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Class 10
Topper hand
written notes

Social Sciene

Written by Abhishek Mishra who

scored 97/100 ( 78/80 ) in class 10
board exams 2022-23
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Riss o Nalicnalismn in
The idea al ration building or natianalis m eyalved
ater the French Revleution

ldeas emerqcd in aupport onalianalicm

Emerqcnce a idea ol athedond ctizens
Natianal lagreplaced the royl standard.
Certealsee Centralisation al administratian swas put
B ormulated uni}orm laws
kstate Caenral was replaced by Natianal Assembly
Uni orm system oweightswas adaphed
Jacobingns club catried the tdea a natianais m

Laluence o Napalean Bon parte

He intraduccd relorms in Prance 2 siher teiBaries.
He destroycd demosKacy in France.
Napaleonic code aso spread to reqians under
French cantral.
He was in The BatBlp of Liepziq R13
He was deporieo to st. Heleng in Gattle a) Watey log

’ Makin a ) Natianglism in EuYape

In Eurapt, ma leelin4 o) nathanalis mwas thee,
The peape were diided by thei lanquagr ond
The groups were anly tied wih Common
allegionce to the empror.
The New Middle_Class.

-Alanded aristo cracy daminated he cantine

by a common way o lie. United
They spoke french <or purpaseo diplamacy in
hiqh society. Ihey were cortmeded by marrige ties.
Thcy were actually numericall cmal qroup
Manotity was the peasonts.
By the ndustialisoation a new Soc tal qroup
emerged Wor king class & middle class made
o buissness man, prossional ele
-The edscaed lberal imiddle class intoduced
ideas a rgatianal unty
’ Lberalism
JHcames rom latin word kber means xee
Itenphoziscd the concept o qout ay cance nt and
inxialabild o privated praperty
It staod or the eedam o matkets Babditiona
restrictions on the movemeyt o) good.s ccop
It was teedam lor indydual &eauality betor
-Jhere was demando middle class &etpuns
o trade in couhg
Uneven Measurements - cle had dierent
Cssi em) Malnz(s 3.s) in Frelbura valwe(Éonut

Zall vereln wasotmed

Aimed la bind Gaerman ecanamicaly intaa natian

Imitiahed by frussions 4oined by Caermahs
J839, Custom Vnian
Abalishe d tari! batriers
reduca d no. o cuYrency
ANew Conser valism Alter 1g1S

Abter Napalean Bonparte was deleated Eurapean

gaet detived a spirit a canser valis n

Consetvatsm i apaliticg! philos phy that siressed

The impartance o< ta tradition established instituian
and castoms,and pre<ened qradual dculqpment
to quica change.
ln 121SFuropean pawers-Britain Russia, Austria, Prusala
met ot Vienng dYewa Treatyo Vienng

|Undid matof Napale an changes
RestoredA aurhan Dynasty to pawer k France
lat territorits a anne yad by Nopolean
Some ttes were keup
Nethorland (a belgium) - Genaato peid mant
Austria corral inorth Hhaly - Russla got part o foland
Revolutionarics Carbonari whose
Mazzingi bath in
There was a secret
member was. Caiuseppa
henoa ln 1807 round soc&ties
two underg Europrin Berne
lound - Young
He also Masetles

nations to be th
Young Itals in intended
that aac
He belioved man kind.
unit al
lorgedinta a single unilied vepublic hig
La wider alliance o nations
,conservatees tuying toconsolidato
-lnlialyd hermany
liherolismknaianasm cssouoted
their power,
withrevalution Empire, heland&
These groups also ormed in otaman
Polond, and incte belanged ta educated midle chas
In Iully ial0, irst upriainq occured in Euonce
Bourban king was orerthyawun bylibezals
Constituiana Monorcly was instaled with louik
Philippe as head
-Tuy Revaluion led to divistan a Belgiem eam
Ne therlond.
areek war o) indlependence noilbsed the te
leel amuna yauh voationa
- The Trealy c) Canstanfin aple
hree ce sind 1832 recani sed
ependent naliong k tsparked
the peaple ol Eurupe,
Ramantic Imaqinatian o Natian feeling
nt devlapcd a particular
Acultura na.cjne sentiment a

Porm o naional science

tArlist crihcised glariication a
Focuse don emoional iaiti intutlian &myaiical
Shared a cammon cultural past ,as the basis o)
Postry art music & stats wereuscd ta shape
nahianalist eeling.
aetman philosphey - Io hann hottried Herder claimed
that tae aernan culture was to be discovered
among the conon

Aung Hatdehip opulay Relt

330s were namic hardship.
Mare dab seekes han enplayment ,lueeased ag
price ld to pnoperism.
4Lauis Philipprwas larced do les
+Noianal asecmbly qaranteed kight ta Woik k
cnplaynant waehaps selup
T842: Revslulion a the ibe rals
Arev slutisn led by the
-as under way educated middl class
In ther parts o Eurapecombincd their demands
liberal middle class national uniBicat
canstitotionalism with ,reedom ol
Por a
prcss anded
demand ssociation

In aermany ,many middleErankurt

lass prallesianas,
man eartisans in
buissness Cherman Nation Assembly
vate or an all- re presentativas ataok
4on l&May 18u8, Franklart parliament heldi
their plac Churchwhere women wwere
St. Pau only in
vIsitor galery he caunlry to be headed
The Assenbly ollered
by monarch but was oppoased K was later

dlamen alsa demand eteequality & ighta by

forming assaci ali ont
In the end, serdom &bonded Labaur were abolished
and Hungatien were qranigd adnamy
Making oa Gaermant Italy
The liberals Were
refressed by monar chy & large
landawners Cqunhers)
Prussia then took lea deranip bol nationo
Ihs chie ministeY, Otto Van Bis marcs.
the arehitect o) the pracess.
& won
way with Austria,
Denmaxlk ,Fronce
In Jon 87the
the prussian king Wiliom] Was
proclaimed herman empror at the Hal) o
Mirorsat Vers cilles.
Theprussian modrl o
egol &Adletal ystemmadernising cre ncy, bankig
in Cromant, became
madel tor all qermany
ltals biied
Bals comptised omulhinational Habagburg Empire
-In mìd- 19n Haly dividnd into7'states
Sardinia - Pedimant was ruled by Halian prince
hause, North dominated &by Pape, Sauthh dominghed
by Bourbon kings a Spain
in L&30, aiuseppe Mazin/ sought ta put nite
kalian Republie CYavng ltaly) but falled.
/In 1248 king Viciaor Caaziboldt Enmanoel | Sardinig
initialeto unite ihaly thraugh wor
Cavour was an italion elite wha spa<k betey Fyeneh
Ralliedwith rance to deBeat Austria in l8s9
In 1860, Caise ppe laori bal di (demecra) 4oined the
n l960, they wan reedoma) Two Sicilles&
in1871 Viclor Emmanuel procalmed as king of
o ini tta
nn itals , peasanis never heard a) mav e me n
or italia. They thauq ht La Talia
Strange Case o Britain
There was no Kriish nation belore leh
The inhabited te pcaple were cthnics - English,wlsh
Scot ar trish

> British Natian

- 1688 British Parliament had siezed pomer om
monarchy in I688,and was the ins trument theough
which idea o nation sBatewith England as
centre come to be Poracd
1702 - Act o Dnia belween Engandl sachlad
resulted tn k a areaE pritain
-Parlioment was dominated y Erglshe
Thus Scatknd cathalics ed prablen
24lsl2s IHis.

First World War

-The irst world war 94-1918l caused many

ne wecanomic and palitical 1913-912

The prices increased during swar years, incone

taxes were intro duced and eustomduties were

Forced recruit ment causthe people to"angered.

Then crops lailed in many parts a india which.
cauaed oad shortage gnd tamine.

In Jan 191S , Qandhi 4i relutned to India
He belieyed in the idea o Satya
agtatian) which was' ta appeal orgrahamass
He believed that this
dharmgoo non- wiel vialencr
could unite the whale india
He orqanlsed three salygra mave ment.
916 (champaran in Bihar) inspircd the peasant.
to struggle against the opreasive platation
) 1912 Kheda in Chu4rat) Relaying the retevenue
calledion rom pea sants due to crap ailure.
3) 1918CAhmedabad) Increase in
cotton mill workers wages o

Rowlatt At

In J919,Rawatt Act
-n was passed by Briti_h qovt
-4 allawed the qot to repress poe palilica
and 2ys detentian withaut trial. activties

On sth Apr 1919 Gandhigi passed Non

ciyil disabedience law whichwas gainstvialence

Marlialla im posed and Genral Dyey toak


On 13 Apr 1919, hental Dyer apened ire an the

people wha assembled lor Baisakhi air an Jallionwal
Bagh. Hundrads a< peaple were killed
Gandhi 4i hod to slop the sayaqzaha
In Ww), Otaman Empite last
and as a resut khalia
(Spiritual hcad ol lalamie aod) was ayerthrown
The Muslims.
angered handh Saw thls as an
rportonty to unite Muslims and Hindus.
|Page No.

