DS Fixed {ost Setugta 4h) Wee 2) yoriable : sh ¥ LAME NA 3 GL: =o) imasgina) to is LS SSE pit cost 8AY- ® -Implit ‘cost: petehd tad Re chee fhe & Brake €ven pointi) Brake: Wen “only sis x Hn ugheny the certdiHon is no profit equals to no loss 1S cated: ‘prate even point - Total” peed! TOLAY. re vere as, t V “Fized cost! tvarviabe Cost No-ol {dunits /seull + Pasty eo regia sw setting price per wait i Ty atypetyfeet 2 ea & keg berms ¢ brake even Perens using ) Elued /) cost’! at Fm dAoriabhe £987 1. so Manet Ee is 3) total cost uy cbokl vevente: = hs ue and the” voriale tee =e unit. sales - Vesta x: contribution = soi es a) margin of of sae un ee. the excess “of actual sates in nL - brake even point in units is cated margin ‘oF sal thy in units. % . . (oes R) So aye sahety in in rupees od, in sales, Volume “ BEP (units, Fined cost. < rs iat Gas} ss : a nn margin pey unit: a a ee S. pu Vee” : a BEP CRupecs) = F.C . Ry vatis , | ; bei i | Ply protit volume rotio 7 | Y wer ‘ a) Angle oF ol J Tacidence * : e the angle terme’, where total Lost the total Vevenue curves’ Curve cuts Kop Firm has a Cixed Cost of 10,060 Tupecs setting price” pes anit “Sorupey and Vomable cost per anit 3 rupees: CRS termini : d Inter. ol. byate even point in turns of units . OAC Tupleen.cvit hws My raed } 2) margin of. safety, ies that “the actual Prediction” is) R000 Unies « as Given: “data FREE Ss “Etzed cosk = to, 000 yupees 1 Bop Gys) Ss —poRipteas fe BE ss oP ly coos 5 aes Vag Se Ply gato = contyibuhon a. sale ie y 4 ! 4 = ao pe he Nee (S:P vb eve re Se ‘ yf — igio'e |) <2 xm C2) se PS ALY st = U0), 204 he “aiPiefant Formulae, used in. brake even i) maar gin of Bhetyae ii) Beep = Fixed cost, *

Fag aehge Ply raho = (aa = ® Jitteo 7 {Sis Y ff. Layers gates’: AS bby hae = OHORS (Bet Ding , Boeo8. eS 0+ 46 at biog = Fs,000 R$ 30,000, 10,000, salty a Vas 3 pelie contyieation contabition Pree Davie’ s FECA PA AM. the +/Riv wate = Lato | pe ‘per or = (Rete : ne too ow >. C 4, 10,669 % 160 , 2 Bait J x Graphical vepresen robibn Yserias “Teta! x vevenur NA aay prokitcion essere : i Co Gotu “dbp Page weeny tasers a BNE TOE POE eee SEA eNO IT baat oy 5 * join near gel of Break even Asp aa & 4, Ths: ty pd Break evem aval OF 0: valuble. tol, aa nite aaieule a? Ao “cateuloke ENE yequired, io “eav ge shculey Aeelied - Tevet oF pro hie: WMD at gual 2) Tm compare the “el fictenity- ob ths: dittererd Firm 3) Te decide to take (or) buy qiven component + JIA PH SANYO, mares optiy=, dGsl.. Company ° We compares heProd wet Big Somethed ¢ of soles > Pore ind Hized cost | 2) To assess” ae ae of mss ‘ Variable toSt given perinds > ) To decide wheather sit, add, o, . Pay ald padduet Ae the enisting product line * Wifbatons ad a : “based on, Fi a “testy variable ‘est, 2 Ti is based on Fised cost cor geods only in the short ran. D pit costs cannot be classified Fined and. COSES BROW sem) variable costs also. - 5 a 5 qn tase sof a matt product Firm, a “single “chark 2 “cannot be of any use - series ot Charts have to be made use: of, aay 4 | 5) Toral, “Gost and 1a f-aggas Lin 5 Veventie lints are— not | none ig eu shown, “An Vig tare on ’) where the wn fonditiona ave *yollded 2 ‘be . cannot give stable pest, Bi Beas ke Assemphons’ the Forteroing ave the awemption, ander B.¢ 'p Lis | , y casts con pevbeclty oe,’ ctassilicd info Mixed @ siete AW Oo ay BE tle "eager ; Me Aj sy ail the goods produced are sald «there is no closine stock - Ags} aside | WOE espe # 4s dfs ¥ mee UU, 3) setting iprurce igue sank thongs. , toith volume shanges ik: remains Fixed igh? BArtab pinf dd 19? X) There is only, One Product, gyailatble Pov sate - muttinpro duet Trma, the Thin doen? tn ease of c hage - MaMa a8 ag Lag %tel AARP Jagr gh. — eetia ok {ebew ok { Ceebs teasept oh LOGO ira. i GEb Sag faa Ip dO EL I 5 ». Long: aran eBsee Ws! Y sie > viged “cost vs Nomiables s BEE patio) *& Mixed ond VS gm Yavin ble” cost > oe : Peay? “tw ohtowd (1 Ah BAM Wd yeayae) vs non- contolable, , ‘Coats ' {aap 2 sem -u) : marginal cost s) contvolabe 6) -pppetunity vs “olla 6ashs Gvu5y yt - 25 gna AIP C13 » “rnesemental vs sunk cost iD i; exphet vs, camplick | cost sistat” Liggacy HAY L ouit of packet vs) ‘Book costs KoOovSs ey costy” ! yo): replare ment : MN) pest cost vs future cost Joint Costs re eet a sal W) ceperable cost vd 13) Accounting cost vs cetonowaie €bsb) s/s ny, wy tergent ost Ve pate pona ble © Oe ee aul say \s) eseapable Ae vs Wak artble) cost they e284 EE AF gine sep x” predus tion Vunctiors. | ba ybee} OTR PAR morn, jamount.6F output, that can be produced boy e ‘given’ “eet of inputs is ‘called “production Panction. basgh Gt. * Tsoquanks * TsO means equal quant Means quantity: $0, TSO quant: ‘means Yael, the quaneities Ane out a given, Feogquants are, equal” Zee. per iar a & Features of YsoQuantse ere oy s255 syeyey Tasks ‘) Download: ~ sloping 2) conver to origin 70d toa Ge 3) don’t Inkersebb igs Aa oy colar ter oe Fe | wy dont touch amount of represen! cost the produce’ 4 ¥ Harginal Re HRTS velers to the yate af which input Pactey ¥8 Subsbtuled toith the other Fo ake of Lechnit ~ substitution (Hpts)2 7 a one alain & given tevel of output - URTS= change in one input , soy (coptical) Rie eee Z ' change n another Input (la bouwy)

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