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Minimum Study Material

Regulation – 2020
Programme (s) Semester Course Code (s) Course Title

C603.1 Explain the knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning methods of artificial
C603.2 Analyze the logical agents to do inference using first order logic.
C603.3 Understand the knowledge of AI applications, heuristics, Natural Language Processing
and Machine Learning techniques.
C603.4 Understand basic issues of knowledge representation and Constraint satisfaction
C603.5 Demonstrate proficiency developing applications in an 'AI language', expert system shell,
or data mining tool.

1. Is AI a science or is it engineering? Or neither or both?

2. Discuss the term Intelligent entity in Artificial Intelligence
3. List the categories of defining AI.
4. State the concept of rationality.
5. How strong rationality plays its role in AI?
6. Figuratively discuss about the connectivity of the environment and the agent.
7. Distinguish and list the various properties of the environment.
8. How will the intelligent agent communicate with the environment?
9. Illustrate an Intelligent Agent with a Pseudo code.
Analyze the properties of task environment for an Automated Taxi Driver.
Analyze the properties of task environment for smartphone agent
Does Blood testing for a patient task environment is episodic or sequential? How?
13. Pick the odd one out and justify your answer:
a. Snap Chat Filter
b. Face Lock in Phone
c. Chatbot
d. Image search Option
14. What does Turing test mean? Further discuss about the origin of AI.
15. Jot down the points of policy search with components of learning.
16. Is learning essential for AI? Justify.
17. Learning agent plays a vital role in Artificial Intelligence. Analyze and explain with a neat
diagram.7th la 7 to 10
18. What are the phases involved in designing a problem-solving agent?

8th ppt
19. List the various informed search strategy.

20. What are the essential characteristics a traffic assistant agent should possess to become
an intelligent agent?
21. Is it possible to conservatively deal with Depth First Search algorithm? If so, describe the
22. Represent the following sentence in predicate form “All the Children like Chocolates”.
23. For each of the following activities, give a PEAS description of the task environment and
characterize it in terms of the properties.
• Practicing tennis against a wall
• Interactive English tutor
• Satellite image analysis system
• Assembling machine robot
• Medical diagnosis system


1. Practicing Tennis Against a Wall:

PEAS Description:

Performance Measure: The successful hitting and control of the tennis ball against the wall,
improving shot accuracy and power.
Environment: Tennis court with a wall, tennis ball, and player.
Actuators: Player's limbs (arms, legs), tennis racket.
Sensors: Vision to track ball position, proprioception for body positioning.
2. Interactive English Tutor:
PEAS Description:

Performance Measure: Improvement in the student's English language skills, including

grammar, vocabulary, and fluency.
Environment: Digital platform or classroom setting with learning materials.
Actuators: Displaying lessons, providing feedback, generating exercises.
Sensors: Assessing student responses, tracking progress, analyzing language proficiency.

3. Satellite Image Analysis System:

PEAS Description:

Performance Measure: Accurate and timely analysis of satellite images for specific
purposes (e.g., land cover, weather monitoring).
Environment: Satellite data repository, computational resources.
Actuators: Algorithms for image processing, data visualization tools.
Sensors: Satellite image input, telemetry data, feedback on analysis results.

4. Assembling Machine Robot:

PEAS Description:

Performance Measure: Efficient and error-free assembly of machine components.

Environment: Manufacturing floor with machine parts, assembly line.
Actuators: Robotic arms, grippers, assembly tools.
Sensors: Vision systems for part recognition, tactile feedback for grasping, error detection
5. Medical Diagnosis System:
PEAS Description:
Performance Measure: Accurate diagnosis of medical conditions, providing appropriate
treatment recommendations.
Environment: Healthcare setting with patient data, medical records.
Actuators: Displaying diagnostic results, suggesting treatment plans.
Sensors: Patient medical history, symptoms, test results, ongoing monitoring.


List the percept sequence and action tabulation for the vacuum-cleaner world. Explain the
concept in detail.

ppt: 4 la 7th page

25. Assume that the initial state is A and the goal state is G.
Show how Breadth-first search and Depth-first search strategy would create search trees
to find a path from the initial state to the goal state:

At each step of the search algorithm, show which node is being expanded. Also report the
eventual solution found by each algorithm.

26. The utility agent focuses more on the success measure. Analyse and Justify with the
27. A hungry mouse wants to eat all four fruits in a maze such as the one below, in as few
moves as possible. At each turn the mouse can move any number of squares in one of the
directions up, down, left or right, but it is not allowed to enter (or jump over) any walls (i.e.,
the black squares). Thus, the mouse moves just like a rook in chess. To eat a fruit, the
mouse has to stop at that square. Assume that the maze has 4 fruits, and a size of b x h

Give a suitable representation of the states in this searching problem. How many possible
actions can the mouse perform at each move in the above problem?.
28. What are the essential characteristics a traffic assistant agent should possess to become
an intelligent agent?
29. The agent function runs on the physical architecture to produce agent program. State true
or false. Justify your answer.

30. Why it is important to determine the goal formulation prior to the problem formulation?

31. How are the perceptions and actions of an agent getting affected by dynamic environment?

reference learning :

Discuss the issues that affect the design of a learning element.


State next cost

A B 4
A C 1
B D 3
B E 8
C C 0
C D 2
C F 6
D C 2
D E 4
E G 2
F G 8
Suppose you have the following search space:

a) Draw the state space of this problem.

Assume that the initial state is A and the goal state is G.
Show how each of the following search strategies would
create a search tree to find a path from the initial state to the
goal state:
I. Breadth-first search
II. Depth-first search

34. State and explain the various techniques of AI.

ppt: 3
35. Give short notes on Production systems and problem characteristics

ppt: 9

Implement Uniform cost search algorithm and determine the cumulative path cost.

37. Explain in detail Bidirectional Search with its essence of the concept.

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