Bombay AAkhilaat Comittee wos

On March 1919 in
pawer. In Sepi 1920, Clo.
set up to detend with Muslim brathers
session, aandhi4i a Non Coaperation
Ali eShaukat Ali starled
suppart ol khila<at andsaorof.
Mayement in

Nan Caaperation,
Chandbigi declaredin his book Hind Swara4 Cis01) that
British ule is only siable because o the
by indians

TRis NCM promoted boucatting but Cangiess. was

hesistant but tinally adptedii in 920

NCM began in Jan 921

Students lelt gout school and colleq es, teaches

reaignedy lawycs qaye up their praitics
|Page No.
had to alBernatve
re goin qout indian institutions sa peade
schaols andcolleses
land lards startcd
to beq ta leave
lnAwadh, Peasants weYe led Baba
Sanyasi RamchandYo a

The mave ment masagainst

otqanise d nai - dhabitalukdars and land lords Panchayat
o serviaes o har bands to deprive
bers andwashes Ynan landlords
Dudh kisan Sabha set up in Oct 920 by
lal Nehru Baba Tawaha
Ramchandva and athens
In |920 houses and oltices o land layds attacket
bazaarS were looted foted,
nd qrains tahen
vevalksstarted as govt alased large
areado e to whieh people couldnt qather ar avest
Alluri Sitaram Rol led
led the avg
Gudem Hills o Andhrg Pradrsh aueilla wqttare in the
to achieye swara4

Plantation Workers
ln Assg m,
Plantattan Worker wante ta meve treely
in out ol he con ined
- With NCM plantaibn war kers le}} and went
home in hop te qet back their land . Thr s
chante d Swahintra Bharat.

Civil Dsabidienee

In Feb 1422 , NCM was with drawn with

Chaui Chau ra At in Chara khpur
-Few congreas leaders lke CR Das and Mtila) Nehn
and ormed Swara Party and aske lar ehurn ta
cauneil Politics

Jawabar lal Nehru ans Se Basr ptessed ar mor e

tadiaca mass aqiah ion. Due ta aqicuhute depresaipr
tn 193 0
cauntry was in turmail
The Siman
was amt.
11 was
an ram Tats hout o Brlain
chaired by Tohn Siman
There were no Indàían menbrra which irtate á
The Commisian
aa Back Simnan'
greele d a the alagan
Ot A 24 , Comiss in recamend Daminian s tat
Raund Iablr Cantrone

Elleet a) Siman Commissian

On Dec 1929,Lahare Session

under Jawahay lal Nehzuk ormalized pugng Svwawo a1

26 Jan 1930, celebr ated as

independence day
1930, Dr Ambedkay estoablished Depressed class

Sali March
Dandi March
- hot was aslhed to aceept
demands by l" March
failinqwhich cpM wauld start.
aendhii starled rom Caandhis Ash ram in Sabarmati
to the Cauyrat coastal town a pandi (240 miles)
-The qroup ea ched Dand an 6tn April and coleted
solt rom seawater whih wialated Chot policdes
This mave ment started
Peopleiaatedlares laue
Satt was manulaetured in manyaleas
Peasants re<used to pay taxes
Forciqn co thes were hurned

hovt. Respans
Abdul Gaatay khan Arested in Apnll9s0
aandhiyi Artestod Hay is30
Salyagrahs arrested
aandhiyi wend to pariicipate in RTe bui al ter 2md
RTC nothig q good come.
|Page N.

Rich peasonmts kke Chutrati Patidors and UP Ja

o<cpM but didnt qot
were greatuppot tes
vevenue and didnt paricipate in
re dudian in
COM again

Poor Peasants ound aitieulhty in paying rent

due to depressian and their demands werent
&usiness pecple didnetsupport cal onial polides
and didnt boy impartedgoods
Causes o< Jailuze a cDM
-lIndustrial warkes,Dalis andMoslims didnt
MiliBant activiis
Failure a RTC
Demanda Dalits
Thay weye called
Harigans Child ren ol ho)
During CDM , mans dait lea deis
ol seals in insitulans demanded rasreservghan
In 1930
BR Ambe kar
orqanis ed the
Pepresscd Classes Associaion daits in
Gandhi 4i beganafast unta death or oppo sing
the demands a) seperate ele tarate lar dalits
San tanis were Conservaiue High Hinducaste
Poona pact (sept 932) wasaigncd blw Ambedkar
and Chandhi4' whlch qayeteservation seals in councils
vated in bygenetal electorate
Upsurgeo Natianalism
aunity and natianalism was inspirea
alklare,songs staries and aymbal
by tra ditlongt

RabindraNath Tagote made havat Mata and Bankim

Chandra Chattapa dhyaus song Yandr Matavam unted

1921 Gandhigi desgncd tie alaur lag with pisniag

wheel in cente to syn balise sel help
Japan in -The
HeaCautenbeng paper ,Japon
lor He
ng use
cte learntatenberg
ate lart
mancy printing
was Buddhist
accuray, Skled Lalligraphy-TFeart
d golaqriculhura
d the tech
he was K were mìssionaries cralt
etal smith art the Printing Buddhist in hemen printing
conce & priated dapan. beauy llecalur
i tics
typhy used o Son
estate. could technolaqy
koreo Culture
prs acquiredp palishing press Diamand
on The ram
lo ofor amerchant a o
texiles. oldest caligraphy duplica which beaui<al
tta making thestones China
te was was
deulapedwas in
pressexperise playing4apanese
Sutraintcocduccd ,
became Bqrew with the &
trinkets. cardsk remarkable
maulda hand
to a up boaks
an. hand wniing
-|Prints Butsome
Printthaughts Prints
Feat which itThiprinted
s iTrhest
h Thereasw
a Print
pravided k itcauld inroduced
coulnaedw created
Prints t
shilted tech
dep Culture
cresatedespottsm o lcd
st Pawey narms i
lead did boak he
the leared
nat to
d critical
ol rom
an by & kept to print not
oyalty a
apublic K These
tpovring institutions commentary the spreading
French þrinted w
a hand
revalutio. displace
ut under inm
L ason rethatalidcas ideas Bevelutian tdeas uence prinllgta was
exl s aontrd hand
ting o< had weye o a< biblethe
lite made on
alightenment rebellous peapl t
al prining
rature become
Ye-cvalvatede k
superstitions was oideas& mechanical
their depates,Al people through
er. vaticnal:hy &dissuss
that aware but
rallly inreligious d soon
ce thinkess thatprint ion. &
tirg any ManuscriptsPages India
Printing India They -|A
missionaries.The manuscript houshddkecpng
educate teaching
magzinesbamen industies the bcameprimars
chilPraducion antheAs
has &the alsa dren
beaulywere alae
press themselweslbrar Were

eveneven were in
avers wrote press
warld becane areaders
impotlant ol
English th irs0 schaalcd.calian
highly ich Poalihical baame meant aas
o alter text
came Print readers
Arabie ad&
lanqE boaks became
ast lale tracts a
lndia ta ,
workigq swas womcn up
press Pexsiar 18S2. in
Chaa became
Company kexpensive
ar wrtrs
autahiagaphgte hours
swatke with
dinstd ith s etc
hand manuos
Pennu childsen
. eeiten la

1ties. ware o The lCanauest, Lo
travelled. thuvels.
Food cargocs The rouestrade
America ie ives But belare
Spme Traders The cwlberal
poriequaieeucxywhae later routes name
qerms imes wsed lunks
thcir wi th alan silk
was diiss death
d helpedin
the ease to rautes)
k craps rest eae neW Cilobal
The Spanis întroduce route. Some Makig
ciaps tradepaintsJalant
weapons ktrade a
person h the the a)
canqwest minerals was could as thepemodein
unde warlds new placcs a
which oe cut make
crops importenee
spanish begun
way or al to cutural
kaolenisaior tamany the
canauerors by transem eam the de
dierence lande cxchangc. d 2
reqular Chinase
dvced meat
me |For cauldnt ctoTechnalagy
-Role ol -ln
Many caused Com itdemand. kconsumplion econamy4 warld*A
couldafter were
to Britain canict.
social kked good
A widespread. weYUntil19m
iavetli could to place Europe
its imporlant be Due
be decline papulatian_qzowth be
have on now abalishd out to cell to centry
nspoted s
like claqro industrialsts
be Corn
aiciet in
k withaut imparted werpoverly
hus ailwaus- -sector
laws, changing
sinhips causcd laEurope.
od crawded
poay which S
wcre d. steanships, mare Corn
but conlicts
rozen Urban paltern &
the cheaply increase Traditionall4
ople dwellers
could dcadly
transormahian britain o
uld orm
not in cuntries ood discases
teleqagh which be thls
which. d, aved qYan
oad producicp

234. 23
Resource & Deulapmcnt

available in our environment which can be used
sots<y our needs , provided it is techndoqically
to aceeplable
acccssible,ccanomically leasible and culturally
can be ters termed a 'resOUrce

al things available in
The process o transfoumation interactive relationship
Our cnvironment involves an
between- Natuye -technolagy -instihutian

cssenialcompanent af
Human beings themselue s are

tesources, they tpansform material ine Our Surraundinq

intoTsOurces and uSe the m.

Cassilication o 1csaurces

On basis a Oiqin
Biotic - These are obtaincd rom biosphere and have ie
Such as - Plora and Paund, fisherics livestock eic.
Abiotic - These indlude al things campased o non living
things, Such as rock and maler melals

On basis o Ex haustibitty
Reneayable Inese rCSourceS can be rene wed or reproduced
by phyaical , chemical and chenlcal prYoce s
Such as solar energy wind enerq4
|Page No.

a veryY long gealogical

Non:enewog ble - Ihese occur ovey
time, some like melals coan be reycled
cannaf be tecuclel
and somelike minerets
Minerals, ossil fauls and meals.

On basis o ounership privately by individuals

Individual- These are owned
pands,wells etc
These inalude plo,houses membeLe al
accestble to all he
Cammunits - These are
ihe cammuniy. such as pubic parks, play
qrounds,qrozing qraudse.
ta he
helang ia
National - Technicalls, all the resource belon
nalion, Coun'ry has legal pawer ta aque
eMtn privat ptapedly for public gaod.
Uaban Deulapment Authoritics, gets cmpancicd
by the qavt ta acquire land.
Everything ithin palitical boundarics_an
OCCOnic areg up io 22.2 mPom coast
belanqs to the nalian
Internationa These aye nternalional institutian which
equlate some resource, or cq- no county
Can utilise 22.2 kYm
9ceanic resources beyand
Prom oaastline without legal right
On basis o stalus o Devlapmet
Potential- These are
YeSOUces ound inaareqian, but
haye not been utillised,
has an ernormous Suçhas-Ra4astha
polent ig or solor energt
Devloped - These are Iesoutes which Surveyd and
heir qudity and quanhily s deter mined for
Page No.

stock - Material in environment which havepoential ta

salisy human needs,but human dont have
suitable techto aceess these
s a rich source
Reserves - are subsd o stack They pan be used with
hele_o fensittetcxistnetech but is
kept to ull future Icquirements.

Problems due to indiscimivate use o1escuNGes

Depletian af sesouces ta sats<s the qced a< few indiuiduals
-AcLumulatian o IeSOurces in ew handswuhich dhwides the
societs into two seqment ie. tich and paot

-Indiscrimingte exploitatian a<esOurCe S has led to

qlobal ecolagical crises such as, qlabal war minq.

Susiainable devlapment
Hmeans devlopment ahauld take place witnout damaging
the environment and deulapment in the present ahould
noi compromise ith the needs a the utre qencralian
Earth Summit,1992
In dune 1992, more than l00 slae heade metin Rio de
Jancpiro in Brazil, Por the irat Iternadional Earth Summit.
} addressed ungend prablem tor ol ecomo enuironmenBal
deulopment. The leadess siqned the DeclaraBion.
alobal Clmatie Change Sumit and Bilagical Diversity.

fhe Aqenda 21
Qonuention adlapted
The Ria
Conence a an
Aqenda 21 at DNCED(United at achie ving
I+was -shncd I aims
Deslapment). cembat damagepaverty,
Enwironment & deulapment,
qlabal sustain co-operation
through qlobal
is that exers losat
disease the Aqenda
abyestive aqenda,
One matar own lacal
qaut will drawstes
Resource Planninq
aeee pied strateqy ar
Danning s the widels
resource. There reqians
which are
yudicious bse a
Incertain kind a esQu bul
Some other tupes a resource.
Resoutee Planning_eneinvalves
acosa the
identication and inve ntary ol resouçCes
the countryThis involves suryeying mapping
reqions a and measurment
4ualitatiye and quanitative estimation
o the resoutces

) Evouing4 planging structure endawcd wth appraptial

tech, skilland insttutanal set upo impleoening
tesource devlapment plan.

e) Matchinq the resource deylepment plans wih

ouerall nalional devlopmcnt plans.
| Taye No

Availabiltkus a vesaurce is bmporant lor ecanamie delop mer

but with aualability, technalaqy and tnatitudions
necassar4 to implement the use a resources

The histary a calankalisatian beo yeyeals that rich

resOurces attrackd lorie qn invaders.

They had high-technalogy to explait these rescutces.

lanseryatian a Resources -
Resources wtal Rar desldpmentactiity. But OyerDse

esOurce leads tostes Socio- economic and

co -pralem.
Land Resarces
-Land is a natural resoutce a utmast mportanceIt
supparts natural, veqetattan, swildute human ile,ecanomte
acisies tanspod and canmunisaiau yatems
Land Utillisotian

2) Land pot availahleloy cultivottan
Batten Jwaste land - Land put to aqrieultural use
- Pasiutes razing -Landunder tree ctop qroe
- Cultruahlr waste land
Fallaw land
Net sown OLyea the physical extent o land on whch
CTaps are sownharvesteds nawn as nei sown area.
qross cropped are qis the and Sown mae than ance
* plus netsown areo
Page No.

in Jndig physical achay,
Land use determined bath by
The use a land
is -elimate - soil typ
Such qs tapagraphy
actors such as.
and human
-technalagcal and aultueand tras!
Waste Land desert arcás and land put
racks,arid and
IH includes agriculturgl Ses ike settlements road,.
to otheY non
railwas etc.

ANn Dearadation
bouqht abaut deqradat,
Human. astiuiBies have nai anlythepact o natural arces
a land but alsa oggrayated mining and quaualn
to cause danage to land ca- grazinq-
t o Canserve land
- Alforeslatom and praper managtment aa qazin
Can help to same exteyt
- Plantin shelter belte a plants, contral aver4rozing
stabiliaaton a< Land sand dune qrawing tharng
Proper manaqement a wash landa, onto o< mining
aciwiies proper dis charge and dispasal o< industzia
euents and wastes alter treatment Cun reduee
Land and water deqradaton
Soil Erasian
The denudation a the sal cavc and subsequent washing
down is desctibed as soil erosion
Humanactivities lake delorestation, over-qrazing miningeta
and Notuzal ae loCes like wind glaciel und water disturs
Hhe balance osol on ahion and cGsian.

Gaulics - The runnin water cuts. thxauqh the caycy soil and
makes nard chanmelsknowa as qullies.
Bad land - Land un or culivalien.

Sheet Erosion xater flamsaQs a alcet Over large

ared down a slape and sio toap sail is washed

ulauq the cataur lines

-Cantaur Plaughingq - Ploughinq ulong
deacelevates low o waley dawn Hie alanea.
Terrace atming Steps can be ut aut an elapes making

Strip crapping -St is oqrassca are le<} to

between the crops which breaks Hhe wind laLLe.
Page No.

Farest & ildieResource

Hs immensls rieh in wldlife cultivated species,
deieas dierst in lorm be funcion but clasely inte qrated
in a system through muhiple nehwotk a interdepenceis.

Flara &Fauna in India

lndio is one a) the most richest canties in terma

a ata wat atay al bialogjcal dieriy
Based an luCN) we can classityas lallawAis
Narmal Species
Species whase pepulatian levels aYe consideted to
be natmal far theiv suuivg)such ascattlesaly pine
rodent eete

)Endangesed species.
Species are in danger oextinclionand surhal a)
hese species is ditficult i the neqative oetors a) thcir
Suryival cantinue.

) Vohnerable specis
Specits whase papalatian has declaed to leyela rom
where i
in neay
s likely ta
move to
0 Rare species
Species with small populatian may mave ato
Page No.

vulnetoble eategory i the

the endangered o to operate.
lactors allect them cantinue

s Endemle species. only Pound in some

These apeçies by geoqrophica barriere.
areaS usualy iaalate d
6) Fstinct Species
Species which are nat Pound in some portieula
they may occur.
Habitat Destruation , hun ting poaching oveiwhich
palluionand poisongy are the ator s
Jed ta the decine in Indias biodiversity is the.
ne o the cause o habitat destuion
uneq, ua distributian a resDI CeS

Conseration o orest ilala}e.

’ Canservation o)orest2 hwildi has become
necas sary due ta the loss a bio diversiy:
Jhe qov has alse astablished several sanctorrs
and reserveS ta prakd the plants and
The Jndian Wilàli (rabetionAct Was imple matd
n 1972 to pratec avimols Lthely hobat.
Page No


Tiger isis ane o the key wildlie specics in he

Paunal web. In 973, the auhariies realise d hat the iq
papulation hod dwindled to l s27 ta ram Sso00 ingcentyy
|The ma4r thtcats to thger pa pulation
paaching or
shrink ing habital poachinq radegtowing
lor rade, gtowing human papulai
Tqerbones and skn are Cxpensive and used far traditiona)
Hedieer medictnes.
India & Nepal are the tyacountrics with 2/s tige
o the well publicised wildIte compaigns
Aroyed tiger one

was launched in 1973.

Some o the tiger reserves

) Corbett Natianal Park (vHora khon

2) Sunderbans National Park (wa)
9 Bandhayqoth Naianal Park (Madhya Pradesh)
9 Periga Tgar TigerReserve

Tpesa) Farest (Forest Depastment)

D Reserved Forest-Mare than hal o thearest is reseved.
mast valuable.
and is reqgrded as the
3 Pratectecd Forest- Almost l/a a< the forest is protectad laret
and are pratecded from further depletion
) Unclassed Forest Thes are orests belonqin to bath
govt & communitics.
Page No.

>Community 2 conservatian
lnsome ares oo ndia
ndia, local commonihes
are struggling ta conserve Hheir habitat alang wAN
qovt olliclals , recognisingthat only this willste
thelr long tem hwlihood
Jn many areas willagexs are themselves prctechg
tne habiYat breget he govt helpor involumeni
Chipko mavement is a mave ment successtul at
sesisting delorestaon by the ocal communies
Bee4 Bachao Andalan ta Tehri &
Navdonya have
shown that adequate leel o<diveraited
without the USe op praducon
aconamicalls yable. hemicals are passible
Puge No.

Water Resource

Water Scarcity
With the abundance wa
k renewa bilits a water tis
diicolt to imaqine water scatcity. Regian with low
ro intal are usually prone to water shatage.
The availabilits a ate1 xesources aieus VaLies oves
timne & place
Mat o the waler acarcits is cased by aueLexploilatian
al water fesources.

Missan to
The qovt has oqanized the Jal Jeevon
ensure that eyery houshald gels assured amaunt
potablepiped water at a actsice leuela) 651 percapiBa
pet day regularly
river that abstructs,
-A dom hs a barier
direcseyetards the
ac ross
low ariver and cteats areser valz4
lakea impaundment
Aduantages use<ul lor hydro panwer qenratian water
Dams aYe

sopply andinigaten.
|They are also help ull in Alood conltal ecreatian
inland raviqolian sh brecding
Dis advantages
Reqdatieg L dam ming o rivers ater their naBural
Page No.

also ca use poot sediment Mw R e xcessive

Sedimenttationat bottom.o reservoiY which resok
tockier streambed.
Hallects the habitat o the aquatic lie and nob
it dillicut or the launa ta miqrate.
Dams also causedlood due t sedimentalion

The dams have also caused mave ments lik

Nar mada Bachao Andon & Tehri Dam Andd
They also caused earhquake , water borne dleeascs
and paluion.


Rising seaisance against the mulhipupase pragecda,

Rainwater harvestinq isawiable optian, botheconovmicols

In hills. ard mounlains people built diversion channed

like quls b kulso Western Himalyas or
Roc) tep keralnwater harscshng- s common Bayesthon.
Tankos Vare qeonlainersor storinq rain watey
or dninking
Polor Panj - Raln waler
Page No

kl leads to a circulay illage tank ram.

which woter released when re quived
tor anyppase
Roo tap rain waler harvesting
Roo) top rainwatex harvesting is being
Sucessully adapted to stae kconseye watey,

Tami) Nadu has even made it compulaay

\oL all household to have a systemo
ro)tap rain water harvesing.

|Naumada Bochao Andolan

NGo that mabilised trilel people, larmers
ensironmentalist ladisst agsinst the Sarday Satovas
Dam beng bult across the Matmada Rives
Page No.

rlslaj heo

is an imparlant setar in India. 2/s o)

’Agricuhure is
populaian is engagcd in agriculhural aciu ies..
Ty pes o or min
|- Prim1tive Subsistence Fatming
This type arming is praciccd on small patches
ol land with primitise taols ike hoc, d ao
diggin stiks.
or mensoon ,noluralerilityesail ta
Depends an
grow CI aps
Ho a slash &butn agriculture in which
arnes clear asmall polch al land& graw caps
to sustaln their tomily ter the sol ortility decteass
aaer shit & cleat anaher path al land.
TRis allons the soil erhility to restare. by natura
pracesses witnout the use o eritlee IS.
known a s Thummina in north eat states.
Pamlou in Manipur
Dipa in Bastar Andaman island

Intensiye SulelstenceParmiq
Proccedin areo with high populailon pressure
Hih dass ol biachemical inputs rigatiar
usrd lor high prodion Farmrs have io take
mar oviput o the land lor Guriva).
Commerchal Far ming
|In this tupe , high dose ol madern inputa areur.
to get hiqhev productivity lcq HYY serds ,lerihzgr
Planlation is alsa this type o arming In this a .
Crop s qrown in larger areowith migrant lab
ln India) teo , colec ,suqorcane ,banang
banana are Some
ommercal planlatio n cyeps.
As the praduction is man ly Par market a well
devlaprd netwárk o) tranapor Lcommuicali on
is important.
Cropping Patter n
ln lndia there arthree capp ing Season
Rabi - (wWinter) grawn rom oct - Dec harvesed
in Summer CApr - Jun)
Eg- wheat, barley Peos +ram, muslord
kharip- (Manadon) grawnfram. hovcsted in Sepl-0ct
Eq- paddy, malze gawarbara, tu, maang
cotBon qute,sayobean
-|Zatd- Csummer)
eg- water melan musk melon Cucumber vgetables
L odder Grops,
Suqarcano takes ayeor to qrow
Masor Craps in In dia
Rice - Staple ood o mayatty
- khari crap mayoty -lndia is 2nd la rqrst
producer orice
a wheat - Rabl Crap
secand most imponant
Ganga Salu4 plan and black soil a) Decah.
aMillets - Known qs coarse qrains
- Rain ed -bagra, togi ,Jawax
-high nunhan
)Maize Used as ood &adder - khari) crap.
qraws well in alluvia) Soidl

yPulscs -lndia largesi consumey roducer

proiensourco - Need less moìsture
- lequminaus. CNitrage lIxalion)
Sugarcane - trapical /subtropical cxap - hotclimale
- 2nd largest producer is India.
) ol Seeds-nIndiamain seed prad uced are
qroundnut mustard ycocon soyabdan
Ihese qré ecdible raw maertiol.
as wel) as esed os roN
rabi. ond khoyì cyop. Linseed mustord
Castoris Noth e Rabiinsoh.
ore robì . Ses o mum iskhari in
-watm mols0 rostree
DTea - Tropical /subiropica)
|Page Dlu

its qualiy. -Arol

collee is omous for
Calee Indiar baught ram yenen
praducer tra plca &tempede
HosBicuhur e- ndig ia o
q crap but qrawnin traplca
Rubber- An eauatoriamatcrial
-ln pottanttau
Catangute hemp ,silk are
tibre a india.

Lcotton- khati) ctop Jate -galde n bre

Impat globalisatam agticulture

he spices o Indig is si one he impartant

tems tacipart
-The Indian agriculural secha is nat able ta compee
with deslaped counteies
-The qreen revaluian alsa aced oppossi~ian due
land dogtadaian
Orqanic arming which doeg
das not reauye the use
o chemicals vaque. t doesnt hotme the ensiropsa
Minerals K EnergY

’Minenals- mineral as homogcn ous naturaly

Substance with a denable internal struct.
Rocks Qre combinatioy o minerals
Mode o occurence

Minerals are sudlly ound in ores.

Ores is used ta descibe
anaccumulatan a
any mincrals. mixed wth other elemente
- The minera cantent a Hheane ymut be
sullicient to make ies aextradion
cammeraally xiable.
Minerals qenerally ocur n the lollawng larnsa
-lne ous rocks are kound amed when
liq,uid malBen arm come au during minerals
eruplion Smlhey occur in cracks,
2Aaints Viens are smaller occurer
Lodesare larqer OccUY Cnce

Sedimontay rocks
are thase in which mìnerals
Occur in bedsK layeydue
taaccum ulaticn
&concentration harizantal stra}a.
Page No.

)s wher swrace yodks decompased
remoye sduble canstituents leave a mass
esidual ol weahered material conainìng

Avial deposita elso occur which contaln mlneral:

which arent corroded bs water

oceans also have lange na a minexals but

are toa widels dillsed
MiAes are

It accounts or three aurth atatal mehalle
mineral praductions
They proyide base ar metalluraic indushutes

+ron Ore indusiol

is the baste mìneal back bone
devlapment. Indta Kis abundanat with this.

M used lor manudachure a steel &erro
maqnese allay
|Also used in bleaching pwder
bauxile lead,zinc &gald
Non Ferrous m1nerals
Thase minerqls ike coppe
number o< met allvric al
a vital role in a
play &electrical in dustris.

-Coppei makin4 cables electrantes k

A cts as aLmeal or
chemio sed in e hemical

bauxite aclay ike subsha nce ht
HKis thraujgh abtained
alumina & later alumìnium s

Nonmelallie oMinerals

CMica meneral_ mode el sericao plaBes ar leacs.

Has excellent di-electriestrength, law paer losa)acta.
instalating prapertak lresistance to high valha ge.

Limestane aund in ssaciation with racke composcd

ol calcium CarbangBeetc.
-Sgs)c aw matesial lor cement i'ndusty &uset
In sme lting iron ore in blagturnace
Convendianal Saurces o) Ener4
Coal- Provides subslantial part o the nation's
encrqy need.Used oy ower cneration , ta
sPply encgy to indstry as well as lor

domestic needs.
Lianite is alow qrade brawn coal, whichis kalt 2
highlay moist.
BiBuminas coal is the coal buried deep 2 subgecte d
ta inceased temp
An throcite isthe highest quality hard caal
Aer coal mincxal oil is the next Magar enex4y

Prcaides he at & ihi iny wbricants lor machine

lsaw mglerial

Notural aus
Found with petroleum deposits k release d when
Crude ai) is bou qht to sulace.
Can be used as domestect | Indusria teul

I has wide noo applicaltons in todays world.
maihly obiuined by hr hydro turbine or b4
burning tues
Non Conyentiar al o) Gnercy
Nucleay Eneryy
OUtained bu alterngy the atructures al atowes<

Cost o obtain
ing at s1te Cost o)
(oat oa prodvct ol production
iOn ito

toccote lactorg/

Claasiication d Industries
On basis ol raw material tertileatulber.
"Agro based - Coon, waoller, qute ,silk
"Minera) based- Iran, steely cement, aluminium_petrochen
Basis tole
" Basie industries are thate wh ich suppls praductS as
aw materiak to manu)ature other
"Consumer industies that praducr Qoads lox diveci ust
by conSumeys

BasiSa<capiBal inveai ment

" Smal scale indushy is delincd wh relerence
to the mar inuestmen allawed an
the assets o a unitThis limit has
changcd Over a periad a time.
POn basis awnership
" Public
Sectoy owne d by ovi agencie S
" Bivate Sector owned by indhiduals aroupal
"Joint Secor lndustries are
owned bu pro ate
e mdividals 4oindly
|" Caoperative Sectar
Sschor are
aye owned by praduce ra o
raw materials, workers oy both
+Based on bulk al row matexil
Heavy lndustrie thal ure heavy material cqlvan
Lig ht in dusirier that use lignt matersa) ey-clectan ia
l4 ndustr ial Pollotion

- Air Polution is caused by the presence al high praportign

d undesirable gases, such as spher dlazxide & catban \
monayide. Italleets hurman halth plants , animals
as whole.

- Water Alution iscased due to dispasal industeial

waste like acids salls dyes,chemiculs ete
Thic makes watey bodies conlaminated
- Thermal Pollution ia the dis pasal ha ater int
watey badics which distuebs the aquatic ala.
Noise folluon is caused b naise producdby
tndustria manhines. Tnis resuh in
disturbance, IHis alsa causedby
construcion wors.

21lsl2s LPal SJ
Power Sharing

Belq1um BlCap1tal -Brusscls J

Small count ry in Europe
Barders ’ Netherlands
EBhnis compositian Lot
LO} the total populaliant nd lanquog)
54o lives in Flemish Flemish reqion & speaks putch
- 40% lives in Wallonia reqian & speaks French
speaks Gherman

In capital city- Brussels

80o speak French 20-lo speak Duteh

The Frech spcaking minorities Was

relaivels rich and powerul
than Dutch-spcakers who got lesser laeniis.
This led ta a tensian belween Dulch-speakers and French
In Brussels,it was the oppassie as Dutch-speakers wer

Accomodatian in Belgiunm
The Belqiunm leades care ully abserved the sitiulia
& amen ded the constihution 4 times to cnsure that
all the communitics can live in har many

Belgiusm model:
elements a the
Here are the that the

constitution prescribed the

) The ministers shall be caualkin
and French--speaking
centtal qovl.
subordinate to the Cental
2) The State qovt are not
each regian of
wertseperate govt in
qout. There werr
he county
gavt in wchich both ommu nities
) Brussels had a seprate
have eual reptesentatian.

thitd kind agout. was_aeated called the 'Cammunit

govt It was elected ay peaple belonginq to ane
qmup R had pawers
lang-edudationgl-related teqarding cutual,languag
and is sues.
Sri Lankg

Island nation is South Asiq.

Ethnic conpasiian

-Sinhala speakers 74olo

-Tamil speakers Hindus ot Muslim

Subgroups in Tamil speakers i
-Sri Lankan Tanil i is l)
Indion Tamilsls-]

Tndependent in 19 48

The sinhala leaders wanted dominanceaetqaut and

the demactalic qat adogied magonitaran meqsures to
Lestablch sinhala aupsmmacy

AMasoritarianism in SrË Lanka

AJ Tn 1956 an
an act Was
act was_passed to recognike Sinhala as
the olficial language. The gavtpolicies awaupad Sinhala
applicants or qovt posts The state ace to the cansitutlan
declared that state will protest Buddlhisn

The qovt measures alowds susspreseed the Tamil minarity

more and more They telt that gad policies_ denied
the eaualpoliical ,sacial and economic rights.

relatianship betwcen the Tamil

This resulted in tense
Tamils started strun
munitics. The
and Sinhala. cam
equality. But all hese
lor med
9S0s palitical organisatians
olganis were tormed
tor demanding
Eclaym in north -cast Srilanka.
Seperat state Tamil
hlar. Thousandsal
a Civil
Thk soon turned in
people lelt he country ond or
casualies accured. Many
T ended in 2.009.
lost theiY Jivlihaod

* Impartance o power sharing

sharing is good becau. se it halps to re duce
1 Pawex
the possibilts o conthds between socia aroups. It enautce
the unity a the country.
Power sharing ia the spirit o democraey as aa democratic
he ahoms 0nvoles sharinga power ith thase aleted
bå it. The peaple can cans ult an how they are to be

*Fams o pawer sharing

The idea al pantr sharing has emerqed in oppassition

the nation a undivided palitica
I+ was. eld that power todeddepower
it wiud nat be pas sible to take is dispe1sed
enlarce them auick decisians and
In qood qoy all
and tove voice indhese qraups are -qiven nespecl
shaping qoavt.
Tuje N.

In moderm demacrades
take mans formsi
powerShating arrangemen cun

1) Among diferent Orqans ol gavterment

Power is shared amang the otgons o the gaut
Such as the legislatur qudiciary xeuitive.
this hori2 ontal distributlono powet alows ditt erent
organs the qout to be placed asame
a level to
pertam di erent exerclse.
Inaademo cracy ministexs exercise powey but are
respansible to the patliament. Similarly
4udges are appainted by the cxecshie, but cam_ check
their ncionin Thts arrangrnent o ssstem is called
checks and balance.
Among qot t diterontleuels
Agereral qovt tor the entive country and Aret at
the provincal ar regiangl level. Such a general gout har
the entire cauntrs is called feduad ederal got
This higher and lower levels o gavt is called yertical
3| Amanq dilerent social qroups

Tis the diviaion a) pawer amang social and religious

This type o arranqrnent qives sipace to diverse cnd walk
Social qroups
qroupsin qot and administration

4Political paris,pressure
part qroups and move ment
Political parlies and qroups also
inuence and contral
te qavtworking.This leads to com petiion which
ge No

ensures that power dos notremaln `n

one hand.
Sharinq ol power is also
coalition got

Ethnic - A Social divis lon based on shared culture.
Peaple belanging to the same ethnic group believe
In thei common descent beacause a similarities
al physica type or olculture .The dont alwaya hae
same reliqion nalionality
Mayoitarianism A belie that the ma4ority community
should be able to e rule a
counto in whicheye
way it want disregar ding the needs a minority.
Civid war Asiolent con?hct bjw oppa ssing
within a fountry that becomes So intense that be Lons.
So tntese that it appears like

Prodendia - Based on prudence , or on careul calcdalion

o qains and losses. Predu
aetutty usuals
Preduntia decisian S.are
cotrasted with decision. based purely
on moral Consmderaticn.
|Iuye No

[Pol. sel
lGh-21 federalism

Federalism dividcd
- It is a system o gout. in swhich the pawer is
between a central autharity and various conshituznt
units o the country.
Usually, it has tuo levelsoo goutcountry,espanaible
-One is Hhe gaut a he cormon national intrest.
boy the lew aubyedsol car
- The other gout are state Le vel that loak ater dayday
administerin a their state

In unitary syste m- either there is anly ane leyel a

to the
govt oy suh units that are subarcìnate
cenhral qot
But in ledesalions, the central gout cannat pass orders
to the state.

*ky featutes o federalism

There are to ar mare levels a qovt..

Dierent qavt tiers govetn, the same ciizens, but each
tier has its awn quris dicatian.
3 The cxis tene and authorits oeach tier ia spcifird and
constt kulianally gauranted.
o the consihution cannot be
The ndamental provisions
4 level o qot.
Unilaterally changed by ane
pret ihe canchtua
to inter
Courets have the paw1eydiHerent levels o aout.
and the pawers o)
cach level a gout are clearlu
Saurces a! revenue o
speciied to ensure ib inancal autanams.

The Jederal system has dual obyechus tota saleqaud

and promate uniby af the country and arçamadate telaad
aLAn ideal Pederal aysteng has both asnects: mutual tust
and qgreement to live to gether,

Twa ty pes o lederatians

lCamin together federatian are hose innwhich dindependent
states Coming bqether on theiy auin Own to Jorm
larm abigt
unit, to increase securiy. eg-VSA&Australta
Halding toqether ederatian are those in which a lorg
counry divides its pawes Sebwer n the cor
stales and the
nalianal qod. eg- Relgium,Inda

What makes India a Pederal cauntry?

Soon alter independence , several princels states brcame
India and the constitution declared India
a parta
as a Unian o States.

The Canstitution providrd a three - (old distributian
blw Union and state govt -
-UnianLisincludes subged a< nalianal inaparlanct,lke
oflairs , ban king and conmunicutian ete. These
required to have uni<orm palicits thyouqh out county
Unian gavt makes laws relating to Hh tst

State list)ncludea subyecs a latal imparhance such as

palkce, tnadte and agriculhute efc. State qout makcs
lams elating to thx list.
- (oncurrent listincludes common intrest a both state and
Unian such as - educahiam, orest and trade ta

* Residuany subyets are thase which did not exist at the time
almaking a contattion. Jnian qovt hhas the powers
to legtstalet
This sharing a poner between the Union gout and the
State aovt. is basic to the structure o the constitujon.

Any change to it hasto pass doun both the hausrs

o parlia ment with at -legs 2/s mmagority
The qudicay ovelsces he implenentation o consiituional
proyisions and piocedurcs.
is ederalism practi ced!
in Indio con be atti bol
The real sucCess al palitics country.
tothe nahre o respect lor diversity and
Thia cnsured spit o lederalin,
desire lar living tagether
Linquistie States

1947, the boundatirs o several old states o India Were

In Was done ta
chanazd in order toereate new states This w
nsYe that peaple with same lang. lived in sa me
Some states wete creaed an the basis o qcography ehnicity
and cltue cy- Nagaland, Jtarakhand tc

Lanquaac policy

Our cansttutan did nat qive Hhe status o natianal anquage

to any one languagt.
Besides Hindi, there wieLe 2Lother langua ges recoqnised as
Scheduled language bs contiuian
Mch ad he qovt wark takes phce in the allicial languaa
op the canterned state.

Centre State Relations

Restructuring the Centee Stae

relation is ane
in waich ederalism has been more way
lot along time SAme strengthned
party ruled bath
in pradice.
at the Centre
Paqe No.

and in most a the States

In those days the Central aavt wold alten
Hhe Conslitut ian to dissni ss the state Ghavt thatYmisuse
Were contralled by rival parties.
In HN0, the rise a reqional palitical parties
and it was be gja inning o eta al coalitian gout ot
- The culture a power sharing and respcct tor the
autonamy a State Chavt started.
This was supporteo by Supreme Court 4udqement
which made it diicult lar Central Caot to diss miss
State Caavt.

’ Deacninalis atio
when power is taken away trom Central and state
qoxt and given ta laca qot, tis calkd decenitaliaabian.
Some states are internals wers diverse thus they
need pawet aharing swtmin shates. For this ,a tnind
tiet o qovt called local govt
There ate problems that are best setled a laca leel
as pecple have beter knauleàqe abat theie localities
They have bettey ideas about where to spend maney,
manage things ete
The need or decen°alisalon was
xecaqnized by au
Constithtion. Thus Panchayais in willages and Au
mDni<ipalitics in urban areo sS weYe set upbut were
contralle d ditectly by slate
Puge No.

didnt haxe any pawera e deentraltsaton

-Lscal govt
Ihus there

their own
in elfect.
taken towards decentralisstian
A mayor
-’A ma_or step Was


canstitutianally mandalary ta hald

Naw itis
electians to lacal gout
and he
Seats are reseyved in the elected bodies
headsa theee insttuhions dor

executive Ctosses.
scheduled TibeCaste and Backwa rd

A least a all pasitions aie

4 State Electian Com missian is an 2independent

institutian created in each state to conduct
panchayat and municipaleleations.

sThe state qovt sequired toshare power and

YeyenVe with locel qovt bodies.
Tage No.

Cnender Redtgion & Caste

helation o Poiics with hender
hender divisions are
unchongea ble but
t is
natural be
based more an social
expechiansk stereotyes
Boys & qirls are taught as
supposscd to hey
do househald qram that WOmen ar e
nen have the chores while
chores. yesponsibility
to do out o the home
Women also da paid work but da na
the recognitian. gct
Feminist Aperson whoa believes that
rights oppartunities.
should be qiven to men& women
Rodigcal movementsom wamen aimedot
equality in persanal&\amily lite
Patriarchy d The cancepta a tule by
ather meanS Lsystem that
valves nore
Ymen_ nore &aives them
power over Women.

2) Relqian ldeas &values shaud play a rale
ldcas, pethaps
religions can &
inpaltics able to exprrss their
should plag he
Prople ndrest k demands in a polils
need s,
Rrcliqions member.
to requiate tht
he pracice
lea ders sh aulj he a ble
ol religian SO as to regqulate th
dis crim-nation.

When eliqion is SCen as the basis o teha

rivalary hetween teo xtliaal
Tais results in Cammunal politics based an tha
ideg that celigian is the principa basis ol socla
comm unity
s belie% Jundamenhally laed as one reliio
daes not mean one belie intrest.
I leads too palidical laminance o ane reliin
A Seg elar Constitution like ours is necessaB y
Jal nct sulèciet ta cambat camgaunaltsm thua
hese prapo qandas needs to be combate
Seycuarism is one a the
Cangti tton egs
Page No.

In many systess, some kind al incqualay l Some

}arm a dvis ian o labour Gcupaions are passed rom
one qen to another.
Caste suste mis an extreme orm dthisHis based
n exclu sion o & discrimintion against the outcat
aroup s. was sub4eeted to the inhutoanpracttce
ontou chobily
Nith economic deulppment larqe scale unbanisatian
growth ol literacy rae Keducalin,Occypaional
a pasitian ol Land ods
-IThe constitution ndia prohhited any caste based
discrimination K laid the lavnd aions al palicdes
ta yeyerse the ingustice s Hhe coste Ayciem.
Page No

l sl3 lPal sel

lche) Poltical Paries
Poitica parics Qre aaroy o peoplc who Lone
togetlier to contest eledio nsl hold pomet
In thie gni.

They agree n Some palicies 2 progra n mes oy them

Lociy with avien to promate the collectiue good.

a Political Partics contest elecians the electians

are mastly aught amang candidates put up
by these paties. Tap party landerg chaose
candidates ar contesting the elecians
L) PaliBicalL Parhes put forward
otmard diltereni policies
& programmes and the voters aho ase nom them
Each o have dilterent
apinians k
vies On Ruhat pokces are auitable lor society
which cannat he llled hy gat
) Polhcal Partiesplaya decislve rol in
making the lams lor a country
4 Parties arm &run the gov) Parties
rectut leadeis& train them to make
the mìnisters

win the
able to
) Partles that are not play a maar
able to
stilasoppasstian ta the
electianare a
by acting cpiteag gat
rale power, by
parhesurang decisions.

rale in chaping
alsa play a & highlght
Parties iansTkeyraise
public apin
the people
Partiesto provîd
govt rs
machine &
imple mented Gy the

s necded to bring
Some NQy
together so thata respansible
govt couldbe omed. the geul,
'A ne chanizm to suppor restain
make paltcles, gustiy and oppace

AL Ahesc needs are \ulsfiled by palidieet

|Page No.
Number ol partles
party gterm
allowed Caunties
is to run only a single parhy
This System s called ane-party sushem
In China , ony the
js allowd to rule. Communist Party
As in de ymacyacu, at least twa
be allouc d ta ontest porties must
elron. The
sustem is _aat a de macraic opiars One-party
To pariy systen
In some caunties, there may be
parhes but onls two parties have muliple
ma4ar &
seriaus chances a aànninq,. This lkinda system
iknann as the Two parysyshem
ln the pawer sually changa blw gust
tuNa parties.

Multipaty Systam
I mulhiple paies com pee aith each shey
the chanc es o winning are b<w more
nan two parhesether on
on heiy
theiy wn or by
alance , the system ts called the mukiparhy
itmay appeor Very mncssu & lead to palhical
installity but Is suitable or diverse ountricg
ke India.
National Porties called national
partes units n
Some their
parias hove ollow sG me pali
- There are

These untts
various L strateqy dedded ot nation

level regiako mi th the Eleoh

parhy has to

hedporhes are ere d same

Some cstahlis a unia,ue symbol.
specta! Jadlits & recaghiscd palticd
These paries are caled
- Lack o) internal democracu saithin toward
theiris a tendect Jn pliical paries
-concenlratan o poweY in one ar ew leaders
at tap
Ordinaru members may not get suicenh inta
unaste succ esian is also achalenge. Ih te hard
or dinary membct toise to the tap in a
There is aqroking ále money &moscle
power in partes
USe it to inctease
during elrcam Theymay
honces a awinnan
Democto Cy
choose their pulos
theight to
Peaple suil hare canbrol over the ruee
peaple ill have
baste ocame o
Therelare the most that t praduscs
demactacs should beto the citizens &respanth
thad is accauntable kans a) theeitzen
ta he necds kexpecta
idea a de hberaione
-H is based on the
some delay ts bound ta take
ncqotiahon So,
But because it has Jlowed procedures s
decision may be both more acceplable to peaple
and ynore

When we ty to ind ostcames o demacracu

to rodore is right fa pradsee agavt hat
ollans paced utes, u accgaundable ta the
Far Hhis we need tog lock at prasedures l2e
reqslay,rée &lair elecian,open pubke
debate onkpolictes lctizens yight to inh
Page No.

Economìc grawth
growih, the dterence
ln terms o ecanomic cou niries
In al less devloped
bËw therates d dictatorship is negli qible.
un der dcmactacs &L

poxertu rzduetan
paar constitute
constitue alarge
Even in de mocra cies , The
partionol our voters no pardy likes ta
lose thcir voters

Democricies dant react to paueryn a

qaad way as theyshavld
Sozial diversity
-Democracies usualls devlop a praceduye ta to
candust theie compehtianThis reduces the pascib1liy
othcse tensias becoming explosive or violrnt

Diqnity recddn o cithzens.

is ane o the best lom agout
Demoetacy ic
k lierdcm
sn ferma o promating, the dignity
othe indivicug).
-As evernyone wants to re cieye respect rom
tellaw beings

Notes for Class 10

By Tejas Chandra

income is theIncome ol an aveLaa
Averaqe ind
persan ina
a cauntry.
-Itis the total income a the
country divide à by total
Alsa called per copita Income. popualis
Public Faciities
Ihcome by itsel! cannat help yau to qet all the mateid
and services that you need to livye:
Se, auabilty o alitie like healthcare and educed
ie alco impartant.

Suatainahity a devlapmentznM
His impartant to devlop In such a way that it
be mainaincd or utre qeneratian
- Non Bewnable resources are thace which will be
eshaustedalter few years a) use.
Inceme and oher gocals
seeking more Incame
income apeison alsa
tinqs that inc tease
These include teedon , auol
1espect. teatment rsecurity awd
ln Sm ases
these are CVen more imporlanl
than the nater ial
more ico me and
qoods and income as needed
maerial qaodàs aleae hothoi all
| Puge Ng.

Sustatning Resonces
Resources may be uscpul lor devlapment but they
must be used in in a way so that they ca
be sustained or the hutre genetaon
l nat used caretully these Fesource may become
SCarce and can cieate prahlems to
to us and
maube eVen oUr eniranment.

Po Exhaustable csaurces kke ossil fuels which

are limited and cxbaLslabte, must be used in
requlatian o they wll be zxhausted
Not onls Eghaustalle res ources buteyen Renewable
resources can be
damaged i nat used prapeily
and carelully
For cxam ple - ataund water which is nalural
resource and is renewab.e. It s replenishdoin
nature. But it we t execslcoivels it
wll be aver uS ed

Eaian mental dcqiadatian

I the resaurées
are ovetused and harmed
ill lead to enviran mental
And the draw back and consegvences ot
the onviranmenta degra dation will ot rrsprcl
national ar stote boundaries ,as this issue is
na langer reglan or. aation epecilis.
region or

Jhus OUY utee is linked togehe even aith the

otore aene rahans

lch-2 Seetars o the Indian kconomu
The threc types a sccari
) Primary Sector agrielture scetorsl
when a goad ia producedcomes
by cxpaing
under the
tesources, the activity primarg
Hincludes aqieulhuredairt fiahing-toreaty
and mining-
)Secandary Secta, lmanuaturing industyis) cectorl
In this sectar the natural praducs are conuer ted
into a morc usable arm by szariaus praceddures
and wausa manuacluring
Manuacturing and processinq al products are
included in this Scatay

3) Tertiary Secor lseruiee seato

This seetor includes aeruices which helps in
the devlapment a first k second sector
This sectos helps in hanspatian a praducta,
makin a) praduets and aid to the hrat twa
Halsa includes banking , Cammunic ation , hade
and transportatia n.
this,instead a cauntinq
caunt the value
To do and service we
pro duct
al theinalqoad and scrvices produced
value o Pinal qoods par ticular year
in each sector during a
tatalpradudian a the sectors
pravides hehe total
praducts oall the thyee sectaye
The Sum a
the aDP.

Hstaical Changes in

lt has been abaerued that qenerally, the devlaped

countric at the time ahen they weIC de ulopin
had a more

other seatar.
praminet primar4 seator than any

An the produce a the primax4

sectar became
enaugh, people started partiipating in the
manu<acturing seclo.
And naw in deylape d cOntr
Devlopme nt sector in india
ln tezms a praductian, the tertias sectar had the
mast increase in praduction
This is because
’ in devlaping coanties like lndia gast takes
respansihilits lar dexlaping theae seataxs.
And the services lihe has,pitaleducation
andcammunactian ae the basic Ser vlses.
The deulopment ol primay se aars reauixe
services ike trade and rans part.
+ As income increasespeaple demand more
setujcesée dining communicaian ete.
Services lee internet and techrolagy has
become mare impariant cince ae pat years
india, al sectors aYe lncreasinq prodution
bt primary sectar is shil he bigg<stemployc1
theye aYee nat enaugh gahs
This is because theye
or peaple in secondats and terias seclars
The workes in the agicututa sectass are
underemployed. Tnis means theie ae more worders
in agriculutal sectar than req,uird.

Ihis kind o underemplas ment is hidden in contrast

to Someane
wha does not have a 4ab and is
arls vis ible as uncmplayed. Alsa called
dsquised unemplayment
Create more employ me nt
help in creating mare employment govt Can
To Can pr ovide a loan
spend Some moncy or banks
to pravid pcople with capital.
Pramoinq identiging and localing ind ustrics n
Semirural can encouYagc peode
and rural arcos
to work in indusrial Gectors.

The NITL Aayok estimates that 20 lakhs 4ohs

an be created in #hecducation sector alone.

ypotential to
In many statee cnd regian haá there is
tncrease Hhe income and employment or peaple
with dierent services tike lttouris metc.


The Mahaima aandhi Natianal Rural Employmei

Gar Cauarantee Act 200S-.gvarantees that al
the people willinq h work will qeet 100 days
emplaymen n ayeai or will giue vnemploymen
allowance to the people.
Qrganised UnOrganised Sector
Page Np.

They may alko gct paid leaves , medical

Safe warking enviranment lacilhies ete
Pensian ata retiring
n Unaiganiaed Sedas,
- No gob sue securiy
- May not olaw rues qiue nby got.
No paid leaves or ixed hours
- No
quarentee a aale wprking enuizan ment,
seurity aaiies ele.

Publie &Private Sectar

Publie Sectar
In this seclar the got a mast the assets
and provides the Services to the pubis

In this sect ay private companies ar indiuidwa
have thc owner ship a asseis and delieu

Therc are many Seruices. that ave tao costly and

piivate seclars dont have the capacity to prauide
those on their own
Thus qovt may ether Puly prauide these services
prowide aid to private se ctors to provide
these services.

Mansy k Gredit

Money a medium ol exchangs

The person holding maney Can
easilyhe cxchange
ar she
service that might
Por any cammodity orot

Thus evenyane prelers to reieve payments in maney

and then exchange t for something theywant
Be<ore moncy , barier sustem was there , where
goad. are
dmectly exchangcd withau the use
For this doule coincidence owons is essential. In whie
both sides aqree to sell and buy the hoes-in
|exchang al each other cammodties.
Thus, Money is an intermediate in the pracess o
byying k seling and acts as ame dium a
The modern
currency include poper nles L coins
made ol neither
andis not
While catlier
o any ofevereday
cieus material

male rial like moncy wasmade

gold Lsiler. preciaus
| Tage No.

The money is authorised by the gat al couly.

In India RB) issues currency notes on behalf a
the govt

1 Depacitng in Banks
When people wantto keep theie money sale ,they
can devositt in thet bank by apeninq a bank
Account in theiy name.
Banks also pravide interest ondepasits Ihis way
the money slays sae and intsest caned
As he depasits can he with drawn Gram hank
accaun, these deposits arecalled demand deposits.
A cheque isa paper instyucing the bank ta pay
speciic amount ram the petsans aátaunt
to the person in whose name the cheque has been

Banks DSe the depasis to meet the loan requirements
people. Bank charge higher loan an loans
than on depasits
Thus the diterenee belween these intrest s the
sOurcrrce ol incame Par the bants.
Credit and tet

either a pasitive or negative

Credit can have based on the situato
elect onthe borrowere
camptised by Interest rate
Terme al credit Is require ment and mod.
callateral documentaian
o epayment.
Collateral isan asset that the borrower o wn lan
Lete) anduses this aS a qwarantee ta alendey
until the Loan is repaid

azmal sedas aredit in ladia

Thereare Narioustypes al loans can be

atauped as ormal inarrmalsetar laans.
- ormalseator include
- inlorma sectar Includebanks and mane ylen d t
rends and eatives
The RB1 supetuises the ormal sectors
and source a loans and unetianing
manitors the banks in
maintain ing bank balance.
Banks have to submit ino to the
they are lending, to uhamat RBJ on haw much
whatintrest cate ej
) foinal seetors
- Merts
Banks char qc o lower
Banks are
inhesiloans than inlorna
nair practisessupervised by RBI and cannot
|Page No.

2) normal sector
- Merits
There is less paprr work and more convinient /n
rural areqs
Naneed to go to bank.
Dse ol un fair pradtises
-High interest rate
Due th the dnerits o inoumal secterbanks need
to lend mare and provide cheap credit which

Thus it is necassars that bank and coaperatves

increse ease their lending particularly in the rural areas
So that the dependenco On inlormal souraes ol
oredt reduces

2)Theloans alsa peeds to cxpand so tha eueryone

recieves t

Sef help qraups

These qroups are organised in iwhich there are ls-20
member s in zural area
The members pool their savings and anya the
member can take loan at a much lower interes
rate than money Ienders
Peop Membeys can take loans or varios purpase
ILke boylnq captal, raw materia)l and catHe_ete or warknq
Cupital needs.
The qroups deddes hther the re ason ar
loans is valid and the amaunt , interest e.
it Ahe group is eqular in cavings,it becomes
eligible or availinq koans rom bank.
The regular meetings also provide a plai farm to
disscuss hom donmestic iolence, halth and other
Globalisation &
the Indian cconomy

Earlicr there were onl limited branda and

varieBy ol praduek in the Inàian matke t.
But now, the morket haye been transbormed. Almost
all the top brande are availoble in the market
MNCs MHinational Cosrpa ralian are campanics
tha ouns controls _producian in more than one
The set up octcies &ocs in reqion wheie
theu incJ cheap labous k ather resourscs
The qocds b services are praduced qlabally due to whidh
produsi an is organised ininnoie complex ways
-The manes that is spent to bus assels such as
lond, building machines and oiher equipment is
called in ses0ment MNCS investmentts Purther
caled Porcign invcstment.

Same times MNCs se up praducion gointly with

some locol campanies. Thic pravides alowing
benits ta the locol companies.
new machines a aster pr oduclien.
2) bring1rng 1atest tech to them
MNCs also set up producian in lee disat
location whichaets interlinked

Foreign Troade
reates opportuniy lor producerg to reach
beyond domcstic markels k se' up
in qlabal markets praducan
4 resulks in connneing the morkets gr in
dipterent rne countries.

-alabalisation is the pracess a tapid
integratianintercannectian blw countries
This helps in moyement o more goods
services b<w countries.
’ alabalisatisns have bern enabled by actak
Techrotoqy has mode a rapid impravement in
past Pew yeats Com municatian Rtransporationi
made casier bytechnalagy which made
glolaalsaan easier.
o Poricqn trade- There are trade
inposlng tax on imparks. Remving
these barriets by govt i liberalisahian which
satto encoragcs foriegn trade.
World Trade Organisati on
isan arganisatian whose ajm
ls to liberalise inter nationa trade
60 caunrics are member o) wIO

WIO is auppascd to be ai, arall

e allaw reetrade But à the devlaped
counties havr still rettained taxharieis
while the niIo orces desloping counties
to remave them

"Impot o qlohais aicn tn lnia

MNCs have incre ased their inve stment
in lndian marke as it praves to be
beniicialPar them. This alaws Jacal
companies to pravide material o
them resulted i the to tne lacal
eampanies have Praspered.

2) Mans Top Indian Coampanies have

benite Drom the increased campeielian
raising their standard Kproduchion
a) Same ndian campanies haye gained rom
colaborathop with orcign con panits.
*faly bahs alian
Therc have becn evidences which indicate that
many people Cre
not qelting any benilet.

romdhe globalisalian. 31

us to ciet. m
glabalisaionwauld allaw benits.
Faiy allshare the
oppartunihes Dar
role jn making thie
plas a mayor
govt can
The qovt ring the poorpeaple.
pascible hy alsa sáppa
wotkeis q t their
shauld ensure that
The y praducets to qra
iqhts &suppat smaltrade L inuestment
barr tes

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